Ab Initio and DFT Calculations for the Vibrational Frequencies and Barrier to Planarity of Cyclopentene and its Deuterated Isotopomers Abdulaziz Al-Saadi and Jaan Laane Department of Chemistry Texas A&M University College Station, Texas Cyclopentene-d0 , -d1 , -d4 , and -d8 • • We had previously determined the IR and Raman spectra, calculated the 1D and 2D PES, and ran a MM investigation of the four molecules.1-3 Cyclopentene exists in the puckered form with a puckering angle of 26º based on spectroscopic determination. z D D D D x D D d0 Planar Puckered Symmetry Species D D D C2 D d8 D D d1 D d4 C2v Cs Cs C1 11A1 + 6A2 + 9B1 + 7B2 20A’ + 13A” φ = 26o (1) Villarreal, J. R.; Laane, J.; Bush, S. F.; Harris, W. C., Spectrochem. Acta, 1979, 35A, 331. (2) Laane, J., Lord, R. C., J. Chem. Phys., 1967, 47, 4941. (3) Rosas, R. L. , Cooper, C., and Laane, J., J. Chem. Phys., 1990, 94,1830. 2 Cyclopentene-d0 , -d1 , -d4 , and -d8 In this work we: • Optimized the structure cyclopentene-d0 in the planar and puckered conformations using the MP2 and DFT theories with the 6-311++G** and cc-pVTZ basis sets. • Predicted the zero-point energy, puckering barrier and puckering angle of cyclopentene-d0 . • Calculated the vibrational frequencies of the two structures for cyclopentene-d0, -d1, -d4, and -d8 molecules from density functional theory and then compared the assignments with the experimental ones. • Made several vibrational reassignments for the d0, d1, d4 and d8 isotopomers. • Obtained the liquid IR and Raman spectra for cyclopentene-d0 to help confirm our reassignments. 3 Calculated Structure of Cyclopentene-d0 H H 107.9o H 107.0o 1.088 1.087 110.8o H 106.9o 1.091 106.5o H H 111.6o (111.2o) 1.081 H H H C2v 1.094 H 1.503 1.335 Experimental values of GED are shown in red 1 (1) Davis, M. I.; Mueche, T. W.; J. Phys. Chem., 1970, 74, 1104. H 1.090 102.4o 112.6o 124.5o 1.540 (1.544) 105.1o 107.5o (101.8o) 104.0o H 1.090 113.8o H 1.550 H H (104.8o) 124.8o (121.8o) 1.338 (1.341) 1.506 (1.519) 1.081 H Cs 4 Experimental and Calculated Puckering Barrier and Puckering Angle H τ φ Calculated Expt. τ φ 28.8 GED 2 22.2 MP2/DZ 1 MP2/ 6-311++G** MP2/ cc-pVTZ DFT-B3LYP/ 6-311++G** DFT-B3LYP/ cc-pVTZ 2.3 3.0 3.1 2.3 2.1 23.4 27.1 26.1 20.0 19.3 297.97 246.68 59.78 41.68 MW 3 26 Far-IR 4 Puckering Barrier (cm-1) 233 4 177.1 (1) Allen, W. D.; Csaszar, A. G.; Horner, D. A., J. Am. Chem. Soc., 1992, 114, 6834. (2) Davis, M. I.; Mueche, T. W.; J. Phys. Chem., 1970, 74, 1104. (3) Rathjens, G. W., J. Chem. Phys., 1962, 36, 2401. (4) Laane, J., Lord, R. C., J. Chem. Phys., 1967, 47, 4941. 5 Calculated Ring-Puckering & Ring-Twisting Frequencies in Cyclopentene-d0 , -d1 , -d4 , and -d8 + _ _ + _ + Ring Puckering (33) IR Calculated (Scaled) twist 2 IR + Ring Twisting (17) Expt. puck 1 _ + B3LYP/6-311++G** B3LYP/cc-pVTZ Ram puck twist puck twist 390 135 385 130 387 d0 127 d1 126 369 369 137 370 129 372 d4 120 337 338 128 337 120 338 d8 108 317 109 318 103 320 (1) Laane, J., Lord, R. C., J. Chem. Phys., 1967, 47, 4941. (2) Villarreal, J. R.; Laane, J.; Bush, S. F.; Harris, W. C., Spectrochem. Acta, 1979, 35A, 331. 6 Experimental and Calculated Frequencies for Cyclopentene Observed * Assignments A1 A2 B1 B2 Vapor IR 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 CH sym. str. β-CH2 sym. str. α-CH2 sym. str. (i.p.) C=C str. β-CH2 def. α-CH2 def. (i.p.) α-CH2 wag (i.p.) CH in-plane bend (i.p.) Ring str. Ring breathing Ring def. 12 13 14 15 16 17 α-CH2 antisym. str. (o.p.) α-CH2 twist (o.p.) β-CH2 twist CH out-of-plane bend (o.p.) α-CH2 rock (o.p.) Ring twist 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 CH antisym. str. α-CH2 sym. str. (o.p.) α-CH2 def. (o.p.) CH in-plane bend (o.p.) α-CH2 wag (o.p.) β-CH2 wag Ring str. Ring str. Ring def. 3068 2873 1438 1353 1268 1128 1037 933 695 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 α-CH2 antisym. str. (i.p.) β-CH2 antisym. str. α-CH2 twist (i.p.) α-CH2 rock (i.p.) CH out-of-plane bend (i.p.) β-CH2 rock Ring puckering 2963 s 2933 s 1207 m 1047 s 695 s 593 m 127.1 3078 2903 2860 1623 1471 1445 1290 1101 962 900 608 s s s m vw m m w w m w Vapor Raman 1 3070 (140) 2900 (7) 2857 (153) 1617 (91) 1473 (16) 1448 (23) 1302 (10) 1109 (66) 962 (55) 896 (100) 600 (1) 2938 (54) 1209 (2) 1134 (1) 1047 (1) 879 (1) 390 (2) s s vw m m w w w s 3062 (18) 2882 (57) 1354 (2) 1297 (5) 1030 (1) 933 (2) 690 (1) 2973 (39) 2929 (30) 1047 (1) Calculated (Scaled) at DFT-B3LYP Liquid IR 2 2897 m 2848 vs 1610 m 1463 m 1295 m 1108 vw 963 m 903 s 603 m 1279 w 3055 2866 1444 1350 s s m vw 1167 vw 1025 w 770 vw 2949 2925 1205 1043 696 803 s s m s s vw (1) Villarreal, J. R.; Laane, J.; Bush, S. F.; Harris, W. C., Spectrochem. Acta, 1979, 35A, 331. (2) This work. * Values shown in italic are from condensed-phase experiments. Cs 6-311++G** C2v cc-pVTZ 6-311++G** cc-pVTZ 3057 2935 2879 1640 1479 1454 1300 1107 954 885 604 (23,187) (55,183) (31,240) (3,250) (3,43) (2,136) (1,21) (0,136) (1,57) (1,100) (14,7) 3068 2937 2881 1649 1481 1459 1303 1111 955 885 608 (23,186) (56,173) (31,218) (2,143) (2,57) (1,143) (1,21) (0,129) (1,50) (0,100) (12,7) 3064 2939 2913 1650 1485 1459 1303 1108 957 875 689 (23,187) (46,168) (1,282) (4,206) (4,41) (0,129) (1,18) (0,118) (1,35) (0,100) (0,5) 3066 2942 2896 1657 1486 1459 1306 1112 958 875 691 (24,187) (44,154) (2,267) (3,125) (3,56) (0,138) (1,19) (0,119) (1,31) (0,100) (0,11) 2924 1282 1131 955 872 385 (37,121) (2,7) (2,0) (0,7) (4,7) (0,14) 2924 1287 1132 961 875 387 (37,120) (2,7) (1,0) (0,7) (4,7) (0,21) 2913 1249 1139 958 889 370 (0,188) (0,23) (0,2) (0,10) (0,4) (0,8) 2913 1253 1140 965 893 374 (0,184) (0,25) (0,3) (0,5) (0,3) (0,11) 3043 2880 1460 1351 1291 1201 1014 899 768 (8,87) (55,82) (3,71) (2,0) (0,7) (0,36) (2,36) (8,0) (0,7) 3044 2883 1463 1358 1296 1205 1015 900 771 (8,87) (54,75) (2,71) (2,0) (0,7) (0,29) (2,29) (7,0) (0,7) 3040 2895 1464 1352 1287 1246 1018 891 773 (8,88) (97,40) (3,53) (2,1) (2,0) (0,25) (2,24) (12,7) (1,6) 3043 2896 1466 1360 1295 1247 1071 891 776 (8,87) (95,33) (2,56) (1,3) (1,0) (1,19) (2,18) (11,5) (1,4) 2969 2916 1207 1047 699 802 135 (44,87) (5,66) (2,50) (8,7) (39,14) (1,7) (0,14) 2970 2918 1209 1052 702 803 130 (43,84) (4,61) (2,43) (7,7) (31,21) (1,7) (0,7) 2972 2910 1201 1042 660 766 (43,74) (33,3) (2,40) (9,2) (46,8) (8,9) 2973 2910 1204 1048 663 770 (43,74) (35,2) (2,38) (8,3) (37,16) (7,11) 7 Vibrational Reassignments for Cyclopentene Observed * Assignments A1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 A2 B1 B2 CH sym. str. β-CH2 sym. str. α-CH2 sym. str. (i.p.) C=C str. β-CH2 def. α-CH2 def. (i.p.) α-CH2 wag (i.p.) CH in-plane bend (i.p.) Ring str. Ring breathing Ring def. 12 α-CH2 antisym. str. (o.p.) 13 α-CH2 twist (o.p.) 14 β-CH2 twist 15 CH out-of-plane bend (o.p.) 16 α-CH2 rock (o.p.) 17 Ring twist 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 CH antisym. str. α-CH2 sym. str. (o.p.) α-CH2 def. (o.p.) CH in-plane bend (o.p.) α-CH2 wag (o.p.) β-CH2 wag Ring str. Ring str. Ring def. 27 α-CH2 antisym. str. (i.p.) 28 β-CH2 antisym. str. 29 30 31 32 33 α-CH2 twist (i.p.) α-CH2 rock (i.p.) CH out-of-plane bend (i.p.) β-CH2 rock Ring puckering Vapor IR 1 3078 2903 2860 1623 1471 1445 1290 1101 962 900 593 s s s m vw m m w w m m Vapor Raman 1 3070 (140) 2900 (7) 2857 (153) 1617 (91) 1473 (16) 1448 (23) 1302 (10) 1109 (66) 962 (55) 896 (100) 600 (1) Calculated (Scaled) at DFT-B3LYP Liquid IR 2 2897 m 2848 vs 1610 m 1463 m 1295 m 1108 vw 963 m 903 s 603 m 2938 (54) 1268 m 1128 w 1279 w 1134 (1) 879 (1) 390 (2) 3068 2873 1438 1353 s s vw m 1037 w 933 w 3062 (18) 2882 (57) 1354 (2) 1297 (5) 1030 (1) 933 (2) 3055 2866 1444 1350 s s m vw 1167 vw 1025 w 770 vw 2933 2963 1207 1047 695 s s m s s 2929 (30) 2973 (39) 1209 (2) 1047 (1) 690 (1) 2925 2949 1205 1043 696 803 s s m s s vw 127.1 (1) Villarreal, J. R.; Laane, J.; Bush, S. F.; Harris, W. C., Spectrochem. Acta, 1979, 35A, 331. (2) This work. * Values shown in italic are from condensed-phase experiments. Cs 6-311++G** C2v cc-pVTZ 6-311++G** cc-pVTZ 3057 2935 2879 1640 1479 1454 1300 1107 954 885 604 (23,187) (55,183) (31,240) (3,250) (3,43) (2,136) (1,21) (0,136) (1,57) (1,100) (14,7) 3068 2937 2881 1649 1481 1459 1303 1111 955 885 608 (23,186) (56,173) (31,218) (2,143) (2,57) (1,143) (1,21) (0,129) (1,50) (0,100) (12,7) 3064 2939 2913 1650 1485 1459 1303 1108 957 875 689 (23,187) (46,168) (1,282) (4,206) (4,41) (0,129) (1,18) (0,118) (1,35) (0,100) (0,5) 3066 2942 2896 1657 1486 1459 1306 1112 958 875 691 (24,187) (44,154) (2,267) (3,125) (3,56) (0,138) (1,19) (0,119) (1,31) (0,100) (0,11) 2924 1282 1131 955 872 385 (37,121) (2,7) (2,0) (0,7) (4,7) (0,14) 2924 1287 1132 961 875 387 (37,120) (2,7) (1,0) (0,7) (4,7) (0,21) 2913 1249 1139 958 889 370 (0,188) (0,23) (0,2) (0,10) (0,4) (0,8) 2913 1253 1140 965 893 374 (0,184) (0,25) (0,3) (0,5) (0,3) (0,11) 3043 2880 1460 1351 1291 1201 1014 899 768 (8,87) (55,82) (3,71) (2,0) (0,7) (0,36) (2,36) (8,0) (0,7) 3044 2883 1463 1358 1296 1205 1015 900 771 (8,87) (54,75) (2,71) (2,0) (0,7) (0,29) (2,29) (7,0) (0,7) 3040 2895 1464 1352 1287 1246 1018 891 773 (8,88) (97,40) (3,53) (2,1) (2,0) (0,25) (2,24) (12,7) (1,6) 3043 2896 1466 1360 1295 1247 1071 891 776 (8,87) (95,33) (2,56) (1,3) (1,0) (1,19) (2,18) (11,5) (1,4) 2916 2969 1207 1047 699 802 135 (5,66) (44,87) (2,50) (8,7) (39,14) (1,7) (0,14) 2918 2970 1209 1052 702 803 130 (4,61) (43,84) (2,43) (7,7) (31,21) (1,7) (0,7) 2910 2972 1201 1042 660 766 (33,3) (43,74) (2,40) (9,2) (46,8) (8,9) 2910 2973 1204 1048 663 770 (35,2) (43,74) (2,38) (8,3) (37,16) (7,11) 8 Vibrational Reassignments for Cyclopentene-d8 Observed * Assignments A1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 A2 B1 B2 CD sym. str. β-CD2 sym. str. α-CD2 sym. str. (i.p.) C=C str. β-CD2 def. α-CD2 def. (i.p.) α-CD2 wag (i.p.) CD in-plane bend (i.p.) Ring str. Ring breathing Ring def. 12 α-CD2 antisym. str. (o.p.) 13 α-CD2 twist (o.p.) 14 β-CD2 twist 15 CD out-of-plane bend (o.p.) 16 α-CD2 rock (o.p.) 17 Ring twist Vapor IR 1 2310 s 2153 w 1580 1110 1070 750 853 1150 878 m w m w w vw m 868 w 921 w 724 m 18 CD antisym. str. 19 α-CD2 sym. str. (o.p.) 20 α-CD2 def. (o.p.) 21 CD in-plane bend (o.p.) 22 α-CD2 wag (o.p.) 23 β-CD2 wag 24 Ring str. 25 Ring str. 26 Ring def. 2276 2138 1062 709 1024 27 28 29 30 31 32 2200 s 2230 s 849 s 954 w 465 s 543 s 108.2 33 α-CD2 antisym. str. (i.p.) β-CD2 antisym. str. α-CD2 twist (i.p.) α-CD2 rock (i.p.) CD out-of-plane bend (i.p.) β-CD2 rock Ring puckering m m m w vw Vapor Raman 1 Calculated (Scaled) at DFT-B3LYP Cs C2v 2305 (68) 2145 (100) 2100 (136) 1577 (50) 1113 (7) 1072 (2) 750 (7) 850 (7) 1158 (2) 878 (100) 6-311++G** 2314 (9,74) 2157 (18,75) 2126 (11,141) 1591 (6,205) 1109 (1,14) 1068 (1,18) 743 (1,14) 783 (0,32) 1148 (0,6) 869 (3,100) 682 (0,4) cc-pVTZ 2315 (9,78) 2160 (18,67) 2128 (10,132) 1600 (4,143) 1110 (1,14) 1071 (1,19) 744 (1,13) 785 (0,38) 1149 (1,4) 871 (2,100) 681 (0,3) 6-311++G** 2313 (9,74) 2166 (23,84) 2132 (0,143) 1602 (6,76) 1110 (2,13) 1069 (0,16) 749 (1,16) 779 (0,33) 1149 (0,4) 863 (1,100) 643 (0,5) cc-pVTZ 2314 (10,78) 2168 (22,77) 2135 (1,134) 1609 (5,123) 1110 (1,11) 1072 (0,18) 750 (0,14) 781 (0,33) 1148 (0,6) 865 (0,100) 645 (0,6) 2202 (15) 860 (5) 930 (1) 720 (6) 667 317 (2) 2191 887 926 725 658 318 (7,79) (2,18) (0,5) (2,5) (0,0) (0,6) 2190 890 929 728 661 320 (7,79) (1,19) (0,4) (1,3) (0,0) (2,9) 2185 888 926 730 670 305 (0,98) (0,16) (0,4) (0,4) (0,0) (0,4) 2186 891 930 733 673 308 (0.96) (0,16) (0,2) (0,4) (0,0) (0,7) 2268 (15) 2132 (20) 2268 2126 1060 705 1020 786 1124 1191 754 (3,44) (37,29) (2,14) (7,5) (1,0) (0,23) (1,4) (0,9) (1,1) 2270 2128 1062 707 1027 788 1122 1195 757 (3,44) (38,24) (2,14) (6,2) (1,0) (0,20) (1,3) (0,10) (1,0) 2267 2131 1058 705 1023 804 1114 1195 758 (3,44) (47,24) (2,11) (9,2) (1,0) (0,19) (1,5) (1,9) (1,1) 2268 2133 1059 706 1029 804 1113 1198 760 (3,44) (46,19) (1,9) (8,2) (1,0) (0,14) (1,6) (1,9) (1,3) 2193 2229 848 951 460 546 109 (22,34) (22,41) (6,27) (0,10) (16,5) (13,4) (0,3) 2192 2230 852 954 464 549 103 (23,31) (22,40) (5,29) (0,8) (13,3) (10,8) (0,1) 2185 2232 854 939 481 571 (24,3) (20,36) (9,9) (0,7) (24,3) (5,3) 2186 2233 857 943 483 574 (24,2) (20,37) (8,9) (0,5) (19,6) (4,4) 715 790 (7) 2202 (15) 2235 (30) 950 (1) 460 (1) 550 (1) (1) Villarreal, J. R.; Laane, J.; Bush, S. F.; Harris, W. C., Spectrochem. Acta, 1979, 35A, 331. * Values shown in italic are from condensed-phase experiments. 9 Vibrational Reassignments for 1-Cyclopentene-d1 Observed (*) Assignments A’ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 A” 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Vapor IR 1 Vapor Raman 1 CH str. β-CH2 sym. str. α-CH2 sym. str. α-CH2 sym. str =C-D str. C=C str. β-CH2 def. α-CH2 def. α-CH2 def. CH in-plane bend α-CH2 wag α-CH2 wag β-CH2 wag Ring str. CD in-plane bend Ring str. Ring breathing Ring str. Ring def. Ring def. 3065 2903 2865 2859 2294 1600 1470 1446 1435 1261 1300 1322 1116 1033 988 966 893 750 698 634 m s s s m m m m w m w s w m w w w w w s 3066 (188) 2904 (122) 2879 (105) 2859 (224) 2290 (37) 1597 (79) 1472 (22) 1448 (32) α-CH2 antisym. str. α-CH2 antisym. str. β-CH2 antisym. str. α-CH2 twist α-CH2 twist β-CH2 twist α-CH2 rock CH out-of-plane bend α-CH2 rock β-CH2 rock CD out-of-plane bend Ring twist Ring puckering 2939 2939 2962 1211 1137 1207 1044 s s s s w w s 2939 (126) 2924 (126) 2969 (60) 1202 (2) 1138 1257 (3) 1298 (10) 1327 (5) 1121 (1) 1029 (8) 978 (65) 952 (33) 899 (100) 750 (1) 708 (8) 630 (1) 1045 855 s 855 (1) 565 s 369 w 126 565 (1) 369 (3) Calculated (Scaled) at DFT-B3LYP C1 6-311++G** Cs cc-pVTZ 6-311++G** cc-pVTZ 3054 2935 2880 2879 2291 1619 1479 1461 1455 1254 1299 1324 1286 1019 969 945 886 745 772 638 (15,138) (53,188) (54,80) (32,242) (6,54) (4,270) (3,42) (3,76) (2,136) (1,21) (1,13) (2,4) (2,11) (3,39) (1,86) (2,49) (2,100) (3,6) (1,7) (6,5) 3056 2937 2882 2881 2293 1628 1481 1464 1458 1263 1303 1329 1288 1020 971 946 886 747 774 642 (16,138) (54,178) (53,74) (31,220) (7,55) (3,177) (2,62) (2,77) (1,154) (1,15) (1,17) (2,6) (2,14) (3,38) (2,85) (2,38) (2,100) (3,15) (1,8) (4,6) 3051 2939 2895 2895 2288 1628 1484 1463 1455 1260 1302 1325 1240 1023 965 950 876 748 797 680 (15,139) (45,172) (25,225) (73,99) (6,54) (5,229) (4,41) (3,53) (0,124) (1,16) (1,12) (2,4) (0,31) (3,29) (2,76) (2,35) (1,100) (3,12) (3,11) (0,5) 3054 2943 2897 2896 2291 1637 1486 1466 1459 1266 1305 1330 1242 1023 967 950 877 751 800 683 (16,139) (43,157) (12,246) (85,57) (7,56) (4,153) (3,66) (2,60) (0,153) (1,14) (1,13) (2,9) (0,21) (3,31) (2,64) (1,33) (1,100) (3,13) (3,10) (0,6) 2925 2917 2969 1206 1131 1196 1043 897 860 812 563 370 137 (38,118) (6,66) (44,87) (2,46) (2,1) (0,45) (6,5) (2,15) (4,3) (3,4) (30,7) (0,5) (0,3) 2925 2918 2969 1208 1133 1199 1048 902 864 813 567 372 129 (38,117) (4,61) (43,84) (2,43) (1,2) (0,38) (6,5) (2,17) (3,18) (3,6) (25,15) (0,10) (0,4) 2913 2911 2972 1200 1139 1249 1038 910 861 744 578 355 (0,188) (3,33) (43,74) (1,40) (0,2) (0,22) (7,2) (1,18) (5,4) (0,1) (37,7) (0,5) 2913 2910 2973 1203 1140 1253 1044 915 866 747 579 359 (0,184) (35,2) (43,74) (1,41) (0,3) (0,27) (6,5) (1,13) (4,10) (0,4) (30,12) (0,12) (1) Villarreal, J. R.; Laane, J.; Bush, S. F.; Harris, W. C., Spectrochem. Acta, 1979, 35A, 331. * Values shown in italic are from condensed-phase experiments. 10 Vibrational Reassignments for 1,2,3,3-Cyclopentene-d4 Assignments A’ 1 CD str. 2 β-CH2 sym. str. 3 α-CD2 sym. str. 4 α-CH2 sym. str 5 =C-D str. 6 C=C str. 7 β-CH2 def. 8 α-CH2 def. 9 α-CD2 def. 10 CD in-plane bend 11 α-CH2 wag 12 α-CD2 wag 13 β-CH2 wag 14 Ring str. 15 CD in-plane bend 16 Ring str. 17 Ring breathing 18 Ring str. 19 Ring def. 20 Ring def. A” 21 α-CH2 antisym. str. 22 α-CD2 antisym. str. 23 β-CH2 antisym. str. 24 α-CH2 twist 25 α-CD2 twist 26 β-CH2 twist 27 α-CH2 rock 28 CD out-of-plane bend 29 α-CD2 rock 30 β-CH2 rock 31 CD out-of-plane bend 32 Ring twist 33 Ring puckering Observed * Vapor Vapor IR 1 Raman 1 2310 m 2313 (13) 2941 s 2941 (20) 2110 s 2100 (51) 2854 s 2861 (46) 2277 m 2265 (5) 1560 m 1580 (51) 1460 m 1467 (4) 1449 m 1452 (7) 1081 vw 1085 (4) 800 w 802 (3) 1286 w 1290 (1) 821 m 825 (7) 1027 w 1107 m 1100 (1) 715 vw 719 1143 w 910 m 910 (100) 985 vw 985 (2) 725 w 726 (1) 604 m 604 (1) 599 s 2904 2200 2964 1163 872 1226 1041 735 s s s vw s s w 858 m 502 s 337 w 120.0 2905 (20) 2194 (10) 2969 (30) 1160 (1) 875 (4) 1211 (1) 1045 (1) 733 (1) 860 (3) 500 (1) 338 (2) Calculated (Scaled) at DFT-B3LYP C1 Cs 6-311++G** 2314 (10,67) 2933 (52,165) 2127 (24,95) 2879 (41,167) 2268 (3,45) 1595 (4,195) 1474 (3,23) 1457 (2,72) 1081 (0,18) 796 (0,27) 1284 (1,9) 813 (1,18) 1309 (2,4) 1101 (3,8) 714 (2,3) 1151 (0,10) 901 (1,100) 973 (0,23) 767 (1,6) 603 (4,3) cc-pVTZ 2315 (11,71) 2934 (52,156) 2128 (24,87) 2882 (41,152) 2270 (3,44) 1604 (4,141) 1477 (1,27) 1459 (1,82) 1084 (0,20) 798 (0,28) 1286 (1,10) 815 (1,22) 1314 (1,8) 1104 (2,6) 715 (2,4) 1153 (0,7) 903 (1,100) 974 (0,20) 769 (1,9) 607 (4,5) 6-311++G** 2312 (10,68) 2938 (43,146) 2134 (25,97) 2895 (49,167) 2266 (3,45) 1605 (6,191) 1480 (3,22) 1458 (1,74) 1082 (0,17) 792 (0,28) 1270 (1,13) 822 (1,30) 1310 (2,2) 1099 (3,8) 716 (7,4) 1164 (1,9) 894 (1,100) 979 (0,17) 769 (2,4) 661 (0,5) cc-pVTZ 2314 (11,72) 2941 (41,134) 2135 (24,89) 2897 (48,156) 2268 (3,44) 1613 (5,132) 1483 (2,30) 1461 (1,77) 1085 (0,22) 793 (0,32) 1272 (1,18) 823 (1,27) 1315 (1,2) 1102 (2,8) 719 (7,4) 1167 (1,9) 897 (1,100) 978 (0,14) 771 (2,3) 664 (0,4) 2919 2192 2967 1163 872 1226 1038 733 703 848 502 337 128 2920 2191 2969 1166 875 1229 1042 736 706 849 506 338 120 2912 2187 2970 1160 874 1236 1031 723 666 841 511 323 2913 2187 2971 1162 878 1240 1037 729 669 844 514 327 (18,78) (16,55) (37,87) (2,16) (4,20) (0,13) (2,8) (3,8) (2,1) (1,4) (28,2) (0,4) (0,3) (17,74) (16,53) (36,84) (1,15) (3,24) (0,15) (2,4) (3,4) (2,2) (1,8) (23,8) (0,6) (0,2) (17,92) (15,53) (33,71) (0,11) (4,13) (0,22) (1,4) (1,4) (1,5) (0,3) (31,4) (0,3) (18,90) (15,51) (33,72) (0,14) (3,11) (0,19) (1,3) (1,3) (0,1) (0,2) (26,12) (0,7) (1) Villarreal, J. R.; Laane, J.; Bush, S. F.; Harris, W. C., Spectrochem. Acta, 1979, 35A, 331. * Values shown in italic are from condensed-phase experiments. 11 Numbers of Revised Assignments in Cyclopentene-d0 , -d1 , -d4 , and -d8 # of Vibrations Reassigned Cyclopentene-d0 5 Cyclopentene-d1 7 Cyclopentene-d4 16 Cyclopentene-d8 14 12 Experimental (Liquid-phase) and Calculated Infrared Spectra of Cyclopentene 5x 4x 13 Experimental (Liquid-phase) and Calculated Raman Spectra of Cyclopentene 5x 10x 14 Conclusions • • • • Conformational structures and vibrational frequencies of cyclopentene and its deuterated isotopomers were studied with ab initio calculations, and the results were compared with previously reported experimental results. The barrier to planarity predicted by the MP2 theory (247 cm-1) agrees very well with our previously far-IR data (233 cm-1). The DFT barrier (42 cm-1), however, was predicted to be considerably low. DFT calculated frequencies using the 6-311++G** and cc-pVTZ basis sets agree very well with experimental frequencies (even though the calculated band intensities are not as good) and help in reassigning some vibrational modes in the four molecules. The MP2 method gives a more reliable prediction of the calculated energies and structures while the DFT method predicts the frequencies very well. 15 Acknowledgments • • • The National Science Foundation. The Robert A. Welch Foundation. The Texas Advance Research Program. 16 Calculated Structure of Cyclopentene-d0 H H 107.9o H 1.088 1.087 110.8o H 106.9o 1.091 106.5o H H H H H 124.8o (121.8o) MP2/cc-pVTZ C2v 1.338 (1.341) H H H o 1.093 108.2 107.2o 1.095 1.093 110.7o 113.0o H 1.555 H H 106.8o 107.3o 104.1o H H 1.099 H H 1.509 1.343 H 111.4o 1.345 1.081 H 1.095 102.4o 112.5o 124.6o H 1.544 105.0o 1.096 106.8o 1.081 Cs Experimental values of GED are shown in red 1 H 1.506 (1.519) 111.6o (111.2o) 1.081 H 1.094 H 1.503 1.335 H 1.090 102.4o 112.6o 124.5o 1.540 (1.544) 105.1o 107.5o (101.8o) 104.0o H 1.090 113.8o H 1.550 H H (104.8o) 107.0o 124.9o MP2/6-311++G** (1) Davis, M. I.; Mueche, T. W.; J. Phys. Chem., 1970, 74, 1104. H 1.512 1.081 H 17 Experimental and Calculated Frequencies for Cyclopentene-d8 Observed 1 Assignments A1 A2 B1 B2 Vapor IR * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 CD sym. str. β-CD2 sym. str. α-CD2 sym. str. (i.p.) C=C str. β-CD2 def. α-CD2 def. (i.p.) α-CD2 wag (i.p.) CD in-plane bend (i.p.) Ring str. Ring breathing Ring def. 12 13 14 15 16 17 α-CD2 antisym. str. (o.p.) α-CD2 twist (o.p.) β-CD2 twist CD out-of-plane bend (o.p.) α-CD2 rock (o.p.) Ring twist 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 CD antisym. str. α-CD2 sym. str. (o.p.) α-CD2 def. (o.p.) CD in-plane bend (o.p.) α-CD2 wag (o.p.) β-CD2 wag Ring str. Ring str. Ring def. 2276 2138 1062 1150 954 868 1024 724 709 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 α-CD2 antisym. str. (i.p.) β-CD2 antisym. str. α-CD2 twist (i.p.) α-CD2 rock (i.p.) CD out-of-plane bend (i.p.) β-CD2 rock Ring puckering 2230 s 2200 s 878 m 849 s 543 s 465 s 108.2 2310 s 2153 w 1580 1110 1070 921 853 750 878 574 m w m w w w m w ? Vapor Raman * 2305 (68) 2145 (100) 2100 (136) 1577 (50) 1113 (7) 1072 (2) 930 (1) 850 (7) 750 (7) 878 (100) 2202 (15) 790 (7) 667 317 (2) m m m vw w w vw m w 2268 (15) 2132 (20) 1158 (2) 950 (1) 860 (5) 720 (6) 715 2235 (30) 2202 (15) 878 550 (1) 460 (1) Calculated (Scaled) at DFT-B3LYP Cs C2v Comments from Calculation 6-311++G** 2314 (9,74) 2157 (18,75) 2126 (11,141) 1591 (6,205) 1109 (1,14) 1068 (1,18) 926 (0,5) 783 (0,32) 743 (1,14) 869 (3,100) 682 (0,4) cc-pVTZ 2315 (9,78) 2160 (18,67) 2128 (10,132) 1600 (4,143) 1110 (1,14) 1071 (1,19) 929 (0,4) 785 (0,38) 744 (1,13) 871 (2,100) 681 (0,3) 6-311++G** 2313 (9,74) 2166 (23,84) 2132 (0,143) 1602 (6,76) 1110 (2,13) 1069 (0,16) 926 (0,4) 779 (0,33) 749 (1,16) 863 (1,100) 643 (0,5) cc-pVTZ 2314 (10,78) 2168 (22,77) 2135 (1,134) 1609 (5,123) 1110 (1,11) 1072 (0,18) 930 (0,2) 781 (0,33) 750 (0,14) 865 (0,100) 645 (0,6) 2191 786 1124 754 658 318 (7,79) (0,23) (1,4) (1,1) (0,0) (0,6) 2190 788 1122 757 661 320 (7,79) (0,20) (1,3) (1,0) (0,0) (2,9) 2185 804 1114 758 670 305 (0,98) (0,19) (1,5) (1,1) (0,0) (0,4) 2186 804 1113 760 673 308 (0.96) (0,14) (1,6) (1,3) (0,0) (0,7) 2268 2126 1060 1148 951 887 1020 725 705 (3,44) (37,29) (2,14) (0,6) (0,10) (2,18) (1,0) (2,5) (7,5) 2270 2128 1062 1149 954 890 1027 728 707 (3,44) (38,24) (2,14) (1,4) (0,8) (1,19) (1,0) (1,3) (6,2) 2267 2131 1058 1149 939 888 1023 730 705 (3,44) (47,24) (2,11) (0,4) (0,7) (0,16) (1,0) (0,4) (9,2) 2268 2133 1059 1148 943 891 1029 733 706 (3,44) (46,19) (1,9) (0,6) (0,5) (0,16) (1,0) (0,4) (8,2) 9 30 13 2229 2193 1191 848 546 460 109 (22,41) (22,34) (0,9) (6,27) (13,4) (16,5) (0,3) 2230 2192 1195 852 549 464 103 (22,40) (23,31) (0,10) (5,29) (10,8) (13,3) (0,1) 2232 2185 1195 854 571 481 ---- (20,36) (24,3) (1,9) (9,9) (5,3) (24,3) 2233 2186 1198 857 574 483 ---- (20,37) (24,2) (1,9) (8,9) (4,4) (19,6) 28 27 25 29 32 31 14 7 23 24 26 15 21 (1) Villarreal, J. R.; Laane, J.; Bush, S. F.; Harris, W. C., Spectrochem. Acta, 1979, 35A, 331. * Values shown in italic are from condensed-phase experiments. 18