工程倫理 教材/作業 以台積電&聯發科相關訴訟為例 (此作業每週都必須要交) 作業周次 W14(請每週修改) 檔案名稱: 學號_姓名_W14_工程倫理(2015).doc 指導老師 唐經洲 學生 Name: 葉慶康 Class: 系統一甲 ID: 4A339059 Email:dinosor95@gmail TEL: 0970054550 2015 南台科大電子系 .com 修此門課會被當的標準 被當機率 被當事由 100% (期中考作業不交 且 期末考作業不交) 或 超過五次平時作業不交 任何一次報告抄襲其他同學 80% (期中考作業不交 或 期末考作業不交) 或 超過三次平 時作業不交 60% 超過三次平時作業不交 50% 課外閱讀資料 (也就是 參考資料) < 36 篇 目 1 錄 競業禁止之國內外新聞 .................................................................................................... 5 1.1 W1: (Yahoo 新聞) 年薪千萬叛將 揭台積電慘輸三星真相 ............................. 5 1.2 1.3 W2: TSMC sues former R&D head for 'knowing too much' ................................. 8 W3: (天下雜誌) 獵殺叛將-揭密梁孟松投效三星始末 ................................. 10 1.4 W4: TSMC Wins Lawsuit against Ex-employee Who Joined Rival Samsung .... 24 1.5 W5: (科技新報)台積電告被挖角去三星的梁孟松侵權再次勝訴,且有更嚴格 禁令 27 1.6 1.7 2 W6: Big Chips Wager for iPhone ......................................................................... 31 W7: 聯發科告袁帝文 首回合大勝 ................................................................... 34 1.8 W8: MediaTek files fresh deposition against defecting senior manager .............. 37 營業秘密之國內外新聞 .................................................................................................. 40 2.1 W10: 從台積電主管跳槽案看營業秘密法 ....................................................... 40 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 W11: MediaTek Ex-Employees Said to be Involved in Trade Secret Theft ........ 45 W12: TSMC lawsuit alleges China chip maker stole trade secrets ...................... 49 W13: TSMC Refiles Trade-Secret Suit Vs. Mainland Foundry ........................... 51 W14: SMIC: US courts have no jurisdiction over TSMC claims ........................ 53 W15: Taiwan country guide ................................................................................. 58 W16: TSMC reports second instance the case in favor of former executives ..... 64 3 2.8 W17: TSMC Lays Chips in Patent Lawsuit ......................................................... 67 W18:我對此門課的建議/感想....................................................................................... 70 4 Reference ....................................................................................................................... 70 表 表格 表格 表格 表格 表格 表格 表格 表格 表格 1 我(??? 2 我(??? 3 我(??? 4 我(??? 5 我(??? 6 我(??? 7 我(??? 8 我(??? 9 我(??? 姓名) 姓名) 姓名) 姓名) 姓名) 姓名) 姓名) 姓名) 姓名) 格 目 錄 針對 W1 新聞之看法........................................................................ 7 從 W1 新聞內所看到的專業術語之深入研究................................ 7 針對 W2 新聞之看法....................................................................... 10 從 W2 新聞內所看到的專業術語之深入研究.............................. 10 針對 W3 新聞之看法....................................................................... 23 從 W3 新聞內所看到的專業術語之深入研究.............................. 23 針對 W4 新聞之看法....................................................................... 26 從 W4 新聞內所看到的專業術語之深入研究.............................. 26 針對 W5 新聞之看法....................................................................... 30 表格 10 我(??? 姓名) 從 W5 新聞內所看到的專業術語之深入研究............................ 30 表格 11 我(??? 姓名) 針對 W6 新聞之看法 ..................................................................... 33 表格 12 我(??? 姓名) 從 W6 新聞內所看到的專業術語之深入研究............................ 33 表格 表格 表格 表格 表格 表格 表格 13 我(??? 14 我(??? 15 我(??? 16 我(??? 17 我(??? 18 我(??? 19 我(??? 姓名) 姓名) 姓名) 姓名) 姓名) 姓名) 姓名) 針對 W7 新聞之看法..................................................................... 36 從 W7 新聞內所看到的專業術語之深入研究............................ 36 針對 W8 新聞之看法..................................................................... 39 從 W8 新聞內所看到的專業術語之深入研究............................ 39 針對 W10 新聞之看法 .................................................................. 44 從 W10 新聞內所看到的專業術語之深入研究 ......................... 44 針對 W11 新聞之看法................................................................... 48 表格 表格 表格 表格 表格 表格 表格 表格 表格 20 我(??? 21 我(??? 22 我(??? 23 我(??? 24 我(??? 25 我(??? 26 我(??? 27 我(??? 28 我(??? 姓名) 姓名) 姓名) 姓名) 姓名) 姓名) 姓名) 姓名) 姓名) 從 W11 新聞內所看到的專業術語之深入研究.......................... 48 針對 W12 新聞之看法 .................................................................. 50 從 W12 新聞內所看到的專業術語之深入研究 ......................... 50 針對 W13 新聞之看法 .................................................................. 52 從 W13 新聞內所看到的專業術語之深入研究 ......................... 52 針對 W14 新聞之看法 .................................................................. 56 從 W14 新聞內所看到的專業術語之深入研究 ......................... 57 針對 W15 新聞之看法 .................................................................. 63 從 W15 新聞內所看到的專業術語之深入研究 ......................... 63 表格 表格 表格 表格 29 我(??? 30 我(??? 31 我(??? 32 我(??? 姓名) 姓名) 姓名) 姓名) 針對 W16 新聞之看法 .................................................................. 66 從 W16 新聞內所看到的專業術語之深入研究 ......................... 66 針對 W17 新聞之看法 .................................................................. 69 從 W17 新聞內所看到的專業術語之深入研究 ......................... 69 1 競業禁止之國內外新聞 1.1 W1: (Yahoo 新聞) 年薪千萬叛將 揭 台積電慘輸三星真相 https://tw.news.yahoo.com/年薪千萬叛將-揭台積電慘輸三星真相-082326743.html ...年薪千萬叛將 揭台積電慘輸三星真相 作者文、陳良榕 攝影、黃明堂 | 天下雜誌 – 2015 年 1 月 20 日 下午 4:23. 張忠謀在去年法說會上,坦承 16 奈米技術被三星超前,震驚原本看好台積電的外 資法人與半導體產業分析師,使台積電一度股價大跌、評等遭降。但張忠謀始終沒講出 的,卻是被信任的愛將背叛的痛……。 位在首爾南方 60 公里的三星半導體大本營,一位濃眉短髮的中年台灣人,是「正 式」擔任三星 LSI(即晶圓代工部門)技術長 3 年半的前台積電資深處長梁孟松。對他, 以及他麾下由黃國泰、夏勁秋、鄭鈞隆、侯永田及陳建良等台積電舊部屬組成的「台灣 團隊」,是一個重大勝利。 「當初台積電如果不讓他走,今天就不會這麼慘了!」一位與台積電主管熟識的半 導體學者感嘆。 以一人的去留,能左右兩國半導體業的消長。他,堪稱台灣頭號叛將。 《天下雜誌》獨家取得台積電控告梁孟松損害營業祕密的二審判決書,從中發現, 梁孟松對三星的「貢獻」之大,以及對台積電傷害之大,遠超過之前外界所知。 震撼!失去八成蘋果訂單 台積電指控 2009 年離職的梁孟松,從該年 8 月到三星集團旗下的成均館大學任教 以來,「應已陸續洩漏台積電公司之營業祕密予三星。」 台積電的依據,是委託外部專家製作的一份「台積電/三星/IBM 產品關鍵製程結 構分析比對報告」。這是以最先進的電子顯微鏡,分析頭髮萬分之一細微的電晶體,詳 細比對 3 家公司產品最近 4 個世代的主要結構特徵,以及組成材料。 由於三星產品技術源自 IBM,因此該公司 2009 年開始量產的 65 奈米製程,產品特 徵與 IBM 相似,和台積電差異極大。這點符合一般預期。 但令台積電驚訝的是,接下來幾年,三星的 45、32、28 奈米世代,與台積電差異 快速減少。報告中列出 7 個電晶體的關鍵製程特徵,例如淺溝槽隔離層的形狀、後段介 電質層的材料組合等,雙方都高度相似。 另外,三星 28 奈米製程P型電晶體電極的矽鍺化合物,更類似台積電的菱形結構 特徵,與 IBM 的圓盤 U 型「完全不同」。 這幾項如指紋般獨特且難以模仿的技術特徵,讓台積電認定, 「梁孟松應已洩漏台積 電公司之營業祕密予三星公司使用。」 而且,今年雙方量產的 16、14 奈米 FinFET 產品將更為相似,「單純從結構分析可 能分不出係來自三星公司或來自台積電公司,」這份報告指出。 這幾段文字,看在半導體業人士眼裡都是觸目驚心。這意味著,台積電累積 20 多 年、以數千億台幣研發經費打造的技術優勢,已在一夕之間被抹平了。 根據里昂證券 1 月 12 日發出給客戶的研究報告,去年獨拿蘋果處理器的台積電, 今年因 FinFET 製程量產時程落後,將失去 8 成蘋果新增訂單,估計損失金額超過 10 億美元(約 314 億元台幣)。 主角:誰是梁孟松? 梁孟松今年 62 歲。他是加州大學柏克萊分校電機博士,畢業後曾在美國處理器大 廠 AMD 工作幾年,在 40 歲那年(1992 年)返國加入台積電。他的韓籍妻子也曾是半 導體工程師,是他在美國工作時的同事,還是個曾當過空姐的大美女。 他在台積電的 17 年間,戰功彪炳。台積電在 2003 年,以自主技術擊敗 IBM,一舉 揚名全球的 130 奈米「銅製程」一役。行政院表揚台積電研發團隊,當時負責先進模組 的梁孟松名列第二,功勞僅次於資深研發副總蔣尚義。 在台積電提出的訴狀,清楚載明梁孟松的重要性,說他「負責或參與台積電每一世 代製程的最先進技術。」梁孟松還是台積電近五百個專利的發明人,遠多於其他主管, 也是「新製程設備遴選委員會」之一員。 審判過程中,台積電揭露了梁孟松的收入:他在台積電的 17 年期間,薪資暨股票 及現金紅利,合計高達 6 億 269 萬台幣。平均年所得超過 3600 萬元,高過台灣絕大多 數企業總經理。 梁孟松對於台積電先進製程掌握的廣度與深度,以及從研發到製造整合的熟悉度, 在公司少人能及。「他去三星,就算不主動洩漏台積機密,只要三星選擇技術方向時, 梁孟松提醒一下,這個方向你們不用走了,他們就可以少花很多物力、時間,」台積電 法務長方淑華說。 「他真的比較特別,」方淑華再次強調……( 梁孟松為何出走?完整 報導,請見《天下雜誌》565 期 ) 表格 1 我(??? 姓名) 針對 W1 新聞之看法 內容請至少 500 字 不要抄襲(超過七個字ㄧ樣就是抄襲) 表格 2 我(??? 姓名) 從 W1 新聞內所看到的專業術語之深入研究 16 奈米: 台積電的 16nm 技術是基於 FinFET,整體技術簡稱 16FF。這個技術是第三 代的 HKMG 技術。這個技術相對於 28nm 技術,速度可以提升 70%,若是相對 於 20SoC 技術,速度則可以提昇 40%,電源功耗損失可以減少 60%[1]。 至少需要找三個。閱讀完參考資料後,請用自己的口語解釋, 專業術語,每個星期 可以觀摩其他同學的,但是不要抄襲 ! * 參考資料放在文章的最後面 [1] TSMC, 16nm Technology, Available At: http://www.tsmc.com/english/dedicatedFoundry/technology/16nm.htm, 2014 1.2 W2: TSMC sues former R&D head for 'knowing too much' http://www.wantchinatimes.com/news-subclass-cnt.aspx?id=20111128000020&cid=1 206 Jimmy Chuang 2011-11-28 09:01 (GMT+8) TSMC filed the intellectual property suit against one of its former employees at the Intellectual Property Court in Banciao, New Taipei. (Photo/Hung Hsi-lung) A former employee of Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co (TSMC), the world's largest semiconductor foundry, has called "absurd and humiliating" the intellectual property lawsuit he is being forced to defend after moving to the company's fierce rival Samsung. "I am not a traitor. This suit has damaged my own and my family's reputation," said Liang Meng-sung, the former head of the company's research and development department. Liang was speaking after a pre-trial hearing at Banciao's Intellectual Property Court in New Taipei on Nov. 25. TSMC filed a request for the court to temporarily confiscate Liang's assets during the hearings and trial. Liang said that he formerly worked for TSMC for 16 years and quit in 2008. He later moved to Samsung after teaching at National Tsing Hua University in northern Taiwan for one year and is now Samsung's vice president for research and development. An editorial in the Taiwan-based Commercial Times said TSMC is pursuing the suit because Liang knows too much about the company. Its Korean rival Samsung recently beat TSMC to the contract for Apple's latest processor. As Liang formerly served as the head of TSMC's R&D department, the Taiwanese company will be able to file a suit in the United States and request US courts to ban Samsung's products from being sold if it finds any evidence to prove that Samsung acquired TSMC's knowledge through Liang. An anonymous defense counsel said that the only way for Liang to end the case would be to leave Samsung. During the hearing, Liang told the presiding judge that he had always worked in R&D during his 16 years at TSMC. In July 2006, the company suddenly made him the head of the planning department, he said. "For a period of eight months, I was in a frozen position where nobody told me what my responsibilities were, what assignments I should complete or what future direction I should be taking," Liang said. Lindy Chen, TSMC's lawyer, said that TSMC is merely doing what should be done in pursuing its case against Liang. "The suit needed to be filed just in case Mr Liang, as a former head of the research and development department, would leak our classified information in any aspect now that he knows too many secrets of the company," she said. Richard Tharston, TSMC's vice president and general counsel, said that Liang is the person who knows the most about the boss's new plans. "He is a good friend. I really didn't want him to leave," Tharston said. "He told me that he would not work for Samsung." References: Liang Meng-sung 梁孟松 Lindy Chen 陳玲玉 表格 3 我(??? 姓名) 針對 W2 新聞之看法 內容請至少 500 字 不要抄襲(超過七個字ㄧ樣就是抄襲) 參考資料放在文章的最後面 表格 4 我(??? 姓名) 從 W2 新聞內所看到的專業術語之深入研究 專業術語, 每個星期至少需要找三個。閱讀完參考資料後,請用自己的口語解釋, 可以觀摩其他同學的,但是不要抄襲 ! 參考資料放在文章的最後面 1.3 W3: (天下雜誌) 獵殺叛將-揭密梁孟 松投效三星始末 2015-01-21 天下雜誌 565 期作者:陳良榕 相關關鍵字: 梁孟松 張忠謀 營業秘密 商業間諜 商業機密 電晶體 科技業 三星 台積電 智慧財產 圖片來源:攝影/劉國泰.鍾士為;繪圖/Chuan 張忠謀在去年法說會上,坦承 16 奈米技術被三星超前,震驚原本看好台積電的外 資法人與半導體產業分析師,使台積電一度股價大跌、評等遭降。但張忠謀始終沒講出 的,卻是被信任的愛將背叛的痛……。從半導體到面板業、IC 設計業,都出現足以「動 搖國本」的叛將。梁孟松的故事,給國家、企業、個人什麼警訊? 1 月 8 日,兩家外資券商不約而同調降台積電的投資評等。其中,已連續看好台積電 5 年之久的瑞士信貸,第一次看壞台積電的未來。主要理由是:「今年競爭加劇!」 三星電子,這家五年前被台積電董事長張忠謀稱為「雷達上一個小點」的韓國巨 人,正快速逼近,即將與台積電正面衝擊。 張忠謀準備十多年的 FinFET 技術(鰭式場效電晶體),這個可大幅省電的革命性 技術,將在今年下半年量產,用在最新的十六奈米製程。 然而,三星卻已在 2014 年 12 月初,開始量產同樣技術的晶片,領先台積電至少半年。 1 月 15 日的法說會,面對分析師詢問時,張忠謀坦然承認,「沒錯,我們有點落 後。」 但他秉持過去半年的基調,強調明年會追回來,「在一個更大的市場取得更多市佔。」 這是台積電近 10 多年以來,首度在邏輯製程技術落後亞洲同業。也因此可能痛失 蘋果下一代處理器(A9)訂單。 位在首爾南方 60 公里的三星半導體大本營,一位濃眉短髮的中年台灣人,是「正 式」擔任三星 LSI(即晶圓代工部門)技術長三年半的前台積電資深處長梁孟松。 對他,以及他麾下由黃國泰、夏勁秋、鄭鈞隆、侯永田及陳建良等台積電舊部屬 組成的「台灣團隊」,是一個重大勝利。 「當初台積電如果不讓他走,今天就不會這麼慘了!」一位與台積電主管熟識的半導體 學者感嘆。 以一人的去留,能左右兩國半導體業的消長。他,堪稱台灣頭號叛將。 《天下雜誌》獨家取得台積電控告梁孟松損害營業祕密的二審判決書,從中發現, 梁孟松對三星的「貢獻」之大,以及對台積電傷害之大,遠超過之前外界所知。 震撼├ 失去八成蘋果訂單 台積電指控 2009 年離職的梁孟松,從該年 8 月到三星集團旗下的成均館大學任教 以來,「應已陸續洩漏台積電公司之營業祕密予三星。」 台積電的依據,是委託外部專家製作的一份「台積電/三星/IBM 產品關鍵製程 結構分析比對報告」。這是以最先進的電子顯微鏡,分析頭髮萬分之一細微的電晶體, 詳細比對三家公司產品最近四個世代的主要結構特徵,以及組成材料。 由於三星產品技術源自 IBM,因此該公司 2009 年開始量產的六五奈米製程,產品 特徵與 IBM 相似,和台積電差異極大。這點符合一般預期。 但令台積電驚訝的是,接下來幾年,三星的四五、三二、二八奈米世代,與台積 電差異快速減少。報告中列出七個電晶體的關鍵製程特徵,例如淺溝槽隔離層的形狀、 後段介電質層的材料組合等,雙方都高度相似。 另外,三星二八奈米製程P型電晶體電極的矽鍺化合物,更類似台積電的菱形結 構特徵,與 IBM 的圓盤 U 型「完全不同」。 這幾項如指紋般獨特且難以模仿的技術特徵,讓台積電認定,「梁孟松應已洩漏 台積電公司之營業祕密予三星公司使用。」 而且,今年雙方量產的十六、十四奈米 FinFET 產品將更為相似,「單純從結構分 析可能分不出係來自三星公司或來自台積電公司,」這份報告指出。 這幾段文字,看在半導體業人士眼裡都是觸目驚心。這意味著,台積電累積 20 多 年、以數千億台幣研發經費打造的技術優勢,已在一夕之間被抹平了。 《天下》將判決書給一位世界前三大 IC 設計公司主管判讀,「台積電真的應該告 梁孟松!」他看完之後,神色凝重地說。 「這幾年三星追趕台積電的速度實在太快了。如果沒有 know-how 過去,不大可 能這樣,」他強調。 一位專精半導體製程的大學電機系教授,也認同前述報告的質疑,「這是合理的 懷疑。」 根據里昂證券 1 月 12 日發出給客戶的研究報告,去年獨拿蘋果處理器的台積電, 今年因 FinFET 製程量產時程落後,將失去八成蘋果新增訂單,估計損失金額超過 10 億美元(約 314 億元台幣)。 止血├ 台積電二審逆轉勝 值得欣慰的是,2014 年 5 月,台積電控告梁孟松侵犯營業祕密的民事訴訟,在二 審時演出逆轉勝。 法官同意台積電的要求,「為了防止洩漏台積電的營業祕密」,梁孟松即日起到 2015 年 12 月 31 日止,不得以任職或其他方式為三星提供服務。這個請求,在一審時 曾被法官駁回。 從科技業或者司法界來看,這都是個歷史性的判決。在此之前,台灣法院從未限 制企業高階主管,在競業禁止期限結束之後,還不能到競爭對手公司工作。 《天下》獨家取得列為機密的一、二審判決書,並採訪主審法官及多位當事人, 將這個關鍵審判內容公諸於世。 其中諸多新細節,讓台灣科技業的頭號叛將梁孟松的神祕面貌,以及他投奔敵營 的心路歷程,變得更為清晰。 主角├ 誰是梁孟松? 梁孟松今年 62 歲。他是加州大學柏克萊分校電機博士,畢業後曾在美國處理器大 廠 AMD 工作幾年,在 4 歲那年(一九九二年)返國加入台積電。他的韓籍妻子也曾是 半導體工程師,是他在美國工作時的同事,還是個曾當過空姐的大美女。 他在台積電的十七年間,戰功彪炳。 台積電在二○○三年,以自主技術擊敗 IBM,一舉揚名全球的一三○奈米「銅製程」 一役。行政院表揚台積電研發團隊,當時負責先進模組的梁孟松名列第二,功勞僅次於 資深研發副總蔣尚義。 在台積電提出的訴狀,清楚載明梁孟松的重要性,說他「負責或參與台積電每一 世代製程的最先進技術。」梁孟松還是台積電近五百個專利的發明人,遠多於其他主管, 也是「新製程設備遴選委員會」之一員。 梁孟松對於台積電先進製程掌握的廣度與深度,以及從研發到製造整合的熟悉度,在公 司少人能及。「他去三星,就算不主動洩漏台積機密,只要三星選擇技術方向時,梁孟 松提醒一下,這個方向你們不用走了,他們就可以少花很多物力、時間,」台積電法務 長方淑華說。「他真的比較特別,」方淑華再次強調。 甚至,當前台積電與三星激烈競爭的 FinFET 技術,竟也是梁孟松的強項之一。台 積電訴狀特別強調,「梁孟松深入參與台積電公司 FinFET 的製程研發,並為相關專利 發明人。」 這不令人意外,梁孟松的恩師與博士指導教授,正是曾任台積電技術長的柏克萊 電機系教授胡正明,舉世知名的 FinFET 發明人。 他們師生感情甚睦,多年保持聯絡,但也因此出現一段「插曲」。 2009 年,胡正明的太太籌備丈夫生日,發電郵給學生,被人發現,群組中的梁孟 松郵址竟是「msliang@samsung.com」。這封電郵,後來被台積電提為呈堂證物。藉 此證明,梁孟松競業禁止期結束前,便在三星工作。 種因├ 梁孟松為何出走? 看到這裡,相信讀者不免疑惑,這麼厲害的人,怎麼會離開台積電呢? 梁孟松有個「心結」,來自與他多年激烈競爭的同儕、現任台積電技術長孫元成。 兩人年紀相近,立功升遷都亦步亦趨,也都當選國際電機電子學會(IEEE)院士, 在內部傳為佳話。 掌舵研發多年的蔣尚義在 2006 年退休,因為台積電研發組織日益龐大,規劃由兩 個研發副總,以「Two in a Box」的方式,分擔技術長的職責。一位則由來自英特爾, 輩分較高的羅唯仁擔任。 「我相信他有相當大的期望,我離開時,他會是其中一個(研發副總),」現任 台積電董事長顧問的蔣尚義說,但最後卻是孫元成得到升遷,梁孟松成了羅唯仁的下屬。 他的不滿溢於言表,一位前台積電研發主管看在眼裡,「我想他一點瑜亮情結總 是有的。」 為何最後是孫元成出線? 蔣尚義解釋,主要是專長使然。孫元成負責製程整合,較有全局觀,本來就較適 合當副總級主管。梁孟松的技術能力則較精深、但也較窄。 而且,前台積電主管補充,「他滿能幹的,但個性上有時候……。」 這位梁孟松的老同事沒再說下去。但顯然關於梁孟松個性自負、不善合作的傳言, 不是空穴來風。 儘管如此,台積電對梁孟松的重視,還是沒話說。從他高得令人咋舌的年所得可 看出。 審判過程中,台積電揭露了梁孟松的收入:他在台積電的 17 年期間,薪資暨股票 及現金紅利,合計高達 6 億 2693 萬台幣。平均年所得超過 36 萬元,高過台灣絕大多 數企業總經理。 如同其他台灣高科技公司的高階主管,梁孟松曾簽下所謂的「金手銬」條款,約 定將股票紅利之 50%交給台積電的境外公司保管,辭職後兩年內若為競爭者工作,視 為放棄未發放股票。他離職時,也再度簽約確認。 梁孟松離職時,告知公司將陪侍雙親,並到清華大學任教,但半年後旋即改往韓 國成均館大學擔任訪問教授。由於成均館大學隸屬三星集團,當時便有媒體報導,梁孟 松已在三星工作,然而台積電一直等了快兩年,直到競業禁止期滿,梁孟松已到三星上 班,才對他採取法律行動。 許多人不解,在商場手段霹靂果決的台積電,為何變得如此溫良敦厚? 絕裂├ 背棄信任,投靠敵營 其實,早在 2010 年五月,台積電當時的人事副總杜隆欽已發電郵給梁孟松,說見 報紙報導他已加入三星,將視為違反競業禁止條款,股票將照規定全數捐給台積電基金 會。 梁孟松立刻回信告訴他,「過去不曾,現在沒有,未來也不會,做出對不起公司 的事。」 一個月後,當時的法務副總杜東佑和杜隆欽連袂與梁孟松會談,他當場保證「當 時及未來都不會加入三星。」次日,他甚至發信給與他熟識的杜東佑,表示考慮辭去成 均館大學訪問教授的職務。 期間,梁孟松甚至曾寫信給張忠謀喊冤,說他「身上流著台積人的血液。」 最後,台積電主管還是選擇相信這位有十多年革命感情的老同事。將合計七十三 萬七千七百多股,換算現今市價超過一億元的股票,分三次發放給梁孟松。 而梁孟松卻在完全取得股票的兩個月後,2011 年 7 月 13 日,正式擔任三星電子 LSI 部門技術長。 這消息傳開,所有信任他的人形同被他狠狠甩了一記耳光。 「我們當初都很相信他的,」方淑華說。原本與梁孟松私交甚睦的她坦承,司法 調查其間,她的心裡也不好受,但等到對梁孟松不利的證據,如雪球一般愈滾愈多時, 「我們才知道,原來不是這樣一回事。」 也因此,台積電才會以他到三星,可能會洩漏台積機密的預防性理由,要求法院 禁止梁孟松到三星工作。「梁孟松…顯然欠缺誠信,……尚難期待其遵守對台積電公司 之保密義務,」台積電的訴狀如此寫明。 梁孟松唯一一次出庭,是在一審時。他說,在台積電遭到「冷凍」、「降職」, 最後才「被迫」從台積電離職。他聲稱有八個月的時間,只能做些瑣碎事務,「憑我的 資歷要我去一個不能發揮的單位」、「我感到被欺騙、被侮辱,高層完全不重視我」, 他當時聲淚俱下地說。 怨念├「優等生」的偏執 他的辯護律師,名律師顧立雄主張,台積電禁止梁孟松到其他公司任職,是侵害 他的工作權。一審法官因此當庭駁回台積電的請求。 當時,杜東佑出庭作證時反駁,張忠謀其實對梁另有安排,「他知道是什麼。」 這安排,其實就是台積電當時剛開始籌備的「超越摩爾定律計劃」(more than Moore),亦即在成熟製程製造多樣性的產品,例如微機電、車用 IC、感測器等。 但梁孟松對該計劃不屑一顧。他認為「超越摩爾定律計劃」「僅是一個將六吋及 八吋廠之落後技術予以統整之計劃」,要將他從集菁英於一堂的研發平台一處,「調到 此一預算極低,且技術落後之單位,亦顯屬『降職』,難稱為『委以重任』。」 從法庭筆錄文謅謅的文字,猶可清楚讀出當時梁孟松的忿忿不平。 「他就是有種執念,覺得要做最先進的技術,才算重用,」方淑華感嘆,「去做 more than Moore 的產品,他認為是受到冷凍。」 然而,事過境遷。今天在物聯網的大趨勢下,成熟製程已鹹魚翻身,成為台積電 最新的獲利來源。台積電共同執行長魏哲家就因執行「超越摩爾定律計劃」的出色表現, 躍為張忠謀的兩個接班人之一。 梁孟松的一念之差,錯過更上一層樓的契機。 《天下》以電郵聯絡梁孟松,但至截稿,仍無回應。 其實,二審判決台積電勝訴的法官熊誦梅,在二審一開始時,曾經支持梁孟松, 駁回台積電所提的假處分請求。 背叛├ 故佈疑陣 圓一個關鍵的謊 「當時大家都滿同情他的,」熊誦梅說。梁孟松的太太是韓國人,因此她一開始 認為,梁孟松到韓國教書合情合理,未必真如台積電指控,是私下為三星工作。 但到了審判後期,她才赫然發現,原來梁孟松的妻小都住台灣,開始對於梁孟松 在韓國待上這麼久時間,產生懷疑。 根據法院調出梁孟松的出境資料,他在成均館授課期間,從 2009 年 8 月到 2011 年 4 月的 630 天內,梁孟松實際在韓國逗留的時間高達 340 天。然而,他其實只教一 門課,每週僅三小時課程。 台積電指出,由於梁孟松在韓國待的時間,遠多於授課所需,「顯見梁孟松於該 段期間實係為三星公司提供服務。」 為了佐證此論點,台積電還在二審時提出更強力的新證據。這也是二審大逆轉的 關鍵之一。 台積電委託的韓國法律事務所查出,梁孟松任教成均館大學,可能是個幌子。他 真正任教的是三星內部的企業培訓大學——三星半導體理工學院(SSIT),校址就設在 三星廠區。 梁孟松的 10 個韓籍「學生」,其實都是三星的資深在職員工。 對此,梁孟松則答辯,他是看到台積電的調查報告,才知道原來教的都是三星員 工。 「這部份真的很重要,他在韓國的時候,到底做些什麼事情?」二審的主審法官熊誦梅 表示。 台積電運氣不錯。熊誦梅不是一般法官,她擁有柏克萊法學博士學位,是國內頂 尖智財學者,也在台大任教。在法界以思想前瞻、有國際觀著稱。 而且,這位小梁孟松 10 多歲的柏克萊「學妹」,先生剛好也是韓國人。熊誦梅到 過成均館大學多次,深知它與三星的密切關係,更知道韓國此類企業大學,具備一種不 能公開說出的功能。 她曾在一場法學研討會分享一個日本案例。新日鐵控告離職工程師洩密給韓國浦 項鋼鐵。這個官司的關鍵情節,是新日鐵工程師帶著高度機密的特殊鋼配方離職後,先 到浦項工業大學「漂白」,度過競業禁止期。 熊誦梅因此聯想到成均館大學對三星的「類似功能」,「這個是(韓國的)老招 了,我們不能老是被他們這樣搞。」 常到美日各國開會的熊誦梅,深知「叛將」已成為美日先進國家的頭痛議題,而 各國都祭出非常手段,保護國內大企業的營業祕密。 「一個國家能有幾個大企業?如果我們不保護他們,要保護誰?」熊誦梅強調。 兩難├ 台積電為何不告三星? 10 年前,台積電也以逆向工程的方式,分析對手中芯國際的產品,發現與台積電 產品幾乎一模一樣。 前法務長杜東佑因此高度懷疑,投靠中芯的離職主管屬於「帶槍投靠」,才在美 國控告中芯侵權,並在幾年後取得重大勝利。中芯從此再也無法對台積電構成威脅。 台積電會重施故技,接下來到美國控告三星侵權,再度殲滅追兵嗎?方淑華表示, 目前暫時沒有這想法。三星企業規模與產品線,遠比當年的中芯龐大且複雜。貿然開戰, 後果難測。 「我們雖然時時準備,但不會輕啟戰端,」她慎重地說。 一位台積電研發大將投奔敵營,全球晶圓代工產業的版圖也因此迎來巨變。 類似的情形,過去幾年台灣科技業接連發生。面板業、IC 設計業都出現各自的「梁 孟松」,都是足以動搖國本的「叛將」。 台灣以科技業立足全球,加上近來對岸的急起直追、不擇手段,讓「叛將」議題 日益重要,幾乎到了「失一人喪邦」的程度。 這是真正的國安危機。 梁孟松的故事,足以讓所有企業主、主管、個人,都心生警惕。 ---------------------▲各國祭出非常手段 保護企業商業祕密:加重處罰之法令修正 台灣 營業祕密法修正,觸法者得處 5 年以下徒刑,併處 100 萬至 1000 萬台幣罰金; 若在域外犯罪且洩漏營業祕密,刑罰加重為 1 年以上 10 年以下徒刑,最高罰金為所得 利益的 10 倍。 美國 2013 年修正,當年 11 月生效:觸犯經濟間諜罪者,個人易科罰金上限從 50 萬美 元調高至 500 萬美元,企業罰金則從 1000 萬美元,調高至其竊取之商業機密價值的 3 倍。國會並且指示,如果商業機密被外洩至另一國,則加重判刑,觸法者刑期從 15~21 個月增為 21~27 個月。 日本 計劃修正「反不正當競爭法」,最快將於今年提交國會審議,除由告訴乃論改為 公訴罪,並將提高罰款上限。目前個人罰款上限為 1000 萬日圓,企業則為 3 億日圓。 (研究整理:林昭儀) -----------------------------▲關於營業祕密 企業主和員工須知 給老闆 1. 營業祕密要定義清楚,要在公司內宣導,還得妥善收藏 公司必須先定義哪些智慧財產集資料屬於營業機密,否則員工帶走資料,不算竊 取營業祕密。 審理不少營業祕密觸法案件的熊誦梅法官提醒,有時候就算公司在文件蓋上機密 章,但被告一質疑,「平常都隨便丟在桌上,公司都無妥善收藏。」案件最後仍可能不 成立。 2. 最好每幾年重簽一次保密協定 梁孟松一案,辯護律師曾經質疑當初梁孟松進台積電時,簽的保密協定十多年沒 換,中間升遷、職務變動多次,還能算數嗎?因此企業最好每隔幾年與員工重簽,一來 重新界定保密範圍,二來順便宣導。 給員工 1. 走得漂亮 熊誦梅發現,企業只要控告離職員工妨害營業祕密,那個員工投靠的新公司,直 接開除他、撇清責任的機會很高。即使最後審判結果是無罪,員工的裡子也輸了。 她因此勸告員工不要留給雇主「挾怨報復」的機會,離職前最好不要帶走任何東西,「最 強的員工,是可以空手離開的,這表示你的智慧、經驗都很足夠。」 2. 洩密到中國,最重關十年、罰金無上限 2013 年新修的營業祕密法最大特點,就是為了防堵叛將,規定如果「意圖在外國、 大陸地區、香港或澳門使用」營業祕密,將面臨最重十年有期徒刑,五千萬以下罰金, 而且「若如犯罪行為人所得之利益超過罰金最多額,得於所得利益之二倍至十倍範圍內 酌量加重。」也就是說,若犯罪所得為一億元,最高可罰到十億元。 表格 5 我(??? 姓名) 針對 W3 新聞之看法 內容請至少 500 字 不要抄襲(超過七個字ㄧ樣就是抄襲) 參考資料放在文章的最後面 表格 6 我(??? 姓名) 從 W3 新聞內所看到的專業術語之深入研究 專業術語, 每個星期至少需要找三個。閱讀完參考資料後,請用自己的口語解釋, 可以觀摩其他同學的,但是不要抄襲 ! 參考資料放在文章的最後面 1.4 W4: TSMC Wins Lawsuit against Ex-employee Who Joined Rival Samsung http://technews.co/2014/05/18/tsmc-wins-lawsuit-against-ex-employee-who-joined-riv al-samsung/ Taiwanese semiconductor giant Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. (TSMC) and South Korea’s Samsung Electronics have been in heated competition with Samsung joining the foundry business and shifting orders from TSMC. Samsung has also been actively luring key talent away from TSMC. The South Korean conglomerate successfully headhunted Liang Mong-song, a former senior director of R&D at TSMC, with a lucrative offer. After leaving TSMC, Liang taught in a local university before taking the job as an R&D vice president at Samsung in South Korea. TSMC said on May 14 that the company won the infringement case against Liang in the second trial at Taiwan’s Intellectual Property Court and the court had also agreed to TSMC’s three requests, including to ban Liang from leaking TSMC’s classified information and from working for Samsung until the end of 2015. The rulings have set a precedent and hence the defendant has little chance to win an appeal. According to TSMC, Liang can still appeal the case but the previous rulings have set a precedent and he would have little chance to overturn the situation. TSMC said the ruling will pose legal restrictions on Liang and prohibit him from providing any services for Samsung. TSMC said it hopes the ruling will have an immediate effect and warn Samsung against improperly soliciting its employees as well as urge foreign companies to refrain from poaching staff from their Taiwanese counterparts. The first trial verdict and TSMC’s requests In the litigation in 2013 between TSMC and Liang in alleged trade secrets infringement, the Intellectual Property Court ruled in TSMC’s favor and ordered Liang not to utilize or leak any classified information or trade secrets involving TSMC’s products, manufacturing, clients or suppliers that Liang had known of or had access to during his employment with TSMC. In addition, the court also stipulated that Liang may not obtain trade secrets from third parties including TSMC employees, suppliers and clients in any improper way and may not utilize or leak information concerning TSMC’s R&D personnel to Samsung. All of the abovementioned limitations are quite strict. However, one of the requests by TSMC was rejected in the first trial, in which the Taiwanese company asked that Liang be banned from providing services for Samsung in any form, including employment, until Dec. 31, 2015. This request was granted in the second trial. Striking a balance between personal career plan and infringement avoidance With regards to its employees’ personal career plan, TSMC reiterated that the company respects its employees’ right to pursue personal goals and accomplishment but will not allow any actions that infringe TSMC’s intellectual property rights. How to keep key talent and protect a company’s intellectual property rights and business secrets is a topic of legal issue and professional ethics that is worth discussing for businesses and employees. 表格 7 我(??? 姓名) 針對 W4 新聞之看法 內容請至少 500 字 不要抄襲(超過七個字ㄧ樣就是抄襲) 參考資料放在文章的最後面 表格 8 我(??? 姓名) 從 W4 新聞內所看到的專業術語之深入研究 專業術語, 每個星期至少需要找三個。閱讀完參考資料後,請用自己的口語解釋, 可以觀摩其他同學的,但是不要抄襲 ! 參考資料放在文章的最後面 1.5 W5: (科技新報)台積電告被挖角去三星 的梁孟松侵權再次勝訴,且有更嚴格禁令 台灣半導體大廠台積電 (TSMC) 與韓廠三星電子 (Samsung Electronics) 之間的 競爭這幾年火熱,原因是三星也切入了晶圓代工領域,要搶台積電的訂單。因此在人才 挖角戰上,韓廠三星也選擇針對台積電的關鍵人才做積極的接觸和爭取,當年開出高薪 挖角了當時擔任研發處資深處長的梁孟松,他在離開台積電後,先在大學任職,後來轉 任三星半導體系統大型積體電路研發副總經理,現居韓國。 台積電在 5 月 14 日對外透漏,先前控告梁孟松侵權的訴訟,台灣的智慧財產法 院二審判決出爐,是台積電勝訴。不但如此,智慧財產法院還同意台積電提出的三項請 求,當中包括對梁孟松做出包括不得洩漏台積電營業祕密、以及 2015 年底以前不得為 韓廠三星提供服務等禁令。 已形成判例,對方再上訴的勝率不高 台積電方面對外表示,即使梁孟松不服這項判決,案子也可以繼續上訴,但因為這 次的判決台積電已經獲勝,換言之這形成了案例,對方要再上訴的勝率不高。台積電也 認為,該項判決會對梁孟松本人帶來法律限制,不得以任何形式為三星提供任何服務, 設法封鎖梁孟松為三星提供服務的可能性 台積電希望這個案例能夠立竿見影,告訴三星不能再以不當方式,對台積電體系的 員工進行惡意挖角,也希望其他國家企業對台灣廠商惡性挖角的情形減少。 回顧一審判決結果與訴求 2013 年時,台積電與梁孟松之間的洩漏營業秘密訴訟,當時智慧財產法院一審判 決台積電獲勝,對梁孟松做出不得使用或洩漏其於任職台積電期間所知悉、接觸或取得 而與台積電產品、製程、客戶或供應商等有關之機密資訊或營業秘密。另外,還有不得 以不正當方法自台積電的員工、供應商或客戶等第三人處取得原告的營業秘密,更不得 使用或洩漏研發部門人員相關資料予南韓三星電子,這些禁令都相當地嚴格。 但是,台積電當時有一項訴求沒有在一審時被法院認同而被駁回,也就是「在 2015 年 12 月 31 日前,禁止梁孟松以任職或其他方式為三星提供服務」這一項,如今,二 審繼續宣判台積電勝訴,前述這個之前未通過的禁令,現在也由「法院認證通過」了。 生涯規劃與避免侵權之間的平衡 針對職場員工生涯規劃,台積電還是重申,公司方面絕對尊重個人追求其目標與成 就的權利,但絕不允許任何會對台積電智慧財產權造成危害。這一點也值得業界很多廠 商、員工們深思,怎樣留住關鍵人才,還有和公司智慧財產權、營業機密有相關牴觸時, 該怎樣去處理,這些都是法律與道德上,值得探討的課題。 表格 9 我(??? 姓名) 針對 W5 新聞之看法 內容請至少 500 字 不要抄襲(超過七個字ㄧ樣就是抄襲) 參考資料放在文章的最後面 表格 10 我(??? 姓名) 從 W5 新聞內所看到的專業術語之深入研究 專業術語, 每個星期至少需要找三個。閱讀完參考資料後,請用自己的口語解釋, 可以觀摩其他同學的,但是不要抄襲 ! 參考資料放在文章的最後面 1.6 W6: Big Chips Wager for iPhone http://online.barrons.com/articles/tsmc-could-lose-out-to-samsung-on-nex t-iphone-1421461998 TSMC is expected to lose out to Samsung in high-stakes battle to make Apple’s next smartphone. January 17, 2015 Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing is likely to have to limit itself to just a slice of theApple pie this year as Samsung Electronics regains some of the smartphone maker’s chip business. That means TSMC’s stock price won’t match the 28% gain it has enjoyed in the past 12 months. Analysts contend that both TSMC (ticker: 2330.Taiwan) and Samsung expect the change. On an earnings call last Thursday, TSMC officials conceded that the company would lose market share in 2015, while Samsung executives have sounded increasingly confident about winning back Apple’s business, analysts say. Apple last year switched from Samsung to TSMC to build the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus chips. Apple (AAPL) and Samsung (005930.Korea) have been intense rivals in the high-end smartphone market, and they sued each other over intellectual properties in 2012 and 2013. However, a better chip can salve hurt feelings. Samsung now has the capacity to mass-produce 14-nanometer chips, smaller and more powerful than TSMC’s 20-nanometer version. TSMC’s largely equivalent 16-nanometer chip can’t be produced in big quantities until the second half of 2015. That’s too late for Apple’s expected fall launch of its new iPhone, says Maybank’s Warren Lau. TSMC, whose shares closed on Friday at 137 New Taiwan dollars (US$4.35), will take a hit if that’s the case. Apple accounted for nearly 20% of TSMC’s revenue in the second half of 2014, with at least three-quarters of that coming from the new iPhones, Lau estimates. In 2014, net profit at TSMC rose 40.2%, to US$8.3 billion, or 32 U.S. cents per share, on the back of a 27.8% rise in revenue. The Apple-Samsung fight was more about aesthetics and design than hardware. The iPhone 6 chips are dual-core 1.4GHz processors that can outperform many smartphones with more-powerful multicore processors because they’re designed specifically for Apple’s operating system. Plus, Apple no longer allows foundries a role in chip design, so there’s less risk of “information leakage,” notes Lau. And then there is price. Samsung is rumored to have offered its 14-nanometer chips at the same price as TSMC’s 20 nanometer, among other inducements. That emphasizes the high-stakes nature of the game. A foundry must spend at least $10 billion a year to produce for the iPhone, reckons CLSA’s Bruce Lu. As a result, TSMC, which has $10 billion in cash, chose to produce the 20-nanometer chips instead of advancing to 16 nanometers. Samsung, meanwhile, is sitting on over $60 billion of cash, so it has money to spend. TSMC plans $11.5 billion to $12 billion in capital spending this year, up from $9.5 billion in 2014, to “recapture our leadership in 2016,” says Chairman Morris Chang. Despite TSMC’s forecast of double-digit revenue growth in 2015, Maybank’s Lau has a Sell on the shares with a NT$120 target, or 12% below last week’s level, and thinks TSMC will have to offset as much as a 10% to 15% drop in sales. CLSA’s Lu, who likes TSMC and has a NT$159 target, sees much less effect. No one can be sure what will happen until the spring, but 2015 isn’t shaping up as a repeat of 2014 for TSMC. 表格 11 我(??? 姓名) 針對 W6 新聞之看法 內容請至少 500 字 不要抄襲(超過七個字ㄧ樣就是抄襲) 參考資料放在文章的最後面 表格 12 我(??? 姓名) 從 W6 新聞內所看到的專業術語之深入研究 專業術語, 每個星期至少需要找三個。閱讀完參考資料後,請用自己的口語解釋, 可以觀摩其他同學的,但是不要抄襲 ! 參考資料放在文章的最後面 1.7 W7: 聯發科告袁帝文 首回合大勝 http://ctee.com.tw/Album/Content.aspx?albumid=7a8818e6-b6c0-4421-a827-9c1913c668d6& newsid=496222 IC 設計廠聯發科為防堵自家的企業機密被同業所用、人才遭惡意挖角,對前手機晶片 事業部總經理袁帝文提出刑事、民事訴訟,昨(10)日台灣智慧財產法院裁定,聯發科 將對袁帝文執行假處分。 假處分效力 3 至 5 年 據悉,該裁定命令的效力可以持續至少 3 至 5 年,聯發科首次大動作與前高階主管對 簿公堂,一出擊即獲得第一回的勝利! 台灣智慧財產局法院昨天發函給聯發科的律師,民事訴訟有了初步裁定,聯發科也一 改之前避談的低調態度,昨日證實對袁帝文提告一案。聯發科指出,已對袁帝文提出了 包括「妨害秘密罪」、「妨害電腦使用罪」、「背信罪」、以及觸犯「營業秘密法」等 刑事、民事訴訟。 聯發科進一步說明,目前所獲得的假處分裁定命令,其效力約可以持續 3 至 5 年,端 看訴訟案件最終審定的判決確定之日,因為法院有三級三審,最終審定的判決確定之 前,裁定命令效力的期間就有多久。 聯發科本案勝算大 據瞭解,原本聯發科為了聲請緊急假處分,已準備好 3,000 萬至 3,500 萬元的押金, 而且緊急假處分效力只有 7 天,不過,昨天智慧財產法院裁定的假處分,已認定聯發科 所提報的資料夠具體,因此聯發科這次並未付任何的押金,也突顯出,聯發科在本案的 勝算大增。 袁帝文遭到三禁止 智慧財產法院假處分的裁定內容,對袁帝文要求 3 項禁止;一、袁帝文負有保密義務, 禁止袁帝文使用或洩露有關聯發科的營業秘密,也不能對聯發科的員工、供應商或客戶 等第三人,進行刺探或取得聯發科的情資。二、禁止袁帝文在競業禁止期間任職或以其 他方式為競爭對手公司提供服務。三、袁帝文不得提供研發部門人員相關資料給競爭對 手公司,且不得協助、誘使聯發科其他的同仁離職,為競爭對手公司服務。 聯發科會對袁帝文下重手,就是要防堵袁帝文進行人才挖角,影響未來新產品研發及 產業競爭力。 聯發科昨天公布 1 月合併營收達 128.44 億元,較前一個月下滑 1.87%、年增率 51.95 %,聯發科預估,雖然第 1 季營收將較前一季下滑 2%~10%,不過,受惠於八核心晶 片占比提升,本季毛利率仍持穩向上。 表格 13 我(??? 姓名) 針對 W7 新聞之看法 內容請至少 500 字 不要抄襲(超過七個字ㄧ樣就是抄襲) 參考資料放在文章的最後面 表格 14 我(??? 姓名) 從 W7 新聞內所看到的專業術語之深入研究 專業術語, 每個星期至少需要找三個。閱讀完參考資料後,請用自己的口語解釋, 可以觀摩其他同學的,但是不要抄襲 ! 參考資料放在文章的最後面 1.8 W8: MediaTek files fresh deposition against defecting senior manager http://www.chinapost.com.tw/taiwan/business/2014/01/22/398917/MediaTek-files.htm By Ted Chen, The China Post January 22, 2014, 12:13 am TWN TAIPEI, Taiwan -- Mediatek (MTK, 聯發科) on Tuesday reportedly filed a provisional disposition at Taiwan's Intellectual Property Office against a former senior manager, the second legal action against the former staff member in a week. Reports indicate that Yuan Dih-wen (袁帝文), former general manager for MTK's smartphone chipset business group, has plans to defect to Spreadtrum Communications Inc. (展訊) following his resignation late last year. The market is rife with rumors that prior to his departure, Yuan had leveraged the access afforded by his former post of business group general manager and left MTK while holding a considerable amount of proprietary assets including key chipset designs and other classified information. In addition, since his arrival at Spreadtrum, Yuan has been poaching other talent from MTK through a headhunter company. According to reports, since the outbreak of reports over the suspected case of industrial espionage, MTK has begun pursuing a court-ordered provisional disposition against Yuan. The company is also poised to seek further legal recourse against the former manger, intending to sue him over violations of his two-year non-compete and non-disclosure agreement as well as alleged infringement of MTK's intellectual property rights. The Intellectual Property Office stipulates that once a provisional disposition is imposed on a person, the plaintiff must launch lawsuits against the defendant for damages within 30 days. In addition, to fulfill its obligations as the plaintiff, MTK will be required to produce the documents necessary to make the case for industrial espionage. Commentators stated that the company is likely to employ the international convention of launching a criminal suit, followed by a civil suit. The company's prospects are clouded by its lack of progress in producing a chipset that caters to China's time-division long-term evolution (TD-LTE) network technology, lagging behind competitors including Qualcomm and Marvell Technology Group. Consequently, foreign institutional investors yesterday elected to downgrade MTK's target share price. Foreign investors however, maintain an upbeat outlook on the company's newly developed eight-core system-on-chip (SOC) solution, which is expected to contribute revenues beginning this quarter. Foreign institutional investors yesterday sold about 12 million MTK shares in a buying frenzy. Shortly after yesterday's opening bell, MTK shares quickly lost its foothold above the NT$400 mark, tumbling to the intraday low of NT$386 before reaching the closing price of NT$388, down 5.37 percent. 表格 15 我(??? 姓名) 針對 W8 新聞之看法 內容請至少 500 字 不要抄襲(超過七個字ㄧ樣就是抄襲) 參考資料放在文章的最後面 表格 16 我(??? 姓名) 從 W8 新聞內所看到的專業術語之深入研究 專業術語, 每個星期至少需要找三個。閱讀完參考資料後,請用自己的口語解釋, 可以觀摩其他同學的,但是不要抄襲 ! 參考資料放在文章的最後面 期中考週,請ㄧ起整理 W1~W8 之作 業後,老師會當成期中考成績 2 營業秘密之國內外新聞 2.1 W10: 從台積電主管跳槽案看營業秘密 法 / 作 黃于珊律師 2013/08/13 分類: 觀點, 雜誌 http://news.networkmagazine.com.tw/magazine/2013/08/13/53244/ 台積電前研發部資深處長梁孟松於 2011 年被韓國三星公司挖腳後,台積電擔心該公 司的營業祕密會因此落入三星公司的手中,於是向智慧財產法院提起禁止洩漏營業秘密 之訴訟。 智慧財產法院審理後認為台積電的資料屬於營業秘密,梁孟松對其負有保密義務, 但梁孟松已有侵害台積電營業秘密之高度可能性,台積電確有受侵害之虞,所以判決梁 孟松不得使用或洩漏其任職於台積電期間所接觸或取得與台積電產品、製程、客戶或供 應商等有關之營業秘密,也不能自台積電員工、供應商或客戶等第三人處取得有關台積 電的營業秘密。 然而,在那麼多與產品、製程、客戶或供應商相關的資料中,究竟哪些資料才是屬 於營業秘密的範疇,以及什麼樣的行為才會構成違反營業秘密法,本文茲依營業秘密法 的定義及法院實務之見解,說明營業秘密的保護要件,以及營業秘密的侵害態樣。 營業秘密之要件 營業秘密法第 2 條規定,營業秘密係指方法、技術、製程、配方、程式、設計或其 他可用於生產、銷售或經營之資訊,而符合(1)非一般涉及該類資訊之人所知、(2)因其 秘密性而具有實際或潛在之經濟價值、(3)所有人已採取合理之保密措施等要件者。 所以,要成為營業秘密保護法所保護的營業祕密,首先必須是非一般及該類資訊之 人所知悉的生產、銷售或經營上的資訊。任何該類資訊之人可以從書本、雜誌、網路所 蒐集取得之資訊,或是可以向主管機關、同業公會、上下游廠商所函查的資訊,皆屬一 般涉及該類資訊之人所能知悉的資訊,而不屬於營業秘密。 因此,實務見解即認為,早已公開發表的技術、製造流程的一般性資料、已對外揭 示的資訊內容、公司提供給客戶的型錄、公司的一般規定等,都因不具有非周知性,而 不屬於營業秘密。其次,該資訊必須因其秘密性而具有實際或潛在之經濟價值。 任何資訊當然必須要具有經濟價值,才有以營業秘密法保護的必要,否則即無視為 營業秘密,而加以保護之必要性,而且除了成功的經驗外,任何關於生產、製造或銷售 方面的錯誤經驗,也可能對資訊持有者具有一定的經濟價值。 因為資訊持有者在獲得失敗經驗的過程中,可能須付出大量的時間或金錢,而任何 人若可獲得這些錯誤經驗,即可省去大量因嘗試錯誤所耗費的時間或金錢,而具有實際 或潛在之經濟價值,因此錯誤經驗亦可能屬於營業秘密法所欲保護的範疇。 此外,該資訊的所有人也必須要採取合理的保密措施,才可能使該資訊被認為是營 業秘密,否則若所有人自己都不當一回事,而未加以妥善的保管,則法律當然不需要瞎 操心。 因此實務見解即認為,文件置於未上鎖之抽屜中、公司未有任何保密措施、電腦系 統未設定保護密碼、電腦系統雖設定保護密碼但該密碼為全部門之人員所知悉,或是文 件上無機密、限閱等字樣的標示或註記者,即會被認為資訊所有人未採取合理的保密措 施,而不屬於營業秘密。 綜合前述要件,目前實務上所承認的營業秘密包含有,記載有進一步可能促成交易 或過去交易等資料的客戶名單、產品底價或營業價格、產品分析報告、房屋仲介買賣雙 方資料、產品配方、營業狀況(預算目標、薪資、績效獎金等制度)等,非一般及該類 資訊之人所知悉,且因其秘密性而具有實際或潛在之經濟價值,同時所有人已採取合理 之保密措施之生產、銷售或經營上的資訊。 營業秘密的民事侵害態樣 營業秘密法第 10 條規定: 1. 以竊盜、詐欺、脅迫、賄賂、擅自重製、違反保密義務、引誘他人違反其保 密義務或其他類似方法之不正當方法取得營業秘密者,係屬侵害營業秘密。此種型態 是目前最常見的營業秘密侵害類型,例如:盜取他人電腦程式原始碼、引誘員工出售 機密資訊、透過網路進入他人伺服器重製機密文件等,皆屬於這種型態的營業秘密侵 害。 2. 知悉或因重大過失而不知其為前述以不正當方法所取得之營業秘密,而取 得、使用或洩漏者,即屬侵害營業秘密。例如,甲為商業間諜,自 A 公司竊取有關 IC 設計技術的營業秘密後,B 公司為發展無線通訊產品,未探究甲究竟是如何取得這 些資料,即向其購買這些 IC 設計技術的營業秘密,此時 B 公司即屬於這種型態的營 業秘密侵害。 3. 取得營業秘密後,知悉或因重大過失而不知其為前述以不正當方法所取得之 營業秘密,而使用或洩漏者,亦屬侵害營業秘密。 4. 因法律行為取得營業秘密,而以不正當方法使用或洩漏者,係屬侵害營業秘 密。例如,甲公司挖角乙公司的重要研發團隊,並利用該研發團隊腦中所留存的資料, 快速生產出 TFT 產品,同時另行授權與他人合資成立的新公司使用這些技術,此時, 若該 TFT 技術是使用到乙公司的營業秘密,則甲公司不論是自行利用或是授權他人 使用這些技術,都會侵害到乙公司的營業秘密,而且若是合資成立的新公司也知悉此 事,則這家新公司的利用行為也會侵害乙公司的營業秘密。 5. 依法令有守營業秘密之義務,而使用或無故洩漏者,亦屬侵害營業秘密。 對於前述侵害行為,被害人除可請求侵害人立即停止侵害行為外,對於侵害行為作 成之物或專供侵害所用之物,也可以請求銷毀,此外,被害人對於已經發生的損害,也 可以向侵害人請求損害賠償。 營業秘密的刑事侵害態樣 有關侵害營業秘密的刑事責任部分,是營業秘密法在今年 1 月修法時所增加的部 分,其係規定於第 13-1 條到第 13-4 條。 營業秘密法第 13-1 條規定:意圖為自己或第三人不法之利益,或損害營業秘密所有 人之利益,而有下列情形之一,處五年以下有期徒刑或拘役,得併科新臺幣 100 萬元以 上 1000 萬元以下罰金: 1. 以竊取、侵占、詐術、脅迫、擅自重製或其他不正當方法而取得營業秘密, 或取得後進而使用、洩漏者。 2. 知悉或持有營業秘密,未經授權或逾越授權範圍而重製、使用或洩漏該營業 秘密者。 3. 持有營業秘密,經營業秘密所有人告知應刪除、銷毀後,不為刪除、銷毀或 隱匿該營業秘密者。 4. 明知他人知悉或持有之營業秘密有前三款所定情形,而取得、使用或洩漏者。 此外,其對於未遂犯也會加以處罰。同時在科罰金時,如果犯罪行為人所得的利益 超過罰金最多額,得於所得利益的三倍範圍內酌量加重。 營業秘密法第 13-2 條規定: 意圖在外國、大陸地區、香港或澳門使用,而犯前述罪者,處 1 年以上 10 年以下有 期徒刑,得併科新臺幣 300 萬元以上 3000 萬元以下之罰金。 此外,其對於未遂犯也會加以處罰。同時在科罰金時,如果犯罪行為人所得的利益 超過罰金最多額,得於所得利益之 2 倍至 10 倍範圍內酌量加重。 因此,台積電對梁孟松所提起的民事訴訟中,法院判定梁孟松不得使用或洩漏的與 台積電產品、製程、客戶或供應商等有關的營業秘密,必須非一般及該類資訊之人所知 悉,且因其秘密性而具有實際或潛在之經濟價值,同時所有人已採取合理之保密措施之 生產、銷售或經營上的資訊。 此外,台積電若於今年營業秘密修法後才對梁孟松提起侵害營業秘密的告訴,則台 積電除了可對梁孟松主張民事責任外,亦可能可以對其主張刑事責任。 (更多精采內容請參閱網路資訊雜誌 261 期 8 月號) 表格 17 我(??? 姓名) 針對 W10 新聞之看法 內容請至少 500 字 不要抄襲(超過七個字ㄧ樣就是抄襲) 參考資料放在文章的最後面 表格 18 我(??? 姓名) 從 W10 新聞內所看到的專業術語之深入研究 專業術語, 每個星期至少需要找三個。閱讀完參考資料後,請用自己的口語解釋, 可以觀摩其他同學的,但是不要抄襲 ! 參考資料放在文章的最後面 2.2 W11: MediaTek Ex-Employees Said to be Involved in Trade Secret Theft http://technews.co/2014/08/14/mediatek-ex-employees-said-to-be-involved-in-trade-secret -theft/ Former employees of Taiwan’s MediaTek are accused of stealing trade secrets and chip circuit layouts for its Chinese rival. The trade secret theft case has the industry watching as MediaTek is the second largest IC designer worldwide, behind only Qualcomm. According to Taiwanese media including the Apple Daily and Liberty Times, after being tipped by MediaTek, the Investigation Bureau raided multiple locations including the home of its former senior engineer Cheng Kuo-chung and a Hong Kong-registered company where he works now. The investigators also questioned several other former MediaTek employees for their alleged violations of the country’s Trade Secrets Act. For confidentiality purposes, only authorized personnel in MediaTek have access to classified documents and files, and relevant individuals are required to sign a confidentiality agreement and a non-compete agreement. The individuals who are accused of leaking the trade secrets allegedly made printed copies of documents and designs of chip circuit layouts, instead of sending or downloading them electronically to avoid surveillance. MediaTek apparently also keeps track of file printing. The Taiwanese company tracked the serial numbers and identified the suspects. The company continued to gather evidence without alerting the authorities until it realized that the design it made for Xiaomi phones had also been stolen. The design was said to be able to substantially lower cost and affect future revenue growth. The stolen documents were reportedly handed over to the Hong Kong-registered company, which is connected to China’s Spreadtrum Communications Inc. It was reportedly turned up in the investigation that the Chinese company paid each of the involved individual at least NT$1.5 million (US$49,480) per year for four years as the signing bonus. By headhunting MediaTek’s R&D engineers, the Chinese company allegedly obtained information about product development and technologies at a low cost. It is the second trade secret theft case involving MediaTek’s former employees after its former smartphone chip business division head Yuan Di-wen was accused of providing classified information for Chinese rival in 2012. Yuan was accused of stealing confidential documents before his departure, but prosecutors eventually dropped criminal charges. In the civil lawsuit, the court issued a ruling that barred Yuan from disclosing any trade secrets regarding MediaTek, working for a MediaTek rival or attempting to recruit MediaTek’s R&D personnel for rival companies. With regards to the most recent trade secret theft, MediaTek made an announcement and said that the company values and protects its intellectual property and confidential information. To maintain the rights of the company and its shareholders, the company vows to take legal actions against any employees or individuals who attempt to obtain or leak trade secrets. The company then declined to comment on an ongoing investigation, saying only that the case is unlikely to affect the company’s operations. 表格 19 我(??? 姓名) 針對 W11 新聞之看法 內容請至少 500 字 不要抄襲(超過七個字ㄧ樣就是抄襲) 參考資料放在文章的最後面 表格 20 我(??? 姓名) 從 W11 新聞內所看到的專業術語之深入研究 專業術語, 每個星期至少需要找三個。閱讀完參考資料後,請用自己的口語解釋, 可以觀摩其他同學的,但是不要抄襲 ! 參考資料放在文章的最後面 2.3 W12: TSMC lawsuit alleges China chip maker stole trade secrets http://www.computerworld.com/article/2574146/technology-law-regulation/tsmc-lawsuit-alle ges-china-chip-maker-stole-trade-secrets.html Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. is the world's largest contract chip maker By Sumner Lemon IDG News Service | Dec 22, 2003 12:00 AM PT Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. (TSMC), the world's largest contract chip maker, has filed a lawsuit that alleges one of China's top chip makers infringed on its patents and misappropriated trade secrets, according to a statement released Monday. The suit alleges that Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corp. (SMIC), a Cayman Islands-registered company with headquarters in Shanghai, has infringed multiple TSMC patents and misappropriated trade secrets and asks for a permanent injunction against SMIC as well as unspecified monetary damages, it said. The charges were leveled against SMIC in a suit filed by TSMC, TSMC North America and TSMC subsidiary Wafertech LLC in the U.S. District Court of Northern California on Friday. The suit claims that SMIC has hired more than 100 former TSMC employees and has asked some of them to provide SMIC with TSMC trade secrets. In addition, it alleges that SMIC asked a TSMC manager to obtain information related to TSMC's chip-making process technology and pass it along to SMIC. The TSMC manager referred to in the suit is no longer employed by the Hsinchu, Taiwan-based company. "SMIC currently has not received any official notice from any court in any jurisdiction filed by TSMC, so we have no comment on this matter at the present time," said Sarina Huang, a SMIC spokeswoman, via e-mail. "We want to emphasize that we always respect intellectual property rights of any third party." In 2002, TSMC accused the former TSMC manager of sending confidential documents, including equipment layout plans for a chip fabrication plant, via e-mail to SMIC while still an employee at TSMC, said J.H. Tzeng, a spokesman for the company. That case is pending and an arrest warrant has been issued in Taiwan for the former employee, who didn't appear in court to answer the charges, he said. Huang confirmed that the former TSMC employee did work for SMIC after leaving TSMC but said the individual left SMIC when charges were filed in Taiwan. "We all believe [the former TSMC employee] is not guilty," Huang said, adding that SMIC wasn't aware of the former employee's whereabouts. 表格 21 我(??? 姓名) 針對 W12 新聞之看法 內容請至少 500 字 不要抄襲(超過七個字ㄧ樣就是抄襲) 參考資料放在文章的最後面 表格 22 我(??? 姓名) 從 W12 新聞內所看到的專業術語之深入研究 專業術語, 每個星期至少需要找三個。閱讀完參考資料後,請用自己的口語解釋, 可以觀摩其他同學的,但是不要抄襲 ! 參考資料放在文章的最後面 2.4 W13: TSMC Refiles Trade-Secret Suit Vs. Mainland Foundry http://www.law360.com/articles/1857/tsmc-refiles-trade-secret-suit-vs-mainland-foundry Law360, New York (July 28, 2004, 12:00 AM ET) -- Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. has refiled a far-reaching trade-secret lawsuit against mainland rival Shanghai Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corp. in California state court after a federal court dismissed those charges in April. The new claims are similar to those in the complaint filed with the Northern District of California in December of last year, charging the rival with misappropriation of trade secrets, patent infringement, unfair competition and violations of the Lanham Act. In April, a U.S. District Court judge for the Northern District of California dismissed TSMC’s trade secret claims against SMIC without commenting on the merits of the charges. The judge found that, as the trade secret claims substantially predominate TSMC's patent claims, it would be more appropriately for state courts to hear the case instead of the federal court. According to TSMC’s complaint, SMIC hired over 100 employees from its Taiwanese rival and asked some of them to divulge trade secrets belonging to their former employer. In the federal lawsuit, TSMC alleged that an official with SMIC asked TSMC’s Quality Control Program Manager, Katy Liu, to obtain process information and forward it to the manager’s new employer. "Liu covertly served as a founding SMIC Project Team Member for approximately nine months before she was terminated by TSMC," according to the federal lawsuit. "By January 2003, SMIC had hired away more than 100 TSMC employees who collectively had knowledge of virtually all of TSMC’s proprietary technology and business trade secrets. This hiring included more than eighty employees from TSMC’s departments of engineering, manufacturing, facilities administration, R&D, product test engineering, automatic system development, mask manufacturing, quality assurance, procurement and financial accounting,” according to the lawsuit. SMIC’s conduct has already led to an indictment in Taiwan of a Liu for illegally disclosing the TSMC’s proprietary process flows, fab layout, and operations information, TSMC said in the federal lawsuit. In March, TSMC fired another legal volley with a new suit claiming that it has “eyewitness affidavits and new technical verification” proving that SMIC had stolen TSMC's 0.18-micron process and related chip-production technologies. TSMC, the world's largest dedicated semiconductor foundry, is being represented by attorneys from Keker & Van Nest, LLP; White & Case, LLP; and Haynes and Boone, LLP. 表格 23 我(??? 姓名) 針對 W13 新聞之看法 內容請至少 500 字 不要抄襲(超過七個字ㄧ樣就是抄襲) 參考資料放在文章的最後面 表格 24 我(??? 姓名) 從 W13 新聞內所看到的專業術語之深入研究 專業術語, 每個星期至少需要找三個。閱讀完參考資料後,請用自己的口語解釋, 可以觀摩其他同學的,但是不要抄襲 ! 參考資料放在文章的最後面 2.5 W14: SMIC: US courts have no jurisdiction over TSMC claims http://www.itworldcanada.com/article/smic-us-courts-have-no-jurisdiction-over-tsmc-cl aims/15338 Sumner Lemon @itworldca Published: March 9th, 2004 Chinese contract chip maker Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corp. (SMIC) hopes to bring a swift end to allegations of trade-secret misappropriation by arguing that U.S. courts do not have jurisdiction over several charges contained in a lawsuit brought against it by rival chip maker Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. Ltd. (TSMC). Chinese contract chip maker Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corp. (SMIC) hopes to bring a swift end to allegations of trade-secret misappropriation by arguing that U.S. courts do not have jurisdiction over several charges contained in a lawsuit brought against it by rival chip maker Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. Ltd. (TSMC). On Apr. 23, SMIC plans to ask the judge, Maxine M. Chesney, to dismiss the allegations of trade-secret misappropriation contained in the lawsuit, saying the matter is outside the court’s jurisdiction, according to a court document filed on Feb. 17 by lawyers representing SMIC. “There is simply no basis to invoke this Court’s jurisdiction to hear a dispute between two foreign corporations over events that occurred in Taiwan and China and which involve no issues of U.S. federal law,” the SMIC filing stated. TSMC’s lawsuit, filed in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California in December, alleged that SMIC infringed on five of its patents and misappropriated trade secrets related to the manufacture of semiconductors. The lawsuit was jointly filed by TSMC, TSMC North America and a U.S.-based subsidiary, WaferTech LLC, against SMIC, Semiconductor Manufacturing International (Shanghai) Co. Ltd. and SMIC Americas. SMIC’s filing argued that TSMC’s amended complaint and allegations of trade-secret misappropriation are “filled with inaccuracies and distortions that are clearly designed to convey a false impression of wrongdoing and to malign the character and integrity of SMIC and its personnel but are unrelated to the patent infringement claims which form the sole basis for federal jurisdiction.” The filing did not address the five allegations of patent infringement brought against SMIC by TSMC. SMIC plans to address those charges within 10 days of the court’s ruling on its motion for dismissal of the trade-secret misappropriation charges, the filing said. TSMC alleged that SMIC recruited more than 140 employees from TSMC and TSMC-affiliated companies in a bid to gain access to TSMC’s technology and trade secrets. In addition, TSMC’s complaint alleged that Katy Liu, a former TSMC quality control manager, was directed to obtain TSMC trade secrets for SMIC while still employed by TSMC. TSMC’s complaint contained a copy of an e-mail allegedly sent from Marco Mora, SMIC’s vice president of operations, to Liu asking her to obtain for SMIC information on TSMC’s 0.35-micron, 0.28-micron, 0.25-micron, 0.22-micron and 0.18-micron chip-making processes as well as training materials. In response to TSMC’s allegations, SMIC said the e-mail contained in TSMC’s complaint is not dated and TSMC has not offered any evidence that Liu provided SMIC with any of the information mentioned in the e-mail. TSMC’s charges mirror similar allegations made in 2002 by TSMC in a Taiwanese court. At that time, TSMC accused Liu of sending confidential documents, including equipment layout plans for a chip fabrication plant, via e-mail to SMIC while still an employee at TSMC. That case is still pending and an arrest warrant has been issued in Taiwan for Liu, who did not appear in court to answer the charges, according to TSMC. In December, SMIC spokeswoman Sarina Huang confirmed that Liu worked for SMIC after leaving TSMC but said she left the company after charges were filed against her in Taiwan. SMIC believes Liu is innocent of the charges and is not aware of her current whereabouts, Huang said at that time. The stakes are high for SMIC, which plans to issue up to US$714 million worth of shares in an initial public offering (IPO) on the New York Stock Exchange. That IPO is slated to take place on Mar. 17 and will be followed on Mar. 18 by a second listing on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. “If we are unable to successfully defend pending patent and trade secret litigation by TSMC, we may be required to pay damages, obtain a license from TSMC or discontinue sales of certain of our products in the United States,” SMIC wrote in a Feb. 11 filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Read more: http://www.itworldcanada.com/article/smic-us-courts-have-no-jurisdiction-over-tsmc-cl aims/15338#ixzz3PW2vdMjx or visit http://www.itworldcanada.com for more Canadian IT News 表格 25 我(葉慶康) 針對 W14 新聞之看法 From the news we know that if we want to conduct a lawsuit, we need to prepare many elements about lawsuit like charged objects, charge type against charge objects, evidence, lawyer, and the two most important things, money cost and time. A lawsuit is a rather spend time and money matter, we need to use many time to excuse the lawsuit and spend money to hire a lawyer to help to win the lawsuit. So, conduct a lawsuit is a not easy matter for everyone because if you lose the lawsuit, you will ruling to pay the fine or you will be sent to prison or both of them. And there are many reason to guess why the chip maker Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corp. (SMIC) want to bring a swift end to the lawsuit about allegations of trade secret misappropriation brought by the chip maker Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. Ltd. (TSMC). From the first reason is maybe SMIC is innocent and SMIC don’t want to waste anymore like money, time, resources and more to defend this lawsuit and need to a swift end. But according from the news, the possibility of SMIC is innocent is very low, because all the charge are unfavorable to SMIC. The second point is SMIC repute that the lawsuit was exceed the U.S federal law between the two foreign corporation and the federal court cannot making a right and fair jurisdiction. So, SMIC hope to a swift end against this lawsuit. And the real answer about this matter is known by SMIC and TSMC, so we hardly to define and decide who are guilty. And why the TSMC self not to charge the lawsuit against SMIC about allegations of trade-secret misappropriation and let the U.S-based subsidiary to charge the lawsuit? Because the TSMC know that every lawsuit was not a hundred percent to win, and this will mixed by many factor to change the state of lawsuit, and those factor is the key to let you to win or lose the lawsuit, who can control those factor and will get a higher rate to win the lawsuit but not a hundred percent win. So, TSMC know that the lawsuit might be lose, and if the lawsuit was loss, it will pay a heavy consideration. About this lawsuit, who lose the lawsuit and will face a huge damage on its company, a big mount of compensation, and damage their company reputation. So the TSMC used their subsidiary to charge the lawsuit is a wise choice, because if TSMC lose the lawsuit, the punishment will charge on the subsidiary and not be related to TSMC, and TSMC will lost a subsidiary if TSMC lose the lawsuit. Otherwise, if SMIC lose the lawsuit, SMIC will face the pay the huge damage to TSMC and the subsidiary, and the SMIC reputation will be damage. So, if we want to do anything, no matter of the things is good or bad, we need to making a consideration about the aftermath and then do it. Because if you were wrong, you will sustain a critical and a unable to predict damage or punishment. 表格 26 我(葉慶康) 從 W14 新聞內所看到的專業術語之深入研究 Subsidiary: Subsidiary also called daughter company. It means the subsidiary was fully under controlled by another parent company [1]. Integrity: Integrity is a core value of a people, showing the quality of honest and moral principles [2]. Complaint: The purpose of complaint is the requirement of changing the worse things to better things or making compensate [3]. [1] Subsidiary, wikipedia, available at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subsidiary , (2015) [2] Integrity, wikipedia, available at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Integrity , (2015) [3] Complaint, wikipedia, available at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Complaint , (2015) 2.6 W15: Taiwan country guide http://www.asialawprofiles.com/Guide/1055/Taiwan-country-guide.html Nicole M. Lin Tai E International Patent & Law Office Tel: +886 2 2506 1023 ipdept@taie.com.tw www.taie.com.tw IMPROVING PROTECTION 1. What were the most important legal developments in the last 12 months in IP law and how might they affect businesses? Customs protection measures The Taiwan Patent Act amendment concerning Customs protection measures (Articles 97-1 to 97-4) has been in force since March 24 2014. Based on this amendment, a patentee may ask Customs to detain imported articles that are suspected of infringing patent rights. The detention requester needs to provide the preliminary showing of the facts of infringement and deposit of a security. By providing a double security payment, the owner of the detained articles may ask Customs to repeal the detention. Both parties may examine the detained articles, provided that any confidential information contained in the detained articles is not compromised. After the requestor has been served a notice of admission of the request, the requester needs to file a patent infringement lawsuit against the owner of the detained articles within 12 days, otherwise Customs shall repeal the detention ex officio. Please note that the requestor bears the expenses generated from warehousing, loading and unloading the detained articles if the detention is repealed under any of the situations where the cause can be attributed to the requester. On the other hand, the owner of the detained articles will be liable for the aforesaid expenses if the detention requester obtains a court judgment confirming that the detained articles infringe patent rights. Increasing the burden of proof An amendment to the Intellectual Property Case Adjudication Act that increases an infringer’s burden of proof in a trade secret infringement lawsuit has been effective since June 6 2014. Under this amendment (Article 10.1 of the Act), when the owner of a trade secret (the complainant) has sufficiently presented the facts regarding its claim for trade secret infringement, and the accused infringer has simply denied the claim, the court shall ask the infringer to give substantive reasons and suitable arguments. If the accused infringer disobeys this demand without giving a justifiable reason, the court may, at its discretion, take as the truth the complainant’s allegation with regard to its claim for trade secret infringement. By creating an obligation to give substantive defence in a trade secret infringement lawsuit, an infringer has a heavier burden of proof for non-infringement. 2. What are the main IP issues that foreign investors should bear in mind? The development of indirect infringement Similar provisions of inducement of infringement and contributory infringement as regulated in §271 (b) and §271 (c) of US Code Title 35 (Patent Act) do not exist under the Taiwan Patent Act. However, according to Article 185 of the Taiwan Civil Code, a person whose act is held as constituting inducement of infringement or contributory infringement may be held responsible for patent infringement under the Taiwan Patent Act by the concept of joint tortfeasors. In spite of this situation, more academics are strongly advising that a system of indirect infringement should be expressly prescribed in the Taiwan Patent Act so as to better protect the rights and interests of patent owners. Any patentee holding Taiwanese patents should keep an eye on the development of this issue. Patent validity evaluation An accused infringer would normally file an invalidation action and raise patent validity as an issue as a major defence in a patent infringement lawsuit. According to statistics, more than 50% of the patents at issue would be invalidated either by the Taiwan Intellectual Property Office (TIPO) or the Taiwan Intellectual Property Court (IP Court). Therefore, it is strongly recommended that a patentee should carefully evaluate the validity of its patents before initiating a patent infringement lawsuit. 3. What have been the most important IP decisions that the courts have handed down in the last 12 months and what lessons do they hold for potential investors? A ruling on patent misuse Based on a judgment rendered by the IP Court in September 2013, if the defendant in a patent infringement lawsuit wants to establish that the patentee is misusing its rights, the defendant needs to prove: “the patentee has the knowledge that his/her right is limited or he/she does not have a ground to claim for patent infringement against the alleged infringer when filing the request for provisional seizure”. In the same judgment, the IP Court stated that, although the judgment finds that the patent in dispute lacks an inventive step, we may not infer that the patentee knew that the patent was revocable when asking for provisional seizure, therefore this finding is not sufficient to prove that the patentee has exercised his/her rights under tortious intention or negligence. R&D director banned from leaking trade secrets Liang Mong-song, a former senior director of R&D at Taiwanese semiconductor giant Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing (TSMC), was accused of disclosing TSMC’s trade secret to his new employer, Samsung. The IP Court rendered a ruling in May 2014 to ban Liang from leaking TSMC’s confidential information and from providing services for Samsung until the end of 2015. Liang can still appeal the case but the ruling has set a precedent and Liang would have little chance to overturn the situation. 4. Is there a competition law in place and how does it interact with IP law? According to Article 45 of the Taiwan Fair Trade Act, no provision of this Act shall apply to any proper conduct in connection with the exercise of rights pursuant to the Taiwan Copyright Act, Trade Mark Act, or Patent Act. As to any improper conduct concerning the exercise of copyrights, trade mark rights, or patent rights, the Taiwan Fair Trade Commission (FTC) has established the FTC Disposal Guidelines on the Reviewing of Cases Involving Enterprises Issuing Warning Letters for Infringement on Copyright, Trademark, and Patent Rights and the FTC Disposal Guidelines on Technology Licensing Arrangements to monitor the act of issuing warning letters or technology licensing if there are any arrangements that lessen competition or impede fair competition. Further, pursuant to Article 20 of the Taiwan Fair Trade Act, it also provides protection to a well-known foreign trade mark that has not been registered in Taiwan. 5. Is there a data protection or trade secrets law in place? If so, how strictly are these enforced? The Personal Information Protection Act The Taiwan Personal Information Protection Act has been in effect since October 1 2012. The highlights of the Act are: •All government, non-government sectors, and individuals are subject to the Act. •Name, birthday, ID, special features, fingerprints, marriage, family, education, occupation, medical records, medical history, generic information, sex life, health examinations, criminal records, contact information, financial status, social activities, and any data which is sufficient to identify a person would be considered personal information. •All statutory requirements must be followed when collecting, processing or using personal information. •Proper security measures must be adopted when keeping personal information files. •An accused non-government sector shall bear the burden of proof regarding its lack of subjective requirement (intention or negligence) when the victim claims for damages. •Failure to comply with the Act will be subject to civil liabilities (up to NT$200 million – US$6.7 million), administrative penalties (up to NT$500,000), and criminal liabilities (up to 5 years and/or NT$1 million). Trade Secrets Act The revised Taiwan Trade Secrets Act became effective on February 1 2013. The purpose of this new amendment is to cope with increasing cases of industrial espionage, especially international industrial espionage and to protect the technological competitiveness of enterprises. Highlights of the new provisions include: •As a new measure, criminal penalties for up to five years of imprisonment and/or fines from NT$1 million to NT$10 million will be imposed on the wrongdoer. •If the wrongdoer intentionally uses trade secrets in foreign countries (including China, Hong Kong and Macau), the penalties will be increased to imprisonment from 1 year to 10 years and/or fines from NT$3 million to NT$5 million. •To encourage the wrongdoer to reveal the crime and facilitate investigation, the prosecutor or the complainant may choose to withdraw the charges against the whistleblower. •Employers shall bear vicarious liability for any damages if its employee has wrongfully committed the crime unless the employer can prove that it has exercised reasonable care to prevent the occurrence of the crime. 表格 27 我(??? 姓名) 針對 W15 新聞之看法 內容請至少 500 字 不要抄襲(超過七個字ㄧ樣就是抄襲) 參考資料放在文章的最後面 表格 28 我(??? 姓名) 從 W15 新聞內所看到的專業術語之深入研究 專業術語, 每個星期至少需要找三個。閱讀完參考資料後,請用自己的口語解釋, 可以觀摩其他同學的,但是不要抄襲 ! 參考資料放在文章的最後面 2.7 W16: TSMC reports second instance the case in favor of former executives http://battery-camcorder-sony.com/tsmc-reports-second-instance-the-case-in-favor-of -former-executives/ May 16th, 2014 Taiwan Intellectual Property Court on TSMC ( 20.66,0.08,0.39 % ) R & D executives Liang meng song pre-litigation case upheld sentenced in favor of TSMC , TSMC supports three requests made , and Liangmeng Song made not leak confidential TSMC operates not TSMC personnel use or disclosure of the information before the end of next year may not provide services for the three bans Samsung . TSMC spokesman yesterday ( 14 May ) that if this decision Liang meng song pleaded , it can continue to appeal , but the possibility of winning is not high , the judgment will Batterie SAMSUNG R580 brings certain legal restraint, which is Samsung’s comprehensive blockade service opportunities. TSMC executives said Samsung want to tell through the case , do not improperly TSMC malicious poaching employees , but also for other countries to establish the effect of corporate intimidation of Taiwan manufacturers malicious poaching . TSMC side stressed that the company absolute respect for employees to pursue personal goals and achievements of rights , but would not allow any harm to TSMC intellectual property incidents . TSMC is pleased the court’s decision , and agree to defend intellectual property determination. Liang meng song was senior director of TSMC’s advanced modular technology department , was a university professor after leaving , deputy general manager of the circuit after turn Batterie SAMSUNG RV720 at Samsung Semiconductor System LSI , currently living in South Korea. October 2011 , TSMC announced Liangmeng Song lawsuit , accusing its leaking company secrets . Last year Taiwan Intellectual Property Court verdict in favor of TSMC , and Liangmeng Song made two bans. First instance prohibition includes , Liang Mengsong not use or disclose the period of his tenure are aware of TSMC , TSMC contact or acquired products, processes, customers or suppliers and other relevant confidential information or trade secrets , do not be unfair way from TSMC employees and so on, third-party suppliers or customers of the plaintiff’s trade secrets obtained ; better not use or disclose information related Batterie SAMSUNG AA-PB1TC6B personnel in Korea, Samsung Electronics . But the Court of First Instance dismissed the TSMC on ” 2015 Liangmeng Song not serve or otherwise provide Samsung service” request , TSMC refused to accept the appeal . 表格 29 我(??? 姓名) 針對 W16 新聞之看法 內容請至少 500 字 不要抄襲(超過七個字ㄧ樣就是抄襲) 參考資料放在文章的最後面 表格 30 我(??? 姓名) 從 W16 新聞內所看到的專業術語之深入研究 專業術語, 每個星期至少需要找三個。閱讀完參考資料後,請用自己的口語解釋, 可以觀摩其他同學的,但是不要抄襲 ! 參考資料放在文章的最後面 2.8 W17: TSMC Lays Chips in Patent Lawsuit http://www.chinabidding.com/news.jhtml?method=detail&channelId=277&docId=4819 05 Mar 31,2004 Top contract chipmaker TSMC stepped up its patent battle with an upstart Chinese mainland rival, filing new documents it said showed Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corp (SMIC) stole trade secrets. SMIC, whose US$1.8-billion IPO sank on its market debut last week, lashed back last Wednesday by accusing much-larger Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Corp of "bullying" and a "smear campaign." Among new documents filed last Monday with the US District Court for the Northern District of California was one in which a TSMC deputy director describes "amazing similarities" between its own chips and a SMIC chip viewed under an electron microscope. In another document, an ex-SMIC employee was cited as estimating 90 per cent of the process flow for a chip production method was copied from TSMC, whose designs were referred to within the Chinese mainland firm as "best known method one." The lawsuit, which follows a hail of complaints from Western technology, automobile and media firms accusing Chinese firms of piracy, has sparked speculation TSMC regards SMIC as a threat down the road, given its proximity to a booming US$30-billion Chinese semiconductor market. Win or lose, analysts said TSMC could be doing SMIC -- about 11-per-cent-owned by US giant Motorola Inc -- a favour in the long run. "This lawsuit actually sends a very, very wrong message," said Chris Hsieh, an ING analyst in Taipei. "The lawsuit is boosting people's awareness that SMIC could potentially be a major competitor to TSMC, and therefore boosted SMIC's profile." Bitter relationship SMIC sprang from farmland in Shanghai in 2000 to become the world's fifth-largest maker of made-to-order microchips. The new evidence sheds light on the bitter relationship between TSMC, the world's No 1 foundry, and a Chinese mainland newcomer founded and led by Taiwan industry veteran Richard Chang. Chang was formerly head of World Wide Semiconductor Manufacturing Corp, which was bought out by TSMC. SMIC said it will issue an official reply to the lawsuit by April 9. It has asked for the dismissal of the lawsuit, which loomed over its share offering in Hong Kong and New York, the fourth-largest this year. "SMIC regrets the outside-the-courtroom smear campaign being waged against it," it said in statement. "SMIC is disappointed TSMC once again has resorted to such unfair and bullying tactics. SMIC is requesting the court throw out the trade secret claims on technical legal grounds." Fears of intellectual property theft run deep in a global chip industry emerging from its worst-ever downturn in 2001 and 2002, and where a small edge in manufacturing capability can mean millions of dollars in extra profit. "I don't believe SMIC will ever become a major competitor to TSMC, because there's a huge gap in terms of technology," Hsieh said. The documents included statements from ex-employees portraying SMIC as eager to lure away TSMC staff to garner chip-making techniques. One TSMC manager was cited in the documents as saying he understood SMIC expected poached employees to bring a "present" with them, in the form of recent technical information. SMIC has been involved in a number of embarrassing incidents, most notably when its CFO (chief financial officer) contradicted public statements on capital expenditure needs and the lawsuit. TSMC is seeking monetary damages and an injunction against SMIC, in a suit originally filed on December 19. SMIC has argued the court lacks jurisdiction and says claims of theft are "impossibly massive." A separate suit was filed in Taiwan, and a Taiwanese district court issued a provisional injunction against SMIC that limits its hiring of TSMC employees. In the original complaint, TSMC argued the case could be heard by a US court because SMIC sought business from several California-based chip makers -- including Broadcom Corp, Xilinx Inc and Advanced Micro Devices Inc. 表格 31 我(??? 姓名) 針對 W17 新聞之看法 內容請至少 500 字 不要抄襲(超過七個字ㄧ樣就是抄襲) 參考資料放在文章的最後面 表格 32 我(??? 姓名) 從 W17 新聞內所看到的專業術語之深入研究 專業術語, 每個星期至少需要找三個。閱讀完參考資料後,請用自己的口語解釋, 可以觀摩其他同學的,但是不要抄襲 ! 參考資料放在文章的最後面 3 W18:我對此門課的建議/感想 請在此寫下你對此門課的建議 你可以談你從這門課學到哪些東西 ? 你可以填你從這門課看到你不足的是哪些東西 ? 建議你可以每個禮拜都寫,不要到期末再寫 4 Reference 你所參考的資料請放這裡 參考資料之寫作格式 請參考以下兩份資料。 完稿時,以下資料請刪除。 http://www.cce.mcu.edu.tw/project/data/reference-IEEE.pdf 1、書籍: 例:徐立忠,老人問題與對策,台北:桂冠圖書公司,民國74 年。 例:Drucker, Peter F. , Post-Capitalist Society, Harper Collins, New York, 1993. 2、期刊: 例:賴士葆、林震岩,「跨組織資訊分享系統的最終使用者計算之管理建 徑」,國立政治大學學報,第58期,民國77年2月,頁217-227。 例:Stein, E. W. & Vladimir Zwass , “Actualizing Organizational Memory with Information Systems,”Information Systems Research , Vol. 6:1, pp. 85-117. June 1995. 3、會議: 例:邱貴發、鍾邦友,「情境學習理念在電腦輔助學習軟體設計的應用」, 中華民國第七屆電腦輔助教學研討會論文集,民國82年,頁69-78。 例:El Sawy et al., “Preserving Institutional Memory: The Management of History as an Organizational Resource,”Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings, 37, pp.118-122, 1986. 4、編輯書: 例:林清山,「實驗設計的基本原則」,收錄於社會及行為科學研究法, 上冊,楊國樞等(編),台北:東華書局,民國67年,頁87-130。 例:Unseth, DJ., Systems Analysis for Psychologist, in S. Ober (ed), Systems Analysis in the Behavioral Sciences, pp.122-136. 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