FY11 Annual Budget Report Office of << >> Budget Request Timeline Note: Units that are not invited to submit a request for funding still need to complete Unit Funds History section (below). December Overview of new process for Support Unit SFOs. January Initial letter sent from Provost and CFO to Support Units requesting a bulleted list of priorities for the next fiscal year February Support Units submit bulleted list of requests to the Provost and CFO (early) CSS reviews bulleted lists from Support Units and develops a recommendation list for the Provost and CFO Provost and CFO review CSS recommendations and consult with CSS to develop recommendations for invitations List of invited units to continue in the budget process released by Provost/CFO (mid) Service Improvements and Mandates forms submitted to Resource Planning and Institutional Research and Planning (IRP) (mid to late) Requests forwarded to members of the CSS CSS reviews requests and holds budget consultations (all month) CSS may request additional information if needed to make a more informed recommendation CSS forwards recommendations for funding to Senate Fiscal Committee (SFC) for approval (late) SFC forwards recommendations to Provost and CFO (early). Provost and CFO review recommendations and make initial funding decisions CFO prepares funding decision document and shares with SMC and IFP Approved budget requests finalized (early) CFO shares final funding decisions with SFC Budget letters detailing approved requests released to Support Units March April May June July/August 7/15/2016 Version 3.12 Page 1 FY11 Annual Budget Report Office of << >> TWO PAGE SUMMARY This section should be used to focus the Central Services Subcommittee’s attention on the most vital aspects of your budget request. The following questions can be used as a guide: 1. What is the primary mission of your unit and how would it be impacted by this budget request? 2. Describe how the budget request contributes to strategic goals for the university. 3. Describe the service improvements and/or efficiencies the budget request will provide to the unit and/or the university. 4. If the budget request is designed to implement recommendations from a recent program review, indicate how those recommendations will be impacted by this request. 7/15/2016 Version 3.12 Page 2 FY11 Annual Budget Report Office of << >> UNIT FUNDS HISTORY Provide the unit’s continuing funds and cash funding history and ending budget balances for the past three years. FY08 Unit Description PBA History Cash Carry Forward FY09 PBA History Cash Carry Forward FY10 PBA History Percent Change from FY09 Cash Carry Forward PBA History Cash Carry Forward What is the planned use of cash carry forward > 20% of FY10 PBA? (100 word limit) STATUS REPORTS ON NEW FUNDING OR CONTINUATION FUNDING FOR MULTIPLE YEAR REQUESTS RECEIVED FOR FY09 & FY10 For each mandate or service improvement that received funding in FY09 or FY10, complete the table below Mandate or Service Improvement Title Amount received One-Time Cash PBA How is the funding being used? Who is benefiting from the service? Have the uses of funds changed from the original intent? Has it been expended as planned? (100 word limit) FEES AND CHARGES Include new fees and planned increases to existing fees for FY11 that affect other departments or large numbers of students, faculty and staff Description (include group to be assessed the fee) Example: Cost estimating fee for construction projects 7/15/2016 Version 3.12 Current Amount per unit Unit of Measure $500 Per request Page 3 Future (FY11) Amount per unit Unit of Measure $0 Per request FY11 Annual Budget Report REQUESTS Office of << >> FOR NEXT FISCAL YEAR Carry over to the Long-Term Needs Continuing Multi-Year Needs section if this request spans multiple years Priority Title (50 characters) Mandate1(M) or Service Improvement (SI) Amount requested PBA Cash Additional FTE PBA Cash Description/rationale for the request. Explain how the proposal will be implemented if additional funds are not received (300 word limit). LONG-TERM NEEDS - CONTINUING MULTI-YEAR REQUESTS If the request for next fiscal year is part of a multi-year request, identify below the request(s) for subsequent years. Identify only the top 5 priorities requiring $100,000 or more. Indicate if internal reallocation will be a component of responding to the mandate or service improvement. These projections must align with the unit strategic plan. Priority Title (50 characters) Description (100 word limit) Funding Needed FY12 PBA FY13 Cash PBA FY14 Cash 1 PBA FY15 Cash PBA A request is considered a mandate if it is implemented due to a change in federal or state law, required by an external agency, or required by the Board of Trustees. Please provide clarification if this request is in response to a requirement from another unit at Ohio State. 7/15/2016 Version 3.12 Page 4 Cash FY11 Annual Budget Report Office of << >> LONG-TERM NEEDS – NEW FUNDING NEEDED FY12-15 Describe anticipated additional resources needed over the next five years to respond to new mandates and projected service improvements that were not identified in Requests for the Next Fiscal Year (above). Identify only the top 5 priorities requiring $100,000 or more. Indicate if internal reallocation will be a component of responding to the mandate or service improvement. These projections must align with the unit strategic plan. Priority Title (50 characters) Description (100 word limit) Funding Needed FY12 PBA 7/15/2016 Version 3.12 FY13 Cash PBA FY14 Cash Page 5 PBA FY15 Cash PBA Cash