Recognizing Complex Mental States With Deep Hierarchical Features For Human-Robot Interaction

Recognizing Complex Mental States With
Deep Hierarchical Features For Human-Robot
Pablo Barros, Stefan Wermter
Presentation by Elliott Ison
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs)
Multichannel CNNs
Temporal Features
Recognizing emotional states is necessary for
genuine robot-human interaction
Emotion-sensitive robots can adapt and help
Spexard: recognition and reaction to human emotion leads to
human confidence and familiarity
Several characteristics can define emotion
Facial expressions, eye movement, body language, etc.
Most robots utilize universal emotions
But humans usually have many emotions in one
Complex mental states
Humans also have spontaneous behavior
Variety of different expressions in a very short period
Very difficult for robots to recognize
Very subtle, nonverbal interaction is also a challenge
Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci
How to solve all of these issues?
Use human biology!
The human brain extracts visual stimuli through receptive
fields and neurons, then analyzes it
Learns a huge variety of emotions through experience
Very good at motion perception
=> Convolutional Neural Networks
Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs)
Inspired by the human brain
Two groups of layers
Each layer extracts information from a
visual stimulus (image)
First group: convolution => simple
Use filters (edge detectors in our case)
Enhances patterns and borders for the
second layer
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs)
Simple cells in depth
Each filter operates on a part of the image
Above just applies a filter m over an image
field HxW, with weights w.
Generates many filtered outputs for one
image for the complex cells
Involves training/learning for activation
Fields may overlap
Complex cells in depth
Multichannel CNNs
One CNN is not enough for the amount of
emotions that need to be recognized
Multichannel CNNs
Three Different channels for one CNN
Reduces computational cost via parallelism
Three Fixed Channel Filters
Sobel X and Y are edge enhancers
Grayscale just makes the image black and white
All three increase details of features that need to be
Temporal Features
Emotions are not static
Simple solution: expand the CNN model to
three dimensions: Height, Width, and
Image Stack Number
Adds correlation between sequences of
Simple cells now utilize cubic convolution:
The region
cell never
present in a sequence of images
● However, only a single image containing both spatial and temporal dependencies
are sent to the complex cells
Method as a Whole
Doesn’t need to be deep: 2 layers of simple cell to complex cell alternation is enough
Output of the second layer goes to a hidden layer for classification and analysis in
order to output the correct emotional state.
CAM3D Corpus of spontaneous complex mental states to evaluate the method
12 Emotional states through image sequences
Varying length and sequences
Channels evaluated individually and together
Recognition rates evaluated per
97.49% recognition rate using all
three channels!
Done after 3 minutes of training
Recognition in a tenth of a second!
20% higher than what can be done
with one CNN
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