WASFAA Executive Council Minutes February 21, 2014 San Diego – Handlery Hotel

WASFAA Executive Council Minutes
February 21, 2014
San Diego – Handlery Hotel
Present: Mindy Bergeron, Terri Eckel, Sun Ow, Ashley Salisbury, Jeff Scofield, Leonard Walker, Jack
Edwards, Frank Green, Kevin Jensen, Steve Herndon, Wendy Olson, Oscar Verduzco, Kay Soltis, Nichole
Doering, Barbara Bickett, Sandi Guidry, Laura Hughes, Adam Hatch, John Bender, Catherine King-Todd,
Monique Theriault, Abril Hunt, Ashley Munro, Helen Faith, Roxanne Merle, Leonard Walker,
Call to Order: 8:32
Review of Minutes from November EC meeting
Terri sent out draft of minutes back in November and has incorporated all edits. No additional edits.
Review of To Do List:
Mindy to search for documents/minutes that substantiates that Treasurer-Elect is an officer and
voting member of EC – at present, Treasurer-Elect is a non-voting member. Frank said that it
would require a bylaws change and a vote of membership to change. Jack feels that it should be
a voting position. To be discussed during Kevin’s President Elect report.
Terri to check Survey Monkey for previous membership surveys and inform Steve of what she
finds - DONE
E-Votes Since Last Executive Council Meeting:
1. New Ad Policy for Blog Posts. Policy proposed:
WASFAA welcomes and invites submissions of sponsored articles, essays, photographs, information or
ads of general interest to all members. Submissions should be brief and the communications committee
reserves the right to edit submissions, which are subject to editorial approval. It may not be possible to
publish all sponsored articles or ads submitted. Articles should be no longer than 3500 words.
Sponsored articles will be expressly attributed to the Sponsor. Articles for the Blog will remain on the
Blog for 1 month.
The cost is $125 for Blog Ads/Articles and submissions received before December 31, 2013 will be
available at a reduced cost of $50.
Monique makes motion to approve the Blog Ad Policy as described above.
Oscar – second
Ayes – 12
Motion passes on 11/22/13
2. Destroying/Clearing Ballot
Kevin moves to destroy ballot
Melissa – second
Discussion – Luhui amends motion and makes clarification that ballot should be “cleared” rather than
“destroyed” so that the ballot template can be retained.
Frank concurs that we do mean “cleared”.
Ayes – 5 (not sure that Secretary was copied on all votes)
Motion passes on 12/27/13
Frank congratulated new elected officers.
Ashley is representing AK and is voting member for this meeting
Adam Hatch is voting for Cathy Bio
Helen Faith is voting for Oregon President
Sandi is representing Nevada. Jesse is no longer Nevada president, he’s MIA. Scott Nielsen is Past
President and is also current NV president.
Had good meeting yesterday. Reminded that budget revisions need to be approved. Can’t exceed
budget – checks won’t be written if budget is depleted.
2013 budget completed – we’re doing well financially.
Treasurer’s Report - Mindy
Books have been reviewed and 2012 taxes completed. Tracy Corta has been great to work with. Review
of books is done every other year. For the off year, Wendy will gather EC folks to review internally. Jeff
has been great in reviewing check book and has asked a lot of great questions. We paid approx. $2800
to have taxes done and books reviewed.
We have too much money in our bank accounts – too much to be insured. We’re allowed $250K, we
need to move the excess funds to either another account or another bank or perhaps move to
investment. Schwab investment isn’t doing as well as we thought it would. NASFAA seems to have more
money in different accounts.
Jack asked that he and Frank be informed of what Mindy learns at the NASFAA meeting on Tuesday. We
want to know why WASFAA isn’t reaping the same benefits as NASFAA. Kay said she thinks that it has to
do with volume. Mindy said we transferred some funds and Jack pointed out that we have the most
invested in comparison to other regional associations. Wendy said in January we were down $5800
approx. That made sense as market was down and we see losses with NASDAQ, etc. Sandi asked if we
are able to see other associations’ investments. Kay thinks we can’t – only ours and NASFAA. Sandi
asked if states can invest with NASFAA, at present, Jack said no. Wendy said we should look at a year’s
worth of history and not just one quarterly statement.
Wendy went on to explain that she looked to see if there were any adjustments for 2014 – none yet.
Wendy referenced revenue report: We’ve done well and made money in most areas with exception of
Training – but that’s expected because we know that we need to subsidize training. Having a positive
income stream is important to us. It’s definitely been a positive year in terms of keeping expenses down.
And it’s great that we didn’t have to use asset reserves.
Referenced Decade Budget comparison. Wendy explained that she had to add in expenses for
conference site liability. Steve reminded Wendy that it is important to project reserves. Wendy shared
the calculation for calculating asset reserves:
It is WASFAA’s current policy to strive to maintain in asset reserves 2 years of the most recent 3-year
average of operating expenses plus contractual obligations:
2 X $270,890= $541,780
+ $26,240 for Sister Dale Brown Summer Institute
+ $50,000 for California Conference of 2015
= $618,020.
We should have approximately $600K in reserves. We have approx. $900K, so we are in good shape.
Insurance documents need to be reviewed to insure that we have ample insurance for our association
and events.
SDBSI – Nichole
Nichole proposes that there be no change to rates even though the site is less expensive. Proposed rates
Basic Track
Single $700
Double $575
Commuter $510
Intermediate/Clock Hour Track
Motion to accept Nichole’s proposed SDBSI rates made by Terri
Second by Mindy
No discussion
All in favor – Motion passes
Nichole reports that June 22 – 28 are dates for SBDSI at UNR. She said there are 13 session
components for CORE training. Content is about the same. Advantage is that faculty and
attendees will be able to test for the NASFAA credential at no extra cost. There aren’t a lot of
people taking advantage of credentialing. Hope this will help. She is still looking to fill some
faculty tracks. In terms of numbers – intermediate track should glean more numbers. Kay said
advertising is really important – be persistent and state presidents will need to help with this.
Wendy said she hoped that we would have great attendance at the intermediate track. Wendy
wonders if they were in the intermediate track to save some $, Laura said that they really
seemed to be appropriately attending the correct track. Nichole said that many of the
intermediate folks had already attended the basic track. Laura said that she sees some going on
to MLI.
Nichole asked about having each state represented for faculty. Still working on it and would also
like to have more males. Bumps up against the NASFAA conf.
Uncashed checks – Wendy reminded everyone to cash expense checks. Fiscal Planning will work
on a policy re: uncashed checks.
Steve commended Mindy and Wendy for their work on our fiscal records. Steve said EC has
been budgeted $55K for meetings and EC business. Steve pointed out that we’ve tried to plan
meetings far out in advance. Incoming presidents already have locations picked out and a
budget to work with. Example – Barbara should have good understanding of what her budget is
and why. Might warrant a conversation about that in the future and to include this issue in P &
Sandi said that presidents have to keep in mind that they inherit ½ a year’s budget when
coming in.
Leonard gave history of why we’ve had to change doing conferences/meetings 4 years out. We
aren’t as big as we used to be – lenders are gone. Because of the change in industry the
uncertainty of numbers was too risky. HI example – we lost $18K. Now that the economy is
better and we can better estimate numbers, it’s time to think about booking a few years out.
Barbara and Kevin really need to talk about places for their events NOW.
Frank said EC needs to start making decisions about locations, particularly for SDBSI, and the
committee chair doesn’t get to decide. Nichole said that would be a welcome relief.
Monique asked for what is needed for SBDSI. Leonard said a room for 150 people, 8 meeting
rooms, and a place people to eat and sleep. CA contracts are lengthy, Reno contracts are simple,
but we don’t want to continue to go to the same location every year.
Conference locations going forward:
2014- NV
2015 – CA
2016 –AK
2017 – WA
2018 – ID
2019- OR
2020 – HI
2021 – AZ
2022 - NV
Frank said that the new template for quarterly/EOY reports is on the website now. Jack reminded
everyone to tie goals to SP. Jack commended Monique for her great work on her report and the
way she laid things out. Jack said he’ll be using the reports to inform NASFAA for his WASFAA
Jack brings up the core questions that should be asked on surveys (membership, conference,
etc). These were brought to Strategic Planning by Research Committee. This is a work in
progress – 14 core questions were handed out. It’s tied to goal 3 for Research Committee. Steve
said that he solicited surveys from the committee and also asked 3 past presidents. These need
to be put in place for next year – we are trying to set precedent and establish consistency in our
surveys. Frank said that these core questions need to be put in the P&P.
Wendy asked if we should have a printer since we spend a lot on printing. They are pretty
portable but they aren’t good for volume printing.
Motion that core questions be incorporated into P&P made by Jeff
Second – Sandi
Discussion - Monique asked if we would have some additional time to review. Jack explained
purpose of the questions again – consistency. Frank said that we need to decide on this today.
All in favor – motion passes
Frank asked Kevin to update P&P.
Jack wants everyone to be familiar with Appendix F. He said it’s important that everyone review
and be sure that their End of Year (EOY) report is tied to Strategic Plan. SBDSI will need to
submit theirs ASAP after the event is over.
Frank reiterated that the EOY reports are VERY important to us. He broke everyone up into
groups so that everyone is familiar with the new format. Frank said that the format is new, but if
it isn’t working, please let Research Committee know.
Jack said that not all committees are included on App F. That’s OK, but if you do have a goal on
your report that does have some measure associated with it, be sure to include those metrics.
Steve said that there would be some additional edits to App F and he’ll update, send to Jack and
Jack will redistribute to everyone via email.
Sandi asked - are we doing both quarterly and EOY? Only EOY EXCEPT for SDBSI and
Conference. Those events won’t be done at the time these are due, so those committees should
do quarterly and then follow up with EOY at later date.
Kay recommends that Appendix F be attached to our reports for easier access.
TO DO - Jack needs to add APP F to quarterly and EOY reports.
Jack said measure tracking tool is not quite updated yet. If anyone wants to make an
amendment to reports already submitted, go ahead and revise and send out to EC but be clear
about the fact that it’s a revision.
Monique asked if the final report should be condensed or should it have everything. Jack said
the EOY report should have all of the detail. Frank concurred. He said that committee chairs
glean a lot from what has been done in the past. Keeps us stronger as an association.
MLI – Kay
MLI was a fantastic event. Kay reviewed survey results from past events. Didn’t feel like they
were getting enough bang for their buck. Survey results for this MLI were better and it was
affirming to hear the good feedback. Attendees received great materials and “Now You’re the
Director” book. Mary Stan Augustin printed the materials and it didn’t cost WASFAA anything.
They utilized all of the time for training – even dinner for etiquette training. They asked
attendees to NOT bring their computers. Wendy asked if thumb drives aren’t working these
days because they forget about them. Had 2 guest speakers and they provided great
handouts/powerpoint. One was on HR and one was on at risk students. Wendy commented that
it’s good to see our numbers up. Attendees stayed because they had evening activities to do.
There were several commuters who chose to stay because of those activities.
Training – Adam
He’s got some survey info to breakdown and analyze. He brought in $3K with fall training.
Mindy asked about training manual. Adam said it is being worked on and he’s been discussing
with Steve.
Terri brought up issue with Survey Monkey(SM). Terri explained that it’s a nuisance to have to
hand off and change sign on and password to Past President when elections are held. Often a
training survey needs to be conducted at the same time that the elections are being held. Terri
suggested 2 SM accounts if it isn’t cost prohibitive.
Kevin looked into SM options online and suggested another version of SM that might serve our
needs. SM Enterprise accommodates an association. It’s $65/user/month. This has all of the
analytics that we’d need. He thinks it is a good investment.
Jeff said that it seemed reasonably priced to just have two of what we have now.
TO DO – Ashley to research SM capabilities and we’ll bring this back to Fiscal Planning for vote.
Adam said that this should be resolved because we’ll always have this issue.
Jeff asked if it’s a nominal fee, does it really have to go to FP and EC? Steve said it will be critical
next year because of the membership survey, and diversity component of that survey.
Sandi suggested that we use survey monkey for EC votes. Frank said he’d have to learn how to
do that.
Sandi said that there may only be a need for 2 EC members – Secretary and Past President.
Wendy said that it would be cheaper to have 2 separate SM accounts rather than the Enterprise
version. Unsure as to how much we are paying now. Mindy said May to May is $200/yr.
Jack suggested that we only pay for additional SM for Nov/Dec for elections. Frank asked that
FP work on a proposal and to put on agenda for April mtg.
95 registrants now. Agenda will go out next week. Expect jump in registrants when agenda out.
WASFAA wasn’t approved for NASFAA training. We’ll have 4 ED trainers. Jeff Baker has not
committed yet. Bruce Honer and another ED trainer have confirmed. They are doing 6-10
sessions. Selected charity is CASA. Still need to figure out what we’ll do with proceeds for silent
auction. Justin will be there on Sunday.
Frank’s last EC meeting will be Saturday morning. Tentatively SP 8-9 FP 9-10. EC from 10-5. May
have guests from NASFAA.
Leonard needs to know whether Kevin needs a room for his transition meeting.
Newcomers session will be at noon on Sunday. Frank will assign seats for lunch so that his EC
mingles with newcomers.
Awards/Scholarships – Laura
Has 4 applications already for scholarships
Nichole – brought up issue with limitations for her with travel. Her school will not cover
registration and airfare. Wendy asked if she needs to be there any earlier than Friday night.
Sandi said that bags and badges need to be finalized.
Sandi suggested that the State Presidents take charge of silent auction. Kay is facilitating this.
Plan is to have each state president secure 3 items and each EC member must bring a minimum
of 2 items. State president will communicate that to EC members from their state. Kay is working
on form that will be given to donators for tax purposes. Effort to formalize what’s been provided
will be included on spreadsheet. CC payment will be accepted and checks. No cash. Items
should be sent to Nick at Truckee Meadows.
Jack asked if perishable items can be shipped directly to the hotel in our names. Sun said yes.
Sandi prefers that people send their things ahead of time, but if you bring with, complete Kay’s
formal form and have photo as well.
Monique suggested using the “Drop Box” rather than having to maintain an Excel spreadsheet.
Kay and Mindy said that may be hard for some because they don’t know how to use Drop Box.
Mindy has the squares from last year for CC payment.
Kay said State presidents asked if there was a way for people who aren’t at the conference to bid
on auctions. Not really… they can designate someone to bid on their behalf.
People need to pay for and pick up their auction items that evening. Laura asked if there is a
plan b if they don’t pick up. They were shifted to registration table in AZ. So do that again?
They’ll figure out a plan in Reno.
Jeff asked what will we do with the proceeds? Last year 10% went to charity and the rest went to
scholarships. Jeff said OK, but we need to award scholarships if we do that.
Jack said that he has raffle tickets if conference wants to do some raffle items to raise money for
the charity.
Sandi asked if the money donated for silent auction actually increased scholarships for the
current year? Jack said that was the intent.
Jeff said that for FY13 we budgeted $7500 for scholarships, but only spent approx. $3000. Sandi
is sure that is incorrect. Mindy and Sandi will look into that. Wendy made note to change in
budget. If $7500 was put in budget and we raised $2000 at silent auction, there should be $2000
more for total $9500.
Kay said that we have to include money gained by silent auction in our taxes. Also if charitable
donations are made by WASFAA, need to include as well.
Laura said that there are also some adjustments that may need to be made for MLI. Nichole
asked that we also look at SDBSI.
Kevin said that he has selected his committee chairs and sent out the listing via email. He went
through the nominations to insure that their interest was considered.
Adam Hatch moved to accept Kevin’s committee chairs.
Ashley Munro second.
Discussion - Mindy asked if we could give Sandi a formal position. She does a tremendous
amount of work to arrange the travel for all of us. Frank suggested that it be included on the
formal listing on our website.
All in favor – Motion passes
Bylaws/PP’s – Kevin
Kevin sent out Bylaws and P&P’s to group via email. Some changes made as a result of
discussion at Nov. meeting. Kevin researched what other associations are doing for an address.
Some use Secretary and some use Treasurer’s address. Kevin suggested that it be where the
Treasurer resides. Frank said that there is enough flexibility in how it’s written that it could be
changed from Treasurer’s location per EC.
Reps at Large
Made section consistent.
Redundant verbiage – looks like it was a cut and paste error.
Catherine said she doesn’t believe that the above is a duplicate. Frank said that he added the
text to ART 8 SEC 6. Catherine said that Treasurer information does live in a two places in
bylaws, couldn’t remember exactly why.
Catherine Article 20 second to last line – amend ‘mail’ to be provided. Catherine asked if there is
formal historical log of changes to Bylaws. There is an appendix, not sure everything has been
included for recent year’s edits. Kevin said that there is an appendix for changes to P&P’s, but
not for Bylaws.
References to Robert Rules
The rules get updated on occasion and they are pretty prescriptive. NASFAA is moving away
from Robert’s Rules – they wanted to give the NASFAA Board an alternative means of doing
business. They’ve stricken all references to Robert’s Rules from their bylaws. Kevin has stricken
all references to Robert’s Rules. Do we need an alternative to Robert’s Rules? NASFAA is doing
an informal version of Robert’s Rules. Kay said we still need some form of order. Kevin said that
the P&P’s have reference to parliamentary procedures in other areas like Nominations and
Jack said that we need to be able to justify the change to our membership. He thinks we should
have something in lieu of Robert’s Rules. Wendy said there should be some loose version of
Robert’s Rules. Mindy concurs with Jack and offered to check with NASFAA re: their rationale
and exactly what they are doing now.
Monique said that we do follow some parliamentary procedures. Striking it would allow each EC
to use its own parliamentary procedures.
Steve suggested that we use some form of parliamentary procedure. He said people are not
going to worry about this when they come to EC. Each EC would need to determine their means
of making decisions.
Kay asked, what do we want to accomplish with striking it? Kevin said we really aren’t following
Robert’s Rules to the extent it should be. Nov. EC discussion was that we use something less
stringent in our decision making.
Kay agreed that we strike from Bylaws, but leave in PP. This stems from two different people on
NASFAA Board and there was confusion about how meetings were being run.
Adam said that it’s meant to allow people to be heard and sometimes stall decisions. We’re
doing that already more or less.
ART 11 SEC 2 G - Additional edit, cleaning up delete.
ART2, Sec1 – re: principle office location is – See Fiscal Planning (2/20/14) minutes
Jeff asked when Bylaws would go out to membership. Jack said at least 30 days prior to
conference/annual meeting.
John said that we need to make sure that all voting members have an opportunity to vote.
Ashley M. said that those who are paid now will vote, but membership at conference will be
those who paid for next year.
Jeff references Bylaws ART 20.
Steve suggested that a committee get together for Barbara’s year and really review and clean up
the Bylaws.
Wendy said that associate members can vote if they are in our region.
Jack said that only 135 people voted at last election.
Motion to accept Kevin’s changes to the Bylaws made by Ashley.
Second Nichole
8 ayes
3 nays
Motion passes
Jeff thinks that there should be some mention in our Bylaws of some parliamentary procedures.
Jack makes motion that language in Article 9 Section 7 be revised so that we follow a structured
parliamentary procedure such as a modified Robert’s Rules of Order.
Jack asked Jeff why would we need it in our Bylaws and not just P&P’s. Jeff said that we don’t
always follow our P&P’s but we have to follow Bylaws.
Kevin suggests an amendment to Jack’s motion and to replace “Robert’s Rules of Order” with
“Some parliamentary procedures such as Robert’s Rules of Order” in Article 9 Sect 7
Jeff seconds
All in favor – Motion passes
Change document will be created by Kevin and he will send to Terri so that it can go out to
membership. Frank wants it to go out ASAP.
P&P’s – Kevin
He’s made some changes and referenced redlined edits. He tried to format better.
Recommendation: he said there are a lot of appendices, such as Committee Timelines (Appendix
B), that really need to be reviewed. He suggests that Barbara have someone really review the
appendices. Steve said that everyone should spend time on the timeline at the end of the year
and those should be reflected in EOY reports.
Jack suggested that past committee chairs review the timelines, not presidents. They know
better about their timelines.
Kevin made some changes for consistency, added some space for better reading.
Rather than striking Robert’s Rules references, will emulate verbiage that will be in bylaws.
There are 17 voting members of the EC per the bylaws. Only one person can have one vote.
Struck reference to telephone hotlines and faxes.
Frank clarified that there aren’t any proxies.
Kevin said he fixed issues pertaining to Treasurer Elect as voting member – Bylaws reflect that
Treasurer Elect is NOT a voting member.
Kevin will log changes made in his master spreadsheet.
Jack asked why a committee on grad/professional issues, but not other sectors such as CC’s.
Catherine said that the Reps at Large are used to even out the EC so that all segments are
represented. It’s been more difficult to find someone from the GPIC sector, hence the
Travel section was cleaned up since we are no longer using a travel agent.
Wendy said that she has reviewed fiscal sections and she’d like to incorporate her edits into
Kevin’s master document. Catherine said that we used to ask committee chairs to review their
section of the P&P and to bring those changes to the EC.
Sandi said that SW airlines needs to be added. Wendy said she’d like to take responsibility for
the travel section and will get with Sandi to insure it’s accurate.
Kevin proposes that the alcohol section be moved to the travel section – Kevin has asked Wendy
to work on that section.
Motion to accept changes to P&P – Nichole
Second Ashley
All in favor – motion passes
State Presidents
AK – nothing to add
AZ – not present
CA – not present
ID – nothing to add
NV – nothing to add
OR – nothing to add
WA – nothing to add
EDAC/Oscar – nothing to add
RAL/Nichole – nothing to add
RAL/Luhui – not present
Awards & Scholarships/Laura – nothing to add
Communications/Ms. Munro.– Newsletter articles are due in 2 ½ weeks. Frank commended
Ashley for her efforts. Jack said that she did a great session on time management at the AK
conference and said we should tap into her for WASFAA training/conferences.
Electonic Services/Ashley S. – she sent out a revised report last night with revised stats from
Fed Relations/Barbara – Neg Reg started yesterday. State auth/credit to clock hour and debit
cards are being negotiated. Also retaking coursework and foreign schools is topic. Wendy asked
if there are a lot more program reviews being done. She said that they are hiring more reviewers
and there are more being done. Nichole cautioned clock hour schools about incorporating
breaks into syllabi. Reviewers are scrutinizing that now.
Fund Dev/Sun – there are 19 vendors now. Vending area will be in general session room for
Reno conference. She solicited vendors at OR conference and always tries to do that when she
attends other conferences.
GPIC/Catherine - nothing to add
Membership – John created brochure and routed around. He did this for Kevin’s year as
president. It’ll be printed in color and distributed at conferences.
Nominations & Elections/Jack – nothing to add
Research/Steve – Steve asked Strategic Planning, Electronic Services and Communication
committees to assess all electronic communication modes. Two options – wait and incorporate
into membership survey OR poll at conference and have people vote on there. Frank and Kevin
want to wait until survey.
MLI/Kay – nothing to add
SDBSI/Nichole – nothing to add
Site/Leonard – nothing to add
VD/Abril – nothing to add
Consent Agenda Officers:
Past President/Jack
Reminded everyone to do EOY reports and measures. State presidents, include things that are
impacting states legislatively. Asked that reports be done and sent to him next week so that he
can include in his NASFAA report.
Vice President/Jeff– Has reviewed checkbook and statements and commended Mindy for
everything that she has done as Treasurer.
President Elect/Kevin
Kevin explained that we’ve had transition meetings in conjunction with conference. Kevin
proposes that we pay for EC members to be reimbursed for travel and hotel for the meetings
associated with the conference. He proposed to FP and FP offered short term solution, but long
term needs to be considered by EC.
Catherine’s concern is that we have a lot of EC expense and that is scrutinized by membership.
Something else in the budget should give as a result. Steve said that a standalone transition
meeting is ideal. It’s important to have all current and incoming EC attend transition meetings. If
we do it, it should be formalized and we need to budget for it.
Steve pointed out that Franks’ year was an anomaly because his year was expensive. Laura
doesn’t think it should be a blanket paid expense, because every year is different. Sun agreed
with Laura – shouldn’t be blanket. Every year has different expense considerations.
Jack clarifed that the motion in FP was to allow a stop gap for both EC’s. Sandi said we really
don’t want to pay for ourselves to go to conferences. Kay said there is always the concern that
EC budget is large and that only the elite (EC) can go. Steve said perception of membership is
important and he said that Kevin will be asked about this from membership throughout the
year. He said it needs to be budgeted for. Adam said that it is best to have separate meetings.
Our intent is to have everyone here and to have a good meeting. This year we don’t have the
time to do it differently.
Monique referenced welcome letter to state presidents and she thinks that it states that only the
conference won’t be paid for.
Ashley M. said that we aren’t asking to have conference paid for. It’s just coincidental that the
conference is paired up with the transition meeting.
Kevin said that he doesn’t agree that a transition meeting in conjunction with the conference
may be a good thing. It can be successful. He wants to welcome new EC and not by suggesting
that they can’t attend their first, very important meeting. Kevin said he would explain to the
membership if questioned on it.
Kay said that it is important to maintain transparency and explain to the membership. She did
through newsletter, conferences, etc.
Jeff said that he disagrees with Steve in that it IS budgeted in a roundabout way.
Sandi asked for clarity on what’s being covered – only expenses for transition meeting and
nothing for conference.
Steve said he would legitimize it by having people submit a formal request.
Frank said that he won’t support applying this to EC across the board. He agrees that Kevin
needs to have everyone on his EC at the transition meeting.
Laura thinks that we should support the activities required of us for WASFAA.
Jeff said that essentially what we are doing is asking that we set aside the bylaws that address
what can be covered for specific meetings.
Motion made by Kevin – For one year, WASFAA EC will cover transportation for the incoming
and outgoing EC for the transition meeting in conjunction with the conference.
Second by Adam
Discussion: Wendy said that some states have paid for some to their presidents to attend
Frank would have preferred that the motion was presented in a different way.
Wendy said that she has already budgeted for this and feels an obligation to her school to
revisit whether she should have WASFAA cover her expenses.
3 opposed
9 aye
Motion passes
Kevin will send message for this year to his incoming EC and will ask that they only get
reimbursement if it’s really necessary.
Wendy said that she’d be concerned if we cover transportation and hotel for others at those
institutions, they are taking advantage of this. Kevin couldn’t see why – we’ll get registrations
out of it? Sandi concurred with Wendy….if they can afford to cover travel and send others to the
conference, they can afford to pay for their EC member to attend the transition meeting.
Pres Report/ Frank
He will get Fed Update out to everyone ASAP.
Adjourned at 3:13