LESSON DESIGN PLAN Elementary Education Teacher Candidates NAME: GRADE LEVEL: LESSON TITLE: DATE: SUBJECT: SCHOOL: I. CONTEXT FOR LEARNING: (Attention to students’ backgrounds, interests, and needs) Number of students in the class, number of males/females, Ethnicity, English Language Learners (proficiency in English), gifted and talented and Individualized Education Plan or 504 Plans I. CONTEXT FOR LEARNING: II. STANDARDS, EALR’s, GLE’s, PE’s, Power Standards (as appropriate): Cite the grade level and standards using the numbers as well as the text. Use only the relevant parts to help focus your lesson planning. II. STANDARDS: III. LEARNING TARGETS What do you want students to think, know, understand and/or be able to do? Be specific and use concrete student friendly terms: i.e. “ I can” . . . .to clearly align to big ideas and/or essential learnings. I can………… III. LEARNING TARGETS: IV. ACADEMIC LANGUAGE What key vocabulary and/or learning process terms do the students need to be successful in this lesson? IV. ACADEMIC LANGUAGE: Gonzaga University, Secondary Education, Lesson Design Plan – Revised 9/10/12 Supervisor Binder: Tools: 6.4 V. LESSON RATIONALE How does the learning relate to and prepare the learner for real life experiences? V. LESSON RATIONALE: VI. PRIOR KNOWLEDGE What skills do students need in order to participate fully in this lesson? How does the content build on what the students already know and are able to do? What prior academic language is necessary to build understanding? VI. PRIOR KNOWLEDGE: VII. FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT How will you know that the students are learning/working towards the learning target? How will students demonstrate their understanding? What opportunities did you provide for the students to self-assess? VII. FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT: VIII. SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT (IF applicable) What evidence of student learning will you collect? Include work samples and student voice. How does your assessment allow all students to show what they know or have learned? What are your evaluative criteria (or rubric) and how do they measure student proficiency for your leaning targets? VIII. SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT: IX. INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES What instructional strategies will you use to help children meet the learning targets? Will students be grouped, and if so, by what criteria? IX. INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES: Gonzaga University, Secondary Education, Lesson Design Plan – Revised 9/10/12 Supervisor Binder: Tools: 6.4 X. DIFFERENTIATION OF PROCESS, PRODUCT AND/OR CONTENT How will you change the Content, Process and or Product to meet the needs of diverse learners as identified in the Context for Learning:. ELL, above or below grade level, IEP, 504, BD, LD, etc. X. DIFFERENTIATION OF PROCESS, PRODUCT AND/OR CONTENT: XI. CLOSURE How will you bring the students back to the learning target(s) to articulate their learning? XI. CLOSURE: XII. MATERIALS, MANAGEMENT, AND TECHNOLOGY What materials, including technology, will you need in order to teach this lesson? What materials will students need? Are there safety issues that need to be considered (list them) and how will you prepare students for these issues? XII. MATERIALS, MANAGEMENT AND TECHNOLOGY: XIII. LEARNING CONNECTS TO COMMUNITIES WITHIN AND OUTSIDE THE SCHOOL XIII. CONNECTING LEARNING TO COMMUNITIES: Gonzaga University, Secondary Education, Lesson Design Plan – Revised 9/10/12 Supervisor Binder: Tools: 6.4 XIV. Daily Lesson Plan _______________ Name: ____________________ Date: ________ Class: __________________ Please check style of teaching for this lesson: CoTeaching ________ Traditional Teaching ________ Standards: Objective(s): Materials Needed/Organizational Notes: Time What the teacher will be doing: What the students will be doing: Assessment (Evidence of student learning) Opening Lesson Outline Closure Gonzaga University, Secondary Education, Lesson Design Plan – Revised 9/10/12 Supervisor Binder: Tools: 6.4 LESSON DESIGN PLAN REFLECTION Education Teacher Candidates NAME: GRADE LEVEL: LESSON TITLE: DATE: SUBJECT: SCHOOL: Reflection – for each question, address individuals, sub-groups, and the whole group. How do you know if your students met the learning target(s)? How did you involve learners in the learning process? How did you monitor student learning and make appropriate changes during the lesson? Identify, using student evidence, what students were and were not able to do. What would you do differently in the lesson, based on the results from the question above? What specific next steps would you take, based on student achievement results? Gonzaga University, Secondary Education, Lesson Design Plan – Revised 9/10/12 Supervisor Binder: Tools: 6.4