FY 2010 PROJECT DIRECTOR SUMMARY REPORT Ohio Board of Regents FY 2010 Improving Teacher Quality Program DUE MAY 20, 2012 Project # ___10-34_________________ Institution __Ohio State_____________ Project Director: ___Harper_________ PART I: SUMMARY OF PRELIMINARY AND FOLLOW-UP PARTICIPANT SURVEYS FOR ASSESSING THE EFFECTIVENESS OF OHIO BOARD OF REGENTS IMPROVING TEACHER QUALITY PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES PARTICIPANT INFORMATION S1. What is your current position? a) b) c) d) e) f) Teacher Special Education, Resource or Inclusion Teacher Teacher aide or assistant Administrator/Supervisor Other (Specify): Long-term substitute. TOTAL P1 Total # 54 1 0 1 0 56 F1 Total # 48 1 0 0 1 50 S2. What is your gender? a) Female b) Male c) TOTAL (should equal S1 total) P2 Total # 33 23 56 S3. Which of the following categories best describes the way you define your racial/ethnic background? a) White, non-Hispanic b) Black, non-Hispanic c) Hispanic d) Asian/Pacific Islander e) American Indian/Alaskan Native f) Other, not indicated above g) TOTAL (should equal S1 total) P3 Total # 55 1 0 0 0 0 56 S4. What level best describes the grade level you are currently teaching or preparing to teach? a) PreKindergarten b) Primary (K-3) c) Intermediate (4-6) d) Middle (7-8) e) High School (9-12) f) Administrator – Elementary School g) Administrator – Middle School h) Administrator – High School i) Administrator/Supervisor (District-wide) j) Other (specify): 7-12; 7-8 and administrator k) TOTAL (should equal S1 total) ITQ FY 2010 P4 Total # 0 0 1 7 46 0 0 0 0 2 56 1 FY 2010 PROJECT DIRECTOR SUMMARY REPORT Ohio Board of Regents FY 2010 Improving Teacher Quality Program DUE MAY 20, 2012 Project # ___10-34_________________ Institution __Ohio State_____________ Project Director: ___Harper_________ S5. What type of school best describes where you are currently teaching or preparing to teach? a) b) c) d) Public School District Community School, Charter School or Nonpublic School Other Institution TOTAL (should equal S1 total) P5 Total # 53 3 0 56 S6. Select the response that best describes the main subject area you are currently teaching or preparing to teach. a) Self-contained class (teach all or most subjects) b) Math only c) Science only d) Math and Science e) Other or Multi-Subject combinations: Chemistry, math, English, government, and transition. f) Not Applicable; Administrator/Supervisor g) TOTAL (should equal S1 total) P6 Total # 1 1 53 0 1 0 56 S7. Which of the following influenced you to become involved in this professional development program? a) Applied on my own initiative b) Participation was required by the school district c) School district provided incentives to participate d) Encouraged to participate by the project director e) School staff agreed that the program was needed f) Encouraged to attend by a former participant g) Other reason (Specify): 1 = Informed of the program by fellow staff member. 1 = Taught using modeling last year. 1 = To add to new license. 2 = Did not specify. P7 Total # 35 0 0 2 1 34 5 S8. Which of the following types of credit will you receive for participating in this program? a) b) c) d) e) f) g) Graduate credit Undergraduate credit Credit toward salary increase Credit toward continuing education Credit toward certification/licensure No credit given Other (Specify) ITQ FY 2010 P8 Total # 44 0 17 15 25 7 0 2 FY 2010 PROJECT DIRECTOR SUMMARY REPORT Ohio Board of Regents FY 2010 Improving Teacher Quality Program DUE MAY 20, 2012 Project # ___10-34_________________ Institution __Ohio State_____________ Project Director: ___Harper_________ STUDENTS DIRECTLY SERVED INFORMATION S9. Approximate the number of students in your class(es) who are defined as high-need as determined by being from families below the poverty line based on census data or by eligibility for free and reduced price lunches. P9 Total # Total number of high need students (based on poverty) directly served by participants in your program 1938 Total number of students directly served by participants in your program 7651 Percentage of high-need students directly served by participants in your program 25.3% S10. Approximate number of students in your class(es) who are: Race/Ethnicity a) White, non-Hispanic b) Black, non-Hispanic c) Hispanic d) Asian/Pacific Islander e) American Indian/Alaskan Native f) Other, not indicated above g) Total number of students for Race/Ethnicity category (should equal S9 Total number of students directly served by participants in your program) P10 Total # 6134 946 187 245 8 131 7651 Location h) Urban i) Suburban j) Rural k) Total number of students for Location category (should equal S9 Total number of students directly served by participants in your program) 1053 4919 1679 7651 Special Needs l) m) n) o) p) q) Limited English proficient Disabled/Handicapped Migrant Economically Disadvantaged Appalachian Gifted and Talented 225 489 22 2000 567 566 S11. Participants’ school district, county, school, and school rating will be summarized in the Project Director Summary Report, Part II: Project Profile, page 10. ITQ FY 2010 3 FY 2010 PROJECT DIRECTOR SUMMARY REPORT Ohio Board of Regents FY 2010 Improving Teacher Quality Program Project # ___10-34_________________ Institution __Ohio State_____________ Project Director: ___Harper_________ DUE MAY 20, 2012 PARTICIPANTS’ ATTITUDES, BELIEFS AND DEGREE OF CONFIDENCE S12. To what extent do you agree with each of the following statements? (Record the number of participant responses) Strongly Agree 1 2 Neither agree or disagree 3 Strongly Disagree 31 29 25 21 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 25 36 23 7 2 1 0 0 0 5 22 39 25 11 2 1 0 0 0 7 20 36 27 10 2 3 1 0 0 4 5 a) I have a good understanding of fundamental core content in my discipline… Preliminary: Follow-Up: b) I have a good understanding of relating classroom activities to Ohio’s Academic Standards… Preliminary: Follow-Up: c) I have a good understanding of how to assess student learning in multiple ways… Preliminary: Follow-Up: d) I have a good understanding of effective questioning techniques and its use in the classroom… Preliminary: Follow-Up: e) I have a good understanding of how to use technology effectively in the classroom… Preliminary: Follow-Up: Evaluator accidentally omitted item from Preliminary Survey 13 32 5 0 0 10 24 41 25 4 1 1 0 0 0 9 20 45 29 1 1 1 0 0 0 40 38 15 11 1 1 0 0 0 0 34 32 19 18 3 0 0 0 0 0 f) I have a good understanding of the methods necessary to teach math and/or science concepts effectively… Preliminary: Follow-Up: g) I believe I am an effective teacher… Preliminary: Follow-Up: h) I am excited about teaching in my subject area… Preliminary: Follow-Up: i) I am interested in networking with teachers and other professionals… Preliminary: Follow-Up: ITQ FY 2010 4 FY 2010 PROJECT DIRECTOR SUMMARY REPORT Ohio Board of Regents FY 2010 Improving Teacher Quality Program Project # ___10-34_________________ Institution __Ohio State_____________ Project Director: ___Harper_________ DUE MAY 20, 2012 S13. Record the number of participant responses. Pair A Classroom interaction consists of teacher-led lecture with limited response from students. 1 2 Preliminary Follow-up 2 0 8 1 3 11 3 Classroom interaction involves a dialogue among teacher and students. 4 5 22 20 13 26 Pair B Students generally work in groups cooperatively. Preliminary Follow-up Students generally work independently. 1 2 3 4 5 13 14 30 26 9 8 4 2 0 0 Pair C Instruction focuses on the central ideas of a discipline, covering fewer topics in depth. 1 2 Preliminary Follow-up 6 13 25 23 3 12 10 Instruction emphasizes broad coverage of information with little depth. 4 5 12 1 0 2 Pair D Students role is to receive/recite factual information and/or to answer questions using repetitive routines. 1 2 Preliminary Follow-up 0 1 3 2 3 13 5 Student role is to apply inquiry and problem solving skills to discover solutions to problems. 4 5 28 23 12 19 Pair E Students generally learn concepts and processes using hands-on approaches. 1 2 Preliminary Follow-up ITQ FY 2010 5 15 28 27 3 20 5 Students generally learn concepts and processes through readings, lectures and demonstrations. 4 5 3 3 0 0 5 FY 2010 PROJECT DIRECTOR SUMMARY REPORT Ohio Board of Regents FY 2010 Improving Teacher Quality Program Project # ___10-34_________________ Institution __Ohio State_____________ Project Director: ___Harper_________ DUE MAY 20, 2012 Pair F I am generally successful in encouraging effort and participation among all students. 1 2 Preliminary Follow-up 4 11 I find it difficult to encourage the efforts and contributions of certain students or groups of students 4 5 3 31 29 13 7 8 3 0 0 Pair G I generally assess students’ progress using conventional methods (e.g., paper and pencil tests such as multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank, true/false) 1 2 Preliminary Follow-up 7 2 I generally assess students’ progress using alternative methods (e.g., open-response questions, hands-on performance, portfolios, observation) 4 5 3 10 10 25 20 11 12 3 6 S14. To what extent do you agree with each of the following statements as a result of this professional development? 2 Neither agree or disagree 3 4 Strongly Disagree 5 28 16 5 1 0 b) I learned multiple ways to assess student learning 26 21 1 1 0 c) I learned effective questioning techniques… 34 14 2 0 0 d) I learned how to use technology in my classroom… 13 27 6 4 0 e) I learned new instructional approaches, methods and teaching strategies… 39 10 1 0 0 f) I learned inquiry-based, hands-on activities to use in my classroom… 39 11 0 0 0 g) Participation in this professional development improved my teaching… h) Participation in this professional development increased my enthusiasm for teaching… 40 10 0 0 0 41 8 1 0 0 Strongly Agree 1 a) I learned new content (concepts, facts and definitions)… (Record the number of participant responses) ITQ FY 2010 6 FY 2010 PROJECT DIRECTOR SUMMARY REPORT Ohio Board of Regents FY 2010 Improving Teacher Quality Program Project # ___10-34_________________ Institution __Ohio State_____________ Project Director: ___Harper_________ DUE MAY 20, 2012 S15. To what extent do you agree with each of the following statements about the quality of this professional development? (Record the number of participant responses) Neither agree or disagree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree 1 2 3 4 5 a) …provided ample time to achieve the stated objectives… 28 20 1 1 0 b) …provided adequate follow-up… 30 20 0 0 0 c)…provided useful resources and/or materials to assist with my instruction in the classroom… 36 13 1 0 0 d) …was high quality, sustained and intensive… 42 8 0 0 0 e) …was linked to state and national standards… 30 19 1 0 0 S16. To what extent do you agree with each of the following statements about the impact of this program on your students? (Record the number of participant responses) a) My students are more attentive, enthusiastic and involved in classroom activities… b) The quality of student work is noticeably improved… c) My students are participating in science and math activities outside of the classroom to a greater degree… ITQ FY 2010 Neither agree or disagree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree 1 2 3 4 5 19 25 5 1 0 17 24 8 1 0 8 17 23 2 0 7 FY 2010 PROJECT DIRECTOR SUMMARY REPORT Ohio Board of Regents FY 2010 Improving Teacher Quality Program DUE MAY 20, 2012 Project # ___10-34_________________ Institution __Ohio State_____________ Project Director: ___Harper_________ S17. Do you agree with each of the following statements about the impact this program had on you? Yes No N/A a) I have maintained contact (or plan to maintain contact) with other participants… b) I have maintained contact (or plan to maintain contact) with college/university faculty who provided the professional development… 45 5 0 38 10 2 c) The program led to the establishment of a professional network among participants… 47 2 1 20 29 1 e) I have or would recommend this program to other teachers… 50 0 0 f) I have shared what I learned with colleagues through informal interactions… 50 0 0 g) I have shared what I learned with colleagues through formal interactions... 23 25 2 (Record the number of participant responses) d) I have attended a professional association conference… PART II: PROJECT PROFILE S18. Project Subject Area a) b) c) d) Mathematics Science Mathematics/Science Other Check one category x S19. Grade Level Focus a) PreKindergarten b) Primary (K-3) c) Intermediate (4-6) d) Middle (7-8) e) High School (9-12) f) Post Secondary ITQ FY 2010 Check all that apply x 8 FY 2010 PROJECT DIRECTOR SUMMARY REPORT Ohio Board of Regents FY 2010 Improving Teacher Quality Program DUE MAY 20, 2012 S20. Project # ___10-34_________________ Institution __Ohio State_____________ Project Director: ___Harper_________ Institution Type a) Public – Four Year b) Public – Two Year c) Private – Four Year d) Private – Two Year e) Community or Technical College f) Nonprofit Organization Check all that apply x S21. Training Provided by Faculty from the Following Areas a) Faculty from the Education division (department, school or college) b) Faculty from the Arts & Sciences division (department, school or college) c) K-12 Staff (Lead Teachers) d) School or District Administrators e) State Education Agency Personnel f) Other (Specify) Engineering Number of Faculty Involved x x x S22. Duration of Professional Development (Contact Hours per Participant, including Follow-up Sessions) a) Less than 40 hours b) 40-79 hours c) 80 hours or more Check one category x S23. Additional Funding Sources Check all that apply a) Improving Teacher Quality Program local school district funds b) Other U.S. Department of Education program funds (specify) c) National Science Foundation (specify) d) Other Federal Funds (specify) e) Local Public Funds (specify) f) Foundation/Non-Profit organizations (specify) g) Local Business and Industry (specify) h) Other Funds (specify) S24. Professional Development Focus a) In-service training for teachers in additional content or pedagogical skills/knowledge b) Training of lead or master teachers who will mentor or peer coach other teachers c) Training of under-prepared, out-of-field or uncertified teachers currently assigned to teach math or science d) Professional development for school administrators and other school staff e) Other or Combination (creating networks and supporting certification efforts) ITQ FY 2010 P – Primary S - Secondary P S S S 9 FY 2010 PROJECT DIRECTOR SUMMARY REPORT Ohio Board of Regents FY 2010 Improving Teacher Quality Program Project # ___10-34_________________ Institution __Ohio State_____________ Project Director: ___Harper_________ DUE MAY 20, 2012 S25. Check all that apply Professional Development Type a) Stand-alone activity b) Part of an ongoing series of activities throughout the school year c) Part of an ongoing multi-year series of activities (participants continuing from a previous year’s grant) d) Existing college-level course e) Other (describe) x x S26. Institutions of Higher Education Involved in the Project (List Names) The Ohio State University S27. Other Agencies Involved in the Project (List Names) Metro School Columbus City Schools Please include the following sections as an attachment. S28. Public School Districts Represented County School District Local Report Card Designation/ Rating (from ODE) School Local Report Card Designation/ Rating (from ODE) School where Participants Teach Number of Participants TOTAL S29. Community Schools, Charter Schools, Nonpublic Schools or Other Institutions Represented Diocese [if applicable] School Local Report Card Designation/ Rating (from ODE) [if applicable] County Number of Participants TOTAL TOTAL NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS (should equal S1 total) ITQ FY 2010 10 FY 2010 PROJECT DIRECTOR SUMMARY REPORT Ohio Board of Regents FY 2010 Improving Teacher Quality Program Project # ___10-34_________________ Institution __Ohio State_____________ Project Director: ___Harper_________ DUE MAY 20, 2012 S28. Avon Lake City Schools Lorain Avon Lake City Schools Lorain School District Local Report Card Designation/ Rating (from ODE) Excellent with Distinction Excellent with Distinction Barberton City Schools Summit Central Local Schools Learwood MS School Local Report Card Designation/ Rating (from ODE) Excellent with Distinction Avon Lake HS Excellent 1 Excellent Barberton HS Effective 1 Defiance Excellent Fairview HS Excellent 1 Columbus City Schools Franklin Cont. Improve. Beechcroft HS Effective 1 Columbus City Schools Franklin Cont. Improve. Briggs HS Cont. Improve. 1 Columbus City Schools Franklin Cont. Improve. Marion-Franklin HS Cont. Improve. 2 Columbus City Schools Franklin Cont. Improve. Monroe MS 1 Columbus City Schools Franklin Cont. Improve. Columbus City Schools Franklin Cont. Improve. Champion MS Columbus International HS Cont. Improve. Academic Emergency New school in 2009-10 Dover City Schools Tuscarawas Dover HS Excellent 1 Forest Hills School District Hamilton Excellent Excellent with Distinction Turpin HS Excellent 1 Franklin Local Muskingum Effective Philo HS Effective 1 Fredericktown Local Knox Fredericktown HS Excellent 1 Hilliard City Schools Franklin Hilliard Bradley HS Excellent 1 Hilliard City Schools Franklin Excellent Excellent with Distinction Excellent with Distinction Hilliard Davidson HS Excellent 1 Hillsdale Local Schools Ashland Effective Hillsdale HS Excellent 1 Johnstown-Monroe Licking Excellent Johnstown HS Excellent 1 Lakewood Local Licking Excellent Lakewood HS Effective 1 Mason City Schools Warren Excellent William Mason HS Excellent 2 Maysville Local Muskingum Effective Maysville HS Excellent 3 Mount Vernon City Schools Knox Mount Vernon HS Cont. Improve. 1 New Albany-Plain Local Franklin Effective Excellent with Distinction New Albany HS Excellent 2 Newark City Schools Licking Effective Newark HS Cont. Improve. 1 North Union Local Union Excellent North Union HS Effective 1 Oak Hills Local Hamilton Excellent Oak Hills HS Excellent 4 Olentangy Local Delaware Excellent Olentangy HS Excellent 2 Olentangy Local Delaware Excellent Orange HS Excellent 1 Public School Districts Represented ITQ FY 2010 County School where Participants Teach Number of Participants 1 1 1 11 FY 2010 PROJECT DIRECTOR SUMMARY REPORT Ohio Board of Regents FY 2010 Improving Teacher Quality Program Project # ___10-34_________________ Institution __Ohio State_____________ Project Director: ___Harper_________ DUE MAY 20, 2012 S28. - Continued School District Local Report Card Designation/ Rating (from ODE) Public School Districts Represented Perrysburg Exempted Village Schools Wood Excellent Perrysburg HS Excellent 1 Pickerington Local Schools Fairfield Excellent Pickerington HS North Excellent 2 Pickerington Local Schools Fairfield Excellent Effective 2 Reynoldsburg City Schools Franklin Effective Ridgeview Junior High Baldwin Road Junior High Effective 1 Riverside Local Schools Logan Effective Riverside HS Effective 1 Shaker Heights City Schools Southwest Licking Local Schools Cuyahoga Effective Shaker Heights HS Excellent 1 Licking Effective Watkins Memorial HS Excellent 1 South-Western City Schools Franklin Excellent Westland HS Cont. Improve. 1 St. Marys City Schools Auglaize Excellent Memorial HS Excellent 1 Teays Valley Local Pickaway Teays Valley HS Excellent 2 Westerville City Schools Franklin Excellent Excellent with Distinction Westerville Central HS Excellent 1 Worthington City Schools Franklin Excellent Wilson Hill ES Excellent 1 Worthington City Schools Franklin Excellent Worthingway MS Effective 1 Zanesville City Schools Muskingum Cont. Improve. Zanesville HS Effective 1 TOTAL 54 County School where Participants Teach School Local Report Card Designation/ Rating (from ODE) Number of Participants 1 School and district ratings are from the Ohio Department of Education 2009-2010 report cards http://ilrc.ode.state.oh.us/default.asp. S29. Community Schools, Charter Schools, Nonpublic Schools or Other Institutions Represented St. Edward HS Laurel School One teacher was between teaching positions at the time of the summer workshop Diocese [if applicable] Cleveland Diocese County School Local Report Card Designation/ Rating (from ODE) [if applicable] Cuyahoga 1 Cuyahoga 2 1 TOTAL TOTAL NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS (should equal S1 total) ITQ FY 2010 Number of Participants 4 58 12