That Is Love

That Is Love
This is not a real story. It is based on a romantic novel I read before. It is said a
couple divorce because of misunderstanding. Finally, they get together with a happy
There are a beautiful but not clever woman and a handsome businessman. They
met at a blind date because the man substituted for his brother. They fell in love with
each other. Because their families had been neighbors several years ago, their parents
were glad they fell in love with each other. After six months later, they decide to
marry. If you thought the story is ending, you were wrong. After a month, the man’s
secretary makes a fraud to let the new couple divorce. She makes a sex trap to let the
man uneasy, and makes pressure to the man, for example, she attempts to kill herself.
Because of that, the man becomes anxious to everything includes his wife, his wife
becomes fearful. After two weeks, his wife finds she is pregnant, she is happy about
that, but something is happened. The man’s secretary told to his wife she is sorry and
taking out some pictures said their ambiguous relationship. His wife attempts to grab
her husband, but he get rid of it, and running to find his secretary. His wife was upset
about it. She thinks the love is that when you are happy, I will feel happy, so she
decides to divorce with him. After two weeks, his wife’s friend told to him it was a
fraud, but it is too late. He has been seeking for her a long time, but he doesn’t find
her. Time is passed, she appears with her son after six years. Because her son requests
his teach a favor to call his father, his father is able to find them. But she still thinks
he is married with his secretary. After he explains it was a fraud, she just believes him.
They finally get together, thanks to their son.