252cp403 12/03/03 (Open this document in 'Page Layout' view!) Last Computer Problem This problem is problem 14.37 in the 9 th edition of the textbook. The data are on the next two pages. As far as I can see, the problem is identical to Problem 15.10 in the 8th edition, but you should use the 9th edition data which can be downloaded from the website at http://courses.wcupa.edu/rbove/eco252/Colleges2002.MTP or the disk for the 9th edition. To download from the website enter Minitab, use the file pull-down menu, pick ‘open worksheet’ and copy the URL into ‘File name.’ If you can save the worksheet on the computer on which you are working. Read through the document 252soln K1 and use the analysis there to help you with this problem. In particular Exercise 14.35 is almost identical to this problem and my description is very similar. Once you get the data loaded, you need a column for the interaction variable and two columns for the input to the prediction interval. 1 252cp403 12/03/03 Contents of C1 Row School 1 UniversityofArizona 2 BallStateUniversity 3 Cal.StateUniv.-Fresno 4 ClemsonUniversity 5 James Madison University 6 University of SouthFlorida 7 FloridaStateUniversity 8 GeorgeMasonUniversity 9 GeorgiaInstitute ofTechnology 10 MontclairStateUniversity 11 NorthCarolinaStateUniv. 12 UniversityofOregon 13 PurdueUniversity 14 SanDiegoStateUniversity 15 SlipperyRockUniv.ofPenn. 16 SUNY-Binghamton 17 TexasA&MUniversity 18 Univ.ofGeorgia 19 Univ.ofHawaii-Manoa 20 Univ.ofHouston 21 Univ.ofMaryland 22 Univ.ofMass.-Amherst 23 Univ.ofNevada-LasVegas 24 Univ.ofNewHampshire 25 Univ.ofNorthCarolina-C.H. 26 Univ.ofTexas-Austin 27 Univ.ofVermont 28 VirginiaCommonwealthUniv. 29 VirginiaTech 30 WestVirginiaUniversity 31 AmherstCollege 32 BabsonCollege 33 BostonCollege 34 BostonUniversity 35 BowdoinCollege 36 BryantCollege 37 BucknellUniversity 38 CanisiusCollege 39 CarnegieMellonUniversity 40 CaseWesternReserveUniv. Row 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 Type First Third Room Annual of quartile quartile and Total School SAT SAT Board Cost ness 0 990 1230 6124 10356 0 935 1152 5646 12480 0 800 1070 6302 9476 0 1090 1280 4454 12932 0 1080 1250 5568 11472 0 940 1150 5600 10410 0 1060 1270 6450 10316 0 970 1170 5560 13716 0 1250 1420 5800 13986 0 900 1110 7568 8525 0 1070 1280 5796 15111 0 1000 1230 6252 14890 0 1020 1250 6340 16260 0 920 1140 8307 7210 0 850 1060 4298 11650 0 1120 1310 6102 9451 0 1070 1290 6030 11288 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 ClarkUniversity DrewUniversity GrinnellCollege ColgateUniversity CollegeofHolyCross EmoryUniversity FordhamUniversity Franklin&MarshallCollege GeorgeWashingtonUniversity GeorgetownUniversity GettysburgCollege HarvardUniversity IonaCollege LafayetteCollege LehighUniversity HofstraUniversity NewYorkUniversity NiagaraUniversity NorthwesternUniversity ProvidenceCollege RiceUniversity Pace University SeattleUniversity SetonHallUniversity SienaCollege SouthernMethodistUniversity St.BonaventureUniversity StanfordUniversity SyracuseUniversity TulaneUniversity Univ.ofChicago Univ.ofMiami Univ.ofNotreDame Univ.ofPennsylvania Univ.ofPortland Univ.ofScranton VanderbiltUniversity VillanovaUniversity WakeForestUniversity Yale University C7 Average Indebted17772 15700 14004 13970 12474 16715 14737 14110 16958 15464 15999 19916 15486 13000 21100 13957 14418 2 18 0 1110 1300 5504 12792 13550 3 252cp403 12/03/03 Row 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 C2 C3 C4 C5 Type First Third Room of quartile quartile and School SAT SAT Board 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 980 920 1150 1010 880 1010 1150 1090 1040 920 1080 930 1320 1170 1220 1210 1280 1000 1200 980 1280 1240 1060 1100 1250 1240 1140 1300 1070 1170 1150 1290 1150 1380 900 1160 1200 1010 1230 940 1300 1090 1320 960 1040 960 1020 1060 950 1360 1110 1240 1300 1090 1260 1310 1040 1000 1230 1150 1230 1360 1180 1150 1350 1230 1130 1210 1370 1330 1230 1150 1290 1125 1510 1330 1390 1370 1440 1180 1370 1190 1470 1440 1270 1320 1440 1400 1320 1460 1260 1370 1330 1450 1310 1570 1100 1330 1370 1190 1420 1130 1480 1260 1520 1150 1250 1160 1200 1270 1150 1550 1300 1410 1490 1290 1450 1490 1250 1210 1400 1320 1380 1540 5359 5538 7101 5115 6140 5882 6216 5975 6378 5750 5374 5572 7380 9676 9574 8978 7305 7776 6052 7540 7534 6750 4950 7288 6330 6775 8000 8498 9177 6580 9110 9672 6640 8502 9698 8069 7530 7530 10430 7300 8446 8120 7480 7590 6627 8302 7030 7954 6200 8680 9510 7392 8728 8060 6510 8244 6250 8772 9060 8330 7190 8240 C6 Annual Total Cost 9829 9888 14434 14655 9831 17830 15140 10790 21484 14888 13552 9710 28310 26000 25862 27414 28685 19776 27531 18840 27116 22680 25865 26346 25865 23530 28355 26440 26932 23463 27280 27820 27120 27448 17886 26142 26180 15722 26646 16550 27228 20840 17526 18208 18855 20830 16945 21942 16845 27204 23424 28310 27825 24810 25852 27988 20620 20448 27087 23751 24750 27130 C7 Average Indebtedness 13164 12988 14076 15526 12000 19515 11156 17200 22425 21994 17014 18273 12270 23000 17517 17808 14682 20479 15000 19782 18280 21902 17650 13064 17650 13324 12822 16063 18350 17152 17774 24894 14800 13360 17096 15393 18469 14624 20079 17606 13253 19625 12525 19402 22695 19406 15500 19792 16843 17185 18925 19873 12787 12246 22270 21556 18595 14900 21015 20874 20339 18786 4 5