Workbook Assignments Chapter Pages Due Date


4 th Quarter Science Upcoming Assignments and Due Dates for Ms. Schimel’sClasses

Workbook Assignments


Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 17

Chapter 18


Pages 384-393

Pages 416-424 EVEN

Pages 551-557 ODD and

Pages 571-575 ODD

Pages 580-586 EVEN and

593-595 ALL

Pages 610- 622 ALL

Due Date

Monday, April 22 nd

Tuesday, April 30 th

Monday, May 6 th

Monday, May 13 th

Chapter 19

Extra Credit: Due May 15 th

Monday, May 20 th .

Workbook Chapter 19, pages 647 and 657 AND/OR practice assessment, pages 679-688. Workbook

Chapter 19 is worth 2 points per page completed. For the practice assessment, 2 points for every correct answer will be awarded.

Test Schedule



Atmosphere, Weather, and

Climate ( paper test)

Chapter 17 and 18 Quest

Chapter 17-19 Test

Final Exam Part I

Final Exam Part II

Due Date

Thursday, April 30 th and Friday

May 1 st .

Friday, May 10 th

Monday, May 20 th and Tuesday,

May 21 st .

Thursday, May 30 th and Friday,

May 31 st .

Exam Schedule (last three days of school).


Air mass aquifer atmosphere atom atomic number base bias

Big Bang Theory blizzard caldera


Cenozoic Era chlorofluorocarbons


Cinder cone climate coal comet

Compaction composite volcano condensation

Conduction conservation constant

Student Study Guide: Earth Space Science Final Exam

Vocabulary Word acid adaptation


substance with a PH less than 7.0 any structural or behavioral change that helps an organism survive in its particular environment

Large area of air that has a uniform temperature, humidity, and pressure layer of permeable rock that allow water to flow through

Earth's air, which is made up of a thin layer of gases, solids, and liquids; forms a protective layer around the planet and is divided into five distinct layers tiny building block of matter, made up of protons, neutrons, and electrons the number of protons in an atom a substance with a pH above 7 personal opinion states that 13.7 billion years ago, the universe began with a huge fiery explosion winter storm that lasts at least three hours with temperatures of -12 degrees

C or below, poor visibility, and winds of at least 50 km/h. large, circular shaped opening formed when the top of a volcano collapses

Idea that conditions or creatures on Earth change in quick, violent events.

Era of recent life that began about 66 million years ago and continues today; includes the first appearance of Homo Sapiens about 400,000 years ago. group of chemical compounds used in refrigerators, air conditioners, foam packaging, and aerosol sprays that may enter the atmosphere and destroy ozone.

Small, steep sided volcano that erupts gas rich basaltic lava. average weather pattern in an area over a long period of time; can be classified by temperature, precipitation, and vegetation sedimentary rock formed from decayed plant material; the world's most abundant fossil fuel space object made from dust and rock particles mixed with frozen water, methane, and ammonia that forms a bright coma as it approaches the Sun.

A process in which the weight from the layers of sediment forces out fluids and decreases the spaces between sediment grains. volcano built by alternating explosive and quiet eruptions that produce layers of tephra and lava; found mostly where Earth's plates come together and one plate sinks below the other. process by which water vapor changes to a liquid

Transfer of thermal energy due to collision of particles. careful use of resources to reduce damage to the environment through such methods as composting and recycling materials. variable that does not change in an experiment.

3 continental drift control convection


Coriolis Effect crest

Crust crystal cyanobacteria deforestation density dependent variable

Wegener's hypothesis that all continents were once connected in a single large landmass that broke apart about 200 million years ago and drifted slowly to their current positions. standard for comparison in an experiment. transfer of heat by flow of material

Deposition Laying down or settling of eroded material.

Divergent plate boundary Boundary between 2 plates that move away from each other.

Drought Period of below average precipitation

Dune earthquake

Earth science electron element

El Niño eon

The dense metallic center of the earth. causes moving air and water to turn left in the southern hemisphere and turn right in the northern hemisphere due to Earth's rotation highest point of a wave

The brittle, rocky outer layer of the earth. solid in which the atoms are arranged in an orderly, repeating pattern chlorophyll containing, photosynthetic bacteria thought to be one of Earth's earliest life forms. destruction and cutting down of forests- often to clear land for mining, roads, and grazing of cattle-resulting in increased carbon dioxide levels. mass/volume factor being measured in an experiment

Pile of windblown sand vibrations produced when rocks break along a fault. study of Earth and space, including rocks, fossils, climate, volcanoes, land use, ocean water, earthquakes, and objects in space. particle with a negative charge substance that is made of only one type of atom climatic event that begins in the tropical Pacific Ocean, may begin when trade winds weaken or reverse, and can disrupt normal temperatures and precipitation patterns around the world longest subdivision in the geologic time scale that is based upon the abundance of certain types of fossils and is subdivided into eras, periods, and epochs. epicenter erosion ethics

Equinox fault focus fog fossils point on Earth's surface directly above an earthquake's focus. process in which surface materials are worn away and transported from one place to another by agents such as gravity, water, wind, and glaciers. study of moral values

When Earth’s rotation is tilted neither toward nor away from the sun. surface along which rocks move when they pass their elastic limit and break in an earthquake, the point below Earth's surface where energy is released in the form of seismic waves a stratus cloud that forms when air is cooled to its dew point near the ground remains, imprints, or traces of prehistoric organisms that can tell when and

Fracture front

Galaxy gem

Glacier global warming greenhouse effect

Gyre half life


4 where organisms once lived and how they lived.

Breaking of a mineral along rough or irregular surface. boundary between two air masses with different temperatures, density, and moisture; can be cold, warm, occluded, and stationary.

Huge collection of stars, gas, and dust. beautiful, rare, highly prized mineral that can be worn in jewelry.

Large mass of ice, formed by snow accumulation on land that moves slowly across Earth’s surface. increase in the average global temperature of Earth. natural heating that occurs when certain gases in Earth's atmosphere, such as methane, carbon dioxide, and water vapor, trap heat.

Large circular system of air current. time it takes for half the atom of an isotope to decay

The resistance of a mineral being scratched. heterogeneous mixture homogeneous mixture

Hot spot

Humidity hurricane

Hydrosphere hypothesis ice wedging igneous rock

International Systems of

Units (SI) ion isotopes jet streams land breeze lava

Luminosity luster magma magnitude a mixture which is not mixed evenly and each component retains its own properties. a mixture which is evenly mixed throughout

Location where volcanoes from far from plate tectonics. amount of water vapor held in the air large, severe storm that forms over tropical oceans, has winds of at least 120 km/h, and loses power when it reaches land

System containing all of Earth’s water. an educated guess mechanical weathering process that occurs when water freezes in the cracks of rocks and expands, causing the rock to break apart rock formed when magma or lava cools and hardens

The internationally accepted system of measurement. electrically charged atom whose charge results from an atom gaining or losing electrons atoms of the same element that have different number of neutrons narrow belt of strong winds that blows near the top of the troposphere movement of air from land to sea at night, created when cooler, denser air from the land forces up warmer air over the sea molten rock that flows from the volcanoes onto Earth's surface

True brightness of an object describes the way a mineral reflects light from its surface, can be metallic or nonmetallic hot, melted rock material beneath Earth's surface measure of energy released in an earthquake

5 matter mechanical weathering metamorphic rock meteorologist anything that has mass and takes up space physical process that break rock apart without changing its chemical makeup; can be caused by ice wedging, animals, and plant roots. forms when heat, pressure, or fluids act on igneous, sedimentary, or other metamorphic rock to change its form or composition, or both. studies weather and uses information from Doppler radar, weather satellites, computers, and other instruments to make weather maps and provides forecasts. mid-ocean ridge mineral molecule natural selection ozone layer area where new ocean floor is formed when lava erupts through cracks in

Earth's surface. naturally occurring inorganic solid that has a definite chemical composition and an orderly internal atomic structure. group of atoms connected by covalent bonds processes by which organism that are suited to a particular environment are better able to survive and reproduce than organisms that are not.

Lowest tidal range that occurs when Earth, the moon, and the Sun form a Neap tide neutron

Nonpoint source pollution Pollution from several widespread sources that cannot be traced back to a single location. orbit ore right angle. particle without an electrical charge curved path followed by a satellite as it revolves around an object deposit in which a mineral exists in large enough amounts to be mined at a profit oxidation chemical weathering process that occurs when some minerals are exposed to oxygen and water over time. layer of the stratosphere with a high concentration of ozone; absorbs most of the Sun's harmful ultraviolet radiation


Parent material

Permeable pH scale

Plate tectonics polar zones proton large ancient landmass that was composed of all the continents joined together

Starting material of soil consisting of rock or sediment that is subject to weather. describe soil and rock with connecting pores through which water can flow scale used to determine how acidic or basic something is

Theory that Earth’s surface is broken into large, rigid pieces that move with respect to each other. climate zones that receive solar radiation at a low angle, extend from 66 degrees N and S latitude to the poles, and are never warm precipitation prime meridian water falling from clouds-including rain, snow, sleet, and hail-whose form is determined by air temperature imaginary line that represents O degrees latitude and runs from the north pole through Greenwich, England, to the south pole principle of superposition states that in undisturbed rock layers, the oldest rocks are on the bottom, and the rocks become progressively younger toward the top particle that has a positive charge

radiation radioactive decay relative age revolution rock rock cycle rotation science scientific law scientific method sea breeze seafloor spreading season secondary wave sediments

Seismograph silicate soil

Solstice solution space station station model streak strike slip fault

6 energy transferred by waves or rays process in which some isotopes break down into other isotopes and particles the age of something compared with other things

Earth's year long elliptical orbit around the Sun mixture of one or more minerals, rock fragments, volcanic glass, organic matter, or other natural materials; can be igneous, metamorphic, or sedimentary model that describes how rocks slowly change from one form to another through time spinning of Earth on its imaginary axis, which takes 24 hours to complete and causes day and night to occur process of looking at and studying things in the world in order to gain knowledge rule that describes the behavior of something in nature; usually describes what will happen in a situation but not why it happens problem solving procedures that can include identifying the problem or question, gathering information, developing a hypothesis, testing the hypothesis, analyzing the results, and drawing conclusions movement of air from sea to land during the day when cooler air from above the water moves over the land, forcing the heated, less dense air above the land to rise

Hess' theory that new seafloor is formed when magma is forced upward short period of climate change in an area caused by the tilt of Earth's axis as

Earth revolves around the Sun. seismic wave that moves rock particles at right angles to the direction of the wave loose materials, such as rock fragments, mineral grains, and the remains of once living plants and animals, that have moved by wind, water, ice, and gravity. instrument used to register earthquake waves and record the time each arrived describes a mineral that contains silicon and oxygen and usually one or more other elements. mixture of weathered rock and mineral fragments, decayed organic matter,

When Earth’s rotation axis is tilted directly toward or away from the sun. a homogeneous, molecular mixture of two or more substances. large facility with living quarters, work and exercise areas, and equipment and supported systems for humans to live and work in space while conducting research specific location, using a combination of symbols on a map color of a mineral when it is in powdered from break in rock cause by shear forces where rocks move past each other without much vertical movement


Superposition technology temperate zones terracing

Trade winds trilobite tropics troposphere tsunami ultraviolet radiation

Uniformitarianism unconformity upwelling variables vent volcano

Water cycle wave weather weathering


Principle that in undisturbed rock layers, the oldest rock layers are on the bottom. use of scientific discovery for practical purposes, making people's lives easier and better.

Climate zones with moderate temperatures that are located between the tropics and the polar zones.

Farming methods used to reduce erosion on steep mountains

Steady wind that flows from east to west between 30 degrees N and 30 degrees S latitude. organism with a three lobed exoskeleton that was abundant in Paleozoic oceans and is considered to be an index fossil climate zone that receives the most solar radiation, is located between latitudes 23 degrees North and 23 degrees South, and is always hot, except at high elevations layer of Earth's atmosphere that is closest to the ground, contains 99% of the water vapor and 75% of the atmospheric gases, and is where clouds and weather occurs seismic waves that begins over an earthquake focus and can be highly destructive when it crashes on shore a type of energy that comes to Earth from the Sun, can damage skin and cause cancer, is mostly absorbed by the ozone layer

Principle stating that geological processes that occur today are similar to those that occurred in the past. gap in the rock layer that is due to erosion or periods without any deposition vertical circulation in the ocean that brings deep, cold water to the ocean's surface different factors that can be changed in an experiment opening where magma is forced up and flows out onto Earth's surface opening in Earth's surface that erupts sulfurous gases, ash, and lava; can form at Earth's plate boundaries, where plates move apart or together, and at hot spots

Series of natural processes by which water continually moves water throughout the hydrosphere. rhythmic movement that carries energy through matter or space; can be described by its crest, trough, wavelength, and wave height state of the atmosphere at a specific time and place; determined by factors including air pressure, amount of moisture in the air, temperature, wind, and precipitation mechanical or chemical surface processes that break rock into smaller and smaller pieces

Movement of air from areas of high pressure to areas of low pressure.

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