ACADEMIC PROGRAM REVIEW – Template Title of Program Degree Department College I. SELF-STUDY QUESTIONS Please answer questions succinctly and provide evidence. The Higher Learning Commission’s Criteria for Accreditation are referenced to specific questions when applicable. A. Program Framework 1. Describe the program, including its overarching purpose/goals and its preparation of students for future activities, for example, graduate/professional schools or workforce. Include a brief organizational chart which outlines the program’s administrative structure. 2. Does the program take place at any additional locations? If so, provide name and address of each location and when it was approved. 3. Does the program have any consortial agreements with other institutions? If so, provide name(s) of other institutions and when the agreement was approved. 4. How many online courses does the program offer? 5. Provide evidence that the program’s courses and offerings are current and require levels of performance by students appropriate to the degree or certificate awarded. (HLC 3.A.1) 6. How are educational offerings with students and other constituencies communicated? How does the program ensure that its quality and learning outcomes are consistent across all modes of delivery and all locations? (HLC 3.A.3) 7. If applicable, provide evidence that instructors in any dual credit, contractual, and consortial programs are appropriately credentialed. (HLC 3.C.2) 8. If applicable, please describe how courses in your program contribute to the university’s General Education program. (HLC 3.B.1) 9. How does the program’s offerings engage students in the following: Collecting, analyzing, and communicating information? Mastering modes of inquiry or creative work? Developing skills adaptable to changing environments? (HLC 3.B.3) 10. How do the program’s educational offerings recognize the human and cultural diversity in which students live and work? (HLC 3.B.4) 11. Describe any co-curricular or community engagement opportunities offered by the program that contribute to the educational experience of its students. (HLC 3.E.1) University of Toledo Program Review Template updated Fall 2015 Page 1 12. Describe which courses are considered service to other programs (include program name and college). Describe the methods of planning so that needs of other programs are met. (E.g., courses offered within general education.) B. Faculty and Staff 13. Provide numbers of the following in each academic year: 2014/15 Full-time tenured faculty Full-time tenure track faculty Visiting associate professors Lecturers Clinical faculty (e.g., practitioner track, non-tenure eligible practitioners) Affiliated faculty Instructors (HSC) Part-time instructors (MC) Teaching assistants Other (provide title) 2013/14 2012/13 14. Provide information about program faculty contributions to scholarship, creative work and the discovery of knowledge, to the extent appropriate. (HLC 3.B.5) # of Sections FT tenured faculty FT tenure-track faculty Visiting Associate Professors Lecturers Clinical Faculty Affiliated Faculty Instructors (HSC) PT Instructors (MC) Teaching Assistants Other (provide title) # of Sections FT tenured faculty FT tenure-track faculty Visiting Associate Professors Lecturers Clinical Faculty Affiliated Faculty Instructors (HSC) PT Instructors (MC) Teaching Assistants Other (provide title) Courses provided by the program 15. Fill in the table below to identify types of instructors teaching all levels of courses provided by the program. 2014/15 1000-level 2000-level 3000-level 4000-level 5000-level 6000-level 7000-level 8000-level Courses provided by the program 2013/14 1000-level 2000-level 3000-level 4000-level University of Toledo Program Review Template updated Fall 2015 Page 2 5000-level 6000-level 7000-level 8000-level Other (provide title) Teaching Assistants PT Instructors (MC) Instructors (HSC) Affiliated Faculty Clinical Faculty Lecturers Visiting Associate Professors FT tenure-track faculty FT tenured faculty # of Sections Courses provided by the program 2012/13 1000-level 2000-level 3000-level 4000-level 5000-level 6000-level 7000-level 8000-level 16. What are the program’s processes and resources for assuring that instructors are current in their disciplines and adept in their teaching roles? How does the program support their professional development? (HLC 3.C.4) 17. How does the program ensure that all staff are appropriately qualified, trained and supported in their professional development? (HLC 3.C.6) 18. Complete the table below for all faculty in the program: 2014/15 Gender Total Tenured Male Female Ethnicity American Indian/Alaskan Native Asian/Pacific Islander Black, Non Hispanic Hispanic Nonresident Alien Unknown White, Non Hispanic 2013/14 Gender Male Female Ethnicity American Indian/Alaskan Native Asian/Pacific Islander Black, Non Hispanic Hispanic Nonresident Alien Total Tenured University of Toledo Program Review Template updated Fall 2015 Tenure-Track Non-Tenured Part-time Tenure-Track Non-Tenured Part-time Page 3 Unknown White, Non Hispanic 2012/13 Gender Male Female Ethnicity American Indian/Alaskan Native Asian/Pacific Islander Black, Non Hispanic Hispanic Nonresident Alien Unknown White, Non Hispanic Total Tenured Tenure-Track Non-Tenured Part-time 19. How does the program ensure that its instructors are accessible for student inquiry? (HLC 3C.5) 20. Who advises students? Number Professional Staff Faculty Other 21. Please describe the advising process and include the student/advisor ratio. Provide evidence that advising is adequate and suited to the needs of its students? (HLC 3.C.4) C. Performance Measures 22. Is external accreditation available for the program’s degree(s)? If so, does the program maintain such accreditation? If applicable, provide the name of the accreditation body, date of most recent review, and date of the next scheduled review. (HLC 4.A.5) 23. List any other regulatory/oversight/approval bodies for the program. (E.g., state boards or national standards organizations) 24. Do program graduates obtain licensure, certification or pass a qualifying exam upon graduation? If so, please identify the licensure, certificate or qualifying exam and explain if this is required or optional. If required, provide passage rates (include first-time pass rate, total pass rate, national average benchmark pass rate) for the past three years. 25. Does the program evaluate the success of its graduates? Are graduates of the program prepared for advanced study or employment? What are the indicators used to confirm this? (HLC 4.A.6) 26. What data is gathered about student retention, persistence and completion is gathered? Provide this data for the last three years. How is this information used to make improvements as warranted by the data? Provide examples. (HLC 4.C) 27. What procedures does the program employ to improve its own performance? (HLC 5.D) D. Students 28. Provide evidence that the program’s students contribute to scholarship, creative work, and the discovery of knowledge to the extent appropriate. (HLC 3.B.5) University of Toledo Program Review Template updated Fall 2015 Page 4 29. Please refer to the data provided in section III, letter E to provide an analysis of the data for trends in admission of highly qualified applicants. 30. Is program enrollment capped by accreditation or other factor? If so, provide the enrollment cap number, identify and explain the factor(s) determining the cap. E. Ethical and Professional Practice 31. Provide evidence that the program operates with integrity, and establishes and follows fair and ethical policies and procedures. (HLC 2.A) 32. Provide evidence that the program has established policies with respect to academic honesty and integrity. (HLC 2.E.3) 33. How does the program offer support to ensure the integrity of research and scholarly practice conducted by the program’s students? (HLC 2.E.1) 34. What guidance does the program offer in both the ethical and effective use of information resources? (HLC 2.E.2 and 3.D.5) F. Current Resources 35. Has the institution provided the program, including its students and instructors, with the infrastructure and resources necessary to support effective teaching and learning? Provide evidence to support this answer. (HLC (3.D.4) 36. Does the program employ its resources efficiently and strategically? (HLC 3.D) 37. Does the program have sufficient numbers and continuity of faculty to carry out both the classroom and nonclassroom roles of faculty? (HLC 3.C.1) 38. Provide evidence that the program operates with integrity, and establishes and follows fair and ethical policies and procedures. (HLC 2.A) 39. Provide evidence that the program has established policies with respect to academic honesty and integrity. (HLC 2.E.3) II. FUTURE RESOURCE ALLOCATION PLAN Please attach a summary statement explaining: a. How resources should be invested in the unit in the case of increased funding levels, including availing enrollment growth potential; b. What areas should be reduced/eliminated in the case of decreased funding levels; III. REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS A. Program Strategic Plan and Mission Statement University of Toledo Program Review Template updated Fall 2015 Page 5 The attached strategic plan and mission statement should include a description of how they align with those of the College and University. If the program does not have a formal strategic plan or mission statement, attach a description of the program’s mission. B. Plan of Study With the attached plan of study (POS), explain any differences that may exist for part-time versus full-time students, when the POS is developed and submitted, and how students are guided in the process of POS development and revisions. C. Assessment Plan Attach the program’s current assessment plan. D. Assessment Report Attach the program’s assessment reports for the past three years. (HLC 3.A.1 and 4.B) E. Program Data Data provided by Institutional Research and College of Graduate Studies (if applicable). If the program has alternative data that contradicts the data from IR or COGS, provide the alternative data and include an explanation of the program’s source of alternative data and method of collection. F. Faculty Curriculum Vitae Provide a CV of all faculty in the program. Summary form is acceptable. (HLC 3.B.5 and 3.C.2) G. COGS/Graduate Council supplement (Graduate programs only) University of Toledo Program Review Template updated Fall 2015 Page 6