Medical Diagnosis COMS 6998 Fall 2009 Promiti Dutta

Medical Diagnosis
COMS 6998
Fall 2009
Promiti Dutta
Vocal Emotion Recognition with
Cochlear Implants
Use of prosodic speech
characteristics for automated
detection of alcohol intoxication
S. Luo, Q. J. Fu, J. J. Galvin
M. Levit, R. Huber, A. Batliner, E.
An Exploratory Social-Emotional
Prosthetic for Autism Spectrum
Measurement of emotional
involvement in spontaneous
speaking behavior
R. Kaliouby, A. Teeters, R. W. Picard
B. Z. Pollermann
Vocal Emotion Recognition with
Cochlear Implants
Use of prosodic speech
characteristics for automated
detection of alcohol intoxication
S. Luo, Q. J. Fu, J. J. Galvin
M. Levit, R. Huber, A. Batliner, E.
An Exploratory Social-Emotional
Prosthetic for Autism Spectrum
Measurement of emotional
involvement in spontaneous
speaking behavior
R. Kaliouby, A. Teeters, R. W. Picard
B. Z. Pollermann
Vocal Emotion Recognition with Cochlear Implants
Cochlear Implants (CI)
• Can restore hearing sensation to deaf
• How do they work?
– Use spectrally-based speech-processing
– Temporal envelope is extracted from number of frequency
analysis bands and used to modulate pulse trains of current
delivered to appropriate electrodes
• CI performance is poor for challenging listening tasks
Speech in noise
Music perception
Voice gender
Speaker recognition
Vocal Emotion Recognition with Cochlear Implants
Cochlear Implants (CI)
• Current research goal – Improve difficult listening
– How?
• Improve transmission of spectro- temporal fine structure cues
– Methods
• Increase spectral resolution for apical electrodes to better code
pitch information (Geurts and Wouters)
• Sharpening the temporal envelope to enhance periodicity cues
transmitted by the speech processor (Green et. al.)
Vocal Emotion Recognition with Cochlear Implants
Prosodic Information in Spoken Language
• Prosodic features = variations in speech rhythm,
intonation, etc.
• Prosodic cues = emotion of speaker
• Acoustic features associated with vocal emotion
Pitch (mean value and variability)
Speech rate
Voice quality
Normal hearing – 70
– 80% accuracy in
AI, NN, Statistical
classifiers equally as
Vocal Emotion Recognition with Cochlear Implants
This Study
• CI Users: Investigate ability to recognize vocal
emotions in acted emotional speech
– Limited access to pitch information and spectro-temporal fine
structure cues
• Normal Hearers: vocal emotion recognition using
unprocessed speech and speech processed by
acoustic CI simulations
– Simulations: different amounts of spectral resolution and
temporal information to examine relative contributions of
spectral and temporal cues
Vocal Emotion Recognition with Cochlear Implants
• 6 NH (3 males and 3 females)
– Puretone treshold better than 20 dB HL at octave frequencies
from 125 to 8000 Hz in both ears
• 6 CI (3 males and 3 females)
Post-lingually deafened
5 of 6 subjects: at-least one-year experience with device
1 subject: 4 months’ experience with device
(3 Nucleus-22 users, 2 Nucelus-24 users, 1 Freedom User)
Tested using clinically assigned speech processors
• Native English speakers
• Participants paid for participation
Vocal Emotion Recognition with Cochlear Implants
Stimuli and Speech Processing
• HEI-ESD – emotional speech database
1 male; 1 female
50 simple English sentences
5 target emotions (neutral, anxious, happy, sad, and angry)
Same sentences used to convey different target emotions in
order to minimize contextual and discourse cues
• Speech processing
– Digitized using 16-bit A/D converter
– 22,050 Hz sampling rate, without high-frequency preemphasis
– Relative intensity cues preserved for each emoitonal qualities
– Samples NOT normalized
Vocal Emotion Recognition with Cochlear Implants
Stimuli and Speech Processing
• Database evaluated
– 3 NH English-speaking listeners
– 10 sentences that produced highest vocal emotion
recognition scores selected for experimental testing
– Total = 100 tokens (2 speakers * 5 emotions * 10 sentences)
Vocal Emotion Recognition with Cochlear Implants
Emotion Recognition Tests
• CI subjects - unprocessed speech
• NH subjects - unprocessed speech + speech
processed by acoustic, sine-wave vocoder CI
• Continuous Interleaved Sampling (CIS) strategy
Vocal Emotion Recognition with Cochlear Implants
Experimental Set-Up
Subjects seated in double-walled sound-treated booth
Listen to stimuli in free field over loud speaker
Presentation level = 65 dBA
Calibrated by average power of "angry" emotion
sentences produced by male talker
• Closed-set, 5-alternative identification task used to
measure vocal emotion recognition
• Trial - sentence randomly selected (without
replacement) from stimulus set and presented to
Vocal Emotion Recognition with Cochlear Implants
Experimental Set-Up: Response
• Subject respond by clicking on 1 of 5 choices on
screen (neutral, anxious, happy, sad, angry)
• No feedback or training
• Responses collected and scored in terms of percent
• At least 2 runs for each experimental condition
• CI simulations
– Test order of speech processing conditions randomized
across subjects
– Different between two runs
Vocal Emotion Recognition with Cochlear Implants
Vocal Emotion Recognition with Cochlear Implants
• Results show both spectral and temporal cues
significantly contribute to performance
• Spectral cues may contribute more strongly to
recognition of linguistic information
• Temporal cues may contribute more strongly to
recognition of emotional content coded in spoken
• Results show a potential trade-off between spectral
resolution and periodicity cues when performing vocal
emotion recognition task
• Future: improve access to spectral and temporal fine
structure cues to enhance recognition
Vocal Emotion Recognition with
Cochlear Implants
Use of prosodic speech
characteristics for automated
detection of alcohol intoxication
S. Luo, Q. J. Fu, J. J. Galvin
M. Levit, R. Huber, A. Batliner, E.
An Exploratory Social-Emotional
Prosthetic for Autism Spectrum
Measurement of emotional
involvement in spontaneous
speaking behavior
R. Kaliouby, A. Teeters, R. W. Picard
B. Z. Pollermann
Use of prosodic speech characteristics for automated
detection of alcohol intoxication
• Spoken language influenced by
– Speaker
– Emotions
– Physiological impairment caused by drugs or alcohol
• Goal – to identify and classify stress and emotions in
spoken language
– Acoustic features (cepstral coeffiecients)
– Prosodic features (fundamental frequency)
• No experiments on automated detection of alcohol
intoxication by spoken language
– Structural prosodic features – one vector of prosodic features
for each signal interval of a lexical unit of speech
• ASR problems?
Use of prosodic speech characteristics for automated
detection of alcohol intoxication
• New approach to determine signal intervals which
underlie extraction of prosodic features
• Avoid use of ASR
• Use of phrasal units
– Relates prosodic structural features to signal intervals
localized through basic prosodic features
• i.e. - zero-crossing, energy, fundamental frequency
Use of prosodic speech characteristics for automated
detection of alcohol intoxication
Phrasal Units
• Prosodic units
– Micro-intervals, Entire signal is an interval, Macro intervals
• Phrasal Unit - Speech intervals calculated frame-wise
– Fundamental frequency, Zero-crossing, Energy
Use of prosodic speech characteristics for automated
detection of alcohol intoxication
• Prosodic units – one vector
– PM21 – prosodic features describing macro-tendencies in
fundamental frequency and energy (21)
– VUI11 – duration characteristics of voiced and unvoiced
intervals (11)
– LTM24 – long term cepstral coefficients (non-prosodic
– Jitter, shimmer, short-term fluctuations in energy, fundamental
Use of prosodic speech characteristics for automated
detection of alcohol intoxication
• Alcoholized speech samples from Germany
• 120 readings of a German fable
• 33 male speakers in different alcoholization conditions
– Blood level – 0 to 2.4
– Phrasal units
• Average duration – 2.3 seconds
• Average speech tempo – 20.8 PhU/min
• Alcoholized = 0.8 per mille and higher
Use of prosodic speech characteristics for automated
detection of alcohol intoxication
• Prosodic speech characteristics can be used to
determine intoxication
• Shown how to extract prosodic features with
classification abilities from speech signal without
lexical segmentation
• Shown phrasal units correspond to syntactic
structures of language
• Determined set of structural prosodic features
capable of best classification for automatic detection
of intoxication
– 69% accuracy on unseen data
Vocal Emotion Recognition with
Cochlear Implants
Use of prosodic speech
characteristics for automated
detection of alcohol intoxication
S. Luo, Q. J. Fu, J. J. Galvin
M. Levit, R. Huber, A. Batliner, E.
An Exploratory Social-Emotional
Prosthetic for Autism Spectrum
Measurement of emotional
involvement in spontaneous
speaking behavior
R. Kaliouby, A. Teeters, R. W. Picard
B. Z. Pollermann
An Exploratory Social-Emotional Prosthetic for Autism
Spectrum Disorders
Autism Spectrum Disorders:
Interesting Facts
• Affects 1 in 91 children and 1 in 58 boys
• Autism prevalence figures are growing
• More children will be diagnosed with autism this year
than with AIDS, diabetes & cancer combined
• Fastest-growing serious developmental disability in
the U.S.
An Exploratory Social-Emotional Prosthetic for Autism
Spectrum Disorders
Autism Spectrum Disorders:
• Neuro-developmental disorder
– Mainly characterized by communication and social interaction
• May exhibit atypical autonomic nervous system
– May be monitored by electrodes (measure skin conductance)
An Exploratory Social-Emotional Prosthetic for Autism
Spectrum Disorders
Goal and Proposed Solution
• Goal:
– Find an objective set of features to describe social
• Proposed solution
– Use a wearable device as exploratory and monitoring tool for
people with ASD
An Exploratory Social-Emotional Prosthetic for Autism
Spectrum Disorders
Wearable Device
affective computing
wearable computing
real time machine perception
novel wearable device that analyzes socialemotional information in human-human
An Exploratory Social-Emotional Prosthetic for Autism
Spectrum Disorders
A Novel Device?
• Small wearable camera
• Sensors combined with machine vision and
perception algorithms
• System analyzes facial expression and head
movements of the person with whom user is
• Possible integration of skin conductance sensors
– Match video with co-occurring measurable physiological
An Exploratory Social-Emotional Prosthetic for Autism
Spectrum Disorders
Wearable Device Benefit
Record a corpus of natural face to face
Machine perception algorithms
help identify the spacio-temporal features of a
social interaction that predict how interaction is
An Exploratory Social-Emotional Prosthetic for Autism
Spectrum Disorders
Overall Benefit
• Monitor progress of people with ASD in terms of
social-emotional interactions
• Determine effectiveness of social skill and behavioral
Vocal Emotion Recognition with
Cochlear Implants
Use of prosodic speech
characteristics for automated
detection of alcohol intoxication
S. Luo, Q. J. Fu, J. J. Galvin
M. Levit, R. Huber, A. Batliner, E.
An Exploratory Social-Emotional
Prosthetic for Autism Spectrum
Measurement of emotional
involvement in spontaneous
speaking behavior
R. Kaliouby, A. Teeters, R. W. Picard
B. Z. Pollermann
Measurement of emotional involvement in spontaneous
speaking behavior
• Measurement of vocal indicators of emotions - in
laboratory settings: typically done by computing
deviation of emotionally charged speech patterns
from neutral pattern
• Measurement of genuine emotional reactions
occurring spontaneously poses the problem of
comparison with base-line level
Measurement of emotional involvement in spontaneous
speaking behavior
• Spontaneous speaking behavior
• Intra-subject comparisons
• Do not require a “neutral’ condition
Measurement of emotional involvement in spontaneous
speaking behavior
Method 1
Subjects 39 diabetic patients with different impairment levels ANS
Emotion induced through subjects' verbal recall of their
emotional experiences of joy, sadness and anger
At end of each episode - standard sentence on emotion
congruent tone
ratio between value obtained in high arousal conditions
(anger and joy) and that in low arousal condition (sadness)
Additional variables per vocal parameter: Anger/Sadness
Differential and Joy/Sadness Differential
Vocal Differential index is positively correlated with
functioning of the autonomous nervous system
Vocal Arousal Index
Standard sentence acoustically analyzed
Extract basic vocal parameters (Zei & Archinard, 1998)
Compute Vocal Differential Index (Emotional involvement)
Computed from cumulative score consisting of acoustic
parameters significantly related to differentiation of 3
Score was composed of Z values
Reflects degree of emotional involvement for each emotion
Measurement of emotional involvement in spontaneous
speaking behavior
Method 2
10 breast cancer patients
Interview to determine coping style
(well-adaptive vs. ill-adaptive)
Confrontation with emotional contents during interview
would cause subjects to encode emotional reactions into
Interview screened for passages of high and low vocal
Vocal Differential Index calculated for each arousal
Vocal Arousal measured for passage where subject
talks about coping with illness
Vocal Arousal index inside the base line range
indicative of coping style
Relatively narrow Vocal Differential Index related to
coping difficulties