1 Day/date Class # Week FALL 2011 SCHEDULE ESLG 50: Intermediate-Mid Grammar (26394) MW 8:30 am-10:35 am WSC 216 Prof. Barbara Toupadakis 1 2 2 3 4 3 5 4 6 7 5 8 9 M 8/22 W 8/24 M 8/29 W 8/31 M 9/5 W 9/7 Assignment Introduction to Course Diagnostic TEST FEG1 LABOR DAY HOLIDAY NO CLASSES M 9/12 W 9/14 M 9/19 W 9/21 6 10 M 9/26 11 W 9/28 7 12 M 10/3 13 W 10/5 8 14 M 10/10 15 W 10/12 TEST FEG2 TEST FEG3 SEMESMER IS HALF OVER 9 16 M 10/17 17 W 10/19 10 18 M 10/24 19 W 10/26 11 20 M 10/31 21 W 11/2 12 22 M 11/7 23 W 11/9 TEST FEG4 TEST FEG5 TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 15 LAST DAY TO DROP WITH A “W” TEST FEG6 13 24 M 11/14 25 W 11/16 14 26 M 11/21 27 W 2 7 11/23 15 28 M 11/28 29 W 11/30 TEST FEG7 16 30 M 12/5 31 W 12/7 (TEST FEG11 if there is time; otherwise will be included on final; we may also do FEG8 if we have time) LAST REGULAR CLASS Test dates are tentative and probably will change as we progress through the semester. FINALS WEEK: Friday, December 9 - Thursday, December 15 Monday, December 12 FINAL EXAM 8:00-10:00 am FEG 1-7, 11 (& maybe 8) ESLG 50: Intermediate-Mid Grammar (26394) MW 8:30-10:35 pm WSC 216 Instructor: Barbara Toupadakis Telephone: (916) 558-2143 Website: http://web.scc.losrios.edu/toupadb E-mail: toupadb@scc.losrios.edu Grades Site: www.engrade.com Sacramento City College Fall 2011 Office Hours: WSC 209 MW 8-8:25am & 12:55-1:25pm Main Campus RS324 T/Th 9:45-11:10 am Textbook: Fundamentals of English Grammar, 4th ed., Azar & Hagen, Longman, 2011. Materials: 8 1/2” x 11” paper for homework (typed preferred, but use dark ink pen if hand-written); binder Course Description: ESLG 50 concentrates on the fundamental grammatical structures of English at the Intermediate-mid Level. Students will develop skill and accuracy in using these grammatical structures in appropriate contexts. Oral and written practice activities will emphasize sentence structure and verb tenses. Prerequisites: In order to enroll in this class, you must give me a copy of one of the following by the second class (Wednesday). Otherwise, you will be dropped from this course. your grade transcript showing a C or better in ESL W40 or assessment center test scores showing eligibility for placement in ESLG 50. Advisory: It is best to take this course concurrently with ESL W50, R50, and L50. Course Objectives: At the end of this course you should be able to demonstrate skill and accuracy in using basic English grammar in oral and written assignments. use simple and progressive verb forms in past, present, and future; present perfect and present perfect progressive verb forms. formulate questions (wh, yes/no. choice, and tag) with correct English word order and verb form. use common count and non-count nouns correctly with basic control of articles and determiners as well as common quantifiers such as many and much, a little/little, a few/few, and forms of “other”. compose sentences using present tense modals to express a variety of ideas. Identify and correct various grammatical errors on sentence and paragraph levels. use basic sentence connectors for compound and complex sentences (coordinating and subordinating conjunctions). Methods of Instruction: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Presentation and discussion of grammatical structures Intensive oral practice in class Individual written assignments in class and at home Whole class, small group, and pair practice Editing activities Methods of Evaluation: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Quizzes Tests Written homework Cumulative final exam Participation Homework: Homework assignments are to be completed on time and turned in on my desk at the beginning of class. Ten points will be deducted from homework which is passed in after I have collected it or one class late. I will not accept homework later than one class late and a grade of zero will be given for that assignment. If you are absent, you must turn in the homework on the day you return to class. Email or call me or a classmate to find out the homework if you have to be absent. Please follow the following heading format for all homework: Assignment (book, page, exercise #: (for example: FEG 1 p.5 ex.4) Name ESL G50 Date Due Tests & Quizzes: Classwork, and quizzes, cannot be made up under any circumstances. If you miss a quiz, you will receive a zero. Quizzes will not usually be announced. Make-up tests are only for emergency situations. You must call or email me before the test to notify me that you cannot come, and you may make up only one test this semester. If you miss another test, you will receive a grade of zero on that exam. The dates of tests will always be announced. The final exam must be taken on the scheduled day. There are no make-ups for the final. Attendance, Tardiness & Leaving Early: Regular attendance is very important in this class. You are allowed two absences in the semester. If you are absent more than two times, your grade may be lowered or you may be dropped from the course. Being absent more than once in a row without notifying me will cause you to be dropped. Also, please arrive and leave on time. Coming late or leaving early 3 times equal 1 absence. Participation: Not doing homework assignments, not paying attention, and not participating in class will result in a lower grade. Classroom Behavior: In this class you will be expected to speak only English. turn off cell phones. not speak to classmates during class unless asked to do so. If any of the above continues to occur after being warned, you may be asked to change seats or leave class. Cheating: The following are considered cheating and will earn a zero. Students who cheat repeatedly may receive an F in the course. Talking to another student during a test or quiz Looking at another student’s work during a test or quiz Copying from another’s work on tests, quizzes or homework Allowing another student to copy from your work Using notes, a dictionary, or a book during a test or quiz Grading: Homework, Quizzes, Participation Grammar Tests Final Exam 15% 60% 25% 100% To pass ESLG 50, you must have a minimum average of 70% on tests and the final exam.. Final Examination: You must take the final exam at the assigned examination time on Monday, December 12, 2011 from 8:00 - 10:00 am. If you are planning to take a trip, arrange to leave after your final exam. There will be no early exams. Student Access Card: If you have not yet done so, please go to the College Cafeteria or the Learning Resource Center to get your Student Access Card. (You have already paid for it in your student fees.) This card will serve as your Official College Photo ID, your Library Card, your Printing Card, and your Regional Transit Pass for all bus and light rail systems in Sacramento, Yolo, Folsom, El Dorado, and Elk Grove. iMail Please activate your iMail account if you haven’t already done so. You can do this online on the SCC website. It is much easier for me to contact everyone in the class through iMail when I have an announcement. If you do not have an active iMail account, you may miss important information. Help & Special Needs: If you need help, please feel free to ask by e-mail, phone message, or by coming to my office hour. If you have any special situation affecting your learning that I should know about, please let me know. Classmate Contacts: Write down the names and phone numbers of three classmates so that you can call them to find out the assignment if you were absent or if you don’t understand what the assignment is. Name__________________________________ Telephone______________________________ Name__________________________________ Telephone______________________________ Name__________________________________ Telephone______________________________