Global Terrestrial Network (GTN-H) HYDROLOGY

Global Terrestrial Network
Global Terrestrial Network - Hydrology
About GTN-H
▌ Links existing networks and systems for
integrated observations of the global water
▌ Established in 2001
▌ “network of networks” for global and regional
climate and water applications
Global Terrestrial Network - Hydrology
Goals of GTN-H
▌ Aims at creating a global hydrological
network of networks
▌ Plans and implements projects that facilitate
access to hydrological networks and
observation data, and generates derived
▌ Forms an essential component for integrated
global and regional hydrological products
Global Terrestrial Network - Hydrology
Main Objectives
▌ Make available data from existing
global hydrological observation
networks and enhance their value
through integration
▌ Generation of datasets suitable for:
Research in the areas of global and
regional climate change
Environmental monitoring, and
Hydrology and water resource
Global Terrestrial Network - Hydrology
International Context
Joint effort of the:
▌ World Meteorological
Organization/Climate and Water
Department (WMO/CLW)
▌ Global Climate Observing System (GCOS)
▌ Global Terrestrial Observing System
▌ Observational arm of the Group on Earth
Observations/ Integrated Global Water
Cycle Observations Theme (GEO/IGWCO)
Global Terrestrial Network - Hydrology
Selected Achievements
▌ Prototype system for the online near-real
time data access to over 400 river gauging
stations worldwide
▌ Access to a first global gridded precipitation
▌ First-time online access to a global water
quality database
▌ Prototype definition of a hydrological
metadata standard, based on the WMO core
metadata standard
Current Network Partners
Global Terrestrial Network - Hydrology
(as of November 2009)
Global Terrestrial Network - Hydrology
Results of the 4th GTN-H Coordination
Panel Meeting
New York, 7-10 July 2009
▌ Improve communication and funding,
▌ Data integration and product development,
▌ Development of demonstration projects
intended to highlight the importance of
hydrological, hydrometeorological and
related observations in various application
▌ Aiming to demonstrate relevance of GTN-H
in underpinning adaptation decisions related
to climate variability and change and global
environmental challenges.
Global Terrestrial Network - Hydrology
GTN-H Planning Workshop
preceding the GTN-H Coordination
Panel Meeting
▌ Presenting key examples of progress
in the technical, scientific and
applications realms that have
developed or are using GTN-H
relevant data resources,
▌ Recognizing and integrating data
provider, data user, and data
synthesis perspectives,
▌ Developing an initial vision of short
(0-2 year), medium (2-5 year), and
longer term (> 5 year) progress.
Global Terrestrial Network - Hydrology
GTN-H Actions 1 (selected)
Database of “pristine” basins available at GRDC
Clarify role of AQUASTAT as water use database with
IGRAC to use gridded precipitation data as a proxy of
groundwater recharge, and explore the possibility of using
GRACE and soil moisture data if available.
Jointly using river runoff and water quality data: new webbased flux computation
Organize an expert meeting on geochemical fluxes
GRDC, NSIDC collaboration in regions where glacier melt
is particularly important
Global Terrestrial Network - Hydrology
GTN-H Actions 2 (selected)
Enhance NRT collection of lakes and reservoirs data by
HYDROLARE in collaboration with all partner institutions
GRDC to chart a process how the metadata standard and
associated technology is being promoted into other
Trends in Runoff into the Arctic Ocean
Contributions of glaciers to runoff
Drought assessment – identification of drought-prone areas
Identification of groundwater contributions to surface flow
Use GTN-H data sets to enhance climate outlooks provided
to developing countries
Global Terrestrial Network - Hydrology
Request to GTOS
▌ Review the validity of the Global
Hierarchical Observing Strategy
and propose conceptual and practical
ways to integrate with GTN-H
▌ Participate more actively in GTN-H
activities including through the joint
development of relevant products
Global Terrestrial Network - Hydrology
Thank you for your attention
Contact partners in WMO for GTN-H: