QEP Team Meeting Minutes 09/07/2011

QEP Team Meeting
Attended (via SPOC): David Monroe, Matthew Bodie, Tim Godcharles, Janice Thiel
A) Ashley presented the findings of her review of the QEP and response
document at the QEC meeting on 9/2/11.
1) QEC members suggested QEP assessment be presented at the Critical
Thinking Institute on September 23 and also a follow-up meeting to
look more closely at assessment data during All College Day on
October 25. Janice has crafted a tentative title and description for the
Critical Thinking Institute. Janice will discuss this with Ashley and the
possibility for All College Day.
B) SACS Working Group
1) Meeting was held 8/31/2011
(a) Cynthia Grey, George Greenlee, and Frank Appunn presented their
key take-aways from the SACS Summer Institute. Ashley (and
Tonjua?) will present at the next meeting.
2) Next meetings are scheduled for:
(a) Thursday, October 6, 2:30-3:30 p.m., EpiCenter – 1-324
(b) Wednesday, November 30, 2:30-3:30 p.m., EpiCenter – 1-324
3) Recommendations
(a) Establish methods for maintaining lists of those assigned primary
responsibilities (e.g., curriculum developers)
(b) Revisit college goals (consider workforce)
(c) Improve efficiencies of maintaining faculty lists and documenting
C) Assessment Rubric for Critical Thinking (ARC)
1) ARC and Ethics CTAP assignment – Ashley and Janice met with most
faculty (see list below) on 8/18/11. Janice followed-up with Cameshia
Ware, who was absent, but has not yet heard back. David contacted
Barbara Grano who has sent another email message to Cameshia asking
her to contact Janice:
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*Action Item
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QEP Team Meeting
2) ARC Scoring Workshop is scheduled for Friday, November 18, 8:00 a.m.
to 5:00 p.m., District Office Consular Conference Room DO 102.
Ashley will discuss with Jesse who will facilitate.
D) Critical Thinking Assessment Test (CAT)
1) The report from the 6/3/11 workshop is complete, and we are awaiting
results from Tennessee Tech.
2) 2012 Administration
Student Success
A) Classroom Activities
B) Rubrics
C) ePortfolio
D) Student Activities
1) David started a “Free Thinkers” club at the Tarpon Springs Campus, and
he spoke with Maureen Mahoney about a college-wide debate. David
met with Susan Demers on 9/6/11 about looking at assessing activities
scheduled around campus. We will plan a meeting with Ethics faculty
and Ashley to discuss their needs and determine options.
Professional Development
A) Quality Enhancement Committee Meeting
1) Matthew presented “Change vs. Transformation.”
2) Ashley presented the findings of her review of the QEP and response
3) David outlined emphasis on student activities.
4) Student representative Sarah Pemberton, Clearwater Campus SGA
President, attended.
5) QEC members suggested QEP assessment be presented at the Critical
Thinking Institute on September 23 and also a follow-up meeting to
look more closely at assessment data during All College Day on
October 25.
6) Janice will post the agenda, notes, and presentations via the Gateway
Website and forward the link to members.
B) Critical Thinking Institutes
1) Fall Critical Thinking Institute
(a) See tentative agenda.
(b) Date: Friday, September 23
(c) Time: 8:30-3:00 p.m.
(d) Location: Clearwater Campus Arts Auditorium
(e) A student performance will kick off the opening general session –
Jeff Donovick’s “Laptop Ensemble”
(f) Janice will have handout to assess students.
(g) Janice and Li-Lee met with the four faculty who attended the
International Conference on Critical Thinking on 8/26/11 to
discuss the Opening Session. The faculty are planning the plenary
session. Janice will follow-up with Li-Lee about their piece.
(h) Janice resent invitation to present.
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QEP Team Meeting
(i) Matt and Cher will meet on Monday, September 12 to continue
session planning.
(j) Janice will send registration information as soon as catering details
are finalized.
(k) Run-Through – Friday, September 16, 1:00 p.m. Clearwater Arts
(l) Set-Up – Thursday, September 22, 2:00 p.m. Clearwater Arts
Auditorium Lobby
(m) Agenda:
(i) 8:30-9:00 – Morning Munchie
(ii) 9:00-9:10 – Laptop Ensemble
(iii) 9:10-9:15 – Welcome from Dr. Vittetoe
(iv) 9:15-10:15 – Plenary Session with Matthew Bodie, Cher
Gauweiler, Bill Hemme, and Ginny Price
(v) 10:15-10:30 – CETL/QEP Remarks from Li-Lee Tunceren
and Janice Thiel
(vi) 10:30-10:45 – Break
(vii) 10:45-11:45 – 1st Break-Out Sessions
(viii) 11:45-12:45 – Lunch (Oasis in the NM Building Lobby)
(ix) 12:45-1:45 – 2nd Break-Out Sessions
(x) 1:45-2:00 – Break
(xi) 2:00-3:00 – Discipline-Specific Discussions
Janice has solicited facilitators. IDTs will train facilitators
on Posterous on Thursday, September 15, 2:00-3:30 p.m. at
EpiCenter – 1-314. Janice will meet with Tim on Monday,
September 12, 2:30 p.m. at HEC’s Faculty Development
Center to set-up the Posterous site/feed:
Arts & Humanities – Brandy Stark
Communications – Bonnie Jefferis
Mathematics – Jim Rutledge
Science – TBD
Social & Behavioral Sciences – George Greenlee and
Roy Slater
 Human Services
 Student Life Skills
Computers & Technology – Nathan Heinze
 Engineering Technology
Business, Finance, Management – Lynn Grinnell
 Parks & Leisure Services
 Hospitality & Tourism Management
Education – Nancy Watkins
 Early Childhood
 Sign Language Interpretation
 Library
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QEP Team Meeting
Law & Public Safety – Christy Powers
 Emergency Medical Services
 Public Safety Administration
 Paralegal Studies
 Ethics
Health Sciences – Steve Hardt
 Health Information Management
 Dental Hygiene
 Orthotics & Prosthetics
 Physical Therapist Assistant
 Respiratory Care Radiography
 Nursing
 Medical Laboratory Technology
 Funeral Services
 Veterinary Technology
(n) Janice has reviewed the catering contract with Oasis: $6.50 for one
of three choices. Attendees are to purchase a ticket at the Hard
Drive Café: “Complimentary coffee, tea, water, and a light
morning munchie will await you when you arrive at the Arts
Auditorium for the opening session. You may bring your own
lunch or purchase a boxed lunch for $6.50. To avoid delay, buy
your lunch ticket at the Hard Drive Cafe located in the LA
building as you arrive before the opening session or during the
mid-morning break before the first break-out session. Otherwise,
you will need to head over to the cafe at lunch time, purchase
your ticket, and then go back to the NM building to pick up your
(i) Turkey and cheese box lunch on deli bread with lettuce and
tomato and a bag of chips
(ii) Ham and cheese box lunch on deli bread with lettuce
tomato and a bag of chips
(iii) Garden Salad
2) Narrowing the Gulf – March 29-30, 2012. Edna Ross of Louisville
University is interested/available to present the key note and meet with
the Faculty Champions, and possibly conduct an additional break-out
session. Edna is considering her expenses and will send a description
and her fee request to Janice.
Faculty Champions
1) Janice has followed-up about submitting a proposal to present at the Fall
Critical Thinking Institute.
2) 2011 Faculty Champions
(a) College of Business and Engineering Technology are not yet
complete with Spring 2011 deliverables. Janice will follow-up
with them.
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QEP Team Meeting
3) 2010 Faculty Champions
(a) Medical Lab Technology and Natural Science are not yet complete
with Fall 2010 deliverables. Janice will follow-up with them.
4) Final Survey for 2009 and 2010 Faculty Champions – Janice will work
with Ashley to develop this.
5) QEP-CETL Bridge Team
(a) Janice Thiel, Li-Lee Tunceren, Bill Hemme, Matthew Bodie, Cher
Gauweiler, Ginny Price are working on the opening general
session for the Fall Critical Thinking Institute. Janice will followup about strategizing ways to sustain the critical thinking
initiative within CETL.
C) Academic Roundtables
Critical Thinking Resources
A) Gateway Website
B) RLO’s
C) Instructional Portfolios
D) Critical Thinking Resource Centers
1) Matthew will review the site and note ideas for improvement.
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