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Quarterly WASFAA Committee Report
Executive Council Meeting Date
February 28 – March 1, 2013
Executive Council Meeting Location
San Francisco, CA
Committee Information
Committee Name
Strategic Planning Committee
Chair(s) (Name, Place of Employment, State)
Kay W. Soltis, Pacific Lutheran University, WA
Committee Members (Name, Place of
Employment, State, note new committee members
with ‘*’)
Jack Edwards, Stanford University – Grad School of Business, CA
*Frank Green, Travel Institute of the Pacific, HI
*Luhui Whitebear, Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde, OR
Wendy Olson, Whitworth College, WA
Peter Miller, Truckee Meadow Community College, NV
Mindy Bergeron, John F. Kennedy University, CA
*Lawrence Persky, UCLA, CA
Tami Sato, Southern California College of Optometry, CA
*Paula Cady, Universal Technical Institute, AZ
Steve Herndon, Past President 2005-06, Retiree
*Sun Ow, Great Lakes Higher Education, CA
Committee Goals
Strategic Plan Goals that are being met (check all that apply)
Goal 1: Be a leader in providing training and professional development
opportunities that are responsive to members needs
Goal 2: Maintain the long-term financial stability of the Association
Goal 3: Assess and monitor the performance of the Association and implement
strategic adjustments
Goal 4: Continually improve methods and processes for communicating with the
Goal 5: Increase the participation of members in WASFAA activities
Goal 6: Consolidate and communicate the public policy positions of financial aid
administrators in the Western region and provide members with the
support and education they need to further their own advocacy efforts
Goal 7: Maintain and enhance the ethnic diversity of our membership and the
Executive council
Goal 8: Collaborate and coordinate with other organizations and associations in
order to serve our members more efficiently and effectively
1. Continue tracking the Strategic Planning measures from the
Specific Committee Goals (include progress
toward goals and measurement of success)
current Strategic Plan
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Quarterly WASFAA Committee Report
Begin researching and developing a new Strategic Plan.
Obtain direction from WASFAA EC for the next strategic plan
a. Length of plan
b. Data collection – membership survey?
c. Review our Core values
d. Review our Core competencies
e. What do we want WASFAA to look like in the future
Communicate progress to membership
Summary of Activities
Contacted our former consultant, Gayle Northrup to discuss her review of our measures tracking tool from the last two
years. Talked about recommendations for the next stage of our association.
Asked Steve Herndon to assist in helping to guide us through this process of creating a new Strategic Plan (SP) for
A conference call was held on September 28, 2012, a small group of the committee assembled to discuss the direction of
the committee’s work for this year. A recommendation to provide Georgia and Virginia’s SP to all committee members to
review as a possible template for our new SP. Tami Sato provided a “first rough” draft of a new SP. Steve Herndon
reviewed Tami’s version and indicated he was doing the same thing. He included his suggestions (as he discovered many
of his suggestions coincided with Tami’s). It was decided that all subsequent changes would be included in this document
and updated. President Edwards has developed the November EC agenda around an extended report/discussion involving
our current SP and a review of the goals submitted by committee chairs and their support of WASFAA’s goals, measures
and strategies. (Minutes are posted to the WASFAA website under Strategic Planning Committee)
The SP committee would be sent Virginia and Georgia’s SP and the “rough” draft of the new SP for 2014-16 for review and
input at the next meeting.
Conference call was held on November 1, 2012, the SP committee reviewed the SP from Virginia and Georgia. Committee
members provided feedback on the draft of the 2014-16 SP. This document will be revised and send to all EC members as
part of the prep work for the EC meeting in November. An agenda was discussed for the SP portion of the Nov EC
meeting. (Minutes will be posted shortly on WASFAA website)
Exercise at EC generated a good deal of input for our goals as well as the opportunity to generate a new iteration of the
Steve Herndon gathered information from the EC meeting to generate a new draft. Tami Sato provided another version
with information submitted by the small group exercise. The Chair reviewed and submitted iteration 8 for the SP
committee to review and provide input. The deadline for submission of revisions is set for February 15. A new iteration
will be generated and transmitted to all EC members for review.
At the February 28 EC meeting members will be divided up into 4 groups each will be given two goals to review and
provide feedback. All feedback will be collected and a reviewed and incorporated into the final document to be produced
and distributed before the next EC.
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Quarterly WASFAA Committee Report
Budget Information
Approved Budget
Budget Expenditures to Date
Event Information (complete if applicable per location)
Event Name
Cost of
Complimentary Registrations (if
applicable – i.e., scholarship recipients)
Add more rows as needed for additional events.
Suggestions for Future Committee
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Quarterly WASFAA Committee Report
Calendar of Events/Timelines
Committee Member
Responsible (if
Contacted Gayle Northrup,
Arranged conference call with Steve Herndon, Jack Edwards,
and Gayle Northrup.
Generated notes from conference call
Identifying potential committee members, discuss with
President any other members or invited guests
Develop agenda for Strategic Planning meeting
Generate quarterly committee report
Review supporting documents provided by Gayle Northrup,
Mindy Bergeron, Tami Sato
Send agenda for first meeting of the committee June 28 & 29
Updated 2011-12 Measures Tracking Tool
Conference Call to discuss Measures Tracking Tool,
Chair and Committee
Reviewed 2011-12 Measures Tracking Tool, draft of 2014-16
Strategic Plan and discussed how to develop “buy in” from the
EC as well as direction
Arrange another meeting of the committee
Review 2011-12 Measures Tracking Tool
Chair and Committee
Review current SP and the goals set by current chairs.
Discussed other state and regional associations SP. Gather
input from committee members for the draft 2014-16 SP.
Discuss working agenda and each member’s participation in
the SP committee portion of the Nov EC.
Develop final agenda for EC and supporting documents for SP
portion of EC. Attend EC
Posted minutes from Sept conference call on WASFAA website
Chair and Committee
Discuss progress on SP for 2014-16 and the plans for how the
exercise will be conducted at the EC meeting. Final Measures
Tracking Tool was completed for 2011-12
Committee member –
Steve Herndon
New iteration of SP was generated
All goals for 2012-13 were collected and a new goals matrix
was created
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Quarterly WASFAA Committee Report
Calendar of Events/Timelines
Committee Member
Responsible (if
Committee member –
Tami Sato
Reviewed latest iteration from Steve Herndon and a new
iteration #7 was generated to include the feedback from the
exercise done by the groups. and the updated 2012-13 goals
generated from each committee
Reviewed and included the final 2012-13 goals generated by
each committee to iteration #8 of the SP. Sent SP Iteration
#8 to all committee members.
Feedback due Feb 15
Chair and
Will review and incorporate suggestions into a new iteration
and draft will be sent to all members of the EC to review
before the Feb 28 – March 1 EC.
Final exercise will be conducted at EC meeting and input will
be collected.
Chair and
Final draft will be generated from input collected and sent to
all committee members.
All input will generate a final Strategic Plan to be sent to each
EC member.
First draft of Measures Tracking Tool will be provided to EC as
well as the recommendation to accept and adopt the 2014-16
WASFAA Strategic Plan.
Generate final Measures Tracking Tool to the 2013-14 EC as
Year End Report
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