AGENDA Define Customer Service Discuss 8 Rules for Good Customer Service Face Reality CUSTOMER SERVICE Good customer service is all about bringing customers back. And about sending them away happy - happy enough to pass positive feedback about your office along to others, who may then enroll at your institution for themselves and in their turn become repeat customers. 8 RULES 1. Answer your phone Return Calls 2. Don’t make promises unless you will keep them 3. Listen Be Honest 4. Deal with Complaints (before they are elevated) 5. Be helpful 8 RULES 6. Train Staff to be Helpful Courteous knowledgeable 7. Go the extra mile Make a Phone Call Walk student to location 8. Throw in something Extra Advice Handout/Pamphlet/Web address CUSTOMER SERVICE Reality – Sending customers away happy enough that they do not complain to your boss or the President of the College. RULES REALITY Answer your phone – I was in meetings all day Return Calls Don’t make promises unless you will keep them I meant to call you back but I got distracted by the emergency request for data Listen Goes both ways You have been saying the same thing for the last 20 minutes. Deal with Complaints (before they are elevated) Be helpful Define helpful RULES REALITY Train Staff I learned a long time ago that I can teach a person how to process aid but I can’t teach them how to be a good person Go the extra mile Be careful not to get drawn into things that are out of your area of control Be prepared to not be recognized for your efforts, Ex. Throw in something Extra Advice might not always be accepted or appreciated Handout/Pamphlet/Web address should be relevant REALITY Most schools try to provide good customer service Institutional and Federal Policies often Conflict with good customer service Perception trumps Reality One size does not fit all The customer is NOT always right Some days you just don’t feel like havin’ it REALITY CHECK Consider surveys and or secret shoppers Make a list of customer service ideas Select one or two to put into practice Study businesses or schools that have the reputation that you want Determine what your current strengths are Normally we focus on what we don’t do well Stay proactive SUMMARY “If you aren’t taking care of your customers, your competition will.” THANK YOU Sharon Hassan Director of Financial Aid Prince George’s Community College 301-322-0766