Save the completed report using Committee title and date ( example: WASFAA_JRSMLI_Feb_10.doc ). Submit your report via email to the WASFAA Executive Council listserv and post a copy to the Committee webpage on the WASFAA website. Quarterly WASFAA Committee Report Executive Council Meeting Date November 18-19, 2010 Executive Council Meeting Location San Francisco, CA Committee Information Committee Name ALASFAA President Chair(s) (Name, Place of Employment, State) Ted Malone, University of Alaska Anchorage Committee Members (Name, Place of Employment, State, note new committee members with ‘*’) Committee Goals Strategic Plan Goals that are being met (check all that apply) Goal 1: Leader in providing training and professional development Goal 2: Consolidate and communicate the public policy positions of aid administrators Goal 3: Collaborate and coordinate with other organizations and associations Goal 4: Maintain and enhance the diversity of our membership and Executive Council Goal 5: Increase the participation of members in WASFAA activities Goal 6: Maintain the long-term financial stability of WASFAA Goal 7: Continually improve methods & processes for communicating with member’s Goal 8: Assess & monitor the performance of WASFAA & make strategic adjustments Specific Committee Goals (include progress toward goals and measurement of success) Page | 1 Quarterly WASFAA Committee Report Summary of Activities We held our Fall Conference October 18 on the campus of UAA and continued with UASFunds fall training the next day. We had about 35 people attend. We made no attempt to solicit vendors for display or support. One vendor did volunteer to do a presentation on servicing of PUT loans and similar topics. We are grateful that the Department of Education allowed Marianna Deeken to attend and present. We are still involved in the implementation of the state Merit Scholarship. It has many rules in place, but so far no money to actually award. We are still experiencing the glorious election season as we determine who all those write in votes are actually for. Depending on who you ask spelling is terribly important or not. Budget Information Approved Budget $ Budget Expenditures to Date 1. 2. 3. TOTAL = $ Event Information (complete if applicable per location) Event Name Location Date Number Cost of Registration Subtotal Attendees Complimentary Registrations (if applicable – i.e., scholarship recipients) Page | 2 Quarterly WASFAA Committee Report Add more rows as needed for additional events. Suggestions for Future Committee 1. 2. 3. Calendar of Events/Timelines Date Committee Member Responsible (if Description applicable) Page | 3