

“The Interlopers” Study Guide

Directions: Answer the questions in the boxes that follow completely and fully in order to receive credit.

1. Find one example of each of the following kinds of conflict and explain the nature of the conflicts. Use a properly cited quotation!

a. character vs. character: b. character vs. nature: c. character vs. self:

2. Identify the climax of the story. How do Ulrich and Georg begin to change at this turning point? Cite evidence (properly cited quotations!) . Explain how that quotation shows the climax.

3. A contrast between what is expected and what really occurs is called irony. Think about what you thought would happen at the conclusion of “The Interlopers” and what actually happens. How is the ending of the story ironic? Why do you think the author chose to end the story ironically in this way?

4. Who or what are the interlopers? Give two interpretations of the story’s title.

5. Think about the story’s setting and the way it affects Ulrich and Georg. List three ways the setting affects the story and the characters

6. What theme related to the setting do you think Saki is trying to communicate through his story?

Cite evidence (actual quotations!) to support your claim.

7. Some critics have called Saki a satirist (meaning that he satirizes, or ridicules, human vices).

What human vices or follies does Saki ridicule in this story? Cite evidence (actual quotations!) to support your claim.
