Publishing – or How to get Out of Grad School Henning Schulzrinne Dept. of Computer Science Columbia University (updated Feb. 22, 2005) Why publish? To go to exotic hotels To impress your mother with your name in print To graduate To get a job external review your advisor thinks all his students are above average To satisfy research contract requirements How many papers do I need to graduate? 1 Science paper or … 2 Sigcomm papers or … ~5 “real” publications Publications Different kinds of publications Think like a reviewer Finding the right conference Advertising your work Paper types What if my paper is rejected? Publication types Technical reports, including arXiv Workshops Conferences Magazines (“Archival”) Journals Internet Drafts and RFCs Finding out about conferences CFP = call for papers Finding out about conferences TCCC announcement list (subscribe!) Wenyu Jiang’s conference list Technical Reports CS, IBM and BL TR avoids being “scooped” present additional details (simulation results, proofs, implementation details) Can be used to advertise on mailing lists – read more often than some conference papers Workshops Two kinds: Smaller, more focused than conferences invited (Dagstuhl) topic-focused (“Internet Measurements”, NANOG) May not have formal proceedings, just copies of slides Often, only once or twice, but some for years (ComSoc) Selectivity varies – from 100% to 10% Some events are called workshop, but are really conferences (NOSSDAV, IWQoS) Conferences Hundreds a year Traditional: ICC, Globecom Semi-traditional: Infocom, SIGCOMM, ICNP, Sigmetrics, Usenix, SOSP, … Newer: WWW, NOSSDAV, IWQoS, SAINT, Mobicom, Mobihoc, … Submission size: 5-12 pages Conferences Some have short submissions (“extended abstract”) and longer accepted papers Some are effectively the same length (Infocom) Few have long submissions and shorter final papers Conference reviews Either technical program committee (TPC) or TPC + external reviewers Reviews blind (most IEEE conferences): author doesn’t know reviewer, but reviewer knows author identity double-blind (ACM): only the chair knows the author identities Finding the right conference Appropriate conference layer/topic area style (analysis, system) selectivity location (Australia vs. NY) Traveling to conferences Many larger conferences have student travel grants often for authors sometimes for non-authors (SIGCOMM) Magazines Examples: IEEE IEEE IEEE IEEE Network Magazine Communications Magazine Wireless Communications Multimedia Magazine Large circulation topics of broad interest Written for non-specialist (30,000 readers!) Originality not always most important Journals Every PhD thesis should result in at least one journal publication Archival – most libraries have them and keep them forever Long review cycle Selectivity varies greatly – can be less selective than some conferences Often, given second chance – “resubmit with major changes” Journals Issued principally by Societies ACM IEEE Commercial publishers Springer Verlag Kluwer North Holland Journals Examples IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking Journal on Selected Areas in Communications Computer Communications Review (CCR) ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications Computer Networks Journal of High Speed Networks Journal of Communications and Networks … RFCs – Internet Standards Documents RFCs are not papers (and vice versa) Can take a while, particularly for standards-track documents Start with submitting Internet Drafts – but most Internet drafts never make it to RFC Specification vs. description RFCs Precision vs. novelty and performance “How does it work” vs. “how is this better than existing work” Good way to get impact Good for industrial job interviews Ways to advertise your work Technical reports Put link and abstract on web page (search engines!) Relevant mailing lists (e.g., end2end) Send pointer to authors of work that is closely related arXiv for tech reports Finding related work netbib citeseer Google web pages of well-known network research groups Digital Library, IEEEXplore Types of papers - content Measurement measure performance of real systems test bed or real Internet careful statistics – how representative is your data? Analysis of existing algorithm TCP, FDDI, DQDB, RED, … - not some obscure protocol simulation or analysis bad protocols are good news for authors… Types of papers, cont’d. System description implement interesting system describe it in sufficient detail what’s new and interesting? prototype, not industrial product New algorithm or protocol switching, routing, scheduling, … performance evaluation highest risk/reward don’t describe bit fields Think like a reviewer Reviewers are volunteers Reviewers are not English editors Abstract and title have to ensure proper routing of paper (theory vs. systems) corollary: “if you can’t use a spell checker, why should I trust your graphs and equations?” don’t overpromise: “solve QoS problem” vs. “add tweak to DiffServ to better serve soccer videos” Reviewers get mad if their work is not cited Clearly state what your contribution is (and state other things in future work) Think like a reviewer, cont’d. Clear motivation – important for non-specialist reviewers Sufficient detail to evaluate, but not “used gcc 1.2.3 on a SPARC Ultra 10 called snoopy to simulate” Avoid generic motivations corollary: papers are not suspense novels – need to be able to see scope, motivation and results on first page Very carefully distinguish from prior work “The rapid advances in foo” cliché! Repeat main results in introduction and summary “is the problem important?” including your own prior work! Avoid overloading one paper (hard!) paper should tell a story, not be a research catalogue or brain dump Paper submission Technical report (and RFCs) do no harm Basic rule: cannot submit same material to two venues simultaneously (including conference and journal) Don’t explore LPU Conference paper = refined(workshop paper + detail) Journal paper = refined( conference papers) What if a paper is rejected? Don’t jump off the GWB - it happens to everyone If not, you’re not submitting to the right conferences No point complaining if the reviews are superficial – decisions are effectively final (except for discoveries of plagiarism, etc.) Publish as tech report immediately (after taking reviews into consideration)