CASE ANALYSIS For this project, you are to read a fictional, biographical, or autobiographical account of an individual (your “client”) with one or more identifiable Axis I or Axis II disorders. Included in your assignment packet is a bibliography from which you can select your account. Your paper will be approximately seven to ten pages in length. Once you read this account, you will write a paper that addresses the following information: o o o o o o A brief biography. You do not have to fully describe your "client." However, you should include demographic variables such as age, race, ethnicity, and religious orientation; family structure and the nature of relationships with family members; relationship, work, and health status; levels of social support; hobbies, interests, wishes, and goals; and the nature of crises, trauma, or stressors. Strengths and weaknesses. While your "client" may not recognize strengths, you may notice a range of strengths (e.g., intelligent, insightful, and strong family supports) and weaknesses (e.g., uneven job history, chaotic relationships, poor coping skills including history of self-mutilation). Identify the client’s strengths and weaknesses, and discuss how they could potentially enhance or impede treatment. Assessment. What symptoms brought your client in for an "intake"? Imagine that you are in the position of conducting an assessment of this “client.” Present assessment information that was addressed in the book, such as level of suicidal ideation and hopelessness, type and severity of symptoms, mental status (recall the JOIMAT acronym), level of cognitive functioning, substance use patterns, and history of previous treatment. If described in the book, also describe any nonverbal behaviors of note, such as eye contact, body movements, tone of voice, etc. Also note whether any psychological testing was conducted and what the results were. What else would you want to assess that was not described in your source? Diagnosis. A DSM-IV diagnosis or diagnoses (all five axes) should be provided and defended. Be careful about accepting the diagnosis of the character that is included in your book. Some books on your lists were written when previous editions of the DSM were being utilized. Others are simply poorly diagnosed. Why did you reject other possible diagnoses? Treatment possibilities. What forms of treatment, if any, were used with your “client”? Discuss which theoretical orientations were used, and evaluate how effective you think these treatment approaches were. Based on your assessment and diagnosis, how would you structure a treatment plan with this client? What theoretical orientations do you think would be most useful? What options would you consider, and which ones might you rule out? Be sure to provide a rationale for your decisions. A reference section. This section should document those sources where I could go to learn more about your "client," as well as those you went to in order to increase your understanding of diagnostic issues. You should have approximately three to five references. Your course text or other abnormal psychology textbooks cannot count as one of these, although you can refer to these texts for information. You should rely on book chapters, peer-reviewed articles, mainstream articles, or high-quality Internet resources. Grading Criteria – Case Analysis NAME: __________________________ Performance Area (150 points possible) Biographical information -Student provided extensive and relevant biographical information. (25 points) -Student’s description of the client’s strengths and weaknesses was superior. (25 points) -Student provided adequate biographical information. (20 points) -Student provided marginal biographical information. (15 points) -Student provided insufficient biographical information. (10 points) -Student’s description of the client’s strengths and weaknesses was adequate. (20 points) -Student’s description of the client’s strengths was marginal. (15 points) Nature of functioning/ assessment -Student provided extensive assessment information about the client. -Student identified additional areas of inquiry in a superior fashion. (25 points) -Student provided adequate assessment information about the client. -Student identified additional areas of inquiry adequately. (20 points) -Student provided marginal assessment information about the client. -Student identified additional areas of inquiry in a marginal fashion. (15 points) -Student’s description of the client’s strengths and weaknesses was inadequate. (10 points) -Student provided inadequate assessment information about the client. -Student identified additional areas of inquiry in an inadequate fashion. (10 points) Diagnosis -Student provided a superior diagnosis using all five axes. -Student provided a superior rationale for the diagnosis. (25 points) -Student provided an adequate diagnosis using all five axes. -Student provided an adequate rationale for the diagnosis. (20 points) -Student provided a marginal diagnosis using all five axes (or failed to address all of the axes). -Student provided a marginal rationale for the diagnosis. (15 points) Strengths and weaknesses of client -Student’s diagnosis was inadequate. -Student provided an inadequate rationale for the diagnosis. (10 points) Treatment possibilities Style -Student provided a superior account and evaluation of treatment efforts. -Student identified potential treatment approaches in a superior fashion. (25 points) -Paper was typed, doublespaced with one-inch margins -Paper was free of typographical and grammatical errors. -Paper was clearly written and wellorganized. -Student used APA style correctly to cite references within the text, and references were cited at the end of the paper. -Student used high-quality references. (25 points) -Student provided an adequate account and evaluation of treatment efforts. -Student identified potential treatment approaches in an adequate fashion. (20 points) Paper is adequate in terms of style. (20 points) -Student provided a marginal account and evaluation of treatment efforts. -Student identified potential treatment approaches in a marginal fashion. (15 points) Paper is marginal in terms of style. (15 points) -Student provided an inadequate account and evaluation of treatment efforts. -Student identified potential treatment approaches in an inadequate fashion. (10 points) Use of appropriate style is inadequate. (10 points)