CERTIFICATION OF BLACKBOARD PROFICIENCY By my signature below, I certify that I am sufficiently familiar with Blackboard to be able to deliver my school courses using Blackboard in a way that will provide a meaningful and valuable academic experience to students, in the event that a public health or other emergency requires that the school facility be closed or inaccessible for a significant period of time. I certify that I am proficient in the following Blackboard functions: REQUIRED PROFICIENCIES OTHER PROFICIENCIES ON BLACKBOARD Setting availability of course _____ Creating tests and quizzes Posting Syllabus or other course materials _____ Posting grades for individual assignments Posting announcements Sending emails to individuals or groups _____ Downloading grades to excel spreadsheets _____ ability to copy existing tests and quizzes to apply to another class Creating a forum Digital drop box for assignments _________________ __________________________ _______________________ (Date) (Print Name) (Signature)