; 1. Uncheck "Fixed Height Above Surface"

1. Uncheck "Fixed Height Above Surface"
In the horizontal plane, the "z" value will be the same as the
camera automatically (unless you override the value). However,
we are also going to be taking pictures of the UP (and possibly
DOWN) directions relative to the camera position so we don't want
the target fixed.
2. Set cloud/sunlight parameters
3. To the left side of the Rendering Control window there is a
scroll bar next to the word "Detail". Set Detail to Maximum (far
right). Also, click on the SETTINGS button to view the RENDER
SETTINGS window. In the QUALITY section, scroll "Atmosphere" and
"Cloud shading" to high accuracy. In the OPTIONS section uncheck
the "Render Lanscape" option.
4. Below the SETTINGS button is a section to control the IMAGE SIZE.
Set the Image Size width and height to the maximum 512x512 pixels
for the best results. If you want to go lower in size, the images
must be square and in powers of two (i.e., 128x128, 256x256). You
will of course have less detail as well by going lower in size.
5. Make sure the folder listed in the function below exists
initanim "C:\C4\Import\tga\skybox\skyRender", 1
InitAnim BaseImageFileName,StartFrameNumber
The InitAnim command tells Terragen that an animation is to be
rendered, and initialises the appropriate variables. It is
necessary to have this command before any calls to FRend.
We don't want clouds moving for skybox renderings, but I've put
the comments below for information--CloudVel is used to automatically scroll the clouds across the
sky. It will position the clouds correctly for each frame, no
matter what frame number the script starts at. CloudPos tells
Terragen where the clouds would be if it were rendering frame 0.
CloudPos x,y
;the cloud position at frame 0
CloudVel speed, heading
;cloud scroll speed per frame
(for entire animation)
(set zoom or exposure to a negative value to ignore)
The x,y,z units are in Terragen terrain units; they could also be
entered as meters
; The FOV (field-of-view) formula in Terragen is 2 * tan-1( 1 / zoom ).
; If zoom = 1, then the FOV is 90
; Exp
; ShadowLight
lightness (must be in the range 0 to 100)
; WaterLevel
; SunDir
; FRend ;(frame render, only works after using InitAnim)
; Terragen sun headings are calculated from north (0 degrees). If the
; angle is from the east they are positive angles down the right side
; to south (+180 degrees); if the sun is bearing from the west, the
; angles are negative from north (0) to south (-180).
;This should give us a mid-morning sun
sundir 120,50
;_rt 1 PosX --->rotate east
Zoom 1.0
CamPos 128 128 0
TarPos 256 128 0
CamH 90
CamP 0
CamB 0
;_lf 2 NegX --->rotate west
Zoom 1.0
CamPos 128 128 0
TarPos 0 128 0
CamH -90
CamP 0
CamB 0
;_ft 3 PosY --->rotate north
Zoom 1.0
CamPos 128 128 0
TarPos 128 256 0
CamH 0
CamP 0
CamB 0
;_bk 4 NegY --->rotate south
Zoom 1.0
CamPos 128 128 0
TarPos 128 0 0
CamH 180
CamP 0
CamB 0
;_up 5 PosZ --->rotate to south and pitch up
Zoom 1.0
CamPos 128 128 0
TarPos 128 128 128
CamH 180
CamP 90
CamB 0
;_dn 6 NegZ --->rotate to north and pitch down
Zoom 1.0
CamPos 128 128 0
TarPos 128 128 -128
CamH 0
CamP -90
CamB 0
; Post-processing
; 1. Convert to tga format and move to Import/tga folder (if different
Terragen export folder)
; 2. Import into C4 (setting S and T clamped; no mipmap) in sequence; the
will name the images in the same sequence as C4 (1-6)