A: Christmas is coming. I think we should buy something... B: It’s a good idea.

A: Christmas is coming. I think we should buy something for our friends.
B: It’s a good idea.
C: What can we buy for them?
A: Maybe we can buy some candies.
B: But I think we could buy something valuable.
C: How about Christmas trees?
A: They may be too big to be gifts.
B: And they could be a little bit expensive to us.
C: I consider that we shall pick up the gifts together tomorrow.
(The next day)
A: I forget to bring money. Could you lend me some money?
B: I don’t have enough cash now. Maybe you can ask C.
C: No problem. I can lend you some, but you must pay me back as soon as possible.
498C0911 李珊葳
499C0047 蔡函均
499C0078 游婷安
499C0107 林思吟