管 第 卷 理 第 期 學 報 民國九十一年 月 1 - 21 以模糊積分建構層級分析法之群體決策 整合模式 An AHP Group Decision Fusion Model by Fuzzy Integral 耿伯文 Victor B. Kreng 國立成功大學資訊管理所副教授 Associate Professor, Graduate School of Information Management National Cheng-Kung University 吳昭儀 Chao-Yi Wu 南台科技大學資訊管理系講師 Lecturer, Department of Information Management Southern Taiwan University of Technology 摘 要:「決策」是企業的重要活動之一,多屬性決策與群體決策是廣泛被使用的決策方法,文獻中已 有相當多的研究提出不同的決策模式。多屬性決策的優點是可以讓決策者從問題的多個維度來考慮, 並考量各決策因素的重要性之下,完整地評估所有方案的優劣。群體決策則是由多位專家來同時進行 決策過程,藉由彼此不同的考量,激盪出最佳的決策結果。本研究提出一以層級分析法與模糊積分為 基礎的決策整合模式。各決策者先利用層級分析法針對問題建構其階層架構,再以成對比較方式表達 個別意見。待彙齊眾人意見後,利用模糊積分進行非線性的意見整合,得到各方案的最後評比值,再 據以挑選最佳方案。文中並將此模式應用在一供應鏈策略的選擇問題上,以驗證模式的可行性。在實 證範例中可證明,本模式不需經由冗長的會議討論,可以在較短的時間達成群體決策。而且非線性的 整合函數也比數學平均法提供了較佳的整合效果,尤其是決策者有極端偏好之情況下。 關鍵詞:決策融合、模糊積分、層級分析法、群體決策 ABSTRACT: Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) is a widely used method in decision science. Group Decision Making (GDM) helps to fuse the judgments of individual decision makers (DMs) through MCDM to reach better decision. This study presents a decision fusion model based on AHP and fuzzy integral to possess both advantages of MCDM and GDM. Each DM uses hierarchical AHP structure to separately obtain the evaluations of alternatives. In addition, the evaluations of DMs can be integrated by fuzzy integral through nonlinear combination. Supply chain management strategy is used to illustrate the proposed model, which demonstrates the feasibility of this model. From the demonstrative example, the group decision process demands shorter time and avoids tedious group meetings. The nonlinear fusion function performs better than average method especially for extreme preference. Keywords: Decision fusion, Fuzzy integral, AHP, Group decision-making 以模糊積分建構層級分析法之群體決策整合模式 2 1. Introduction Decision-making is one of the most crucial activities within an organization. Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) and Group Decision Making (GDM) are the widely used approaches in decision science, which have been proposed and applied by many different models, such as Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Delphi technique. The main advantage of MCDM is to make Decision Makers (DMs) be capable of evaluating the alternatives from a set of various criteria, prioritizing them, and, then, identifying the best. With GDM, decision quality can be significantly improved by group discussion and knowledge sharing. Within the scope of GDM, researchers usually use consensus method and mathematical average method to integrate opinions from various DMs. Consensus method attempts to get a consensus of decision through the intensive discussions among DMs. However, such method still has some drawbacks, which include difficult meeting arrangement for DMs and substantial time spent during discussion. Delphi is one of the methods to resolve the first drawback of consensus method, but it takes even more time to accomplish (Hwang and Lin, 1987). Mathematic average method uses the mathematic average equations, which include arithmetic average, geometric average, and weighted average to integrate various opinions of DMs. Although the above approaches can integrate different sources of DMs within short period of time, they oversimplify the issue of decision fusion. In a GDM problem, the DMs, who provide evidence (opinions) by a MCDM method, can be treated as the information sources. And the fuzzy integral could be used as a tool to fuse the evidence. The fuzzy integral, proposed by Sugeo (1977), provides a nonlinear function to integrate evidence from different information sources. In literature, the fuzzy integral has been used in many applications with different objectives (Chen and Chiou, 1999; Pham and Yan, 1996; Tahani and Keller, 1990) where the fuzzy integral is recognized as a fuzzy expectation, a maximal grade of agreement between two opposite tendencies, a maximal grade of agreement between the objective evidence and the expectation, a maximal degree of belief obtained from the fusion of several objective evidences where the importance of multiple attributes are subject to fuzzy measure (Pham and Yan, 1996), and a maximal degree of agreement reached by evaluating the objectiveness and importance of various information sources (Chen and Chiou, 1999). 管理學報,第 卷,第 期,民國九十一年 月 3 AHP is one of the most popular MCDM methods. Since AHP method was proposed (Saaty, 1980), there have been many discussions and applications in literature, which came to positive conclusions mostly. The hierarchical structure of AHP is a useful mechanism to identify the scope of decision problem, in which pairwise comparisons enable DMs to make precise decision between two alternatives respect to the upper level factors. Therefore, this paper takes AHP as the MCDM method for further discussion in GDM. Accordingly, this study proposes a decision fusion model based on fuzzy integral to synthesize the AHP weights from DMs, where the conceptual structure is shown in figure 1. And this decision fusion model can be applied to other MCDM methods, in which the weights about alternatives are in [0,1]. Under the circumstances that the DMs are rational and objective, the decision fusion can be achieved by fuzzy integral. DM 1 DM 2 . . . DM m AHP method AHP method . . . AHP method Judgment of DM 1 Judgment of DM 2 . . . Judgment of DM m Fuzzy Integral Fusion of judgments Figure 1 Conceptual structure of the decision fusion model 以模糊積分建構層級分析法之群體決策整合模式 4 2. Uncertainty in decision-making In the process of decision-making, DMs usually have to face the issue of uncertainty. Klir and Floger (1988) divided the uncertainties into two parts, which are vagueness and ambiguity. Vagueness is associated with the difficulty of making sharp or precise distinctions of boundaries. On the other hand, ambiguity is associated with one-to-many relations, in which it is hard to choose from two or more alternatives. Within the domain of MCDM, when DMs conduct AHP pairwise comparison to evaluate alternatives and reach the consensus, they normally have to deal with ambiguity and vagueness. With the AHP method, DMs pair-wisely evaluate alternatives with 1-9 scale. Although there has been some criticism concerning the use of a ratio versus interval scale, there is a large body of literature in psychology, which readily accepts the use of a ratio scale in measuring the relative intensity of stimuli. In administrative decision problems, especially strategy planning problems, DMs usually could not have precise numerical data. By interval scale, DMs need not precisely describe the priorities among alternatives and can make the judgment according to their expertise. This provides a solution for dealing with vagueness in MCDM Therefore, this paper focuses on the issue of ambiguity in GDM. Currently, the concept of fuzzy measures provides remedy to deal with the ambiguity issues through mathematical framework. Accordingly, the authors propose an innovative approach to integrate fuzzy measure with decision fusion to overcome the obstacle of ambiguity. 3. Decision fusion by fuzzy integral A fuzzy measure indicates a set of values to each alternative subset of the universal set, which signify the degree of evidence or belief that a particular element belongs in the subset. The concept and computational procedure of the fuzzy measure is briefly described in Appendix A.1. Using the notation of fuzzy measure, Sugeno(1977) defined the concept of the fuzzy integral as a non-linear function over measurable sets. The concept of the fuzzy integral is described in Appendix A.2, and the calculation procedure of the fuzzy integral can be described as the following four steps: 管理學報,第 卷,第 期,民國九十一年 月 5 Step 1: Use equation (A.2) to obtain a unique (-1, ), and 0. Step 2: Rearrange h(x) in as decreasing order. Step 3: Use equation (A.5) and , which is determined in step 1, to calculate g(Ai), i=2,,n, based on the new order obtained in step 2. Step 4: Use equation (A.4) to calculate the fuzzy integral value. i The explications of h(xi) and g are the critical issues while implementing fuzzy integral. Tahani and Keller (1990) applied fuzzy integral in automatic target recognition whose objective is to integrate i the results from different information sources to improve the rate of recognition. They explicate g as the degree of importance of each information source and h(xi) as the objective evidence. Pham and Yan (1996) applied fuzzy integral to enhance handwritten numerical recognition, which integrates i information from various classifiers. Their explications of h(xi) and g are similar to those by Tahani and i Keller, however, the g is obtained from data training. In addition, Chen and Chiou (1999) made an application in financial credit rating. They modeled objective evidence as h(xi) and the degree of i importance from information sources as g . According to the available literature, h(xi) is represented by i the objective evidence and g is represented by the weights of information sources in applying fuzzy integral to information fusion, which is proposed to extend to the process of decision fusion by the author. In this study, the fuzzy integral is utilized to integrate the decisions of DMs during decision fusion, i where h(xi) is interpreted as the maximal degree of agreement among the DMs’ judgments and g as i the associated degree of decision information provided by various DM. The details about h(xi) and g will be discussed as following. 3.1 Explications of h(xi) for decision fusion With respect to decision fusion, each DM can be regarded as an individual information source that uses AHP model to obtain the preferences, wij, about all alternatives. Since the boundary of wij, 0 wij 1, is compatible to the constraint of h(xi), this study, therefore, considers wij as h(xi) to reflect the expertise/judgment of DM. i 3.2 Explications of g for decision fusion i In information fusion, the weights of information sources, g , are difficult to be evaluated since there is no objective standards existed. In addition, the judgments from all of the DMs are normally considered to be equally contributed. Accordingly, it is necessary to develop an appropriate definition 以模糊積分建構層級分析法之群體決策整合模式 6 for the weights of information sources. Reviewing the process of decision fusion under the condition that DMs are all rational and objective, another factor, other than the expertise of DMs, to be considered is the degree of decision i information of each DM. Such degree of decision information, represented as g , can be used as a modified factor in decision fusion. The properties required by degree of decision information are addressed as follows: (1) When the degree of preference among alternatives by a DM is not obvious, which means any alternative can serve as the final decision for this DM without any serious objection, the judgment of such DM has been considered with less contribution. (2) On the other hand, while there is a significant gap of preference among alternatives, which means that this DM deeply believes that one alternative is superior to the others, the opinion of such DM has been valued with more contribution to the final decision. Accordingly, this study proposes a gap index, which possesses the above properties for the degree of decision information, to reflect different contribution during the process of decision fusion and explain that in next section. i 3.3 The index of g Shannon entropy, H, is a very popular concept in information theory, which is defined as follows (Klir and Floger, 1988), n H(p1 , p 2 ,..., p n ) p i log2 p i , (1) i 1 where pi is a probability distribution on a finite set. Shannon entropy represents the degree of uncertainty existing in one set of data. In other words, it can be interpreted as the maximum amount of information contained in data. Since the boundary of H is i [0, log2n], which is not compatible to the boundary of g , the normalized Shannon entropy (Klir and Floger, 1988), Ĥ , is, therefore, introduced to compensate such issue. Ĥ(p1 , p 2 ,..., p n ) H ( p1 , p 2,, p n ) , where 0 Ĥ(p1 , p 2 ,..., p n ) 1. log2 n 管理學報,第 卷,第 期,民國九十一年 月 7 In addition to Shannon entropy, Onicescu (1966) proposed the concept of information energy, E, which is defined as follows, n 2 E(p1 , p 2 , , p n ) p i , where 0 pi 1. (2) i 1 Information energy possesses complementary characteristics to Shannon entropy, in which Bhatia (1997) extends it to a general form as follows: n E(p1 , p2 , , p n ) [ pi /( 1)] i 1 , > 0 and 1, (3) where is the order of information energy. Based on the equation (3), the boundary of information energy is [0,1] while is equal to 2, which i is identical to the boundary of g (it is easy to show that information energy reaches minimum while evaluations are all equal and maximum while one of evaluations is 1 and all the others are 0). However, in the case that is equal to 3, the information energy will fall in [0, 0.5]. And when is larger, the upper bound of information energy will become smaller (the lower bound is still equal to 0). Therefore, when is greater than or equal to three, the information energy will become too small to be an index of g , which will distort the function of g in decision fusion. Accordingly, the order has been set to be i i two in the following discussions. While analyzing the relation among Ĥ , E, and the degree of decision information, four different scenarios are investigated, which include (1) preference among alternatives is equal; (2) evaluation of one alternative is significantly higher than the others; (3) evaluation of one alternative is significantly lower with the others are equal; (4) evaluation of one alternative is significantly lower with another one is much higher. Suppose there are four alternatives in a decision problem, the values of Ĥ and E are calculated in these scenarios respectively from the decision problem of table 1. The observations of this case study are addressed as follows: (1) In Scenario 1, Ĥ has the maximum value and E has the minimum. (2) In Scenario 2, when the preference difference among alternatives is obvious, Ĥ becomes smaller 以模糊積分建構層級分析法之群體決策整合模式 8 and E becomes larger. In the extreme case, when the evaluation of alternative A closes to 1 and others close to 0, which means DM almost 100% insist in selecting alternative A, Ĥ reaches the minimum and E reaches the maximum. (3) In Scenario 3, Ĥ becomes large and E becomes small. (4) In Scenario 4, when the evaluation difference among alternatives is limited, Ĥ becomes smaller and E becomes larger. By comparing the above findings with the properties required by the degree of decision information, it is obvious that information energy can serve as an appropriate index for this study. Since, i the boundary of E fits in the constraint of g , the information energy is, therefore, considered as the index i of g in the decision fusion model of this study. According to equation (2), the degree of decision information for DM j can be described as follows: n n n 2 2 E j p ij w ij h( x ij ) 2 , j = 1, 2, , m. i 1 i 1 (4) i 1 Table 1 Evaluations, Shannon entropy, and information energy of different scenarios Scenarios Evaluations of alternatives by a H Ĥ b E c AHP model 1. Preference among alternatives is equal d 0.25 0.25 0.25 2.000 1.000 0.250 0.9 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.626 0.313 0.813 3. Evaluation of one alternative is significantly 0.05 0.31 0.31 0.32 1.790 0.895 0.297 0.65 0.15 0.15 1.441 0.721 0.470 2. Evaluation of one alternative is significantly 0.25 higher than the others lower with the others are equal 4. Evaluation of one alternative is significantly 0.05 lower with another one is much higher a. H: Shannon entropy b. Ĥ : Normalized Shannon entropy c. E : Information energy d. The values of H, Ĥ , E are the same even though evaluations of alternatives are in different order. 管理學報,第 卷,第 期,民國九十一年 月 9 4. A decision fusion model based on AHP and fuzzy integral The process of decision fusion model based on AHP and fuzzy integral can be summarized as follows: (1) Construct a hierarchical AHP structure for the decision problem. (2) Find individual preference, h(xij), of each DM according to the approach of AHP. (i) Collect the judgments of DMs by the questionnaire of pairwise comparison. (ii) Obtain the individual alternative preference of each DM from the eigenvalue. Suppose there are n DMs and m alternatives, then the preference for the alternative i by DM j is represented as h(xij)=wij, where i=1,2,…,m, j=1,2,…,n. (3) Calculate information energy of each DM. (i) Information energy for DM j, Ej, is calculated by equation (4). j (ii) Using Ej as g to represent the degree of information provided by each DM. (4) Calculate g(Aj) j (i) Within each alternative i, rearrange g in the decreasing order of h(xij). (ii) Use equation (A.2) to find . (iii) Calculate g(Aj) by equation (A.5). (5) Fuse all decisions from DMs by fuzzy integral By equation (A.4), the various preferences from DMs can be integrated into a single preference of alternatives. (6) Make decision. Choose the alternative with the highest value as the best decision. 5. An illustrative example In this section, the authors will use the following example to illustrate the feasibility and flexibility of the proposed decision fusion model and, then, discuss the results of such example under different scenarios. 以模糊積分建構層級分析法之群體決策整合模式 10 5.1 Scope of the example The problem of identifying a Supply Chain Management (SCM) strategy is used here to illustrate this model. To integrate and perform both logistics and manufacturing activities effectively is the main objective of SCM. According to Pagh and Cooper (1998), postponement and speculation strategies offer opportunities to achieve a timely and cost-effective delivery by rearranging the conventional production and logistics structures. In addition, they identify four strategies, which are full speculation strategy, manufacturing postponement strategy, logistics postponement strategy, and full postponement strategy, and designed Profile Analysis to help selecting the most appropriate SCM strategy. In this study, the framework of SCM strategy selection is based on the study of Pagh and Cooper. Four domain experts (DMs) are selected to choose the most appropriate strategy for a designated corporation. The details of decision process about this example are described as follows. Step 1: Analyze the decision problem and construct the hierarchical AHP structure, which is shown in figure 2. Best strategy of SCM Market Product Manufacturing Cooperation 因素 Demand uncertainty Logistic capability Product Life-cycle type stage Full Speculation Strategy Manufacturing Postponement Strategy Production Modulization technology Logistics Postponement Strategy Information sharing Power Full Postponement Strategy Figure 2 The hierarchical structure for decision of SCM strategy 管理學報,第 卷,第 期,民國九十一年 月 11 Table 2 The evaluations of alternatives for all DMs in the decision of Supply Chain Management strategy Full Speculation Manufacturing Logistics Full Postponement Postponement Postponement Strategy Strategy Strategy Strategy E DM 1 0.511 0.261 0.181 0.046 0.3641 DM 2 0.603 0.187 0.163 0.047 0.4274 DM 3 0.344 0.269 0.239 0.147 0.2694 DM 4 0.477 0.229 0.185 0.109 0.3261 Step 2: Establish the questionnaire in the form of pairwise comparison. Gather all questionnaires and, then, separately calculate the preference according to AHP, which are listed in table 2. j Step 3: Calculate the information energy, Ej, of each DM, which is used as g in the proposed model. The results are listed in the last column of table 2. Step 4: According to equation (A.2), the can be obtained as –0.6255. Then, rearrange g in j descending order of h(xij) and calculate g(Aj) from equation (A.5), which are listed in the fourth and fifth columns of table 3 respectively. Step 5: Use equation (A.4) of fuzzy integral to integrate the judgments of DMs and obtain a set of final evaluations of alternatives, which are listed in the sixth column of table 3. Step 6: Select the alternative with the highest value (0.5110), strategy I, as the best decision. 5.2 Discussions In order to illustrate the flexibility of the decision fusion model, the authors discuss the following different scenarios during group decision making. Other than the four scenarios mentioned above, another case, a total conflict situation, is added here as scenario 5 in table 4. In scenario 1 to 4, the evaluations of DM 2 are substituted with the data in table 1. In scenario 5, the four evaluations at the last row of table 1 are reassigned in totally different sequence for four DMs to represent the total conflict situation. The results of decision fusion for the five scenarios are listed in table 5 and discussed as follows. 以模糊積分建構層級分析法之群體決策整合模式 12 Table 3 The process of the decision fusion in the decision of Supply Chain Management strategy i Alt. DM 1 2 3 4 g i (sort on g ) g(Ai) h(xi) 2 0.4274 0.4274 0.6030 1 0.3641 0.6941 0.5110 4 0.3261 0.8786 0.4770 3 0.2694 1.0000 0.3440 3 0.2694 0.2694 0.2690 1 0.3641 0.5722 0.2610 4 0.3261 0.7816 0.2290 2 0.4274 1.0000 0.1870 3 0.2694 0.2694 0.2390 4 0.3261 0.5406 0.1850 1 0.3641 0.7816 0.1810 2 0.4274 1.0000 0.1630 3 0.2694 0.2694 0.1470 4 0.3261 0.5406 0.1090 2 0.4274 0.8234 0.0470 1 0.3641 1.0000 0.0460 e Decision 0.5110 0.5110 0.2690 0.2390 0.1470 Table 4 The evaluations of alternatives from DM 2 in the different scenarios Alt. 1 Alt. 2 Alt. 3 Alt. 4 0.603 0.187 0.163 0.047 a 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 b 0.9 0.03 0.03 0.04 c 0.05 0.31 0.31 0.32 d 0.05 0.65 0.15 0.15 e 0.7 0.19 0.08 0.03 Original Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 3 Scenario 4 Scenario 5 管理學報,第 卷,第 期,民國九十一年 月 13 (1) In scenario 1, information energy reaches its minimum value of 0.25. Actually, when there are four alternatives, the value of E will always be above 0.25. With the number of alternatives increases, the lower bound of E will decrease, which is shown in figure 3. In this case, the evaluations of the DM can rarely influence the final decision. Such phenomenon meets the requirement that if one DM doesn’t show clear preference among alternatives, his/her judgment has been treated with less decision information and will be nearly ignored. (2) In scenario 2, if other DMs do not show obvious preference about other alternatives, then, the judgment of DM 2 will dominate the decision fusion. This is because the larger difference among evaluations of a DM represents more confidence of such DM in distinguishing fitness of alternatives. Therefore, when other DMs are not capable of making discriminations, the decision of DM 2 will dominate the decision fusion process. Another finding reached by this scenario is that the highest evaluation, 0.9, is modified by the information energy, 0.8130. This is a crucial feature reached by the proposed model, which means this model is capable of decreasing the influence of extreme preference. Information Energy 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 1 5 9 13 17 21 25 29 33 37 41 45 49 Amount of Alternatives Figure 3 Values of Information energy with respect to various amount of alternatives 以模糊積分建構層級分析法之群體決策整合模式 14 (3) In scenario 3, the process of decision fusion is similar to scenario 1. However, since the information energy is larger than the minimum, the judgment of DM 2 can influence the final decision more than others. (4) In scenario 4, the process of decision fusion is similar to scenario 2. And actually scenario 2 can be thought as an extreme situation of this scenario. The highest evaluation in this scenario is 0.65, which is evaluation of alternative 2 by DM 2. However, while checking the results of decision fusion in table 4, the final choice is alternative 1, not alternative 2. This is because the judgment of DM 2 is modified by the information energy, 0.47. (5) In scenario 5, when the judgments of all DMs are totally conflict, the fusion values of alternatives are all equal. Accordingly, there is no conclusion reached and required further negotiation. Table 5 Results of decision fusion in various scenarios Alt. 1 Alt. 2 Alt. 3 Alt. 4 Decision a 0.477 0.269 0.250 0.250 Alt. 1 b 0.813 0.269 0.239 0.147 Alt. 1 c 0.477 0.297 0.297 0.297 Alt. 1 d 0.477 0.470 0.239 0.150 Alt. 1 e 0.533 0.533 0.533 0.533 ? Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 3 Scenario 4 Scenario 5 a. Preference among alternatives is equal. b. Evaluation of one alternative is significantly higher than the others. c. Evaluation of one alternative is significantly lower with the others are equal. d. Evaluation of one alternative is significantly lower with another one is much higher. e. Total conflict situation. 6. Conclusions How to integrate judgments from numerous DMs is one of the most important issues in GDM. In this study, a systematic methodology for decision fusion using AHP and fuzzy integral is proposed. DMs use AHP model to construct a hierarchical structure of decision problem and, then, evaluate 管理學報,第 卷,第 期,民國九十一年 月 15 alternatives by pairwise comparison. After the evaluations are completed, the judgments of DMs are integrated by fuzzy integral to obtain a set of final fusion among alternatives. The final decision is, then, achieved based on the one with highest value of decision fusion. This proposed decision fusion approach possesses the following features, which overcome the obstacles of current methods in GDM. (1) Compared with other consensus methods, the model proposed here has the following advantages: (a) DMs evaluate alternatives separately, which is not necessary to round up all DMs for meetings; (b) DMs use AHP to conduct evaluation and, then, fuzzy integral to integrate judgments, which demands shorter process time and avoids tedious discussion. (2) Compared with average method, the proposed model based on fuzzy integral provides a nonlinear function to fuse judgments from various DMs instead of using simplified mathematic average equation. (3) The decision fusion model is able to modify extreme preference by information energy to reduce the unnecessary dominance from single DM. (4) Finally, the decision fusion model proposed here could be easily extended to other MCDM models, which offer the similar evaluations with AHP. 7. Reference 1. Bhatia, P.K. (1997), “On measures of information energy,” Information Science, 97(3-4), pp.233-240. 2. Chen, L.H. and Chiou, T.W. 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Appendix A A.1 A brief introduction of the fuzzy measure Definition 1: Given a universal set X and a nonempty family of subsets of X, a fuzzy measure on (X, ) is a function g : [0,1], that satisfies the following requirements: (Klir and Yuan, 1995) (1) g()=0 and g(X)=1 (boundary requirements); (2) for all A, B , if AB, then g(A)g(B) (Monotonicity); (3) for any increasing sequence A1A2… in ¸if i i 1 , then i 1 lim g ( Ai ) g ( Ai ) Ai (continuity from below) (4) for any decreasing sequence A1A2… in ¸if Ai i 1 , then 管理學報,第 卷,第 期,民國九十一年 月 17 lim g ( A i ) g ( A i ) (continuity from above) i i 1 Based on the above characteristics of fuzzy measure, the union from two disjoint subsets cannot be directly obtained from the component measures. In light of this, Sugeno (1977) introduced the so-called “g-fuzzy measures” to augment the following property: for all A, B X and AB=, g(AB) = g(A) + g(B) + g(A)g(B), for some >-1. By such property, the following equation can be deduced. n +1 = (1 g i ) . (A.1) (A.2) i 1 If all the g are known, the can, then, be calculated by equation (A.2). i A.2 A brief introduction of the fuzzy integral Definition 2: Let (X,) be a measurable space and h: X[0,1] be a measurable function. The fuzzy integral over AX of the function h with respect to a fuzzy measure g is defined by h( x ), g( A E))] A h( x ) g() sup[min( min XE E X sup [min( , g( A F ))] , (A.3) [ 0,1] where F={x: h(x) }. The calculation of the fuzzy integral, when X is a finite set, can be obtained in the following (Sugeo, 1977). Let X={x1,x2, … , xn} be a finite set and h: X [0,1] be a function. Suppose h(x1) h(x2) … h(xn), a fuzzy integral, e, with respect to a fuzzy measure g over 以模糊積分建構層級分析法之群體決策整合模式 18 X is addressed as follows: n e = max [min( h( x i ), g( Ai ))] , where Ai={x1,x2, … , xi}. (A.4) i1 The values of g(Ai) can be recursively determined as g(A1) = g({x1})=g1, g(Ai) = gi+ g(Ai-1)+gig(Ai-1) for 1 < i n. (A.5)