10TH IGOS PARTNERS MEETING UNESCO, Paris 5 June 2003 MEETING RECORD IGOS 10th Partners Meeting Paris, France 10TH IGOS PARTNERS MEETING UNESCO, Paris 5 June 2003 MEETING RECORD TABLE OF CONTENTS AGENDA ITEM PAGE I. ORGANIZATION OF THE SESSION 3 II. REVIEW OF THE 9TH SESSION 3 III. THEME REPORTS 5 IV. PROSPECTIVE THEME REPORTS 8 V. IGOS-P STRATEGY AND PROCESS 10 VI. IGOS PROMOTION AND COMMUNICATION 12 VII. ANY OTHER BUSINESS 14 VIII. REVIEW OF IGOS P-10 ACTIONS 14 IX. CHAIR ARRANGEMENTS FOR 2003/2004 16 X. DATE AND VENUE OF NEXT SESSION 17 XI. CLOSURE OF THE SESSION 17 Appendix 1 PARTICIPANTS LIST Appendix 2 ATTACHED PRESENTATIONS available on request 2 5 June 2003 IGOS 10th Partners Meeting Paris, France 10TH IGOS PARTNERS MEETING UNESCO, Paris 5 June 2003 Meeting Record I. ORGANIZATION OF THE SESSION 1.1 Opening of the Session Walter Erdelen opened the meeting as IGOS Co-Chair, welcoming everyone to UNESCO and thanking them for their participation. Walter then introduced Marcio Barbosa, Deputy Director General of UNESCO, who gave some brief remarks on the importance of global observation and the planning of action by IGOS. Barbosa also noted the importance of political buy-in and support in order to facilitate the long-tern benefits of the work being pursued by IGOS. IGOS Co-Chair Gregory Withee gave brief welcome remarks, expressing thanks for the opportunity to be amongst friends at the 10th IGOS Partners’ Meeting. He highlighted the accomplishments of IGOS over the past five years and emphasized the need to conclude themes already underway, focus on implementation and the adoption of new themes, and to further IGOS efforts on integration. 1.2 Adoption of the Agenda Co-Chair Erdelen introduced the agenda and asked for comments. The adoption of the agenda was unanimous. 1.3 Working Arrangement for the session Co-Chair Erdelen discussed the flow of the day’s events and encouraged all participants to adhere to the schedule so that the meeting could proceed as planned. II. REVIEW OF NINTH SESSION 2.1 Review of the Record from the 9th Session Brent Smith guided the meeting through a discussion of the record of the 9th Partners’ Meeting held on 31 May 2002. No changes were requested and the 9th Partners’ Meeting record was approved. 2.2 Review of the Action Items from the 9th Session The Action Items from the 9th Partners’ Meeting were reviewed as follows: 3 5 June 2003 IGOS 10th Partners Meeting Paris, France No. Description Status 9-01 IGOS Co-Chairs to establish a Task Force charged with development of a consensus on the role of the IGOS Partnership in the implementation of the IGOS-P themes Completed 9-02 IGOS-P ‘Implementation Task Force’ to report to the Co-Chairs and Partners by end December 2002 Completed 9-03 IGOS partners to apply the Process Paper more rigorously, and the IGOS Secretariat to inform current and future theme leaders of this position 9-04 Each IGOS partner to identify the most appropriate mechanism to inform their senior staff and, as appropriate, national delegations, and to report to the IGOS-P 10 on what has been done in this respect 9-05 Each Partner to identify how it could potentially contribute to the funding and resources needed to develop specific IGOS themes in which it intends to be involved, and to report to IGOS-P 10 9-06 The Secretariat with the Co-Chairmen to ensure that relevant issues are addressed between meetings of the Plenary 9-07 IGACO Theme Leader to advise IGOS Co-Chairs on the planned schedule for development of the IGACO Theme report Completed 9-08 IGOS Partners to advise IGWCO Theme Leaders of proposed representatives for the Water Cycle Theme report writing team and advisory team Completed 9-09 IGOS Co-Chairs to inform Theme teams that SIT is prepared to review draft Theme reports at a time which would facilitate their review at IGOSP-10 Completed 9-10 Geo-hazards Theme Team to provide the Theme report to IGOS-P-10 To be completed during Partners’ Meeting 9-11 CEOS/NOAA, in consultation with GOOS, GTOS, IGBP, and the relevant communities - to further develop discussion on the possibility of an IGOS Coastal Theme, and to propose a way ahead at IGOS-P-10 To be presented during Partners’ Meeting 9-12 Co-Chairs to request Theme Team leaders to investigate the scope for promotion of their efforts at WSSD 2002 9-13 Ad-hoc Visibility Group, in consultation with the IGOS Secretariat, to undertake the formulation of a plan for the implementation of the WSSD Type II Partnership of IGOS-P – after the WSSD 2002 event To be presented during Partners’ Meeting 9-14 Colin Summerhayes to work with partners to complete the ‘capacity building inventory’ by end July 2002 New approach to be addressed during P-10 9-15 Upon completion of action 9-14, IGOS Secretariat to establish a small working group to prepare a report for IGOS-P-10 on how Partners capacity building efforts might be integrated to be more effective New approach to be addressed during P-10 Ongoing action that was also accomplished within this year Ongoing action with Partners’ Reports expected at IGOS P-10 Ongoing action with Partners’ Reports expected at IGOS P-10 Ongoing action that was also accomplished within this year Completed 4 5 June 2003 IGOS 10th Partners Meeting Paris, France Opportunity was provided for each Partner to briefly report on their efforts to address Actions 9.4 and 9.5. Comments were provided by Don Hinsman on behalf of WMO and GCOS, Dietrich Leihner and Jeff Tschirley for FAO, Arthur Dahl for UNEP, Colin Summerhayes for IOC/GOOS, Tillmann Mohr for CEOS SIT, Udo Svedin and John Marks for IGFA, David Carson for WCRP, Will Steffen for IGBP, Thomas Rosswall for ICSU, and Walter Erdelen for UNESCO. III. THEME REPORTS 3.1 Ocean Theme Colin Summerhayes of IOC/UNESCO (also speaking on behalf of co-leader Eric Lindstrom of NASA) provided a status of the Ocean Theme which will over the course of the next year conduct a rolling review. Discussion following the Ocean Theme presentation included concerns expressed by Will Steffen regarding feedback from the scientific community on the continuity of SeaWifs observations. Stephen Briggs pointed out that the MERIS instrument on ENVISAT was launched last year to help out SeaWifs observations, and that Cryosat will be launched soon to help measure sea ice thickness. Summerhayes welcomed these comments and requested them, and others, to be provided in e-mail form after meeting participants had completed reading the report. Actions: 10-1 10-2 3.2 Partners to provide any comments to Colin Summerhayes on the content of his Ocean Theme Progress Report to the IGOS P-10 Meeting. (Action: All IGOS Partners) Ocean Theme Implementation Team to initiate its rolling review and Theme restatement and report to the 11th IGOS Partners’ Meeting. (Action: GOOS/Colin Summerhayes and CEOS/NASA/Lindstrom) Carbon Theme Phillipe Ciais reported on the Carbon Theme and its objective to develop a flexible yet robust strategy for deploying global systematic observations of the carbon cycle over the next decade. Dr. Ciais’ presentation is attached. Co-Chair Gregory Withee summarized the discussion following the presentation noting that during the period before November, IGOS Partners need to help tune the Carbon Theme Report. He suggested that WMO, UNESCO and FAO and any other interested partners work together to clarify some points in the draft report including some implementation ideas and that this and a couple of other Themes nearing completion could be addressed at a short IGOS P-10bis meeting that could immediately follow the CEOS Plenary, November 20, in Colorado Springs. 5 5 June 2003 IGOS 10th Partners Meeting Paris, France Don Hinsman commented that he had read the report and was very impressed with its comprehensiveness and the effort that went into it. He reiterated his offer to provide WMO assistance with clarifying some points in the draft report, including implementation. John Marks noted that the Carbon Theme illustrates how essential it is for further integration within IGOS since the Carbon Theme cuts across all the observing systems, and is indeed a very complex undertaking with regards to implementation. In closing, Dr. Ciais offered to publish an executive summary of the Carbon Theme Report in the form of a brochure to be made available at the Earth Observation Summit and subsequent meetings. Action: 10-3 3.3 Integrated Global Carbon Theme Team to work with WMO/Don Hinsman and others who wish to provide inputs to finalize its report and provide it to Co- Chairs/ Secretariat by October 24, 2003 for review and final approval by IGOS Partners at the November 20 ad-hoc Partners’ Meeting. (Action: IGCO Theme Team, WMO/Don Hinsman, and others with inputs) Water Cycle Theme Rick Lawford of NOAA reported on the status of the Water Cycle Theme which had been approved for development at IGOS P-9. Since then, the Water Cycle Theme has held 3 workshops and developed a draft Theme Report. Support for the workshops was provided by NASDA, ESA, NASA and NOAA. Dr. Lawford’s presentation is attached. Professor Nakamura presented the status of Japanese activities concerning the Water Cycle Theme. He emphasized the importance of socio-economic aspects of the Water Cycle Theme and of human influence on Water Cycle variability. After the presentation, Yoji Furuhama stated that NASDA would like to contribute further to the development of this Theme with additional satellite resources. He noted that the Coordinated Earth Observation Period (CEOP), the precursor of the Water Theme, was making significant progress and that Professor Koike already has an initial data set from NASDA, but would also like to receive water data from other space agencies, as Rick Lawford had requested in his presentation. Jeff Tschirley of FAO mentioned that the Water Cycle Theme is of great importance to GTOS and appreciated the emphasis the Theme Team had placed on applications. While Tschirley was satisfied with the content of the report, he suggested providing more tables in the report and more synthesis of the information. Addressing a comment made by Lawford on the possible inclusion of more socio-economic perspectives, Tschirley stated that socialeconomic issues are a very high priority and that the Water Cycle Theme is a good theme to address such issues. 6 5 June 2003 IGOS 10th Partners Meeting Paris, France Josef Aschbacher of ESA pointed out CEOS WSSD Follow-up Program Module 2 activities, being led by ESA and NASDA, would be a natural partner with the IGOS Water Cycle Theme. Berrien Moore of the University of New Hampshire complimented the synergy between the Carbon and the Water Cycle Theme Reports, especially in areas of data assimilation where they share some of the same needs and would profit from some of the same solutions. Tillmann Mohr proposed that Partners should provide the Theme Team with detailed comments on the five questions raised in one of Rick Lawford’s slides and establish a deadline for this. Co-Chair Gregory Withee agreed and also encouraged space agencies to provide their support to CEOP efforts. He encouraged Partners to respond with the aim of having a Water Cycle Theme Final Report endorsed by the Partners at the November IGOSP10bis Meeting. Action: 10-4 Richard Lawford to request input to the 5 questions for the Water Cycle Theme presented at 10th IGOS Partners’ Meeting and all IGOS Partners to respond by July 31st. (Action: Rick Lawford and IGOS Partners) 10-5 3.4 Global Water Cycle Theme Team to prepare a draft final report and provide it to CoChairs/Secretariat by October 24, 2003 so that it can be reviewed by the IGOS Partners at the November 20 ad-hoc Partners’ Meeting in Colorado. (Action: Global Water Cycle Theme Team) Atmospheric Chemistry Theme Jorg Langen presented the status of the Atmospheric Chemistry Theme. Dr. Langen’s presentation is attached. Afterwards, Don Hinsman noted that the outline of the Report is close to maturity and that the Team has been working very hard. Stephen Briggs asked how the relationship between the Atmospheric Chemistry Theme and the Carbon Theme is to be addressed. Will Steffen responded to Brigg’s question that he saw linkages earlier in the Geneva SIT Meeting, but more specifically, he sees a relationship on the methane issue. Steffen also mentioned the Carbon and Atmospheric Chemistry Themes could collaborate on methane and other hydro-carbon issues. Co-Chair Erdelen thanked participants for their comments and asked that a status of this activity be given at the November meeting. 3.5 Geological Geophysical Hazards Theme Stuart Marsh presented the GeoHazards Theme Draft Report. He acknowledged participation of UNESCO and CEOS/ESA in this effort, also noting that the GeoHazards Team completed the draft in a single year as charged at the IGOS P-9 Meeting. 7 5 June 2003 IGOS 10th Partners Meeting Paris, France At the conclusion of the presentation, Dr. Furuhama noted that NASDA/MEXT would like to contribute to this particular Theme from a space agency perspective using ALOS data, and specifically help with its implementation. This offer was gratefully accepted by Dr. Marsh. On behalf of all the IGOS Partners, Walter Erdelen endorsed the GeoHazards Theme Report, and hoped that formal approval will be granted at the P-10bis Partners’ Meeting in November. Action: 10-6 GeoHazards Theme Team to collect inputs to finalize its report and provide it to Co- Chairs/ Secretariat by October 24, 2003 for review and final approval by IGOS Partners at the November 20 ad-hoc Partners’ Meeting. (Action: GeoHazards Theme Team) 3.6 Coral Reefs Sub-Theme Arthur Dahl presented the Coral Reef Subtheme Report focusing on the challenges of coral reef observations. Dahl noted that the Coral Reef Subtheme Report had circulated among IGOS Partners for some time and already received a lot of input. Dr. Dahl’s presentation is attached. Sensing general approval of the Coral Reef Subtheme presentation and the Report itself, CoChair Withee declared the Report as having been approved to become an integral part of the future IGOS Coastal Theme, conditional on the Coastal Theme being approved for development later in the meeting. IV. PROSPECTIVE THEME UPDATES 4.1 Coastal Theme Paul DiGiacomo presented the proposal for development of an IGOS Coastal Theme stating that all criteria outlined in the IGOS Process Paper for the adoption of new Themes had been addressed. Dr. DiGiacomo’s presentation is attached. After his presentation, NASDA/MEXT informed the Partners that they will propose names of researchers willing to join this Theme Team if it is adopted by the Partners. Colin Summerhayes also committed to providing a GOOS project staff person to be a member of the group, and endorsed the idea presented during Dr. DiGiacomo’s report of having the first Coastal Theme Team workshop in New Zealand, which would also help publicize IGOS activities to the New Zealand marine science communities engaged in IGOS and GOOS. Jeff Tschirley of GTOS confirmed that the terrestrial component of the Coastal Theme development is advancing very well and will complement the overall Ocean Theme. He also 8 5 June 2003 IGOS 10th Partners Meeting Paris, France supported having a meeting in New Zealand since Small Island Nations represent an important group to consider in the engagement of the Coastal Theme. Co-Chair Gregory Withee agreed that the proposed Coastal Theme met the criteria outlined in the IGOS Process Paper and asked that the IGOS Partners approve the IGOS Coastal Theme for development. The Partners approved this motion. Actions: 10-7 10-8 4.2 Coastal Theme Team to develop Coastal Theme and report on its status at IGOS-P 11 Meeting. (Action: Coastal Theme Team Leader Paul DiGiacomo) CEOS/MEXT/NASDA and GOOS to nominate members to the Coastal Theme Team (Action: CEOS/MEXT/NASDA and GOOS) Emerging Theme Topics Following up on the discussion the previous day in the G3OS meeting, Dr. Rosswall of ICSU proposed that IGOS form a small task force to look at emerging themes, and noted that FAO had already expressed a willingness to hosting such a discussion. He further suggested that IGOS-P set up an additional small specialized group on socio-economic issues to provide a report for guidance on this issue, acknowledging the current activities of the observing systems and making efforts to not reinvent the wheel. Dietrich Leihner of FAO noted that it would be interesting to know from the IGOS Partners how quickly they wanted emerging IGOS themes to be put on the table, and if they should strive to have them prepared before the upcoming Earth Observation Summit, so they could help shape those discussions. Co-Chair Gregory Withee acknowledged that it might be difficult to prepare a list of emerging themes before the Earth Observation Summit, but that if it were possible, IGOS should try and work its ideas into the Earth Observation Summit Ad-hoc Working Group (GEO). He also agreed with earlier comments mentioned in a number of Theme presentations about the importance of considering the development of a socio-economic theme. Anver Ghazi of the European Commission noted the significant improvement in nature and quality in each of the themes and the new synergy to work on global issues, such as GMES, since the last Partners’ Meeting. He noted a paradigm change in the EC for the funding of research, which now allows all the countries of the world to apply for global observation system development support. He stated that the filling of gaps in developing country areas is crucial to the development of a real Earth observation system. In further discussion, it was agreed that FAO would take the lead on drafting a paper on emerging themes by November and that ICSU would work with the Co-Chairs to provide input. Actions: 9 5 June 2003 IGOS 10th Partners Meeting Paris, France 10-9 Co-Chairs to prepare a discussion paper by November 2003 on a strategy for emerging themes for IGOS. FAO agreed to host a workshop to further develop this topic if necessary. (Action: Co-Chairs and FAO) 10-10 Co-Chairs and ICSU to establish a socio-economic working group to look at generic socioeconomic issues common to each of the Themes before the IGOS-P 11. (Action: Co-Chairs and ICSU) V. IGOS-P STRATEGY AND PROCESS 5.1 Implementation Task Force Report Don Hinsman, Chairman of the IGOS Implementation Task Force tasked by Partners at the IGOS P-9 Meeting to develop consensus on the role of the IGOS Partnership in the implementation of IGOS-P Themes, introduced the report on Task Force activities and recommendations. Hinsman reported that an implementation process was very mature with regard to the CEOS Strategic Implementation Team’s (SIT) involvement, but that what was missing was commitment from the observing systems themselves which were expected to implement IGOS Themes. He reported that the Task Force had developed 6 recommendations, recognizing that the 4th recommendation was not reflected in the current Process Paper.” Appendix B of the Task Force’s report reflects changes that need to be made to the Process Paper as a result of Task Force recommendations. Tillmann Mohr of EUMETSAT reminded the Co-Chairs that CEOS endorses the report as a result of its SIT review. However, Mohr proposed a change to the text of recommendation #6 a) to read as follows: “The report should address ‘measurable objectives’ which could be applied but always bearing in mind that the ultimate responsibility for the implementation of a Theme Team’s recommendations rests with those governments and organizations which have committed support to it.” This change in wording was acceptable to Dr. Hinsman. Dr. Rosswall agreed also with the Implementation Task Force Report recommendations, but expressed concerns in relation to the terrestrial components of the IGOS Themes noting that there is not one model that will fit the implementation considerations of all Partners. He requested that other mechanisms include attention to the terrestrial components, and ICSU is committed to putting this subject on its own agenda. John Marks of IGFA agreed and also noted the importance of recommendation 4 in the Implementation Report, stating that long-term funding for implementation must come from national governments. While this is widely agreed upon, he stated that we must work harder in turning this into reality. One problem with the Themes, he noted, is that organizations leading them only have a part of the responsibility for their implementation, so to get agreement from the body itself will require preparation at the national levels. IGFA is 10 5 June 2003 IGOS 10th Partners Meeting Paris, France preparing an inventory of member countries’ stewardship with regard to funds which are distributed (how the funds actually flow into the system). Stephen Briggs of ESA noted that if the change to #6 is accepted, then this will have to be reflected in the last paragraph of Appendix B. Co-Chair Withee sensing consensus, noted that the Implementation Report and its recommendations were approved. Dr. Hinsman then suggested that the Implementation Task Force might be asked to address specific issues on how to go about implementation, especially with regard to IGOS Themes not directly related to observing systems, and that it report and make additional recommendations at the November meeting. He also complimented Dr. Marsh for his creativity in addressing GeoHazards implementation using GARS. Co-Chair Erdelen expressed concern that additional Task Force recommendations to Partners in November might come too late to achieve the goal of allowing the reports of three Themes to be finalized for the November meeting. Dr. Hinsman pledged that the Task Force would work energetically between now and November with the Carbon Theme proposal, with questions concerning implementation of GeoHazards Theme, and with the Water Cycle Theme. Dr. Marsh offered to work with Dr. Hinsman in firming GeoHazards Theme plans to connect to the GARS mechanism in hopes that this would help resolve Co-Chair Erdelen’s concern regarding the timing. Tillmann Mohr and Roy Gibson of EUMETSAT endorsed Dr. Hinsman’s proposal for the Task Force to work directly with the three Themes nearing completion, and Gibson suggested that the Task Force Chairman be able to take on additional members to the Task Force as needed to better accommodate this process. Dr. Hinsman stated that he agreed to Roy Gibson’s suggestion and hoped the Implementation Task Force could help the IGOS Themes overcome certain implementation obstacles. He said he did not want to slow down the progress of IGOS and committed to imposing no impediments to the ability to approve all of the IGOS themes that are ready in November. Co-Chair Withee noted that the additional remit to the Task force seemed to find general favor among Partners, and closed the discussion by emphasizing he was delighted that the Partners had found a way to move forward. ACTION: 10-11 Implementation Task Force to be reconstituted with additional members to be nominated as suggested at IGOS P-10 in order to propose further guidance on implementation consistent with the updated Process Paper and revisions agreed at IGOS P-10. The further guidance could be used by Themes that will propose reports in November 2003. Such further guidance will also be proposed to the IGOS Partnership for review and approval as appropriate. (Action: WMO/Don Hinsman and Implementation Task Force Members) 11 5 June 2003 IGOS 10th Partners Meeting 5.2 Paris, France IGOS Process Paper Co-Chair Gregory Withee noted that now that the Implementation Report has been adopted, it should be put into practice and reflected in an update to the IGOS Process Paper. Brent Smith of CEOS/NOAA suggested that the Secretariat make changes to the Process Paper as discussed, and that the Secretariat and all Theme Team Leaders provide updates to Annex B of the Process Paper by 31 July. Actions: 10-12 IGOS Partners and Theme Teams to provide updates to Annex B (IGOS Principals and Points of Contact: Theme Team Leaders) to Secretariat by July 31, 2003. (Action: IGOS Partners and Theme Team Leaders) 10-13 IGOS Secretariat to update Process Paper by the end of August 2003 to reflect Implementation Task Force related additions and to update Annex B (IGOS Principals and Points of Contact: Theme Team Leaders) identification of IGOS points of contact. (Action: IGOS Secretariat) 5.3 Membership issues IGOS Co-Chair Walter Erdelen noted that the IGGOS (Integrated Global Geodetic Observing System) had requested information as to membership criteria for IGOS and was subsequently informed about the procedures. The IGOS Secretariat requested feedback from the Partners to see if any Partners wished to sponsor IGGOS for membership. No such responses were received. 5.4 Future development of the IGOS Partnership IGOS Co-Chair Walter Erdelen noted that this topic was substantially discussed under agenda item #4, but opened the meeting for further discussion. There were no additional comments. VI. IGOS PROMOTION AND COMMUNICATION 6.1 Summary of activities since IGOS P-9 NASDA reported that the World Water Forum in Japan provided IGOS with significant visibility. 6.2 WSSD 2002 Outcome and IGOS Type II Partnership Josef Aschbacher of ESA noted the importance of increasing awareness of policy makers around the world on sustainable development issues and that more needs to be done by IGOS. He then gave a presentation on IGOS Type 2 Partnership activities, noting that he and Robert Missotten of UNESCO are leading this effort for IGOS. Actions proposed for consideration at this meeting included: 1) Assessment by Themes on how to best benefit 12 5 June 2003 IGOS 10th Partners Meeting Paris, France from goals of the WSSD; 2) Harmonize CEOS WSSD Follow-up Programme with IGOS activities; 3) Introduce sustained development concept into the Process Paper by IGOS-P 11; and 4) Demonstrate any concrete action initiated through Themes at IGOS-P12. Another key point made during his presentation was the challenge to integrate environmental observation data with socio-economic data. Michael Hales, CEOS WSSD Follow-up Team Leader, supported the goal of harmonizing CEOS WSSD activities with the IGOS Theme Teams. Arthur Dahl of UNEP noted that another WSSD Type 2 partnership was formed for international coral reefs. Action: 10-14 6.3 Continue development of IGOS Type 2 Partnership through exploring harmonization possibilities with the CEOS WSSD Follow-up Team (Action: IOC/GOOS/Colin Summerhayes and CEOS/NOAA Michael Hales); examine potential modification of the IGOS Process paper to include concepts of sustainable development ((Action: CEOS/ ESA/Josef Aschbacher, UNESCO/Robert Missotten); and linkage of IGOS Themes to sustainable development – in particular recognition of the opportunity to link with the CSD initiative on Water. (Action: Theme Team Leaders.) Coordination with Convention Secretariats and report on “2nd Adequacy Report” David Carson of WCRP reported that within the last two weeks, the WMO Congress supported the 2nd Adequacy Report and he strongly encouraged IGOS to endorse it as well. Dr. Furuhama of NASDA/MEXT supported the implementation of the GCOS recommendations. Co-Chair Gregory Withee noted that the space agencies were quite involved in providing comments on the report. Action: 10-15 6.4 GCOS to be invited to identify which of the IGOS Theme-related products have direct relevance to Table 2 of the 2nd Adequacy Report and, on that basis, propose specific follow-up actions, if appropriate, for the consideration of the IGOS-P. (Action: GCOS) Capacity Building Colin Summerhayes of IOC/UNESCO discussed the important linkage that has been established between IGOS and the CEOS WGEdu (Working Group on Earth Observation Education and Training), and then provided background on the current status and activities of the WGEdu. He encouraged IGOS Partners to support this linkage, thus helping developing countries to gain access to information and training so they can produce products for their 13 5 June 2003 IGOS 10th Partners Meeting Paris, France decision makers. Summerhayes stated that Actions 9-14 and 9-15 from the previous Partners Meeting should now be recast into a new action for IGOS capacity building activities. 14 5 June 2003 IGOS 10th Partners Meeting Action: 10-16 Paris, France Partners’ Meeting Actions 9-14 and 9-15 were subsumed to direct IGOS Partners to work with the CEOS WGEdu to maximize efforts and resources on common activities in education, training and capacity building, and to request the WGEdu to take on the responsibility of harmonizing the capacity building efforts of the IGOS Partners, to the extent possible. Colin Summerhayes is to report on the status of these actions to the IGOS Partners at the IGOS P-11. (Action: Colin Summerhayes) 6.5 High Level Event on Global Earth Observation on 6 June in UNESCO Co-Chair Walter Erdelen quickly gave an overview of the High Level Event on Global Earth Observations scheduled for the following day. He thanked the speakers for their willingness to participate even given schedule changes. He noted that UNESCO Director Barbosa would give opening remarks, followed by Jose Achache of ESA, and then the Theme Team leaders, with IGOS Co-Chairs to provide concluding remarks. Co-Chair Gregory Withee thanked Walter for organizing this event aimed at raising the visibility of IGOS, noting it to be an important effort to promote IGOS. 6.6 Earth Observation Summit Co-Chair Gregory Withee discussed the Earth Observation Summit, to take place in Washington D.C. on July 31st. Withee noted that that one of the ideas of the summit was to connect the importance of observations with the importance of understanding and eventually solving the problems facing us on this planet. To assist with adding context for the Earth Observation Summit, Chigusa Hanaoka of MEXT displayed a slide on the G8 Action Plan adopted that very week at the G-8 Heads of State Summit in Evian, France, suggesting that an implementation plan should be developed by next spring’s Tokyo ministerial conference. VII. ANY OTHER BUSINESS NASDA/MEXT proposed that the IGOS Brochure be updated to reflect IGOS Theme developments over the past year so that it could be made available at the Earth Observation Summit. Support from all IGOS Partners was requested in updating the content of this brochure by early July. Action: 10-17 IGOS Theme Team leaders to provide Chu Ishida input for the revision of the IGOS Brochure by June 30th. (Action: IGOS Theme Team Leasers and CEOS/NASDA) VIII. REVIEW OF IGOS P-10 ACTIONS The Co-Chairs displayed the IGOS actions from this meeting on a large screen for Partners’ review and comment. In connection with this review, Roy Gibson on behalf of the CEOS/SIT Chair noted that CEOS SIT would meet October 14-15 in Darmstadt and that this 15 5 June 2003 IGOS 10th Partners Meeting Paris, France meeting would allow for CEOS SIT review of Theme Team draft final reports prior to the November IGOS P-10bis Meeting. An action noting this was accordingly drafted. 10-18 Theme Team leaders asked to note that SIT will be arranging a meeting, October 14-15 in Darmstadt, to allow CEOS/SIT review of draft reports prior to ad-hoc IGOS-P meeting in November 2003. (Action: Theme Team leaders) IGOS P-10 Action Items 10-1 Partners to provide any comments to Colin Summerhayes on the content of his Ocean Theme Progress Report to the IGOS P-10 Meeting. (Action: All IGOS Partners) 10-2 Ocean Theme Implementation Team to initiate its rolling review and Theme restatement and report to the 11th IGOS Partners’ Meeting. (Action: GOOS/Colin Summerhayes and CEOS/NASA/Lindstrom) 10-3 Integrated Global Carbon Theme Team to work with WMO/Don Hinsman and others who wish to provide inputs to finalize its report and provide it to Co- Chairs/ Secretariat by October 24, 2003 for review and final approval by IGOS Partners at the November 20 ad-hoc Partners’ Meeting. (Action: IGCO Theme Team, WMO/Don Hinsman, and others with inputs) 10-4 Richard Lawford to request input to the 5 questions for the Water Cycle Theme presented at 10th IGOS Partners’ Meeting and all IGOS Partners to respond by July 31st. (Action: Rick Lawford and IGOS Partners) 10-5 Global Water Cycle Theme Team to prepare a draft final report and provide it to CoChairs/Secretariat by October 24, 2003 so that it can be reviewed by the IGOS Partners at the November 20 ad-hoc Partners’ Meeting in Colorado. (Action: Global Water Cycle Theme Team) 10-6 GeoHazards Theme Team to collect inputs to finalize its report and provide it to Co- Chairs/ Secretariat by October 24, 2003 for review and final approval by IGOS Partners at the November 20 ad-hoc Partners’ Meeting. (Action: GeoHazards Theme Team) 10-7 Coastal Theme Team to develop Coastal Theme and report on its status at IGOS-P 11 Meeting. (Action: Coastal Theme Team Leader Paul DiGiacomo) 10-8 CEOS/MEXT/NASDA and GOOS to nominate members to the Coastal Theme Team (Action: CEOS/MEXT/NASDA and GOOS) 10-9 Co-Chairs to prepare a discussion paper by November 2003 on a strategy for emerging themes for IGOS. FAO agreed to host a workshop to further develop this topic if necessary. (Action: Co-Chairs and FAO) 10-10 Co-Chairs and ICSU to establish a socio-economic working group to look at generic socioeconomic issues common to each of the Themes before the IGOS-P 11. (Action: Co-Chairs and ICSU) 10-11 Implementation Task Force to be reconstituted with additional members to be nominated as suggested at IGOS P-10 in order to propose further guidance on implementation consistent with the updated Process Paper and revisions agreed at IGOS P-10. The further guidance could be used by Themes that will propose reports in November 2003. Such further guidance will also be proposed to the IGOS Partnership for review and approval as appropriate. (Action: WMO/Don Hinsman and Implementation Task Force Members) 16 5 June 2003 IGOS 10th Partners Meeting Paris, France 10-12 IGOS Partners and Theme Teams to provide updates to Annex B (IGOS Principals and Points of Contact: Theme Team Leaders) to Secretariat by July 31, 2003. (Action: IGOS Partners and Theme Team Leaders) 10-13 IGOS Secretariat to update Process Paper by the end of August 2003 to reflect Implementation Task Force related additions and to update Annex B (IGOS Principals and Points of Contact: Theme Team Leaders) identification of IGOS points of contact. (Action: IGOS Secretariat) 10-14 Continue development of IGOS Type 2 Partnership through exploring harmonization possibilities with the CEOS WSSD Follow-up Team (Action: IOC/GOOS/Colin Summerhayes and CEOS/NOAA Michael Hales); examine potential modification of the IGOS Process paper to include concepts of sustainable development ((Action: CEOS/ ESA/Josef Aschbacher, UNESCO/Robert Missotten); and linkage of IGOS Themes to sustainable development – in particular recognition of the opportunity to link with the CSD initiative on Water. (Action: Theme Team Leaders.) 10-15 GCOS to be invited to identify which of the IGOS Theme-related products have direct relevance to Table 2 of the 2nd Adequacy Report and, on that basis, propose specific follow-up actions, if appropriate, for the consideration of the IGOS-P. (Action: GCOS) 10-16 Partners’ Meeting Actions 9-14 and 9-15 were subsumed to direct IGOS Partners to work with the CEOS WGEdu to maximize efforts and resources on common activities in education, training and capacity building, and to request the WGEdu to take on the responsibility of harmonizing the capacity building efforts of the IGOS Partners, to the extent possible. Colin Summerhayes is to report on the status of these actions to the IGOS Partners at the IGOS P-11. (Action: Colin Summerhayes) 10-17 IGOS Theme Team leaders to provide Chu Ishida input for the revision of the IGOS Brochure by June 30th. (Action: IGOS Theme Team Leaders and CEOS/NASDA) 10-18 Theme Team leaders asked to note that SIT will be arranging a meeting, October 14-15 in Darmstadt, to allow CEOS/SIT review of draft reports prior to ad-hoc IGOS-P meeting in November 2003. (Action: Theme Team leaders) IX. CHAIR ARRANGEMENTS FOR 2003/2004 Before stepping down as the Co-Chair of IGOS after 18 months, Walter Erdelen thanked the IGOS Partners who have helped to make so much progress on IGOS initiatives during this time. He then passed the Co-Chairmanship to Dr. Dietrich Leihner of FAO. Dr. Leihner responded by noting that the year ahead is partly already predetermined. He is prepared to focus on the completion, adoption, approval and implementation of current themes. While he is not interested in adding many new themes, he sees a need for a strategic framework within IGOS that includes existing themes and some potential new ones. Some of the priorities for FAO as the Co-Chair of IGOS this year will include a focus on: capacity building and strengthening linkages between providers (including space agencies) and users, in particular – developing countries. At FAO, capacity building is an area in which IGOS works that needs even greater involvement of developing countries. This is a major concern for facilitation the implementation of the Themes which include and concern both the developed and developing world. 17 5 June 2003 IGOS 10th Partners Meeting X. Paris, France DATE AND VENUE FOR THE NEXT SESSION The next IGOS P-11 meeting was announced to be in Rome, May 27, 2004 at FAO headquarters. On May 25th, Tuesday, there will be a Secretariat meeting, and on the 26th G3OS and CEOS will presumably have separate meetings. On May 27th, IGOS P-11 will take place, with a quick Secretariat meeting following shortly after the conclusion of the P-11 meeting. Also, IGOS Partners were asked to note the Ad-Hoc IGOS-P-10bis meeting on Nov 20th in Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA. In closing, Co-Chair Gregory Withee thanked Walter Erdelen and UNESCO for their hard work over the past 18 months and noted that this is a very long time for an IGOS-P Co-Chair XI. CLOSURE OF THE SESSION The IGOS P-10 meeting was adjourned. 18 5 June 2003 IGOS 10th Partners Meeting Paris, France ATTENDANCE LIST BNSC (British National Space Centre) Mr Churchyard, Mark Earth Observation Project Manager BNSC 151 Buckingham Palace Road LONDON SW1W 9SS U.K. Tel.: +44 (0) 20 7215 0813 Fax:+44 (0) 20 7821 5387 E-mail: mark.churchyard@bnsc.gsi.gov.uk Internet: http://www.bnsc.gov.uk BRGM (French Geological Survey) Dr Modaressi, Hormoz Head of Planning and Natural Risks Division BRGM 3, Avenue C. Guillemin B.P. 6009 45060 Orléans Cedex 2 France Tel.: +33 (0)2 38 64 30 73 Fax: +33 (0)2 38 64 35 94 E-mail: h.modaressi@brgm.fr CES/LSCE ( Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l’Environment ) Mr Ciais, Philippe Senior Scientist, Leader of the Biogeochemical Cycles Group CEA/LSCE Bat. 709 Orme des Merisiers 91191 Gif sur Yvettes France Tel: +33 1 69 08 95 06 / 71 21 Fax: +33 1 69 08 77 16 Email: ciais@lsce.saclay.cea.fr ; amvw@lsce.saclay.cea.fr 19 5 June 2003 IGOS 10th Partners Meeting Paris, France ESA (European Space Agency) Mr Briggs, Stephen Head of EO Science and Applications Department Principal - as substitute to Prof Achache ESA Via Galileo Galilei Frascati 00044 Italy Tel.: +39 06 94 18 04 00 Fax: +39 06 94 18 04 02 E-mail: Stephen.Briggs@esa.int Mr Aschbacher, Josef Programme Coordinator, Directorate of Earth Observation Programmes /Focal Point ESA 8-10, Rue Mario Nikis 75738 Paris Cedex 15 France Tel.: +33(0)1 53 69 77 07 Fax: +33(0)1 53 69 76 74 E-mail: josef.aschbacher@esa.int Dr. Langen, Joerg Scientist / IGACO co-chair ESA Keplerlaan 1, Noordwijk 2200AG, Netherlands Tel.:+31 71 5655726 Fax:+31 71 565 5675 E-mail: Joerg.Langen@esa.int EUMETSAT (European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites) Dr Mohr, Tillmann Director-General/Principal EUMETSAT Am Kavalleriesand 31 Darmstadt 64295 Germany Tel.: +49 6151 807601 Fax: +49 6151 807830 20 5 June 2003 IGOS 10th Partners Meeting Paris, France E-mail: mohr@eumetsat.de Dr Williams, David F. Head, Strategy and Intl Relations Contact & CEOS Sec EUMETSAT Am Kavalleriesand 31 Darmstadt 64295 Germany Tel.: +49 6151 807 603 Fax: +49 6151 807 866 E-mail: dwilliam@eumetsat.de Mr Gibson, Roy Advisor EUMETSAT Residence Les Hesperides 51, Allee J. de Beins F34000 Montpellier France Tel.: +33(0)4 67 64 81 81 Fax: +33(0)4 67 22 34 02 E-mail: roy.gibson@wanadoo.fr EC (European Commission) Dr. Schouppe, Michel Scientific Officer European Commission LX46 2/86 Bruxelles B-1049 Belgium Tel.: +32 2 296 0618 Fax:+32 2 299 57 55 E-mail: michel.schouppe@cec.eu.int Dr Ghazi, Anver Head of Unit - Global Change European Commission - Research Directorate-General Postal Address: LX46 02/114 B-1049 Brussels Rue du Luxembourg/Luxemburgstraat 46 B-1000 Bruxelles/Brussel Tel.: +32 2 - 295.84.45/295.16.86 21 5 June 2003 IGOS 10th Partners Meeting Paris, France Fax: +32 2 - 299.57.55 E-mail: anver.ghazi@cec.eu.int FAO (Food and Agriculture Organisation) Dr Leihner, Dietrich E. Director, Research, Extension and Training Div, Sust Dev Dept FAO C866, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla 00100 Rome Italy Tel: +39 6 5705 6196 Fax: +39 6 5705 5246 Email: dietrich.leihner@fao.org Mr Tschirley, Jeff GTOS Secretariat FAO c/o Environment & Natural Resources Service Research, Extension & Training Division Sustainable Development Dept. Viale delle Terme di Caracalla 00100 Rome Italy Tel: +39 6 570 53450 Fax: +39 6 5705 3369 E-mail: jeff.tschirley @ fao.org ICSU (International Council for Science) Prof. Rosswall, Thomas Executive Director & Principal ICSU 51, Boulevard de Montmorency 75016 Paris, France Tel. : 33 (0)1 45 25 03 29 Fax : 33 (0)1 42 88 94 31 E-mail : thomas.rosswall@ICSU.org Ms Goldfarb, Leah Programme Officer on Environment and Sustainable Dev. ICSU Secretariat 22 5 June 2003 IGOS 10th Partners Meeting Paris, France 51, Boulevard de Montmorency 75016 Paris, France Tel. : 33 (0)1 45 25 03 29 Fax : 33 (0)1 42 88 94 31 E-mail : leah@icsu.org IGBP (International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme) Mr Will, Steffen Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences Lilla Frescativägen 4 P.O. Box 50005 S-10405 Stockholm Sweden Tel: +46 8 166 448 Fax: +46 8 166 405 Email: will@igbp.kva.se IGFA (International Group of Funding Agencies) Prof. Svedin, Uno Chairman of partner Organisation IGFA for Global Change Research c/o FORMAS Box 1206, Stockholm SE -111 8 Sweden Tel.:+46 8 775 4017 Fax:+46 8 775 4010 E-mail: uno.svedin@formas.se Mr Marks, John GC Research, Member of Steering Committee & Focal Point IGFA for Global Change Research P.O. Box 93510 The Hague 2509 AM, Netherlands Tel.: +31 70 344 0708 Fax:+31 70 381 9033 E-mail: j.marks@wxs.nl IOC-UNESCO (Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO) 23 5 June 2003 IGOS 10th Partners Meeting Paris, France Dr Summerhayes, Colin Peter Director of GOOS Project Office & Focal Point IOC 1, rue Miollis 75732 Paris, France Tel.: +33 (0)1 45 68 40 42 Fax: +33 (0)1 45 68 58 13 E-mail: c.Summerhayes@unesco.org Ms Hood, Maria IOC - UNESCO 1, rue Miollis 75732 Paris Cedex 15 Tel.: +33 (0)1 45 68 40 28 Fax: +33 (0)1 45 68 58 12 E-mail: m.hood@unesco.org Mr Vestergaard, Ole Associate Expert IOC-UNESCO 1, rue Miollis 75732 Paris Cedex 15 Tel.: +33 (0)1 45 68 40 68 Fax: +33 (0)1 45 68 58 12 E-mail: o.vestergaard@unesco.org MEXT (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan) Ms Hanaoka, Chigusa Director, Office of Earth and Environmental Science and Technology, Earth Div, Research & Development Bureau MEXT Kasumigaseki 3-2-2 Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8959 Japan Tel.:+81 3 5253 4143 Fax:+81 3 5253 4147 E-mail:chanaoka@mext.go.jp Ms Sugita, Naoko Special Staff, Office of Earth & Envivronmental Sc and Technology, Div, Research and Development Bureau MEXT Ocean and Ocean and Earth 24 5 June 2003 IGOS 10th Partners Meeting Paris, France Kasumigaseki 3-2-2 Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8959 Japan Tel.: 81 3 - 5253 4143 Fax: 81 3 - 5253 4147 E-mail: nsugita@mext.go.jp NAGOYA UNIVERSITY , JAPAN HYDROSPHERIC ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH Prof. Nakamura, Kenji Professor, Co-chair of Reporting WG of Ocean Theme Hydrospheric Atmospheric Research Center (HyARC), Nagoya University Furocho, Chikusaku Nagoya 464-8601 Japan Tel.:+81-52-789-5439 Fax: +81-52-789-3436 E-mail: nakamura@ihas.Nagoya-u.ac.jp NASA – JPL (National Aeronautics and Space Administration, U.S. – Jet Propulsion Laboratory) Dr DiGiacomo Paul Michael Scientist Theme Team leader for the Coastal Theme NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) MS 300-323, 4800 Oak Grove Drive Pasadena CA 91109 U.S.A Tel.: 1-818-354-8189 Fax: 1-818-393-6720 E-mail:pmd@pacific.jpl.nasa.gov NASDA (National Space Development Agency of Japan) Dr Furuhama, Yoji Exec Director, Office of Satellite Technology, Research and Application NASDA 2-1-1, Sengen Tukuba-shim Iabaraki 305-8505 Japan Tel.: 81-29-868-5075 Fax: 81-29-868-5988 E-mail: furuhama.yoji@nasda.go.jp 25 5 June 2003 IGOS 10th Partners Meeting Paris, France Mr Ishida, Chu Senior Engineer, Earth Observation Applications Research Center Office of Satellite Technology, Research and Applications NASDA 1-8-10, Harumi, Chuo-ku Tokyo, 104-6023 Japan Tel.: 81-3-6221-9139 Fax: 81-3-6221-9180 E-mail: ishida.chu@nasda.go.jp Mr Haruyama Yukio Special Staff to the President CEOS Utilization Task Force member NASDA 2-4-1, Hamamatsu-cho Minato-ku, Tokyo+B340 105-8060 Japan Tel.:81-3-3438-6331 Fax: E-mail: haruyama.yukio@nasda.go.jp Ms Misawa, Kazuko Deputy Manager, Application & Service Dept, RESTEC NASDA/RESTEC 1-9-9, Roppongi, Minato-ku Tokyo 106-0032 Japan Tel.: +81 3 - 5561 4547 Fax: +81 3 - 5574 8515 E-mail: misawa@restec.or.jp Ms Kato, Mariko Staff, Earth Observation Research Center Office of Satellite Technology,Research and Application NASDA 1-8-10, Harumi, Chuo-ku Tokyo, 104-6023 Japan Tel.: 81-3-6221-9009 Fax: 81-3-6221-9191 E-mail: kato.mariko@nasda.go.jp Mr Ward, Stephen NASDA 54 Edward Street, Bondi NSW 2026 Australia Tel. : +61 2 9130 4260 Fax: +61 2 9130 4260 26 5 June 2003 IGOS 10th Partners Meeting Paris, France E-mail: mail@stephenward.net NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, U.S.) Mr Withee, Gregory W. Assistant Administrator for Satellite and Information Services & IGOS Co-Chair National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) 335 East-West Highway, Room 8268 Silver Spring, Maryland 20910 U.S.A. Tel: +1 301 713-3578 Fax: +1 301 713-1249 E-mail: greg.withee@noaa.gov Mr Smith, Brent Chief NOAA/NESDIS International and Interagency Affairs SSMCI, Room 7311 1335 East-West Highway Silver Spring, MD 20910, U.S.A. Tel: +1 301 713-2024, X203 Fax: +1 301 713-2032 E-mail: brent.smith@noaa.gov Mr Lawford, Richard (Rick) G. Co-chair, Global Water Cycle Theme NOAA Office for Global Programs (OGP) Suite 1210 1100 Wayne Ave, Silver Spring MD 20910 U.S.A. Tel.: +1 301 427 2089 extn 146 Fax:+1 301 427 2073 E-mail: Richard.Lawford@noaa.gov Mr Hales, Michael International Relations Specialist National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adm 335 East-West Highway, Room 7407 Silver Spring, Maryland 20910 U.S.A. Tel.: +(301) 713-2024, ext: 220 Fax: +(301) 713-2032 27 5 June 2003 IGOS 10th Partners Meeting Paris, France E-mail: michael.hales@noaa.gov Ms Carrodeguas, Judith Program Support NOAA 1600 Wilson Blvd, Suite 901 Arlington VA 22209 U.S.A. Tel.: 1 703 - 312 7923 Fax: 1 703 - 312 8657 E-mail: July_Carrodeguas@strategies.org NRSCC (National Remote Sensing Centre of China) Prof Liu, Dingsheng Deputy Director- General & Principal RSGS/NRSCC 45 Bei San Juan Xi Road Beijing, 100086 China Tel.: +86-10-62652103 Fax: +86-10-62561215 E-mail: dsliu@mail.rsgs.ac.cn Dr Li, Mengxue Prof & Sec Gen of CEOS China & Focal Point National Remote Sensing Centre of China - NRSCC 15B, Fuxing Road, Beijing 100862 China Tel.: +86-10-683 542 44 Fax: +86-10-683 425 50 E-mail: mengxueli@nrscc.gov.cn Dr Chen, Xue Doctor & Sec-Gen CEOS China & Focal Point National Remote Sensing Centreof China (NRSCC) Room 9804 JingShi Bldg., N° 19 XinJieKow Wai St., Beijing 100862 China Tel.: +86-10-6835-4244 Fax: +86-10-6834-2550 E-mail: connie@nrscc.gov.cn Dr Prof. Li, Deren Director & Principal LIESMARS at Wuhan University 129 Luoyu Road, Wuhan Hubei 430079 China 28 5 June 2003 IGOS 10th Partners Meeting Paris, France Tel.: +86-27-87865402 Fax: +86-27-87865402 E-mail: dli@wtusm.edu.cn or pw67@yahoo.com UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme) Dr Dahl, Arthur Lyon Senior Advisor, Div of Early Warning and Assessment UNEP 9 Chemin des Anemones CH-1219 Chatelaine, Geneva Switzerland Tel.:+41 (0)22 917 8207 Fax:+41 (0)22 797 3471 E-mail: dahla@unep.ch ; dahla@bluewin.ch Dr Fernandez, Ramon Norberto Acting Chief, Early Warning Branch U.N. Environment Programme (UNEP) P.O. Box 30552, Nairobi 00100 Kenya Tel.: 254 2-623 450/623 374 Fax: 254 2-624 309 E-mail: norberto.fernandez@unep.org UNESCO Mr Barbosa, Marcio Deputy Director-General UNESCO 7, Place de Fontenoy 75007 Paris France Tel. : +33 (0)1 45 68 13 46 Fax : +33(0)1 45 68 57 89 E-Mail : m.barbosa@unesco.org Mr Klingl, Oscar Secretariat of the Deputy Director-General UNESCO 7, Place de Fontenoy 75007 Paris France Tel. : +33 (0)1 45 68 13 66 Fax : +33(0)1 45 68 57 89 E-Mail : o.klingl@unesco.org 29 5 June 2003 IGOS 10th Partners Meeting Paris, France Mr Erdelen, Walter Assistant Director-General for Natural Sciences & IGOS Co-Chair UNESCO 1, rue Miollis 75732 Paris Cedex 15 Tel.: +33 (0)1 - Fax: +33 (0)1 - E-mail: w.erdelen@unesco.org Mr Missotten, Robert Senior Programme Specialist, Div of Earth Sciences & Focal Point UNESCO 1, rue Miollis 75732 Paris Cedex 15 France Tel: +33 (0)1 45 68 41 17 Fax: +33 (0)1 45 68 58 22 E-mail: r.missotten@unesco.org UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE U.S.A. Prof Moore III Berrien Director, Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans & Space University of New Hampshire (UNH) Durham, NH 03824 USA Tel.: +1 603 - 862 1766 Fax: +1 603 - 862 1915 E-mail: b.moore@unh.Edu ; pam.wildes@unh.Edu WCRP (World Climate Research Programme) Dr. Carson, David John Director & Principal World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) 7 bis, Av de la Paix Case postale No. 2300 Geneva 2, CH-1211 Switzerland Tel.: +41 22- 730 8246 Fax: +41 22 -730 8036 E-mail: Carson_d@gateway.wmo.ch 30 5 June 2003 IGOS 10th Partners Meeting Paris, France Dr Sommeria, Gilles Senior Scientific Officer WCRP OMM 7 bis, Avenue de la Paix Geneva 1211 Switzerland Tel.:+41 22 730 8247 Fax:+41 22 730 8036 E-mail:sommeria_g@gateway.wmo.ch WMO (World Meteorological Organization) Dr Hinsman, Donald Ernest Senior Scientific Officer & Focal Point WMO Case Postal 2300 7 bis, Avenue de la Paix CH-1311 Geneva 2 Tel.: +41 22 730 8285 Fax:+41 22 730 8181 E-mail: Hinsman_d@gateway.wmo.ch Mr Barrie, Len Chief of Environment Division of AREP WMO 7 bis Avenue de la Paix Case postale 2300 1211 Geneva 2 Switzerland Tel: +41 22 730 8240 Fax: +41 22 730 8049 Email: Barrie_L@gateway.wmo.ch 31 5 June 2003