SACS Working Group Meeting Minutes 11/30/2011

SACS Working Group Meeting
Location: EpiCenter - 1-324
Time: 2:30 – 3:30 p.m.
Attended: Ashley Hendrickson, Cynthia Grey, Cynthia Jolliff-Johnson, Daniel Gardner, Darlene
Westberg, Frank Appunn, Gail Lancaster, James Olliver, Janice Thiel, Jesse Coraggio, Jim
Wallis, John Hesting, Kay Burniston, Kim Wolff, Leigh Goldberg Hopf, Michael Hughes,
Richard Flora, Tom Philippe, Tonjua Williams, Vicki Westergard, Wendy Rib
SACSCOC Annual Meeting Attendees: Anne Cooper, Kay Burniston, Tom Furlong, Jesse
Coraggio, Cynthia Grey, Janice Thiel, Ashley Hendrickson, Gail Lancaster, Jim Wallis,
Joe Leopold, Kim Wolff
1) At the next meeting (Thursday, January 19, 2:00-3:00 p.m.), attendees will
discuss key points from the conference.
Impressions from an onsite visit – Gail Lancaster
1) Discussed her overall experience with how the college treated the on-sight team
2) A work room was set up at the college and at the hotel with approx.. 20
computers, copies of all documentation, a 24 hour IT person on hand, and a
contact person assigned to the group.
3) Gail pointed out that a benefit was that all campus personnel had large print color
coded names tags
4) Be sure to provide documentation as proof of qualified faculty and staff; provide
documentation on how assessments data is being used – provide examples.
5) Be sure full time faculty data is disaggregated to the program level
6) In the area of student complaints provide examples that went through the entire
complaint process.
SGA has been approached about student representation
1) Dr. Williams will address this with SGA
2) If there is a need for students to evaluate SPC processes, please feel free to select
students from your campuses to test the services.
College Goals (see page 3) – form subcommittee to review
1) Jim Wallis and Jesse Coraggio volunteered to review the college goals to
determine if recommendations should be made for revision.
2) Kay Burniston will forward these recommendations to leadership
Update from Standards Teams
SACS Working Group Meeting
Clarify Timeline (see page 4)
VII) Mission: To effect change in practices resulting in educational improvement and
maintaining good standing with our accrediting bodies.
VIII) Recommendations
Establish methods for maintaining lists of those assigned primary responsibilities
(e.g., curriculum developers)
Revisit college goals (consider workforce)
Improve efficiencies of maintaining faculty lists and documenting
Next Meetings
Thursday, January 19, 2:00-3:00 p.m.
Wednesday, February 15, 2:00-3:00 p.m.
Thursday, March 22, 2:00-3:00 p.m.
SACS Working Group Meeting
2009-2012 Goals:
I. Expand student access to baccalaureate programs, bachelor’s degrees, graduate degrees, and
careers; as well as prepare lower division students for successful transfer into baccalaureate
programs through the associate in arts and articulated associate in science degree programs;
II. Maintain the “open door” by providing opportunities for under-prepared students to achieve
college entry-level skills through college preparatory programs and services;
III. Promote the community’s economic and cultural development with noncredit programs,
continuing education lifelong learning, and targeted partnerships and leadership initiatives;
IV. Contribute to the international education of students by providing opportunities that
encourage global awareness and perspectives;
V. Provide challenging educational opportunities for area high school students through dual
enrollment, charter school and similar programs;
VI. Promote student learning and maximize opportunities for student success by enhancing
services delivered by student affairs staff;
VII. Provide a diverse student body with innovative teaching and learning technologies in
various instructional modalities;
VIII. Build/acquire and maintain a high-quality infrastructure, including technology, facilities,
and equipment, to meet student and community needs;
IX. Recruit and develop an outstanding, diverse faculty and staff;
X. Perform continuous institutional self-evaluation and efficient and effective operations to
assure a culture of excellence in student services and academic success.
SACS Working Group Meeting
January – Resource list: Who, in the college, can assist with your section(s)? What
documents/Websites, etc.?
February – Research, Writing, and Review
March – Research, Writing, and Review
April – Research, Writing, and Review
May – Draft complete
June – Partnering for feedback
July – Feedback from partners
August – Final Revision and Polishing
September – Report Complete
October – Consultant Review and Feedback