ULTRAHIGH-RESOLUTION SPECTROSCOPY OF DIBENZOFURAN S1←S0 TRANSITION SHUNJI KASAHARA1, Michiru Yamawaki1, and Masaaki Baba2 1) Molecular Photoscience Research Center, Kobe University, Japan 2) Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University, Japan c(z) c c K J b Kc b(z) J Kc a(z) oblate symmetric top A=B>C near prolate asymmetric top A>B~C J a Motivation for the Measurement of Excited States by Doppler-Free / Sub-Doppler High Resolution Spectroscopy Rotational-resolved high-resolution spectrum in UV-VIS region Assignments of rotational transitions Regularity of rotational lines Molecular constants in high accuracy Anomalies of rotational lines Line position (energy shift) Line width (broadening) Zeeman effect (splitting) Molecular structure Dynamical process Ultrahigh-resolution UV spectroscopy in molecular beam Accuracy 0.0001 cm-1 Absolute Wavenumber Measurement System PD Lock-in Amp. I2 cell PD EOM Computer Etalon marker 0.0001 cm-1 Single-mode Laser Nd:YVO4 Laser; Millenia Xs Doubling Cavity; WavetrainSC Ring Dye Laser; CR699-29 UV Laser Molecular Beam UV laser Pulse nozzle (FWHM) 0.0005 cm-1 Magnet Ar gas Liq. N2 Trap Sample Skimmer Vac. pump Vac. pump Slit(1 mm) Computer Filter Photon Counter Frequency Marker (each 30 MHz) PC PD 30MHz Oscillator Etalon PBS EOM EOM PD λ/4 19MHz Oscillator I2 Cell PD PBS PZT Stabilized Error Signal Generator Etalon I2 stabilized YAG laser Error Signal Generator EOM PBS 19MHz Oscillator YAG Laser Laser Ultrahigh-resolution UV spectroscopy in molecular beam Accuracy 0.0001 cm-1 Absolute Wavenumber Measurement System PD Lock-in Amp. I2 cell PD EOM Computer Etalon marker 0.0001 cm-1 Single-mode Laser Nd:YVO4 Laser; Millenia Xs Doubling Cavity; WavetrainSC Ring Dye Laser; CR699-29 UV Laser Molecular Beam UV laser Pulse nozzle (FWHM) 0.0005 cm-1 Magnet Ar gas Liq. N2 Trap Sample Skimmer Vac. pump Vac. pump Slit(1 mm) Computer Filter Photon Counter Doppler-free absorption spectrum of I2 Chopper PBS I2 Cell Laser PBS Photo -diode Photo -diode PBS: Polarization Beam splitter Absolute wavenumber of each I2 hyperfine line can be obtained from “Doppler-free High Resolution Spectral Atlas of Iodine Molecule 15000 to 19000 cm-1” in accuracy of 0.0001 cm-1. Ultrahigh-resolution UV spectroscopy in molecular beam Accuracy 0.0001 cm-1 Absolute Wavenumber Measurement System PD Lock-in Amp. I2 cell PD EOM Computer Etalon marker 0.0001 cm-1 Single-mode Laser Nd:YVO4 Laser; Millenia Xs Doubling Cavity; WavetrainSC Ring Dye Laser; CR699-29 UV Laser Molecular Beam UV laser Pulse nozzle (FWHM) 0.0005 cm-1 Magnet Ar gas Liq. N2 Trap Sample Skimmer Vac. pump Vac. pump Slit(1 mm) Computer Filter Photon Counter Pole peace Pulse nozzle Skimmer Molecular Beam Sample Slit A B Liq. N2 trap Magnet A B PM Laser Liq. N2 trap Pole peace Ultrahigh-resolution spectrum of 000+ 443 cm-1 band Marker etalon (stabilized by I2 stabilized YAG laser) Doppler-free absorption spectrum of I2 Rotational-resolved high-resolution spectrum of Dibenzofuran S1←S0 spectrum of dibenzofuran in a molecular beam (resolution : 0.2 cm-1) dibenzofuran Ultrahigh-resolution spectrum of 000 and 000 + 443 cm-1 band B-type transition A-type transition Electronic excited states of dibenzofuran molecule z(b) O Ψ47 B1 Ψ46 A2 y(a) E (cm-1) 2nd LUMO 1A Ψ45 B1 LUMO Ψ44 A2 HOMO Ψ43 B1 Ψ42 A2 1 2nd HOMO HOMO-LUMO 1B 2 ( S2 ) 41000 Hvibronic 55 (b2 ) 1 1A B-type ΔKa =±1 1 ( S1 ) 0 34087(+443 cm-1) 33644 A-type ΔKa = 0 1A 1 ( S0 ) 0 Ultrahigh-resolution spectrum of 000 and 000 + 443 cm-1 band Ultrahigh-resolution spectrum of 000 band (P lines) Obtained Molecular Constants of S1 and S0 States of dibenzofuran S0 1A1 (v=0) S1 1A1 (v=0) A (cm-1) 0.0759913(10) 0.07527912(81) B 0.02005071(65) 0.01982969(29) C 0.01586638(57) 0.01569587(17) DK (×10-8) 3.67(22) 3.33(19) DJK (×10-8) -3.43(15) -3.328(70) DJ (×10-9) 5.20(27) 5.374(88) δK (×10-7) 3.26(11) 3.106(21) δJ (×10-9) 1.79(13) 2.102(49) κ -0.86091 -0.86124 Ia (×10-46 kg m2) 36.83678 37.18528 Ib 139.60976 141.16584 Ic 176.42807 178.34467 -0.01847 -0.00644 T0 (cm-1) - 33644.347663(66) standard deviation - 0.00059 fitted lines - 4835 lines assigned lines - 5032 lines band type - B type ⊿ = Ic - Ia - Ib Ultrahigh-resolution spectrum of 000 and 000 + 443 cm-1 band Ultrahigh-resolution spectrum of 000 + 443 cm-1 band (Q lines) S1←S0 spectrum of dibenzofuran in a molecular beam (resolution : 0.2 cm-1) dibenzofuran Ultrahigh-resolution spectrum of higher vibrational band 0 -1 0 0 + 857 cm band 34500.0 0 34503.0 cm -1 -1 0 0 + 1150 cm band 34792.0 0 34795.0 cm -1 -1 0 0 + 1321 cm band 34964.0 34967.0 cm -1 Obtained Molecular Constants of S1 and S0 States of dibenzofuran S0 1A1 (v=0) S1 1A1 (v=0) S1 1A1 (b2:v55=1) (000 + 443 cm-1) (00 A (cm-1) 0.0759913(10) 0.07527912(81) 0.07509478(55) 0.07520210(95) 0.0750354(15) 0.0745546(53) B 0.02005071(65) 0.01982969(29) 0.01985611(25) 0.01983592(28) 0.0198581(50) 0.01987367(51) C 0.01586638(57) 0.01569587(17) 0.01571066(20) 0.01570413(15) 0.01570651(27) 0.01571172(26) DK (×10-8) 3.67(22) 3.33(19) 3.24(12) 3.12(20) - 2.81(41) DJK (×10-8) -3.43(15) -3.328(70) -3.099(58) -3.224(71) - -1.099(78) DJ (×10-9) 5.20(27) 5.374(88) 4.826(82) 5.763(61) - 5.83(21) δK (×10-7) 3.26(11) 3.106(21) 2.976(27) 3.474(16) - 2.830(52) δJ (×10-9) 1.79(13) 2.102(49) 1.628(57) 1.964(34) - 2.24(12) κ -0.86091 -0.86124 -0.86039 -0.86111 -0.86005 -0.85854 Ia (×10-46 kg m2) 36.83678 37.18528 37.27656 37.22336 37.30606 37.54664 Ib 139.60976 141.16584 141.97801 141.12150 140.96388 140.85344 Ic 176.42807 178.34467 178.17678 178.25087 178.22386 178.14676 -0.01847 -0.00644 -0.07778 -0.09399 -0.04608 -0.23532 T0 (cm-1) - 33644.347663(66) 34087.498758(52) 34501.877194 (82) 34794.46442(13) 34965.918929(98) standard deviation - 0.00059 0.00034 0.00054 0.00068 0.0010 fitted lines - 4835 lines 2904 lines 2449 lines 135 lines 999 lines assigned lines - 5032 lines 3047 lines 2529 lines 140 lines 1048 lines band type - B type A type A type A type A type ⊿ = Ic - Ia - Ib S 1 1 A1 -1 0 + 857 cm ) (00 S 1 1 A1 -1 0 + 1149 cm ) (00 S1 1A 1 -1 0 + 1321 cm ) Zeeman broadening of 000 band (J, K) dependence of the observed Zeeman splittings -MJ Kc = J (Ka = 0 ) Kc = 0 (Ka = J ) ZS∝Kc2 ZS∝J c Kc Magnetic moment is along to c-axis. (out of plane) J m a ZS MJ Zeeman interaction c(z) c(x) c(y) K J b Kc b(z) J Kc J a a(z) All these molecule, (i) the order of magnitude of Zeeman Splitting is the same. (ii) the J- and K-dependences are the same. ZS ∝ (Kc)2, ZS ∝ J Magnetic moment is along to c-axis. (out of plane) The magnetic moment comes from the orbital angular momentum of electrons, not from the triplet state! Summary Rotationally resolved ultrahigh-resolution spectra of jet-cooled dibenzofuran (DF) for the 000 and several vibronic bands up to 000 + 1335 cm-1 band have been observed. Several thousand lines were assigned and these molecular constants were determined. The S1 state is assigned to be the 1A1 ( *) state. The intensity arises from the vibronic coupling with the S2 1B2 state. The Zeeman broadenings of the rotational lines were also observed, and the J, K-dependence were studied. As a result, the observed Zeeman effects could be explained to be originating from the magnetic moment of the S1 1A1 state induced by mixing with S2 1B2 state by J-L coupling, which suggests that rotationally resolved levels are not mixed with a triplet state largely. Thank you for your attention ! c Calculated spectrum of 000 band J Kc b Ka a ΔJ = -1, 0, 1 A type 0 00 band (a) A type +443 cm-1 band ΔKa = 0, ±2, ・・・ ΔKc = ±1, ±3, ・・・ 33641 33645 cm -1 33643 33645 cm 33643 33645 cm -1 33643 (b) B type B type band ΔKa = ±1,±3, ・・・ ΔKc = ±1, ±3, ・・・33641 -1 (c) C type C type ΔKa = ±1, ±3,・・・ ΔKc = 0, ±2,・・・ 33641 S1←S0 and S2←S0 spectrum of dibenzofuran in a molecular beam (resolution : 0.2 cm-1) S2←S0 S1←S0 Ultrahigh-resolution spectrum of 000 + 443 cm-1 band (P lines) CW single-mode dye laser Doppler-free absorption spectoroscopy of iodine molecule Chopper PBS Doubling cavity I2 Cell Laser PBS Photo -diode Single mode UV laser beam Photo -diode PBS: Polarization Beam splitter