WASFAA 2009 Anchorage, Alaska Extraordinary Presentations Jacquie Carroll & Kay W. Soltis agenda ■ Potential Topics/audience ■ Personal SWOT ■ Before ♦ PAL ♦ Gayne’s 9 steps ■ During ♦ Content and Delivery ♦ Learning styles/retention ♦ Adult learning ♦ Difficult participants ■ After Potential topics/audience ■ What are some topics? ♦ Entrance & exit counseling ♦ Budgeting ♦ Money management ♦ Financial planning ♦ Credit cards & debts ♦ Time management ♦ Academic dos and don’ts ■ Possible audience ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ High School Counselors HS Financial Aid Night current students /parents New FAAs Financial Aid Support Staff Faculty and/or other colleagues ♦ Board of Regents/Trustees ♦ Scholarship Organizations Personal SWOT analysis ■Strengths ■Weaknesses ■Opportunities ■Threats Before- know your PAL ■P = Purpose ■A = Audience ■L = Logistics Before- know your purpose ■ What are you trying to accomplish and how will you do it? ♦ Workshops- activities ♦ Presentations- informational ♦ Scavenger Hunt- actions ♦ Other- online? Before- know your audience ■ Who is your audience? ♦ High School Counselors ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ High School Financial Aid Night Current students and/or Parents New Financial Aid Administrators Financial Aid Support Staff Faculty and/or Other Colleagues Board of Regents/Trustees Scholarship Organizations Special Needs ■ Hearing impaired ■ English as a second language ■ Visually impaired Before- know your logistics ■ Room layout ■ Resources/technology ■ Beginning of the day ■ Prior to Lunch ■ After lunch ■ Last session of the day Gayne’s 9 steps to instruction ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 1.Gain attention 2.inform learners of objectives 3.stimulate recall of prior learning 4. present content 5. Provide Learning Guidance 6. Elicit performance 7. Provide feedback 8. Assess participation 9. retention and transfer to job application Before- set ground rules ■ Inform audience of the following ♦ Start and Stop on time ♦ Provide logistics ♦ Respect each other ♦ Questions – Parking lot, Ask it Basket, etc. During- Content ■ Ask the audience what they expect ♦ Write it down ♦ Go over the list ♦ Explain what you will cover – tell the audience if you will not cover one of its expectations ■ Divide content into 3 categories ♦ Need to know ♦ Nice to know ♦ Where to go learning environment ■ Creating a safe environment ♦ Put them at ease ♦ Make it fun ♦ Tension = Retention ♦ Brain cleansing ♦ Ownership During- openers ■ Story ■ Quotation ■ Challenging questions ■ Significant statement ■ Pay a compliment During- variety in handouts ■ Case study ■ Role play ■ Crossword puzzles ■ Effectiveness grids ■ Use left pages as notes page ■ Use icons to anchor key information generate interest ■ Use visuals & color ■ Make a promise ■ Ask a question ■ Share a story ■ Use an activity ■ Add some humor During- closers ■ Call for action ■ Anecdote ■ Recap ■ Rhetorical question ■ Statement learning styles/retention ■ Break preoccupation ■ Content, Participation, Review ■ 90/20/8 ■ Primacy & recency ■ Raise or enhance self-esteem ♦ WII-FM ♦ MMFI-AM During- learning styles ■ Audio learner ■ Visual learner ■ Tactile learner During- learning styles Left Brain Right Brain ■ Thoughts ■ Feelings ■ Logic ■ Intuition / gut ■ Words ■ Visuals ■ Numbers ■ Pictures / icons ■ Rules ■ No boundaries ■ Task oriented ■ Relationship ■ Future / past ■ In the moment During- learning styles we remember. . . ■ 10% of what we read ■ 20% of what we hear ■ 30% of what we see ■ 50% of what we see & hear ■ 80% of what we say ■ 90% of what we say as we act adult learning ■ Adults ♦ Want to be considered as learning partners ♦ want information that they can apply or use immediately ♦ Also have multiple learning styles that should be considered ♦ Learn better in a group ♦ It may be more fun difficult participants ■ Explorer ■ Latecomer ■ Know it all ■ Elder ■ Introvert ■ Prisoner difficult participants ■ The Prisoner ♦ Directly face their reservations ♦ Present group generated benefits ♦ Keep all course materials benefit-based ♦ Use proximity ♦ Enlist their help ♦ Initiate a private discussion ♦ Allow them to leave Conclusion ■ Last but not least – leave them with something –Tell them what you’re going to tell them –Tell them what you told them –Leave them with something Summary ■ Help people learn how to learn ■ 9 steps of instructions ■ Make learning fun ■ Use dynamics of the group ■ Allow adults to bring experience to training and use it ■ Memorable After■ Evaluate what went well and what didn’t ■ Make changes as needed ■ Seek input from audience ■ Send follow up survey, later Thank you for joining us today!