段落 1. 4A2B0058 林盈勳 段落 2. 4A2B0060 廖絃妙 段落 3. 4A2B0032 熊庭緯 段落 4. 4A2B0007 葉凱婷 (!!皆有繳交作業!!) 段落一 In each of the following stories there is a wild or a dangerous animal. The animals can hurt and kill. And yet all the stories take place in houses, gardens, a small wood – safe, civilized places where we do not expect to meet wild and dangerous animals. So why are they there? Why has Saki brought these fierce creatures into our homes? 每篇故事裡,都會有野生兇猛的動物的情節。這些動物會攻擊人也會傷害人。而 在每篇故事裡,都會有一個安全棲息的一個地方,像是房子、花園、小木屋等等, 免於我們遭受到這些野生動物的攻擊或是傷害,那為甚麼他們會棲息在那 ?為甚 麼 Saki 把這些兇猛的野獸寫進故事裡呢 ? The answer is that we want them to be there. Of course, we do not want wolves in our gardens all the time; that would be very inconvenient. But sometimes – when we have an unwelcome visitor, or when we have to be polite when we want to be rude – sometimes a real wolf would be very useful indeed. Saki’s animals are sometimes funny, and they are sometimes cruel. But they always bite through what we pretend, and uncover real emotions beneath. 這答案是我們希望牠們棲息在這裡,當然,我們不會希望這些狼群一直棲息在我 們身邊,那真的是非常的不方便。但有時候,當我們有不速之客上門時,亦或是 想粗魯點但又不失禮貌的話,這時候真正的狼群就派得上用場了。Saki 筆下的動 物有時候是滑稽有趣的,有時候是殘酷寫實的,但我們總是能在這些寫實的文筆 故事中,發現其中的情感和道理。 About the Author Saki’s real name was Hector Hugh Monro. He was born in Burma in 1870, but after his mother died, he and his sister and brother went to live with his aunts in Devon, in the south-west of England. His two aunts, Aunt Tom and Aunt Augusta, hated each other and were not interested in children. So, like Conradin, Saki learned to dislike aunts and to dream of a world where animals were stronger than people and could punish them for being cruel and stupid. Saki 真正的名子叫 Hector Hugh Monro.她出生於 1870 年的緬甸。但在他母親死 後,他和他的姐姐和哥哥一起搬去住在英格蘭最南邊海岸 Devon 的阿姨家。他 的兩個阿姨,Tom 跟 Augusta 不喜歡小孩也討厭他們。Saki 知道到他兩個阿姨不 喜愛他們,常常會想像在世界有一個動物都比人強壯且可以懲罰讓他們痛苦的地 方。 In 1893 Saki joined the army in Burma, but became ill and returned to the UK to live in London. From, 1902 to 1908, he worked as a writer for a newspaper, The Morning Post, and lived in Poland, Russia and Paris. He had published his first book in 1899 – a history called The Rise of the Russian Empire – and in 1904 his first book of short stories appeared. This was when he took the name “Saki”, no one knows why he chose it, but it is the name of a gentle South American monkey and perhaps he felt close to this animal. 在 1983 年,Saki 回到緬甸去當兵,但因為生病所以又搬回倫敦去居住。在 1902 年到 1908 年之間,他在報社負責早安專欄的寫作,而且在擔任報社工作中,待 過波蘭、俄羅斯和巴黎居住過。在 1899 年的時候出版了他第一本書叫俄羅斯帝 國的崛起,而在 1904 年的時候發行了他第一本短篇故事。許多人都不知道為甚 麼他叫 Saki,這名子其實是名美國有隻溫和個性的猴子的名子而且也許是感覺可 以更親近動物所以才以此命名,這就是為甚麼人們都不知道他叫做 Saki 的原因。 People have continued to read and enjoy Saki’s clever stories for the past hundred years, because they are often cruel and funny at the same time. He wrote only five books of stories (some of them appeared after he death), and two novels. In 1904, at the beginning of the First World War, he joined the army as an ordinary soldier and was shot through the head and killed in 1916. 人們在過去這一百多年都一直持續不斷地看著 Saki 所出版的故事,許是因為它 們就像故事裡描寫的滑稽又殘忍吧。Saki 總共只寫了五本書(有些書是在他死後 出版的),兩本小說。在 1914 年,第一次世界大戰開始的時候,他加入了自願軍, 而在 1916 年中,頭部重槍身亡。 The Story-Teller It was a hot, airless afternoon. The train was slow and the next stop was nearly an hour away. The people in the train were hot and tired. There were three small children and their aunt, and a tall man, who was a bachelor. The bachelor did not know the little family, and he did not want to know them. 這是一個炎熱、空氣稀薄的午後,火車行駛得很慢距離下一站還有一段路程,火 車上的人們看似悶熱又疲憊。車上有三個小孩和他們的姑媽,還有一個很高大的 單身男子,但這男子不認識他們也不想去理會他們。 The aunt and the children talked, but it was not real conversation. It was more like a battle with a small housefly which will not go away. When the aunt spoke to the children, she always began with “Don’t….” When the children spoke to her, they always began with “Why….” The bachelor said nothing aloud. 姑媽和小孩講話,根本稱不上是真正的對話,這比較像是和不會離開的小蒼蠅爭 論,當姑媽對著小孩說話時總是以”不要”…為開頭,當小孩和她說話時也總是 開頭說”為什麼…”,但單身漢卻也只是大聲地說沒什麼。 The small boy opened his mouth and closed it again. It made an interesting little noise, so he did it again. Open. Close. Open. Close. 小男孩張開他的嘴巴又合起發出了一些有趣的聲音,於是又持續做了好幾次(張 開,合起來,張開,合起來)。 “Don’t do that, Cyril” said the aunt. “Come and look out of the window.” The boy closed his mouth and sat next to the window. He looked out at the green fields and trees. “Why is that man taking those Sheep out of that field?” he asked suddenly. 姑媽說:「不要發出那聲音了,快來窗邊看看窗外的風景。」於是小男孩停止發 出聲音後坐在窗戶邊,他看到窗外綠油油的草原和樹木,突然問:「為甚麼那個 男人要帶著羊群離開那塊草原?」 Cruel (Adj.) 殘忍、殘酷的 Ex: He is cruel to animals. 他對動物很殘忍。 Wild (Adj.) 野生的、未被人訓養的 Ex: Those are wild roses . 那些是野玫瑰。 Empire (Noun.) 帝國、大企業 Ex: He started off with one small factory , and now he ' s the head of an oil empire . 他開始只經營一家小工廠,如今已成為一個石油大企業的龍頭。 Civilized (Adj.) 文明的、開化的 Ex: By comparison, trips by sea offer a great variety of civilized comforts . 相比之下,海上旅行提供多種多樣文明的享受。 Fierce (Adj.) 兇猛的、殘酷的、好鬥的 Ex: My grandfather became fierce when he lost his temper . 我的祖父發脾氣時變得很粗暴。 Creatures (Noun.) 生物、動物 Ex: Worms are very simple creatures . 蠕蟲是很簡單的生物。 Appear (Vt.) 出現、顯露 Ex: Gradually a smile appeared on her face . 她臉上漸漸地露出笑容。 Pretend (Vt.) 假裝 Ex: He pretended that he was innocent . 他假裝無辜。 休閒二甲 4a2b0058 林盈勳 段落二 姑姑說: "或許他是告訴他們有另一個很多草的牧場。" 然而男孩知道這並不是一 個好答案。 男孩說:"但那牧場有更多草,姑姑!那個牧場全都是草!為什麼那個男人不要把他 的羊留在牧場?" 姑姑回答:"我推測那些草在另一個牧場會更好。" Cyril 同時問著:"為什麼那樣會更好?" 姑姑哭著說:"看著那些牛群!他們都聚集在鐵道旁"但是 Cryil 沒有看向那裡,她只 想要一個答案。他又問了一遍 : "為什麼其他牧場的草比較好?" 一位單身漢很憤怒的看著他們,姑姑也看著他。她覺得他是一個很難對付、不友 善的人。他不喜歡小朋友。姑姑在想一個適合的答案來回答 cryil 的問題,但都 找不到。 一位小女孩開始唱著歌 : "一條往曼德勒的路,那是小朋友的天堂"然後她又停了 下來,她忘記其他單字了,又從頭開始唱,一遍又一遍的重複好幾次。單身漢憤 怒的看著那位小女孩,又看向姑姑。姑姑馬上叫小女孩過來這裡坐下並安靜!:" 我要告訴你一個小故事。"小朋友慢慢地在姑姑身旁坐下,她看起來很無聊。很 明顯的,姑姑不擅長說故事。 這個故事非常的乏味,是關於一位小女孩。她並不漂亮,但她很棒!每個人都很 喜歡她。有一天她掉進湖裡,朋友們都救了她,因為她真的很棒!女孩問 : "難道 大家會救她就只因為她很棒嗎?如果壞人掉下去我們不是也應該要救他嗎?"那個 單身漢看起來想要回答這問題,但他沒說話。姑姑說 : "是啊!我們應該救他!但我 更確定的是那些人們很愛她因為他們跑很快。"女孩說 : "這是我聽過最愚蠢的故 事了。"Cryil 說 : "我沒有聽到後面,因為它真的太笨了。"那小女孩在她重複唱 二十次之後又想再唱了。那位單身漢突然說 : "你真的很不會說故事!"姑姑生氣 地看著他並冷冷地說 : "要說故事又要讓小朋友了解真的很困難。"單身漢說 : " 我不同意妳說的!"姑姑冷冷地說 : ''不然換你來說說看!" 查閱其詞性、中英解釋及例句。 1. towards [ adj ] 正在進行中 A solitary figure was coming toward him . 2. uninteresting [ adj ] 無趣的,乏味的,令人厭倦的。 This is an even more than unusually dull and uninteresting chapter . 3. perhaps [ adv ] 或許 It 's so dark. perhaps it 's going to rain . 4. railway [ n ] 鐵路 The new railway will benefit the district . 5. suitable [ adj ] 合適的 The marriage must be still more suitable . 6. stupid [ adj ] 愚蠢的 Was she not stupid to take this risk ? 7. repeating [ adj ] 反覆的 "not in sight?" repeated his master . 8. field [ n ] 牧場 A few scarecrows were set up in the field . 休閒二甲 4A2B0060 廖絃妙 段落三 年紀大的女孩說好告訴我們一個故事。有一個叫貝爾塔的小女孩學士開始說很久 很久以前,他說得異常的好。她總是在學校成績很好。她總是服從她的老師和她 的父母。她從不遲到,不骯髒,總是吃了她所有的蔬菜,他整潔從不說謊。 那些看起來已經無聊的小孩開始發出 OH 的聲音。一個小女孩問她漂亮嗎? 她回答不她不漂亮而且她好可怕。Cyril 說可怕!我喜歡這個,小孩開始變得更有 興趣了。可怕和好這兩個字組成了新創意讓他們感到滿意。學士又繼續說貝爾塔 總是很好,她有 3 個獎牌,一個是從不遲到一個是禮貌一個是世上最棒的小孩。 他們是非常巨大的獎牌,貝爾塔總是把他們掛在洋裝上她是鎮上唯一有 3 個獎牌 的小孩。好可怕 Cyril 開心地重複說了一次。每個人都在說貝爾塔,這鍋國家的 國王也聽說了他也很滿意,國王說她太棒了所以他可以再每個禮拜五下午來我的 宮殿花園。 國王的花園是很有名的,她很大很漂亮小孩常常被禁止進去。 Cyril 問宮殿花園有綿羊嗎?光棍說沒有貝爾塔又問為甚麼沒有?那姑媽微笑看著 那些期待答案的小孩開始解釋宮殿花園沒有綿羊是因為國王的媽媽有一個夢。 有一個聲音跟她說國王會被綿羊或時鐘殺死,這就是為甚麼宮殿沒有綿羊和時 鐘。那女孩有問為什麼國王回被綿羊和時鐘殺死。光棍冷靜地說嘎還活著所以不 知道那個夢是真的還是假的雖然沒有綿羊可是有很多小豬四處跑。更小的女來問 豬是什麼顏色的?黑與白的臉,白加黑的面孔,所有的黑色,灰色和白色,有的 全白 。她停了一夏讓小孩子們想像這個完美的景象然後繼續說。 貝爾塔很遺憾王宮沒有花。 forbidden 被禁止的,禁止的 a. 形容詞 It is forbidden to bathe in the sea here . pleased 這塊海區內禁止洗澡。 高興的,喜歡的;滿意的[(+at/about/by/with)][+to-v][+that] I ' m very pleased to inform you that your application has beenaccepted . 常高興地通知您,您的申請已被接受。 Horribly 可怕地副詞 The man began to scream horribly . tidy 整潔的,整齊的;井然的形容詞 那人開始可怕地尖叫起來。 我非 Her room is always clean and tidy . extraordinarily 非常;格外地;異常地 她的房間總是乾淨整潔。 副詞 She is an extraordinarily beautiful girl . 她是個美麗非凡的姑娘。 Bachelor (常大寫)學士 He became a Bachelor of Arts at the age of twenty . 他二十歲時成了文學士。 Aunt 伯母;嬸母;姑母;姨母;舅母名詞 calmly 冷靜地,沉著地副詞 Janet spoke calmly , but there was an angry color in her cheekas she rose and lef t the room . 雖然珍妮特冷靜地說話,但當她站起來離開房間時,臉上卻有不 悅之色。 班級:休閒二甲 姓名:熊庭緯 學號:4A2B0032 段落四 She had promised her aunts that she would not pick any of the kind king’s flowers. 她答應了阿姨,不會去摘仁慈國王的花。 She wanted very much to be good and to keep her promise. 她非常想要那些花,但是她必須信守承諾。 So she was very cross when she found that there were no flowers to pick. 當她接近花園時,她發現沒有任何的花可以摘。 ‘Why weren’t there any flowers?’ 為什麼那邊沒有任何花朵? ‘Because the pigs had eaten them all,’said the bachelor immediately. 「因為豬會吃光它們!」單身漢立刻說。 ‘The gardens had told the king that he couldn’t have pigs and flowers, because pigs eat flowers. So the king decided to have pigs, and no flowers’ 「因為豬會吃花,所以花園告訴國王他無法同時擁有豬跟花。國王便決定要豬, 不要花!」 The children thought that this was an excellent idea. 孩子們覺得這是個很棒的點子。 ‘Most people choose flowers,’said Cyril. He looked very pleased. 「大多數的人會選擇花。」Cyril 說,他看起來很高興。 ‘But of course, pigs are much better than flowers.’ 「當然,豬會比花好一點。」 ‘There were lots of other wonderful things in the palace gardens,’the bachelor continued. 「宮廷的花園裡還有很多美好的東西。」單身漢繼續說。 ‘There were lakes with gold and blues and green fish in them. 花園裡有湖,湖中有金色的、藍色的跟綠色的魚, There were trees with beautiful birds that could talk and say clever things. 花園裡有很多樹,樹上有漂亮的鳥,牠們說話,說著 There were also birds that could sing popular songs. 還有些鳥唱著流行的歌。 ‘Well, on the first Firdy afternoon in May, Bertha came to the king’s garden. 在五月的第一個星期五午後,Bertha 來到國王的花園, The king’s soldiers saw her beautiful white dress and her three medals for goodness, 國王的士兵看見她美麗的白色洋裝和三面善良獎牌, and they opened the doors to the gardens at once. 他們馬上打開花園的門。 ‘Bertha walked up and down and enjoyed herself very much. Bertha 走來走去,沉浸在她的世界裡, As she walked along, the three medals on her beautiful white dress clinked against each other. 當她往前走,在她洋裝上的三個獎牌碰撞在一塊, She heared them clinking, and she thought: 她聽見碰撞的聲音,然後她想: “I’m here in these lovely gardens because I am the Best Child in the World.” 我會在這個可愛迷人的花園裡都是因為我是這個世界上最棒的小孩。 She felt pleased and happy and very, very good. 她感到高興、快樂,而且非常非常的好。 ‘Just then a very big, hungry wolf came into the gardens. 就在這時,一隻非常龐大、飢餓的狼來到花園中, It wanted to catch a fat little pig for its supper.‘ 牠想要捉一隻肥胖的小豬當牠的晚餐, ‘What colour was the wolf?’asked the children, who were listening to the story with great interest. 「那隻狼是什麼顏色?」對故事有極大興趣的孩子問。 ‘He was grey,’said the bachelor,‘with a black tongue and angry yellow eyes. 「牠是灰色的。」單身漢說。「有黑色的舌頭及黃澄澄、憤怒的眼睛。」 He had long black claws and big,strong,yellowish teeth. 牠有黑色的長爪子跟淡黃色且又大又有力的牙齒。 The wolf was hungry. He smelled the ground with his long grey nose. 狼很飢餓,牠用長長、灰色的鼻子在園裡嗅聞, Then he saw Bertha’s beautiful, clean white dress and began to move quietly towards her. 然後牠看見 Bertha 美麗、乾淨的白洋裝, ‘Bertha saw the wolf and she wished she had not come to the gardens. Bertha 看見狼之後,她多希望她沒有來花園。 “Oh, why did I come here?”she thought. 「天啊!我為什麼要來這裡?」她心想。 “All the bad children are safe at home. I wish I wasn’t an extraordinarily good child! 「所有不乖的小朋友都安全在家,我希望我不是一個非常好的小孩! Then I could be safe at home too.”She ran as hard as she could, and the wolf came after her on his long grey legs. 那麼我也就會安全的在家裡。」她竭盡所能地跑,狼用灰色的長腿追趕著她。 ‘At last Bertha managed to reach some big, sweet-smelling myrtle bushes, and she hid herself in the thickest bush. 終於,Bertha 設法到達一些聞起來很香的桃金孃灌木叢裡, The wolf walked round and round the bushes, with his angry yellow eyes and his long black tongue. 狼走到灌木叢周圍,用憤怒、淡黃色的眼眸及黑色的長舌頭, But he couldn’t see Bertha because the bushes were too thick, 不過因為灌木叢實在太豐厚,牠看不見 Bertha, and he couldn’t smell her because the smell of the myrtle was too strong. 桃金孃的味道實在太濃厚,牠聞不到 Bertha 的味道。 So after a while the wolf became bored, and decided to go and catch a little pig for his supper. 因此,一段時間後,狼覺得很無趣,決定離開抓一隻小豬當晚餐。 ‘Bertha was terribly frightened. Her heart beat very fast and her body shook with fear. 「Bertha 非常害怕,她的心臟跳得很快,身體嚇得渾身發抖, Her arms shook and her legs shook. 她的手臂跟腳都不斷發抖, Her three medals for goodness shook too. And as they shock, they clinked together. 她的三面善良獎牌也跟著抖動,抖動便碰撞再一起, The wolf was just moving away, when he heard the medals clinking, and he stopped to listen. The medals clinked again. 狼剛離開不久,就聽到獎牌碰撞的聲音,牠停止腳步聆聽,獎牌又碰撞一次, The wolf’s yellow eyes shone, and he ran into the myrtle bushes, pulled Bertha out, and ate out. 狼的眼睛發亮,跑到桃金孃灌木叢,撲倒 Bertha,並且吃掉她。 He ate everything except her shoes, a few small pieces of her dress, and the three medals for goodness’ 牠吃掉了 Bertha,除了鞋子、一些小塊的洋裝碎布以及三面善良獎牌,」 ‘Were any of the little pigs killed?’asked Cyril. 「有任何小豬被吃掉嗎?」Cyril 問。 ‘No, they all escaped’ 「沒有,牠們全部逃走了。」 ‘The story began badly,’said the smaller girl, ‘but it finished beautifully.’ 「故事的開頭很糟糕,」最小的女孩說。「不過結局真漂亮。」 ‘It is the most beautiful story that I have ever heard,’said the bigger girl. 「這是我聽過最美的故事了。」最大的女孩說。 ‘It is the only beautiful story I have ever heard,’said Cyril. 「這是我聽過唯一一個美麗的故事。」Cyril 說。 The aunt did not agree.‘It was a most improper story!’she said angrily. 阿姨一點也不同意。「這是個非常不適當地的故事!」她生氣地說。 ‘You mustn’t tell children stories like that! 「你不應該跟孩子們說這種故事! You have destroyed years of careful teaching.’ 你已經破壞了多年來謹慎的教學。 ‘Well,’said the bachelor. He put on his coat and picked up his bags. 「摁。」單身漢說。他穿上大衣及拿著手提包。 ‘The children sat still and were quiet for ten minutes while they listened to the story. And they didn’t do that for you.’ 「孩子們靜靜地坐著,在這十分鐘裡安靜的聽著故事,而且沒有吵妳。」 ‘I feel sorry for that women,’thought the bachelor as he stepped down from the train at the next station. 「我覺得對那女人感到抱歉。」單身漢走下火車要往下一站時想著。 ‘What will people think when those children ask her for an improper story!’ 「當那些小朋友問她那個不登大雅的故事,人們會怎麼想呢?」 1. medal n.名詞 獎章,紀念章,勛章 She won an Olympic gold medal in swimming . 她獲得奧林匹克游泳金牌。 2. clink n.名詞 叮噹聲/牢房,監獄 the clink of keys 鑰匙碰撞的叮噹聲 vt.及物動詞 使作叮噹聲 They clinked their glasses together to toast the bride and groom. 郎、新娘致賀。 3. supper n.名詞 晚餐,晚飯 What do we have for supper today ? 今天晚餐我們吃什麼? 他們碰杯向新 4. colour 【英】n.一種顏色 My favourite colour is purple . 我最喜歡紫色。 5. claw n. (動物的)爪,腳爪;(蟹,蝦等的)鉗,螯 The owl swooped down and picked up the mouse in its claws . 去用爪子抓起了老鼠。 6. yellowish a.形容詞 淡黃色的,帶黃色的 Her niece was wearing a bright yellowish skirt . 黃色裙子。 貓頭鷹猛撲下 她的姪女穿著一條鮮明的淡 7. improper a.形容詞 不合適的,不適當的 Short trousers are improper at a dance . 舞會上不宜穿短褲。 8. destroy vt. 及物動詞 毀壞,破壞 A fire destroyed the house . 一場火毀壞了那座房屋。 打破(希望,計畫);使失敗 What he said destroyed our last hope . 他說的話摧毀了我們最後的希望。 班級:休閒二甲 姓名:葉凱婷 學號:4A2B0007