The Child, The Family and The Community Fall 2013

The Child, The Family and The Community
▪ ECE 314 (19023)
▪ SOC 312 (16733)
Fall 2013
Instructor: Anna Otto
Project 1: Socialization
Purpose: To help you better understand the impact of socialization agents on your development.
By examining key areas of your own development, you should gain personal, meaningful
insights into the process of socialization. This understanding should prove useful in future
interactions, both personal and professional.
This project entails a written paper describing how you have been socialized and the effects upon
your development. The paper should be approximately 3-5 pages, typed and double-spaced. Be
sure to use good sentence and paragraph structure. Your paper should include an introduction,
body and conclusion. This project is worth 50 points.
Content: Include discussion of these items.
(1) Begin where you are now. Describe where you are currently in your life, in terms of
socialization. What are your values, attitudes, motives and attributions, self-esteem, selfregulation/behavior, morals and social (gender) roles? Choose at least three of these outcomes of
socialization to discuss.
(2) Go back to the beginning. Remember that the purpose of the "socialization project" is to
understand the impact of socialization on your development. In your paper, be sure to examine
the impact of the following microsystems or agents: family, schools, peer group, media and
community. Describe each of these in your life. What impact did each have on you as you were
growing up? How did they contribute to the socialization outcomes you discussed?
(3) Identify the three most important things you learned from your family during your formative
years. How did these items impact your socialization? How did family characteristics such as
socioeconomic status, cultural group or religion influence this socialization?
(4) Name three people or places outside of your immediate family who had a major influence on
you as a child or adolescent. Describe each one's influence on your socialization. Was it
complimentary or contradictory to the influence you received from your family?
(5) Who are the individuals whose socialization you are currently influencing? How are you
influencing them?
Due Date: Your paper is due no later than the beginning of class on 10/03/13.