Save the completed report using Committee title and date ( example: WASFAA_JRSMLI_Feb_10.doc ). Submit your report via email to the WASFAA Executive Council listserv and post a copy to the Committee webpage on the WASFAA website. Quarterly WASFAA Committee Report Executive Council Meeting Date November 19-20, 2009 Executive Council Meeting Location Las Vegas, NV Committee Information Committee Name Fund Development Chair(s) (Name, Place of Employment, State) Colleen MacDonald, EdFund, CA Committee Members (Name, Place of Jean Russell, ASA, AZ Nick Boschert, University of Nevada – Reno, NV Employment, State, note new committee members with ‘*’) Committee Goals Strategic Plan Goals that are being met (check all that apply) Goal 1: Leader in providing training and professional development Goal 2: Consolidate and communicate the public policy positions of aid administrators Goal 3: Collaborate and coordinate with other organizations and associations Goal 4: Maintain and enhance the diversity of our membership and Executive Council Goal 5: Increase the participation of members in WASFAA activities Goal 6: Maintain the long-term financial stability of WASFAA Goal 7: Continually improve methods & processes for communicating with member’s Goal 8: Assess & monitor the performance of WASFAA & make strategic adjustments 1. Explore grant opportunities for fund raising. Specific Committee Goals (include progress 2. Expand the solicitation of new potential exhibitors, toward goals and measurement of success) venders, advertisers, etc than in previous years while continuing to maintain contact with existing organizations. Page | 1 Quarterly WASFAA Committee Report 3. 4. 5. 6. Consider the possibility of Business Solution Sessions at the 2010 WASFAA Conference. Provide relevant and timely communications to encourage maximum participation. Update the Partner Information and online submission on the WASFAA website in a timely manner. Raise $50,000 for WASFAA in 2010. Summary of Activities Completed Draft of 2010 Fund Development offerings. o Suggested keep pricing the same. o Included new offering. o Work to achieve approval at November WASFAA EC meeting to request updates to web. o Solicited feedback from vendors about new idea to contract for space. o See below for details about new Fund Development Offering entitled “Conference Business Solutions Space” (see description below) Discussed possible Auction (live or silent) at next conference with members of the Conference Committee. Explored possible items for sale at conference to raise money for organization. o Price Point would be set at $10 or $15 per unit o Items to be purchased with shipping for under $6 per unit. KB9710: Borsellino Neoprene Electronics Case Quantity Price 150 - 299 $5.25 Imprint Charges INCLUDES ONE COLOR/LOCATION PRINT Imprint Decoration & Location Printing Flap ( 2" W x 1 1/2" H ) Additional Information Dimensions 6 1/8" W x 4 3/8" H x 1 1/4" D Standard Packaging Bulk Packaging Materials Neoprene GR4303: Econo 6Can Cooler Quantity Price 100 - 249 $4.10 Imprint Charges INCLUDES ONE LOGO/COLOR/LOCATION PRINT, POLYBAGGED Imprint Decoration & Location Printing Top Page | 2 Quarterly WASFAA Committee Report ( 4" W x 2" H ) Additional Information Dimensions 5" W x 8" H x 5" D Standard Packaging Polybag Materials PEVA Lining, Vinyl GC026: 10 Function Stainless Pocket Knife Quantity Price 100 - 249 $4.25 Product Features Knife, scissors, bottle opener, can opener, Phillips screwdriver, flathead screwdriver, nail file, corkscrew, punch, split ring, steel construction. Imprint Charges INCLUDES ONE LOGO/LOCATION LASER ENGRAVING AND TUCK END GIFT BOX Imprint Decoration & Location Laser Engraving Front ( 1 1/2" W x 5/16" H ) Additional Information Dimensions 5/8" W x 3" H x 0" D Standard Packaging Individually Materials Steel Completed draft of web updates. Working with Newsletter Committee to determine Ad deadlines. Working with Electronic Intiatives Chair with Coordinated with Conference Committee to confirm Ad size for the 2010 Conference Program. Reviewed grant making foundations websites to determine if WASFAA could apply for a grant to fund organization or specific trainings. o o Education Research Training Program-Schedule 84.305B CFDA 84.305B application timeline March o Henry W. Bull Foundation funds a wide range of organizations, projects, and issues. The Foundation's grant guidelines do not specify funding priorities or interests ($5,000). Application timeline none Conference Business Solutions Space: The Conference Business Solutions Space provide an additional opportunity for businesses to interact with WASFAA Conference attendees To promote various emerging hardware and software technologies, services, alternative financing issues, and more To conduct a focus group on promising products and services Page | 3 Quarterly WASFAA Committee Report To train emerging or established hardware and software technologies To host an advisory group meeting Conference Business Solutions Space give your business additional exposure to WASFAA Members and provide an additional opportunity for you to support the organization. By requesting a Conference Business Solutions Space, you will not only have the opportunity to educate Conference attendees on your products/services, but you will also gain added exposure through special recognition in the pre-Conference and Conference programs and on the WASFAA website. Companies may separately invite participation to WASFAA members or other higher education administrators in the WASFAA region at the Conference Business Solutions Space. WASFAA Fund Development Choice Options Choice I $2,500 (Savings of $900) 1 Booth Space at Annual Conference ($1700) ¼ page ad in a WASFAA Newsletter ($500) * ****NEW**** 1 Banner ad of 15 second loop on WASFAA website for calendar year ($1200) ** Listing of Name in Annual Conference Program Listing of Name on partner page of WASFAA website Choice II $4,500 (Savings of $1950) 1 Conference Business Solution Space for 1-2 hours ($750) ****NEW**** 1 Booth Space at Annual Conference ($1700) Upgrade: ½ page ad in Conference Program ($500) * 1 Banner ad of 15 second loop on WASFAA website for calendar year ($1200) ** Upgrade: ½ page ad in any THREE newsletters ($2250)* Upgrade: Name on Conference Pocket Program Upgrade: Logo presented on PowerPoint at Fall and Spring trainings Listing of Name in Annual Conference Program Listing of Name on partner page of WASFAA website Choice III $8,000 (Savings of $2450) 1 Conference Business Solution Space for 2-4 hours ($1250) ****NEW**** 1 Booth Space at Annual Conference ($1700) Upgrade: First priority for selecting booth space at annual conference (location, location, location) ($1000) Upgrade: Full page ad in Conference Program ($1000) * Page | 4 Quarterly WASFAA Committee Report Upgrade: 2 Banner ads of 15 second loop on WASFAA website for calendar year ($2000) ** Upgrade: Full page ad in all 4 newsletters ($4000)* Name on Conference Pocket Program Upgrade: Logo on PowerPoint at General Sessions at Annual Conference Logo presented on PowerPoint at WASFAA trainings Upgrade: Logo presented on PowerPoint at Sister Dale Brown Summer Institute (SDBSI) Listing of Name in Annual Conference Program Listing of Name on partner page of WASFAA website Ala Carte Options Newsletter Ads: Ad Dimensions and Cost: Dimensions Cost Full page - 7 ½” x 10” $1000 Half page - 7 ½” x 4 ¾” (horizontal only) $750 Quarter page - 3 ½” x 4 ¾” $500 Conference Program Ads: Ad Dimensions and Cost: Dimensions Cost Full page - 6” x 19” $1000 (2 for $1750) Half page - 6” x 4 ½” (horizontal only) $500 Quarter page – not available Conference Business Solutions Space: Cost 1-2 hours - $750 2-4 hour - $1,250 Online Banner Advertisement: Ad Dimensions and Cost: Dimensions Cost 468x60 – NOT TO EXCEED 20K - .jpg or .gif $1200 Each additional Banner Ad $800 Sister Dale Brown Summer Institute (SDBSI) Advertisement: Ad Dimensions and Cost: Page | 5 Quarterly WASFAA Committee Report Dimensions Cost Half page - 7 ½” x 4 ¾” (horizontal only) $500 Exhibitor Booth Space: 8x10 Exhibitor booth space may be purchased for $1700. This includes a 6’ table, two chairs, wastebasket, draping, and sign. Extra Booth Spaces may be purchased for an additional $1000 per additional space. Drayage information will be sent to you directly from the drayage company selected for the 2010 Conference in Coeur d'Alene. They will contact you after we have payment for your booth. Budget Information Approved Budget $ Budget Expenditures to Date 1. 2. 3. TOTAL = $ Event Information (complete if applicable per location) Event Name Location Date Number Cost of Registration Subtotal Attendees Complimentary Registrations (if applicable – i.e., scholarship recipients) Add more rows as needed for additional events. Page | 6 Quarterly WASFAA Committee Report Suggestions for Future Committee 1. 2. 3. Explore pricing at other Fin Aid Associations and industry events. Explore grant making foundation websites. Calendar of Events/Timelines Date Committee Member Responsible (if Description applicable) Page | 7