Can SLOs be measured? or… “good measurable outcome?” Facilitators:

Can SLOs be measured? or…
Is there such a thing as a
“good measurable outcome?”
Sacramento City College/American River College
Staff Development Workshop – 10/15/2007
Yujiro Shimizu, ARC Faculty Research
Coordinator/Assistant Professor of Psychology
Alan Keys, SCC Faculty Research Coordinator,
Professor of Psychology
Workshop Objectives
Discuss issues of SLO assessment (Halttunen)
“Outcomes” vs. SLOs
 What does “measurable” mean
 External pressures
Examine benefits of SLO assessment
Differentiate Direct and Indirect assessments
Introduce and utilize tools for SLO assessment
and implementation
Are they any “good measurable
Reflection questions on issues raised by Dr.
Outcomes vs. SLOs
Learner centered teaching and SLOs
Outcomes as code for content
External pressures
What are Student Learning Outcomes?
Student learning outcomes can be categorized
in terms of…
What students should know or be able to do
…when they have completed a course,
program, student service intervention,
certificate, or degree.
????????? = I…I…I
Course and Program Modifications Curriculum, program design, delivery
methods, offerings, scheduling, etc…
Increased Student Success
Ability to determine…
 Which SLOs are being achieved & to what degree
Where changes are needed (& where they are not)
Level of student’s awareness of their own learning
and course/program expectations
Level of your own awareness of student learning
SLO information allows for informed changes in…
 Course curriculum – Content, course design, & teaching
Instructional Program design – Course offerings, course
sequencing, & course delivery options
Student Service Program design – Service offerings and
access issues
Integration of Student Service and Instructional efforts
Signs of Increased Student Success
Increased level of SLO awareness & achievement
Improvement of various course and program
effectiveness measures
Student satisfaction/engagement, Retention,
Persistence, Course Success
 Student goal attainment (Degree, certificate, transfer,
job advancement, basic skills & personal growth)
What we mean by “assessment”
Levels of Assessment
 Input - Preparedness issues
Basic Skills Assessment; Course placement; Pre-requisite
Dynamic Classroom Assessment - Formative teaching tools
"On-the-fly" feedback techniques to adjust and modify
course/program as it progresses.
Institutional Effectiveness - Mainly summative
Measures of student success and institutional mission.
Student Learning Outcome Assessment - Summative &
Systematic assessment of measurable learning outcomes
Direct & Indirect measures
 Locally developed exams
 Quizzes
 Essays
 Written projects
 Oral presentations
 Performances
 Exhibitions
 lab reports
 Group projects
 Direct observation
 Standardized tests
 Licensure Exams
 Capstone Projects
 Student surveys
 Interviews
 Student journal
 Employer surveys
 Focus Groups
 Retention rates
 Persistence rates
 Transfer rates
 Degree & Certificate rates
 Wage increases
 Teaching portfolios
 Course syllabi
Implementing SLO assessment
For the “hands-on” portion of this workshop:
The Big Question: How do we go about selecting the
appropriate assessment tool(s) for our particular
course SLOs?
Aligning existing assessments with Course SLOs
Selecting/Creating assessment tools that specifically assess
course SLOs
Aligning course-embedded
Assessments with Course SLOs
Assessment for
Outcome 1
Assessment for
Outcome 2
Assessment for
Outcome 3
Student 1
Student 2
Student 3
Student 4
Change methods
Change methods
Keep methods
Assessing for a grade versus assessing
Selecting appropriate assessments
for course SLOs
Breakout Mini-session:
 Step 1: Discuss what assessment tools you
already use in your courses, and consider their
alignment with your course SLOs
Step 2: Are there any “good contenders” for
assessment tools that could be specifically aimed
at SLO assessment?
Closing the Loop:
Putting SLO Ideas into Action!
Class and course level
Develop formative and summative assessments aligned with
specific SLOs
Use direct & indirect assessments
Use course-embedded & add-on methods
Engage in intra- and interdepartmental collaboration
Modify curriculum & document via Socrates
Program level
Utilize SLO review in program planning and design
Incorporate into unit plans, educational master plan, program
review, division plans
Closing the Loop:
Putting SLO Ideas into Action!
Overall good practices for SLO Assessment
 Sample, sample, sample
 Utilize multiple measures
 Dialogue, collaborate, & document
 Stay focused on Student Learning!