Strategic Planning February 20, 2014 San Diego – Handlery Hotel

Strategic Planning
February 20, 2014
San Diego – Handlery Hotel
Present: Jack Edwards, Mindy Bergeron, Terri Eckel, Frank Green, Kevin Jensen, Jeff Scofield, Steve
Herndon, Wendy Olson, Oscar Verduzco, Sun Ow, Kay Soltis
Call to Order: 1:39
Review of Minutes from November Strategic Planning Meeting
Terri solicited edits back in November and has incorporated all into the draft. No additional edits.
Review of To Do List:
Terri to see if there are any membership surveys in Survey Monkey and communicate with Steve
on that – DONE
Jack said that Frank asked that we go over tracking tool. He asked that everyone look at Appendix F. He
checked with the past past past president and it was updated. Tomorrow in EC we’ll want to be sure
that everyone is familiar with it. People come and go on EC and their year end reports are crucial.
Frank asked Kay to help with the discussion tomorrow and break people into groups and also asked her
to bring it up in President’s meeting today. Kay said that she was glad to see the box on the form when
she completed her End of Year (EOY) report for MLI.
Steve pointed out most substantive changes was with President’s group. They’ll need most direction.
Frank pointed out that some need to be reminded more than others to have reports written and
submitted. Kay said that the state presidents do a good job, but some disappeared altogether. Nevada
President has disappeared altogether. Evidently he is no longer employed with his institution. Some
send proxies or designees from their state. Leonard said that they do have a President Elect for NV and
they will be better represented next year.
Frank said that some State presidents are really good and others aren’t. Good participation is about
50/50. Jeff said it is a bit concerning when that group is about ½ of our voting members. Mindy asked if
other regional associations have this problem. Catherine said that SWASFAA has designees. Frank said
that it was a topic that came up with NASFAA and it seems fairly typical. Not sure that there’s much
more that can be done. Kay said it was good to give them an assignment this year. It really helped and
they really bought into it.
Steve pointed out that Training should also include C – referencing the tracking tool. Wendy asked if
perhaps it needs to be updated.
Jack said that there are some changes to be made re: who should be sitting on the NASFAA Board. Jack
had Ashley fix it and update the website. April 2013 was the most recently updated version. Newest
version will be February 2014 that will include everything that Jack did during his year. Steve suggested
adding letter B. Or 1-1 B, C & D. Steve thinks that E & C should be added.
Steve said that the training manual came off of the Tracking tool and he questioned whether it should
be included on Appendix F. Kay said it was done and it is being used, but we should check to see for
sure. Jack said 1A is about the manual and also when you look at App F, it is tied to conference, it has
got to tie to MLI, SDBSI…because those are all training events.
Jack said we should also look at the core questions for WASFAA events. Frank asked that Steve explain
what he has been working on with the core survey questions. Steve said that the idea was to figure what
is consistent across most surveys for our events. They came up with 14 core questions that they think
should be included in any of our event surveys. They has a committee of 4 and that group along with
some others came up with the questions. They may not relate to a particular event, so if it doesn’t
pertain, wouldn’t answer. But they are relevant to almost all.
Jack said this will help them to better compare one year to the next. Frank is unclear as to how to
proceed. Bring up tomorrow at EC and then it’s incorporated into PP’s. Steve recommends that it be a
part of the PP’s. The questions should help drive their tracking tool and EOY reports.
Jack asked if we need a motion for a change to PP during EC. Catheine said to tag it on to Kevin’s other
changes to PP. Sun asked - how would the questions be distributed? Via Survey Monkey? Kay said she
did paper evaluation at MLI. Jack said training uses Survey Monkey. Won’t work for SDBSI and
conference because they are so big – really need to use Survey Monkey. Sun asked where do we store
the results? Jack thinks those results should be included in end of year reports. Those reports should be
added to our web – Committee chairs have ability to post them. Steve said it will really help the next
chair to manage their committees. Frank should make sure that his committee chairs who have survey
results include them in their EOY reports.
Kay said survey results should be shared so that we can make our events better. Oscar asked if we are
tracking for a long period of time. Frank said that is the idea.
Jeff asked if Survey Monkey has analytics so that some sophisticated analysis can be done. Jeff also
asked if Survey Monkey is the best system for us. Kay said that we want to ask open ended questions.
Jeff asked if we are asking the same questions in the same way. Wendy said you can even download
into an Excel spreadsheet. It’s all in the way that we phrase our questions. Jeff said that we need some
consistency in the way we ask our questions. Kevin said he thinks we need to have consistent
demographic questions and make some comparisons to our membership database.
Catherine suggested that we all have IR staff on our campuses that may be helpful. Frank suggested that
we discuss at EC tomorrow with everyone and have Research Committee include in PP’s. Steve thinks
that the individual committee chairs should determine some appropriate questions.
Mindy asked – are the instructions for posting minutes on the website. They are given to us on our flash
drives. Perhaps it should be on our website??
Catherine said that she always struggled with getting things to upload on our website and thought it was
due to the way it was set up..
TO DO – Ashley needs to update everyone again on how to upload minutes and reports on web.
Discussion on why nominations and elections had to bump training survey. Terri explained that we are
only permitted one sign on at a time during the elections due to the sensitivity of the election results.
It’s sometimes a problem and a bit of a nuisance to only allow one person access to Survey Monkey at a
time. She suggests that we look into purchasing another Survey Monkey account if it isn’t too expensive.
Steve said Research committee is already working on the vendor and membership surveys so that next
year’s committee can be ready to distribute those. Frank will be chairing SP and that will be his role.
Plan – Jack will print Appendix F and Core questions. We’ll do proposal from SP at EC meeting to say that
the questions should be added to surveys as core questions. This is a work in progress, but we’ve got to
start working on them. Jeff asked if there should be another appendix to the SP. Jack isn’t sure that it
Also need to discuss membership survey. Steve said that it is a monster – there is no survey in our
archives. Questions have come up as to whether diversity should be an instrument in and of itself. Very
preliminary at this point and next year they’ll be working on it in full force. Steve did pull together a
measurement tool and the committee just got it and they will review and then make recommendations.
Meeting adjourned at 3:45