Notes from Open Space at NCNC 2014


Notes from Open Space at NCNC 2014

How to keep Career Service staff updated

Approximately 10 participants. Norway, Finland, Denmark and Sweden represented.

Facilitators: Gisle Hellsten UiO and Anna Hansson BI Careers Service.

We started the open space with a discussion concerning what kind of competencies we feel that we need to have to work in careers services, or what competencies that needs to be updated.

Further, we continued with a brief sharing session about what kind of measures we take to stay updated on these competencies. This is a theme that can be further investigated, where we ran out of time. We mentioned the use of the LinkedIn group for NCNC as a relevant arena for sharing, as we all felt the need for more input.

Below, I have tried to group each competence with the measures mentioned, though I can’t recall exactly which institution that shared what.

Common platform – what is it that we should know or should be able to do?

How do I know that I update myself on the “right things” – there is so much information out there, how do I know that I put focus on what is most important? o Sites to share with students – it is difficult to stay updated on everything. Make sure you cooperate with the library, they often have a great overview and access to diverse company databases. Other tips to be shared at LinkedIn?

Company needs – the real life – what really happens out there. What demands are there, and what will our students really meet? o Visit and/or lunch with a (partnership) company 2 times/week. The insights gained are shared with the rest of the department at a common lunch each Friday. o Job shadowing – follow a recruiter or other relevant positions for a day or two, or at a specific recruitment arrangement. Someone had also done this at another career center abroad.

Counselling competencies o “Ethics corner” – counselling forum once a month where it is possible to discuss or get input upon ethical issues experienced in counselling sessions. For instance, when you apply for a position, when should you tell the recruiter about your MS disease? o

Internal political life at the university or institution – to get our messages through internally, or to get a “go” for new concepts, it’s important that we are “street smart”, and both know who to contact, but also how to do it. What language to use with whom.

Meet other industries – we often tend to update upon “trends in worklife” etc, but other industries are also important, go to other kind of conferences etc.

Competence about the study programmes at the university / institution – new programmes

“pop up”, we need to stay updated. What kind of subjects does a MSc in XX have in their portfolio – what is the main purpose of the programme?

Update on issues /subjects that motivates you – we often do kind of the same things year after year, and it is important to remember those things that really motivates you. What does it take to keep you motivated?

Pedagogical methods in teaching – to stay relevant and attractive o Take part in the learning activities aimed for the lecturers, to keep them updated, especially if there is a “learning lab” present at your institution

Other “best practices”:

Meeting once a week, to share what you have learned each week.

Culture to celebrate success – save all e-mails with great feedback, put them in a folder marked

“a good mail for a bad day”. To use when needed…
