IR photodepletion spectroscopy of Li(NH3)n clusters for n = 4-7 Tom Salter, Victor Mikhailov, Corey Evans and Andrew Ellis Department of Chemistry International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy 22nd June 2006 Content • Background • Experimental • Results – Experimental Li(NH3)n (n = 4 - 7) – Theoretical Li(NH3)n (n = 4 and 5) • Conclusions Background • Alkali metals dissolved in ammonia produce a blue coloured solution attributed to solvated electron formation • In small alkali-ammonia clusters the outer valence electron of the alkali atom may not fully detach? How is this process affected by the size of the cluster? Is the inner solvation shell in gas phase clusters full after four ammonia molecules have been added as in the liquid phase? • Our aim is to explore these issues by recording spectra of alkaliammonia clusters Ion versus neutral clusters • Much previous and exciting spectroscopic work on charged solute-solvent complexes, e.g. work of Farrar, Duncan, Lisy, Johnson, and many others • Our effort is focused on uncharged clusters, and in particular an attempt to record size-selective midinfrared spectra of metal-solvent clusters. Previous gas-phase work • Prior experimental work on alkaliammonia clusters has focused mainly on photoionization threshold measurements Ref. 1 – Studies of M(NH3)n show a rapid decrease in IP with n for n 4 – Suggests closing of 1st solvation shell at n=4 – Independent of identity of alkali metal 1 K. Fuke et al., J. Phys. Chem. A 1997, 101, 3078-3087 =Li, =Na, =Cs Experimental Spectroscopic mechanism • Excitation of N-H stretching region with tuneable IR radiation • Fixed wavelength UV laser, set just above IP, used to ionise clusters Predissociation nN-H=1 • Resonance results in the loss of a solvent molecule leading to ion depletion • Requires the solvent binding energy to be less than that of the IR photon and for predissociation to be fast enough (ns or less) Li-N Dissociation limit nN-H=0 Depletion Li(NH3)n • Mass spectrum 0 0 UV wavelength = 409. 5 nm 4 1 20 40 60 5 80 m/z 6 100 7 120 x 140 (a) • (a) IR OFF (b) • (b) IR ON Li(NH3)n • IR depletion spectra for n = 4 -7 n=4 Depletion/Arb. Units n=5 n=6 n=7 3050 3100 3150 3200 3250 Wavenumber/cm -1 3300 3350 •N-H stretch, red shifted from free ammonia by ~200 cm-1 •Interaction with Li weakens the N-H bonds Ab initio calculations on Li(NH3)4 • Relative energies of conformers DFT/MP2, 6-311++G(d,p) 4+0 0 0 eV 3+1 0.28 0.34 eV 2+2 0.99 1.13 eV 1+3 1.18 2.00 eV Ab initio calculations on Li(NH3)4 • Experimental and DFT spectra Experimental 4+0 3+1 3050 3100 3150 3200 Wavenumber/cm 3250 -1 3300 3350 Accounting for the Li(NH3)4 spectrum • Vibrational structure is NOT consistent with one or more ammonia molecules in a second solvation shell. • Our current ab initio predictions suggest a single-shell tetrahedral structure for the ground state of Li(NH3)4 – this too is inconsistent with the spectra. • Explanation may be – (i) That several low energy conformers based broadly on a singleshell (4+0) structure may contribute and/or – (ii) The ground state is not fully tetrahedral, leading to loss of vibrational degeneracies. Interestingly, in recent neutron diffraction studies of concentrated Li:NH3 solutions, a distorted tetrahedral arrangement of four ammonia molecules in the inner solvation shell is required to fit the data. Ab initio calculations on Li(NH3)5 • Relative energies of conformers DFT/MP2, 6-311++G(d,p) 4+1 0 0 eV 3+2 0.25 0.30 eV 3+2 0.28 3+2 0.29 eV 033 eV Ab initio calculations on Li(NH3)5 •Additional bands for n = 5, 6 and 7 at higher frequencies, i.e. smaller red-shift from free ammonia Experimental 4+1 •Consistent with ammonia molecules in a second solvation shell 3+2 3100 3200 Wavenumber/cm 3300 -1 Calculated dissociation energies n a) DFT MP2 1 2 3 4 5 4888 4657 4858 3347 1029 3973 3748 4314 3380 837 • Thus IR absorption for n 4 could induce loss of an ammonia molecule a) Lowest energy conformer in each case Conclusions • See depletion for clusters with n 4 - determined by the dissociation energy for loss of one ammonia • No depletion seen for smaller clusters – dissociation energy too large • IR depletion spectrum and ab initio predictions for Li(NH3)4 support a single solvation shell structure (probably distorted tetrahedral), in agreement with condensed phase data • Additional blue-shifted bands in spectra for n 5 are explained by one or more hydrogen bonded ammonia molecules held in second solvation shell. – Demonstrates that the inner solvation shell is full at n = 4 in the gas phase. Acknowledgements • Funding – principally EPSRC • EPSRC National Computational Chemistry Service • Mechanical and electronic workshops Additional • Smaller Li(NH3)n clusters n=1 n=2 n=3 n=4 3050 3100 3150 3200 Wavenumber/cm 3250 -1 3300 3350