A SURVEY OF GEOCAST ROUTING PROTOCOLS 指導教授:許子衡 教授 學生:翁偉傑 1 IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials • Second Quarter 2007 OUTLINE Abstract Geocast routing protocols Routing with flooding Routing with directed flooding Routing without flooding Simulation Results 2 ABSTRACT (1/2) Geocasting is the delivery of a message to nodes within a geographical region. This paper is to compare the differences of geocast routing protocols and discuss their features. Finally, simulation to compare the differences of geocast routing protocols. 3 ABSTRACT (2/2) Geocast taxonomy 4 GEOCAST ROUTING PROTOCOLS (1/11) The geocast routing protocol would still be the basic mechanism to deliver messages from a sender to a geographic region. 對於大多數的方法,我們都假設每個節點可以透過 GPS知道自己的位置。 5 GEOCAST ROUTING PROTOCOLS (2/11) Routing with Flooding Simple Flooding provided that this packet was not already received before in order to avoid loops and endless flooding. A node delivers a packet if the own location is within the specified destination region 這是很穩定但是沒有效率的方法。 是許多geocast protocols的基礎。 6 GEOCAST ROUTING PROTOCOLS (3/11) Routing with Directed Flooding Location Based Multicast (LBM) 矩形 LBM Scheme 1:When a node receives a geocast packet, it will forward the packet to its neighbors if it is within a forwarding zone; otherwise, it will discard the packet. Forwarding zone 大小: -destination region -sender location 7 GEOCAST ROUTING PROTOCOLS (4/11) Routing with Directed Flooding Location Based Multicast (LBM) 錐形 LBM Scheme 2: Unlike scheme 1, scheme 2 does not have a forwarding zone explicitly. 第二個方式是樹狀法,透過座 標計算出每個節點與目的地中 心的距離,傳送端透過距離比 自己近的節點來傳送封包。 8 GEOCAST ROUTING PROTOCOLS (5/11) Routing with Directed Flooding Voronoi Diagrams A voronoi diagram partitions the network in n voronoi regions. 改進了LBM,考慮到鄰居的位置, 所以可以避免forwarding zone是空 的。目的地不是由單一位置來定義, 而是由一個區域來決定。 9 GEOCAST ROUTING PROTOCOLS (6/11) Routing with Directed Flooding Mesh After a node inside the destination region received the initial packet to join the mesh, a unicast reply is sent back to the sender on the reverse path and flooding is stopped. 目的地的節點接收到初始的封包後會加入mesh,並順著 原本的路徑透過unicast回覆傳送端來停止flooding。 每個中繼節點需要記錄並維持狀態資訊。 10 GEOCAST ROUTING PROTOCOLS (7/11) Routing with Directed Flooding GeoGRID 方法一: GRID的概念就是將網路分割成許 多格。 為了減少flooding的overhead,在 forwarding zone外收到的封包直接 丟棄。 11 GEOCAST ROUTING PROTOCOLS (8/11) Routing with Directed Flooding GeoGRID 方法二: ticket-based Geo-GRID。 每個閘道最多只能傳送給3個鄰居, 會挑選3個離目的地較近的節點傳 送。 12 GEOCAST ROUTING PROTOCOLS (9/11) Routing without Flooding Unicast Routing with Area Delivery(URAD) 它是一個簡單的geocast路由協定,傳送端和目的地之間 使用unicast來傳播。 分為兩個階段: 從傳送端透過unicast傳到目的地內的第一個節點。 在目的地內進行flooding。 Unicast路徑上的每個節點都會檢查自己是不是在目的地 裡,如果是,則停止unicast並開始區域性的flooding。 13 GEOCAST ROUTING PROTOCOLS (10/11) Routing without Flooding GeoNode 定義了3種方法來整合地理位置: -Unicast IP routing to deal with GPS address. -GPS-Multicast -Application-layer solution using extended DNS. 14 GEOCAST ROUTING PROTOCOLS (11/11) Routing without Flooding GeoTora 15 SIMULATION RESULTS (1/3) 模擬和比較的協定有:Simple Flooding、URAD、 矩形的LBM和圓錐形的LBM。 模擬環境 使用NS-2來模擬。 模擬被安裝250m無線傳輸範圍和由100到1000個節點組 成的IEEE 802.1網路。 節點跟著隨機的waypoint模型移動,速率最高50m/s。 16 SIMULATION RESULTS - Simple Flooding 有較大的網路負載,成功率高。 - LBM矩形和LBM錐形有較小的網路負載,成功率低。 (2/3) 17 SIMULATION RESULTS - 網路密度是一個平均每五個鄰居節點,網路區域是隨機節點數。 - LBM方法錐顯示了減少網絡負載。 - 較長的路由路徑,丟失率增加。 (3/3) 18