Vibrational Anharmonic Calculations in Electronic Structure Packages for Applications in Intramolecular Dynamics Steven T. Shipman, Gordon G. Brown, and Brooks H. Pate Department of Chemistry University of Virginia Motivation / Outline With the anharmonic capabilities in G03, we can calculate a number of quantities useful for high-resolution spectroscopy. New quantities are: Xij values kijk values (3rd order matrix elements) kiijk values (4th order matrix elements) values (vibration-rotation interaction) But these calculations are somewhat resource intensive… Are they worth it? Going Beyond the Normal Mode Approximation Hvib = 1/2 ∑ wr (pr2 + qr2) + 1/6 ∑ rst qr qs qt r rst + 1/24 ∑ rstu qr qs qt qu + ∑ Be j2 rstu j = ∑ zij (qi pj – qj pi) i<j rst and rstu are 3rd and 4th derivatives of the potential energy with respect to the normal modes. These are calculated numerically. Only quartic elements with at most three distinct normal modes are calculated by G03 (i.e. rrst, rrss, rrrs). Barone, V., J. Chem. Phys. 122, 041408 (2005). The Molecules Under Study 1-propyne trifluoropropyne (tfp) cyclopropylacetylene (cpa) 1-butyne phenylacetylene (pa) Experimental and Calculated Rotational Constants Experimental Calculated* A B C A B C propyne 159139.0 8545.88 8545.88 159812.66 8514.42 8514.42 tfp 5718.84 2877.95 2877.95 5590.82 2848.33 2848.14 butyne 27147.76 4546.47 4086.87 27542.36 4476.46 4043.62 cpa 15756 3358.2 3191.8 15905.51 3308.65 3139.16 pa 5680.33 1529.74 1204.96 5667.47 1522.05 1199.82 Average Errors: A - 0.57%, B - 0.49%, C - 0.46% * B3LYP/6-31+G(d,p) Opt=tight Int=ultrafine Nosymm Vibrational Assignments and State Densities First goal is to get rid of scaling factors and to include the effects of major perturbations to get better vibrational assignments. Anharmonic corrections are primarily from the diagonal elements of the Xij matrix. State densities are the second goal; these are determined largely from the full Xij matrix. Assignments can be tested by literature values and IR-FTMW DR. State densities can be tested by mean-level spacings from high-resolution IVR or by IR-FTMW DR. Frequencies and State Densities Mode Symm n1 n2 n3 n4 n5 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 Freq (e) Freq (c) 3329.9 2165.4 1253.2 811.7 536.0 3343.2 2218.5 1223.8 792.7 524.4 Mode Symm n6 n7 n8 n9 n10 E E E E E Freq (e) Freq (c) 1179.0 686.0 612.0 453.0 170.0 1120.4 690.5 596.2 436.0 175.7 Avg. error: 2.5% Std. dev.: 1.3% (v = 1) (v = 2) Butyne CPA PA TFP 15.92 states/cm-1 (18.08 states/cm-1) 27.36 states/cm-1 177.6 states/cm-1 (200 states / cm-1) 1457 states/cm-1 (1250 states / cm-1) State densities are reasonable; frequencies could use improvement… Intramolecular Vibrational Redistribution (IVR) From Ab Initio Results Methodology Use state count and matrix elements to generate and diagonalize H Calculate bright state survival probability and Neff P(t) = |< Ψ(0) | Ψ(t) >|2 Neff = (∑ Ii)2 / (∑ Ii2) i i Difficulties: Relies on accurate energies (Xij) and accurate matrix elements (kijk, kiijk). IVR on Multiple Time Scales Yoo, H.S.; Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Virginia, 2003. Problems and Solutions for IVR Calculations Anharmonically corrected frequencies are in error. Acetylenic C-H stretch and C≡C stretches are significantly off. Energy differences between pairs of states are not correct. Overall effectiveness depends on matrix element and DE. Large matrix elements seem to be more or less correct; these should be used to identify important pathways which can be explored in a hierarchical approach. It would be interesting if these results could be used to place bounds on random matrix calculations… Vibration-Rotation Interactions for DRS Methodology Geometry optimization Rotate to principal axis system Calculate α’s and frequencies Direct state count, prune list as necessary Generate MW stick spectrum Bvib = B0 – 3N-6 Σ αi (vi + di / 2) i=0 For small molecules: test versus known values For big molecules: test versus DRS Vibration-Rotation Interactions in Propyne Mode Sym we (expt) A B we (calc) B (expt) B (calc) A (expt) A (calc) n1 n2 n3 n4 n5 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 3467 3058 2138 1429 930 3484 3038 2227 1420 944 19.936 -2.518 45.269 11.992 37.774 19.205 1.278 40.872 55.580 40.173 … 1100 200 … 227.0 5.085 1676.663 74.775 -709.802 186.277 n6 n7 n8 n9 n10 E E E E E 3038 1492 1044 658 328 3104 1483 1058 630 353 0.779 -7.795 4.227 -5.396 -23.384 0.591 -30.555 4.594 -8.179 -20.359 510 1286 -1850 40.56 65.05 1084.442 1181.932 -895.030 42.421 82.143 159139.0 MHz 8545.88 MHz | DB | = 8.40 MHz | DA | = 299 MHz | DB | = 9.83 x 10-4 B | DA | = 1.88 x 10-3 A Pate, B.H.; Ph.D. Dissertation, Princeton, 1992. Excited State Rotational Spectra of TFP Anharmonic 17434.3 MHz 247.9 MHz Ground state 202-303: 17267.58 MHz Experimental lineshape arises from IVR (motional narrowing). Simulated with Expt’l ’s 17541.8 MHz 252.2 MHz Experiment 17460 MHz 43.2 MHz Excited State Rotational Spectra of TFP Anharmonic 17434.3 MHz 247.9 MHz Harmonic 17321.6 MHz 69.4 MHz Simulated with Expt’l ’s 17541.8 MHz 252.2 MHz Experiment 17460 MHz 43.2 MHz Excited State Rotational Spectra of PA 322-423 303-404 313-414 321-422 312-413 Excited State Rotational Spectra of PA 322-423 303-404 313-414 321-422 312-413 IVR Exchange Narrowing Experimental upper state spectra have a narrower distribution than the simulated spectra. This is a consequence of motional narrowing. The degree of narrowing compared to the ab initio results allows us to estimate the IVR timescale. GIVR = (GROT)2 / Dnobs TFP PA (K=0) Dnobs 43 MHz 18 MHz GROT 248 MHz 65 MHz GIVR 1430 MHz 235 MHz tIVR 110 ps 670 ps Pate, B.H., J. Chem. Phys. 109, 4396 (1998); Douglass, K.O. et al., J. Chem. Phys. 121, 6845 (2004). Summary The elimination of scaling factors is an important step forward and should help to clarify issues of state identity. The state densities seem to be good; more testing on a wider range of systems is necessary to confirm this. IVR simulations are difficult to get right; large matrix elements at least seem correct. May be useful for modelling if not for “real” calculations. Vibration-rotation interactions are excellent! Shift of first moment is correct and second moments are very plausible. Acknowledgements Current and former Pate Lab members NSF-Chemistry The Weibull Distribution Mode occupancy is based on energy; rotational distributions are skewed by the low-frequency modes. The data are well-fit by a Weibull distribution with a shape factor (k) of 2. f (x; k, l, q) = (k / l) ((x – q) / l)k – 1 exp (- (x – q) / l)k 313-414 1st moment: 2nd moment: m = l G (1 + 1 / k) s2 = l2 G (1 + 2 / k) – m2 Excited State Rotational Spectra of PA 303-404 10799.6 MHz 64.7 MHz GS: 10759.8 312-413 11608.4 MHz 81.6 MHz GS: 11551.2 313-414 10304.1 MHz 62.7 MHz GS: 10253.5 Excited State Rotational Spectra of PA 321-422 11164.6 MHz 85.8 MHz GS: 11105.5 Simulated: 303-404 312-413 313-414 322-423 321-422 10799.6 MHz 11608.4 MHz 10304.1 MHz 10981.4 MHz 11164.6 MHz 322-423 10981.4 MHz 77.0 MHz GS: 10925.9 64.7 MHz 81.6 MHz 62.7 MHz 77.0 MHz 85.8 MHz 10759.8 MHz 11551.2 MHz 10253.5 MHz 10925.9 MHz 11105.5 MHz Coriolis Coupling in Phenylacetylene K2’s have coalesced to a single broad feature! This is due to Coriolis coupling in addition to IVR. Analysis of Coriolis times gives 2.2 ns for K1’s and 540 ps for K2’s. Vibration-Rotation Interactions in Phenylacetylene Mode Sym we (expt) A1 3332 n1 A1 3078 n2 A1 3067 n3 A1 3047 n4 A1 2120 n5 A1 1601 n6 A1 1488 n7 A1 1192 n8 A1 1175 n9 A1 1028 n10 A1 998 n11 A1 760 n12 A1 465 n13 we (calc) 3353.8 3056.8 3076.2 3028.3 2169.5 1607.7 1493.0 1201.9 1184.2 1030.2 998.7 767.9 466.6 A (calc) -0.01984 2.91460 2.96175 2.70491 1.15236 7.99449 7.03911 1.41715 2.85048 4.81951 -2.75985 1.91710 -0.96236 B (calc) 1.23932 0.40349 0.31789 0.26442 3.49554 1.64069 0.18442 2.54766 -0.68406 -0.33322 0.03965 665.75977 -0.08910 C (calc) 0.76859 0.36305 0.31680 0.27570 2.22070 -0.68204 0.22390 2.33401 0.28389 1.52035 0.81405 0.68657 0.63428 Narayanan, K. et al., Spectrochim. Acta Part A 52, 1703 (1996). Vibration-Rotation Interactions in Phenylacetylene Mode Sym we (expt) n14 A2 968 n15 A2 842 n16 A2 418 n17 n18 n19 n20 n21 n22 n23 n24 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 985 915 756 689 613 530 349 140 we (calc) 967.7 841.7 402.9 983.2 914.4 749.0 680.6 594.6 524.4 355.9 157.4 A (calc) 8.10495 -0.26638 5.41654 B (calc) 0.87645 0.55779 -0.24506 C (calc) 0.00970 -0.00657 -0.66382 9.13881 7.14711 4.54851 -4.21976 83.73197 -50.33605 13.40457 -185.44936 0.84890 0.36767 -664.83298 0.38035 -0.48939 -0.23028 -0.27098 -2.60141 0.05945 -0.11219 -0.24832 -0.18773 -0.41874 -0.55570 -0.76070 -0.73606 Narayanan, K. et al., Spectrochim. Acta Part A 52, 1703 (1996). Vibration-Rotation Interactions in Phenylacetylene Mode Sym we (expt) B2 3096 n25 B2 3059 n26 B2 1573 n27 B2 1447 n28 B2 1330 n29 B2 1282 n30 B2 1157 n31 B2 1070 n32 B2 649 n33 B2 613 n34 B2 513 n35 B2 152 n36 we (calc) 3078.6 3052.4 1578.4 1448.0 1336.3 1296.6 1163.7 1071.0 644.6 628.9 524.2 138.9 A (calc) 2.72440 2.65778 8.68141 -1.73869 3.12441 8.67497 -6.02185 -4.85601 -79.37246 2.35279 38.11380 187.14367 B (calc) 0.46571 0.34441 1.16494 1.13879 0.67025 1.32079 0.00641 0.63121 -0.59523 -0.15400 -0.44332 -1.45076 C (calc) 0.38697 0.32039 3.55127 1.38908 0.87899 0.92430 0.31289 -0.22052 -0.16895 0.30265 -0.26399 -1.62009 Narayanan, K. et al., Spectrochim. Acta Part A 52, 1703 (1996). Vibration-Rotation Interactions in TFP Mode Symm. Freq. (expt) Freq. (calc) B (expt) B (calc) D (MHz) n1 n2 n3 n4 n5 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 3329.9 2165.4 1253.2 811.7 536.0 3343.2 2218.5 1223.8 792.7 524.4 4.27 … … – 0.549 – 4.149 3.449 9.249 0.050 2.994 0.150 + 3.543 + 4.299 n6 n7 n8 n9 n10 E E E E E 1179.0 686.0 612.0 453.0 170.0 1120.4 690.5 596.2 436.0 175.7 … 2.710 – 1.601 0.959 – 5.480 8.062 – 0.789 – 1.434 0.534 – 4.164 – 3.499 + 0.167 – 0.425 + 1.316 B = 2877.95 MHz – 0.821 | D B | = 2.01 MHz | DB | = 6.98 x 10-4 B Mills, I.M., Mol. Phys. 16, 345 (1969); Douglass, K.O. et al., J. Chem. Phys. 121, 6845 (2004). IVR in Cyclopropylacetylene: Experimental 0.8 0.8 P0( t ) t 12 1.5 10 0.6 exp 0.6 t exp 12 7 10 0.4 t 12 70 10 0.4 exp 0.2 0.2 0.0 0 0.1 0 50 0 100 50 0 t 10 12 150 100 150 150 1.1 1.0 1 0.8 0.8 P0( t ) t 12 1.5 10 0.6 exp 0.6 12 7 10 exp t 0.4 t 12 70 10 0.4 exp 0.2 0.2 0.0 0 Normalized Absorption Change Bright State Survival Probability t1 = 1.5 ps t2 = 7.0 ps t3 = 70 ps 1 t1 = 0.6 ps t2 = 7.0 ps t3 = 42 ps 1.0 1.1 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0 50 100 150 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0 0.1 0 0 5 5 10 10 t 10 12 15 15 Time (ps) 20 20 20 0 5 10 15 20 Time (ps) Douglass, P.C.; Ph.D. Dissertation, Univ. of Virginia, 2007.