The Staff Resource Center Presents CONCEPTUAL LIMITATIONS BY CULTURAL PERCEPTIONS Presenter: Hanif Nassor-Covington This presentation seeks to address the “epistemological dilemma” many educators adopt through training that operates within one cultural world-view; that of the European-American. The primary flaw of this dilemma is that it assumes that the “behavior” of other cultural people (i.e., African, Asian, Latino-Americans etc.) should be the same as that of the European-American. As a result, limitations are placed on the conceptual framework of those charged with challenging and developing minds. This flaw is further exacerbated because it utilizes alien concepts resulting in the knower being limited in what he can know about the phenomenon under study (e.g., Conceptual Incarceration; Nobles, 1985). Therefore, the cultural makeup of students must be seriously evaluated and acknowledged as part of the educational process.” Thursday, October 4 from 12 to 1:30 LR 105 Everyone is welcome! For special needs please contact the Disability Resource Center. Earn flex credit by attending this event – sign in at the door. Please contact the Staff Resource Center at 558-2165 or 558-2176 for more information.