FEASIBILITY STUDY TEMPLATE GEOTHERMAL HEATING SYSTEMS Electric Sector Customers DO NOT SUBMIT THIS PAGE WITH COMPLETED STUDY OVERVIEW The Feasibility Study Template is to be used as a guide when preparing a feasibility study report for Electric Sector building owners considering one or more geothermal sizing options for their existing building, new building or addition. Note that the economics of geothermal systems typically improves for smaller base loaded systems. Systems sized to meet 70% of design heat loss cost less, but can still be expected to provide about 95% of the building base load heating energy needs if ground heat exchangers are adequately sized. Feasibility studies are not required for Electric Sector customers but are recommended for customers heating with fuel oil or propane. Existing buildings currently heated by natural gas are not eligible for Feasibility Study Assistance or a System Installation Incentive. Customers opting to perform the study and apply for feasibility study assistance must use the following Feasibility Study Template as a minimum in order to minimize review/approval time by Manitoba Hydro. Electric Sector Participants may be eligible for incentives through the Commercial Geothermal Program. Heating Load Eligibility for Incentives is described in Appendix 1 - Geothermal Project Requirements. Please reference this document when segmenting the loads to complete the tables containing “eligible and ineligible loads”. INSTRUCTIONS The feasibility study author must use this template as a minimum and may modify it as required to provide more information (but not less) to meet the requirements of their specific project. Blue text in brackets and/or italics shaded in grey [Example] indicates instructions to follow or specify text to customize. “XXXX” are placeholders for values. Please replace and/or delete these instructions prior to providing a finalized report to the customer and Manitoba Hydro. Please follow the format outlined in the document below. Any substantial omissions or deviations from the information/format requested in this template may result in a feasibility study not being accepted by Manitoba Hydro’s Commercial Geothermal Program. QUESTIONS If you have any questions/concerns regarding the completion of this feasibility study, please contact: Denton Vandersteen, P.Eng. Senior Commercial Systems Engineer - Manitoba Hydro Telephone: (204) 360-3803 GEOTHERMAL HEATING SYSTEM FEASIBILITY STUDY FOR Building Name and Function Prepared by: [Consultant Name, Company] [Include company logo] Prepared for: [Client Name] [City, Province] [Date] Based on MH Feasibility Study Template (May 2013 Rev.) Table of Contents 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................................. 2 2.0 BUILDING CHARACTERISTICS .................................................................................... 3 2.1 3.0 Building Heating and Cooling Loads ...................................................................... 4 BUILDING HEATING AND COOLING SYSTEM OPTIONS............................................... 5 3.1 Electric System Option (Existing or proposed) ....................................................... 5 3.2 Fossil Fuel System Option (Existing or proposed) .................................................. 6 3.3 Geothermal Heat Pump (GSHP) System Option .................................................... 7 4.0 SIMPLE PAYBACK ANALYSIS OF OPTIONS ................................................................. 9 5.0 RECOMMENDATIONS AND SUMMARY ................................................................... 11 6.0 SAVINGS VERIFICATION ......................................................................................... 12 7.0 PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE .................................................................. 13 APPENDIX A - SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION ................................................................. 14 APPENDIX B - MANITOBA HYDRO INCENTIVE CALCULATION .............................................. 15 [Upon completion, update Table of Contents by Right clicking over table, selecting “Update Field”, select “Update Entire Table”, and select “OK”.] 1.0 Executive Summary Provide executive summary of the feasibility study. Include overview of system options, scope of study, customer costs and benefits, potential winter/summer peak kW and kWh electricity demand, and energy savings of all options considered. Incentive eligibility Recommendations 2.0 Building Characteristics Provide a description of the building including: Age and location (address) Total heated floor area Number of storey’s and wall height Basement or crawl space (partial or full) Approximate insulation levels in walls, roof or attic, under floor slab, on grade beam, and basement walls of the building Window types and quantity (dual or triple), window/gross wall area % ratio Property site characteristics including lot size and potential availability of open areas for installing ground loop heat exchanger or water wells If applicable, any other planned improvements, building envelope upgrades or additions that would change the existing building loads that may be done at the same time if the geothermal installation proceeds If retrofitting an existing building, please provide a description of the existing heating, ventilation, and cooling systems including: System type(s) and quantities Age and condition Equipment input and/or output ratings (Btu/h or kW) and equipment efficiency rating Building system zoning List all heating and other loads (e.g. cooking) served by the above equipment Fuel sources used by the existing systems. Provide the weather normalized annual heating usage of the existing fuels and electricity of the building in the following table. Table 2.0A: Estimated Annual Space Heating Utility Usage Existing Utility Annual Energy Consumption Electricity XXX,XXX kWh Fossil Fuel (type) XX,XXX m3 or L Other Fuels (type) XX,XXX L Peak Demand Winter Summer XXX kVA XXX kVA Provide the estimated weather normalized annual utility costs for the existing building. Provide a description of the utility rate structure used in the calculations. Table 2.0B: Estimated Annual Heating Utility Costs Existing Utility Annual Utility Cost Average Cost per Volume Electricity $XXX,XXX X.XX $/kWh Fossil Fuel (type) $XXX,XXX X.XX $/m3 or $/L 2.1 Building Heating and Cooling Loads Provide a summary of the heating and cooling loads of the building at design conditions. The building heating and cooling loads shall reflect the loads in which the future system will be designed for. Any planned upgrades to the existing envelope, windows, and/or lighting system during the renovation period shall be included in the load calculations. Provide a description of any planned energy efficiency upgrades to the existing building. Table 2.1A: Estimated Building Design Heat Loss Load Space Heating Loads Design Heating Load Building Transmission Load XXX MBH XXX kW Infiltration – Continuous Load XXX MBH XXX kW Total Eligible Space Heating Loads XXX MBH XXX kW Total Ineligible Heating Loads (if any) XXX MBH XXX kW Total Eligible & Ineligible Loads XXX MBH XXX kW Table 2.1B: Estimated Building Heat Gain Load Space Cooling Loads Design Cooling Load Building Transmission Load XXX MBH XXX kW Infiltration – Continuous Load XXX MBH XXX kW Infiltration – Intermittent Load XXX MBH XXX kW Ventilation – Continuous Load XXX MBH XXX kW Ventilation – Intermittent Load XXX MBH XXX kW Internal Heat Load XXX MBH XXX kW Solar Heat Load XXX MBH XXX kW Total Cooling Load XXX MBH XXX kW 3.0 Building Heating and Cooling System Options 3.1 Electric System Option Electric Heating System Description Provide a description of the existing or proposed electric system including equipment sizes, number of units, and unit efficiencies. Provide the estimated annual energy consumptions for the electric system option for both the eligible and ineligible space heating and cooling loads along with the estimated annual costs. Provide a description of the blended rate used for the various loads as calculated in Appendix A. Table 3.1A: Electric System Option Summary Building Load Annual Energy Consumption Annual Energy Cost Blended Average Rates Eligible Space Heating Loads XXX,XXX kWh $ XXX,XXX $ 0.XXX /kWh Ineligible Heating Loads (if any) Served with Electricity XXX,XXX kWh $ XXX,XXX $ 0.XXX /kWh Ineligible Heating Loads (if any) Served with Fossil Fuel XXX,XXX L (provide name of fuel here) Cooling Load Total Heating & Cooling Loads (including kWhe fuel equivalents) XXX,XXX kWhe $ XXX,XXX $ 0.XXX / L $ 0.XXX /kWhe XXX,XXX kWh $ XXX,XXX $ 0.XXX /kWh XXX,XXX kWhe $ XXX,XXX $ 0.XXX /kWhe Electric Heating System Option Installation Costs Provide estimated project costs that include equipment and material costs, and installation labour costs. Electrical and fossil fuel service cost should be included in the project costs. If internal labour or engineering is utilized, provide estimated number of hours and hourly rate in estimated project costs. No contingency, GST, spare parts, and maintenance costs should be included in the estimated project costs. 3.2 Fossil Fuel System Option Fossil Fuel System Description Provide a description of the existing or proposed fossil fuel system (excluding natural gas) including equipment sizes, number of units, and unit efficiencies. Provide the estimated annual fossil fuel and electricity consumption for the fossil fuel system option for the space heating and cooling loads along with the estimated annual costs. Provide a description of the blended rate used for the various loads as calculated in Appendix A. Table 3.2A: Fossil Fuel System Option Summary Building Load Annual Energy Consumption Eligible Space Heating Load XXX,XXX L (provide name of fuel here) XXX,XXX kWhe Ineligible Heating Loads (if any) Served with Electricity XXX,XXX kWhe Ineligible Heating Loads (if any) Served with Fossil Fuel XXX,XXX L (provide name of fuel here) XXX,XXX kWhe Annual Energy Cost $ XXX,XXX $ XXX,XXX $ XXX,XXX Blended Average Rates $ 0.XXX / L $ 0.XXX /kWhe $ 0.XXX /kWhe $ 0.XXX / L $ 0.XXX /kWhe Cooling Load XXX,XXX kWh $ XXX,XXX $ 0.XXX /kWh Total Heating & Cooling Loads (including kWhe fuel equivalents) XXX,XXX kWhe $ XXX,XXX $ 0.XXX /kWhe Fossil Fuel System Option Installation Costs Provide estimated project costs that include equipment and material costs, and installation labour costs. Fossil fuel and electric service cost contributions should be included in the project costs. If internal labour or engineering is utilized, provide estimated number of hours and hourly rate in estimated project costs. No contingency, GST, spare parts, and maintenance costs should be included in the estimated project costs. 3.3 Geothermal Heat Pump (GSHP) System Option If an electric heat base case has been adequately justified, a geothermal heat pump system sized to provide up to 100% of the base building transmission and infiltration heating loads only will be eligible for an incentive. Customers are not eligible for incentives for geothermal capacity installed to serve ventilation loads. It is not normally cost effective to size geothermal heating systems for non-continuous or intermittent; heating loads (ventilation and door openings) therefore this capacity is not eligible for incentive. Fossil fuels are considered the base case for these loads and ventilation loads. Geothermal System Option Description Provide a description of the geothermal heat pump system type being proposed (e.g. horizontal closed loop, vertical open loop, etc.). Provide the estimated design heating and cooling capacities and efficiencies of the proposed equipment required at design conditions. Provide a minimum of two sizing options indicating what portion of the design space heating load (example: 50%, 70% or 100%) that will be covered by geothermal heat pump system. Indicate what source of auxiliary heating is used. Indicate the geothermal sizing criteria as a percentage of the base design heating load. Provide the estimated annual utility consumption and costs for the geothermal heat pump options for space heating and cooling. Table 3.3A: Geothermal Heat Pump System Option Summary Option A: XX% Sized (Smaller Option) Space Heating Loads Annual Energy Consumption Annual Energy Cost Blended Average Rates Geothermal Heating XXX,XXX kWh $ XXX,XXX $ 0.XX /kWh Auxiliary Electricity XXX,XXX kWh $ XXX,XXX $ 0.XX / kWh Auxiliary Fossil Fuel XXX,XXX kWhe $ XXX,XXX $ 0.XX /kWhe Cooling Load XXX,XXX kWh $ XXX,XXX $ 0.XX /kWh Total Load XXX,XXX kWhe $ XXX,XXX $ 0.XX /kWhe Option B: XX% Sized (Larger Option) Heating Load Annual Energy Consumption Annual Energy Cost Blended Average Rates Geothermal Heating XXX,XXX kWh $ XXX,XXX $ X.XXX /kWh Auxiliary Electricity XXX,XXX kWh $ XXX,XXX $ X.XX / kWh Auxiliary Fossil Fuel XXX,XXX kWhe $ XXX,XXX $ X.XX /kWhe Cooling Load XXX,XXX kWh $ XXX,XXX $ X.XXX /kWh Total Load XXX,XXX kWhe $ XXX,XXX $ X.XXX /kWhe Geothermal System Option Installation Costs Provide estimated project costs that include equipment and material costs, and installation labour costs. Electrical and fossil fuel service cost contributions should be included in the project costs. If internal labour or engineering are utilized, provide estimated number of hours and hourly rate in estimated project costs. No contingency, GST, spare parts, and maintenance costs should be included in the estimated project costs. 4.0 Simple Payback Analysis of Options Provide a summary of the estimated annual space heating and cooling utility consumption and costs for all the options available to the building owner. Table 4.1A: Summary of Estimated Annual Energy Consumption and Costs Electric System Option Fossil Fuel System Option GSHP System Smaller Option A GSHP System Larger Option B XX% Sized XX% Sized Annual Electricity Consumption & Cost XXX,XXX kWh XX,XXX kWh XXX,XXX kWh XXX,XXX kWh $ XXXXX $ XXXXX $XXXXX $ XXXXX Annual Fossil Fuel Consumption & Cost XXX,XXX L XXX,XXX L XXX,XXX L XXX,XXX L $ XXXXX $ XXXXX $ XXXXX $ XXXXX Total Annual Energy Costs $ XXX,XXX $ XXX,XXX $ XXX,XXX $ XXX,XXX Provide a summary of the estimated annual savings, project incremental, and simple payback compared against the electric and fossil fuel options for all the options available to the building owner. Annual Energy Cost Savings ($) = (Base Option Annual Energy Costs - Proposed Option Annual Energy Costs) Incremental Project Cost ($) = (Proposed Option Project Costs - Base Option Project Costs) Provide the estimated simple paybacks in years compared against the Electric and Fossil Fuel Options for all the options available to the building owner. Simple Payback (Years) = (Proposed Option Project Costs - Base Option Project Costs) divided by (Base Option Annual Energy Costs - Proposed Option Annual Energy Costs) Base Options are the electric option and the fossil fuel option. Manitoba Hydro incentives are available for only the unoccupied base building transmission and infiltration load covered by the geothermal heat pump system. Appendix B contains the calculation method for the incentive. Table 4.1B: Summary of Incremental Costs, Savings & Simple Payback of all Options Compared to Electric System Option Fossil Fuel System Option GSHP System Smaller Option A GSHP System Larger Option B XX% Sized XX% Sized Annual Energy Cost Savings $ XXX,XXX $ XXX,XXX $ XXX,XXX Incremental Cost $ XXX,XXX $ XXX,XXX $ XXX,XXX Simple Payback XX.X years XX.X years XX.X years Simple Payback with Incentive XX.X years XX.X years XX.X years Compared to Fossil Fuel System Option Electric System Option GSHP System Smaller Option A GSHP System Larger Option B XX% Sized XX% Sized Annual Energy Cost Savings $ XXX,XXX $ XXX,XXX $ XXX,XXX Incremental Cost $ XXX,XXX $ XXX,XXX $ XXX,XXX Simple Payback XX.X years XX.X years XX.X years Simple Payback with Incentive XX.X years XX.X years XX.X years Provide a summary of the incremental project costs of the GSHP options available to the building owner. Incremental Project Cost ($) = (GSHP Option B Project Costs - GSHP Option A Project Costs) Provide the estimated simple paybacks in years comparison between the two GSHP Sizing Options available to the building owner. Simple Payback (Years) = (GSHP Option B Project Costs - GSHP Option A Project Costs) divided by (GSHP Option A Annual Energy Costs - GSHP B Annual Energy Costs) Manitoba Hydro incentives are available for the unoccupied base building transmission and infiltration load covered by the geothermal heat pump system. Appendix B contains the calculation method for the incentive. Table 4.1C: Summary of Estimated Annual Heating/Cooling Energy Cost Savings between the GSHP Options Compared to GSHP Smaller Option A - XX% Sized Description GSHP System Larger Option B XX% Sized Incremental Annual Energy Cost Savings $ XXX,XXX Incremental Cost of GSHP Option B to Option A $ XXX,XXX Simple Payback of the Sizing Increment XX.X years Simple Payback of the Sizing Increment with Incentives XX.X years 5.0 Recommendations and Summary Indicate the system option recommended for implementation and the justification for its selection. 6.0 Savings Verification Provide a brief description of how and when the energy savings verification could be accomplished if desired by the customer or Manitoba Hydro. Provide a description of testing instrumentation, measurement points, and the duration of testing for the purpose of savings verification. 7.0 Project Implementation Schedule Estimated Commencement Estimated Completion Design Phase Month/Year Month/Year Construction Phase Month/Year Month/Year Provide any comments regarding the implementation schedule here. Appendix A - Supporting Documentation Provide the following information: Tabulated electricity and fossil fuel usage histories, new load estimates and utility/fuel costs for the existing building system(s), if applicable. Design and annual heating and cooling load and costs calculations documentation for of all options studied based on load calculations or estimated from billing usage histories. Degree day normalization calculations applied to billing usage histories. Load calculations. Detailed capital costs estimates. Electrical energy and demand or blended electricity rate saving calculations. Equipment performance data (manufacturers catalog data. Assumptions that were used in the calculations and estimates. Other supporting documents. Appendix B - Manitoba Hydro Incentive Calculation Conditional System Installation Incentive The maximum incentive payable shall be the lesser of the following three methods: 1) Floor Area Based Method Floor Area Heated by the Geothermal System (ft2) Incentive Factor ($/ft2) Incentive ($) XX,XXX ft2 X $2.50 $ X,XXX.XX 2) Equipment Heating Capacity Based Method Proposed Geothermal Space Heating Capacity (MBH)1 Incentive Factor ($/MBH) Incentive ($) XXX MBH X $120 $ X,XXX.XX Eligible Building Transmission & Infiltration Heating Load (MBH)2 Incentive Factor ($/MBH) Incentive ($) XXX MBH X $120 $ X,XXX.XX 3) Building Heat Loss Based Method Conditional System Installation Incentive ($) The lesser of the above three calculation methods $ X,XXX.XX 1. A geothermal heating system’s capacity in MBH (1 MBH = 1000 Btu/h), serving the unoccupied base building transmission and infiltration heating loads only will be eligible for incentive. Unit capacity based on CAN/CSA - C13256-1-01 Standard rating test - Liquid entering heat exchanger: Unit heating capacity @ 32 °F EWT for closed loop ground heat exchangers OR 50° F for open loop ground heat exchangers. 2. Attached a preliminary copy of the building heat loss calculations which includes a summary breakdown of the unoccupied base transmission and infiltration loads.