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© AP
Control Risks: Extreme across all categories
iJet: 5
State Department: Travel warning
Travelers are under the ongoing threat of kidnapping and assassination in Afghanistan. Former
Taliban and al Qaeda operatives remain at large, and attacks with improvised explosive devices
and vehicle-borne improvised explosive devices are increasing in frequency, according to the
State Department. Areas most vulnerable to attack include domestic and international
government centers, and the U.S. Embassy in Afghanistan frequently bans its employees from
entering areas considered to be particularly risky.
Most Dangerous Destinations 2006
© AP
Control Risks: Extreme security and travel threat
iJet: 4
State Department: Travel warning
Since 1993, Burundi has faced an ongoing civil war, with rebel factions engaging in intense
fighting with government forces. Despite domestic elections, which were held last summer, and a
cease-fire agreement between six of the rebel groups and the government, rocket and mortar
attacks are frequent in Bujumbura, as is spontaneous gunfire. Roving groups of armed criminals
commit muggings and car-jackings with impunity.
Most Dangerous Destinations 2006
© AP
Cote d'Ivoire
Control Risks: Extreme security and travel threat in the rebel-held north and western border
iJet: 5
State Department: Travel warning
A former French colony, Cote d'Ivoire saw some of its worst recent violence in November 2004,
when Ivorian government forces clashed with New Forces, killing nine French troops and an
American civilian. The French response was to level Ivorian air assets and take control of the
airport, which prompted further violent confrontations and looting in the commercial capital city of
Abidjan and elsewhere. Although the airport is now open, the political situation remains volatile.
Most Dangerous Destinations 2006
© AP
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Control Risks: Extreme security and travel threat in the northeast
iJet: 5
State Department: Travel warning
The national elections scheduled to take place here in the first six months of 2006 are no
guarantee of future peace. A transitional government, formed in 2003, capped a string of political
power battles and assassinations, and former rebel groups are still moderately active. U.N.
observer forces, located around the country, are unable to prevent the pillaging, car-jackings,
murders, rapes and kidnappings performed by active-duty troops as well as armed, unofficial
groups. Airports and other ports of entry often levy bribes on incoming or departing travelers.
Most Dangerous Destinations 2006
© AP
Control Risks: High across much of the country
iJet: 3
State Department: No current warning
The civil war of the 1980s and 1990s has divided Georgia to this day: Separatist regions exist in
north-central and northwest Georgia, which refuse to recognize the authority of the government in
the capital of T'bilisi. The volatile political situation and intensity of past violence against
missionary troops (including beatings and destruction of property) means that travelers should
proceed with great caution, especially in the Pankisi Gorge area, where Georgian forces have
clashed with Chechen fighters and other terrorists. In addition, American citizens are prohibited
legally from making the overland crossing between Russia and Georgia.
Most Dangerous Destinations 2006
© AP
Control Risks: High political, security and travel threat
iJet: 5
State Department: Travel warning
There is no effective police force in Haiti. Sudden demonstrations and violent outbreaks are
common, despite a 2004 government change. Previously, private businesses were often victims
of violence and extortion, and even today many Haitian towns are controlled by criminals. Basics
such as water and electricity are unavailable or extremely limited. Employees of the U.S.
Embassy function under a curfew here, and visitors traveling in Haiti cannot expect the protection
of the few U.N. representatives who remain here.
Most Dangerous Destinations 2006
© AP
Control Risks: Extreme security, terrorist and travel threat
iJet: 5
State Department: Travel warning
No region of Iraq is safe for visitors, not even the International, or Green, Zone. The U.S.-led
occupancy has so far not been able to tame the insurgency, and former members of the Ba'ath
regime are still at large, as are various international terrorists and criminals. Civilians die daily in
car bombings and suicide bombings, and much of the terrorist activity is aimed directly at U.S.
citizens or U.S. assets. Obvious targets, like restaurants, hotels, police stations or checkpoints,
are to be avoided.
Most Dangerous Destinations 2006
© AP
Control Risks: High security, political and travel threat
iJet: 5
State Department: Travel warning
In the summer of 2003, Liberia's 14-year civil war was brought to a close with a peace-keeping
agreement and the exile to Nigeria of Charles Taylor, the former president. Since then, the 2005
presidential elections went off relatively smoothly, but there are still 15,000 U.N. peacekeepers
and 1,100 police advisers stationed throughout the country. Crime in Liberia is a major problem,
and the bulk of it takes place after dark. Theft, sexual assault and murder are common. Moreover,
recent business scams asking for money for a variety of dubious causes have targeted
Americans. These frauds can result in physical, as well as financial, harm.
Most Dangerous Destinations 2006
© AP
Control Risks: Extreme security and travel threat in the tribal areas bordering Afghanistan; high
terrorist risk in Islamabad
iJet: 4
State Department: Travel warning
Pakistan has been a conflicted state ever since it was founded in 1947 when a section of India, at
the time under British rule, was cordoned off to make a Muslim state. Two wars were
subsequently fought over disputed Kashmiri territory, and a third resulted in the creation of
Bangladesh. Nuclear testing by India prompted copycat testing in Pakistan in 1998, and since
then, militant and extremist groups have congregated here and target American and Western
interests. Islamabad and the tribal areas bordering Afghanistan are particularly dangerous, where
members of al Qaeda and remnants of the Taliban remain.
Most Dangerous Destinations 2006
© AP
Papua New Guinea
Control Risks: High security and travel threat
iJet: 4
State Department: No current warning
Port Moresby has one of the highest murder rates in the world, and violent crime rates are
extremely high across the country of Papua New Guinea. Car-jacking, armed robberies and
vehicle stonings are common in Lae and Mount Hagen, and pickpockets operate in practically all
the urban areas. Papua New Guinea's mines and forests attract industry from around the world,
but rural areas or even isolated public places like parks or beaches are the scene of robberies
and sexual assaults. Travelers are advised against public transportation, including taxis. Rental
cars are generally a safer option.
Most Dangerous Destinations 2006
© AP
Russia (Chechnya)
Control Risks: Extreme security, terrorist and travel threat
iJet: 4
State Department: No current warning
The political instability in the Caucasus region is among the most severe in Russia, and travelers
are advised to avoid North Ossetia, Ingushetia, Dagestan, Stavropol, Karachayevo-Cherkessiya
and Kabardino-Balkariya as well as Chechnya itself, where open guerilla warfare still rages in an
environment of lawlessness. Kidnappings for ransom, of Americans and other foreigners, are
common, as are terrorist attacks or bombings at hotels, government buildings, markets and
schools, including the raid in September 2004 at a school in Beslan, which ended in the deaths of
many children and other civilians.
Most Dangerous Destinations 2006
© AP
Control Risks: Extreme political, security and travel threat
iJet: 5
State Department: Travel warning
The United States doesn't have an embassy, or any other diplomatic outpost, in Somalia, putting
American citizens who travel here entirely out of reach of assistance from the U.S. Inter-clan
fighting and attacks on relief workers and journalists are frequent, and especially in the
Mogadishu area, territorial demarcations are arbitrary and change often. Vessels near the coast
of Somalia risk being seized and held for ransom by pirates. The Indian Ocean along the Horn of
Africa and Kenyan border is extremely unsafe. Inland, the Kenyan border has been the site of
extreme violence, including grenade attacks on hostels.
Most Dangerous Destinations 2006
© AP
Control Risks: High security and travel threat in the south, the Darfur region, and along the
Eritrean border
iJet: 5
State Department: Travel warning
Sudan gained independence from the U.K. in 1956, and since then, Islamic military regimes have
held power. In 2005, the country's civil war ostensibly ended, with the parties involved signing
peace agreements. But today, violence continues, especially in the Darfur region, where global
leaders have identified a pattern of genocidal killing. Militant fighting and sporadic terrorist
attacks, aimed at U.S. and Western targets, continue, with suicide bombings and kidnappings
common. The U.S. Embassy in Sudan is only marginally capable of defending U.S. citizens
because of the country's lack of infrastructure. Like Somalia, Sudan's coast is vulnerable to
armed pirate attacks.
Most Dangerous Destinations 2006
© AP
Control Risks: High political and high security (except Harare and Bulawayo) threat throughout
the country
iJet: 5
State Department: Travel warning
Robert Mugabe, Zimbabwe's first prime minister, began a campaign of land distribution in 2000
that exiled white farmers and plunged the nation's economy into chaos. The economy has been
failing ever since, with unemployment and inflation running rampant. Fuel and food shortages are
chronic problems, and as a result violent crime is prevalent. The police force and general
emergency services are limited by the scarcity of fuel, which makes internal travel difficult.
Robberies and car-jackings are serious problems, as are land seizures, business closures and
political intimidation, and tourists are often the target of harassment, even in well-visited areas
like Victoria Falls.
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