3/29/05 251grass2-051 (Open this document in 'Page Layout' view!) Graded Assignment 2 Name: Class days and time: Student number: Modify the data below as follows: Add the last digit of your student number to 7 in problem 1; Add the second to last number to the 9 in problem 2. 1) For the following joint probability table (i) check for independence, (ii) Compute E x and Varx , (iii) Compute Covx, y or xy and Corr x, y or xy , (iv) Compute Ex y and Var x y from the results in (ii) and (iii), (iv) Compute Cov5 x 3, y and Corr 5x 3, y using the formulas in section K4 of 251v2out or section C1 of 251var2. Note that y 1y 0 . x 3 1 .11 5 .08 7 .16 y 3 .10 .14 .10 9 .12 .08 .11 2) For the following sample (i) Compute the sample mean and variance of x , (ii) Compute Covx, y or s xy and Corr x, y or rxy , (iii) Compute the sample mean and variance of x y from the results in (i) and (ii). (iv) Compute Cov5 x 3,2 y and Corr 5x 3,2 y using the formulas in section K4 of 251v2out or section C1 of 251var2. Note that 2 y 2 y 0 . y x 9 2 4 4 6 2 2 5 1 7 1 6 3 5 10 -3