Laser-Driven Dielectric Accelerators Advanced Accelerator Research Department Stanford Linear Accelerator Center R. Joel England E. R. Colby, J. Ng, R. Noble, J. E. Spencer, D. Walz SLAC R. Byer, C. McGuinness, E. Peralta, K. Soong Stanford University Oct 1, 2010 Catalina Workshop 2010 1 Motivation S-Band RF X-Band RF Optical to IR 3D “woodpile” structure dielectric gratings Oct 1, 2010 smaller RF structures: • higher gradient • machining tolerances • transverse wakefields • breakdown (Ez ≤ 100 MV/m) laser-driven microstructures • lasers offer high rep rates, strong field gradients ( >0.5 GV/m), commercial support • dielectrics: high breakdown threshold (1-5 GV/m) PBG Fibers Catalina Workshop 2010 2 All-Optical FEL? beam~ as Q~fC, N~nm point-like e- source Oct 1, 2010 1-4 µm laser MHz rep rates 1-10 µm laser + + acceleratoron-a-"chip" Catalina Workshop 2010 0.5 to 50 keV xrays undulatoron-a-"chip" 3 Needle Field-Emitter Source 70 fs pulses; 200 e- per bunch rep rate up to 1GHz ? Hommelhoff, et al, PRL 96, 077401 (2006) Oct 1, 2010 attosec pulses; 2000 e- per bunch Catalina Workshop 2010 4 Microbunching Net laser acceleration of 1.2 keV demonstrated for 400 attosec microbunches using inverse transition radiation (ITR) at a metal foil. C.M.S. Sears, et al. “Production and characterization of attosecond electron bunch trains,” PRST-AB 11, 061301 (2008)]. C.M.S. Sears, et al. “Phase stable net acceleration of electrons from a two-stage optical accelerator.” PRST-AB 11, 101301 (2008). Oct 1, 2010 Catalina Workshop 2010 5 All-Optical FEL? 1-4 µm laser MHz rep rates Q~fC, N~nm point-like e- source Oct 1, 2010 1-10 µm laser + + acceleratoron-a-"chip" Catalina Workshop 2010 0.5 to 50 keV xrays undulatoron-a-chip 6 Testing of Candidate Accelerator Structures E163: A facility for testing laser-driven accelerator structures. Beam energy = 60MeV; t = 1ps to 400 attosec; E = 0.1% Oct 1, 2010 Catalina Workshop 2010 7 Grating-Based Planar Structure Parallel planar gratings with side-coupled laser and flat beam. G0 ~ 10 GV/m ; =10fs G0 ~ 1.2 GV/m ; =1ps G0/ELASER G0/ELASER T. Plettner, et al. PRST-AB 9, 111301 (2006). Oct 1, 2010 • 1mm2 gratings purchased • Working on in-house fabrication via campus collaboration (E. Peralta, B. Byer) Catalina Workshop 2010 8 Woodpile Structure simulation of accelerating mode images courtesy of C. McGuinness max gradient ~ 400 MV/m 9-layer structure built with ~400nm “logs” Suitable for 4.5 µm drive laser (Ti:Saph laser + OPA) Working on bonding of top/bottom halves. B. Cowan Oct 1, 2010 Catalina Workshop 2010 9 Dielectric Fiber Accelerator conductor e hollow dielectric-lined waveguide aperture ~ 0.26 G0~2.5 GV/m DF ; e / e 1 2 conductor lossy at optical wavelengths damage threshold for SiO2 ~ 5GV/m @ 1ps Rosing & Gai, PRD 42, 1829 (1990) e1,e2 hollow Bragg waveguide aperture ~ 0.3 ; G0 ~ 2.5 GV/m DF ; 1 (2 a / )2 2.1 Mizrahi & Schachter, PRE 70, 016505 (2004) PBG fiber with central defect aperture ~ 0.68 ; G0 ~ 2.5 GV/m X. E. Lin, PRSTAB 4, 051301 (2001) G0 E pk / DF t c (1 g )L fiber t 1ps g 0.6 L fiber,max ; t c / 0.4 ; 1mm Oct 1, 2010 Catalina Workshop 2010 10 Manufacturability custom borosilicate fiber recently built through Incom, Inc. SBIR proposal ~ 6.4µm CUDOS simulation of supported accelerating mode with damage factor DF = 2. B. Noble images courtesy B. Noble, J. Spencer Oct 1, 2010 Catalina Workshop 2010 11 Commercial Fibers a (pitch) (µm) lattice dia. (µm) cladding dia. (µm) (telecom) 2R (defect) (µm) 1550 10.9 3.8 70 120 1060 9.7 2.75 50 123 633 5.1 1.77 33.5 101 830 9.2/9.5 2.3 40 135 • fibers manufactured by Crystal-Fibre, Inc. • 1060 fiber has geometry closest to Lin Fiber (R/a = 1.44 vs. 1.48 for Lin fiber) simulations predict acc. mode with G0,max ~ 30 MV/m Oct 1, 2010 Catalina Workshop 2010 12 Laser Accelerator Overview and Challenges Damage Threshold Structure Type/Manufacture Efficient Laser Coupling Gross Positioning Beam injection/focusing Optical Microbunching Proof-of-principle expt’s periodic focusing accelerator section coupler Future Studies: Staging & phase stability Alignment Periodic Focusing Temperature/thermal Micro-sources (needle emitters, etc) Oct 1, 2010 light guide Catalina Workshop 2010 13 Laser Damage Threshold Laser damage for dielectric materials such as Si and SiO2 is an area of active research in our group. The maximum accelerating field in a structure is Ez = Epk/DF where “DF” is a damage factor of order unity and Epk is the peak field corresponding to the damage fluence of the material. Damage Fluence (J/cm2) Silicon ( = 1ps) 0.28 J/cm2 ~ Epk=1.4 GV/m Fused Silica benchmark (K. Soong) measurement (red) Published data from B. C. Stuart et. al.2 (nm) courtesy K. Soong Oct 1, 2010 2 J/cm2 ~ Epk=5 GV/m Catalina Workshop 2010 14 High Gradient Focusing New Halbach PMQ Design vacuum compatible motors Full Halbach design - all wedges same size material: NdFeB + Al keeper position readback encoders tooling balls 19mm tungsten backplate (radiation shield) assembly can be inserted/removed from beam path titanium rods with brass bearings & dicronite lubrication Oct 1, 2010 Catalina Workshop 2010 15 High Gradient Focusing Measured PMQ Field gradients: 420 T/m Field strength of each magnet was measured directly with the NLCTA electron beam by moving the magnet relative to a stationary profile monitor. Although magnet field strength is correctly predicted, the focus is not fully resolved: YAG bloom? Actual data (PMQ 3) (6 µm resolution) Stage Position (m) YAG Oct 1, 2010 Catalina Workshop 2010 16 Emittance Preservation ELEGANT simulation of NLCTA e-beam transmission through a 10 micron aperture as a function of energy spread for different normalized emittances ELEGANT simulation of focal waist Transmission vs. Normalized Emittance * = 0.5 mm 10µm dia aperture * = 0.5 mm Oct 1, 2010 Catalina Workshop 2010 17 Emittance Preservation Normalized Emittance Quad Scan Data: Nov 2009 to Feb 2010 Feb-April 2009 Feb-April 2009 Oct 1, 2010 Catalina Workshop 2010 18 Final Focus Spot Size • YAG profile monitor: res limit ~ 20 µm • Tantalum knife edge: 1µm surface finish • Knife Edge thickness = 0.5mm = Xrad/6 • Intercepted electrons filtered by downstream spectrometer • Integrated spectrometer signal measured as a function of knife edge position (~40 nm res). X: Extracted x = 8.9 µm Y: Extracted y = 8.9 µm e-beam profile image at PMQ focus 1 pixel ~ 2 µm June 13-19, 2010 Advanced Accelerator Concepts Workshop 19 Demonstration Experiments 800 nm Oct 1, 2010 800 nm Catalina Workshop 2010 20 Experiment Layout Required Beam Parameters Beam 9.6 µmCharge 50 pC Normalized Emittance < 5 mm mrad Energy 60 MeV Bunch length 1 ps Energy Spread 0.1 % PMQs Fiber Holder FIBER HOLDER 4 candidate commercial fibers beam passes through ~1mm of fiber Oct 1, 2010 Catalina Workshop 2010 Newport MS 260i Spectrograph 21 All-Optical FEL? 1-4 µm laser MHz rep rates Q~fC, N~nm point-like e- source Oct 1, 2010 1-10 µm laser + + acceleratoron-a-"chip" Catalina Workshop 2010 0.5 to 50 keV xrays undulatoron-a-"chip" 22 Optical Undulator Concept T. Plettner, R. Byer, PRSTB 11, 30704 (2008) Oct 1, 2010 excitation via side illumination with pulsed laser phase synchronous deflection of e-beam undulator period can be much bigger than optical damage factor: DF ~ 3 material: quartz channel width w ~ /2 (limits max beam size) Catalina Workshop 2010 23 Strawman All-Optical FEL unloaded gradient G0 ZC P 2 beam loading ; GF Cherenkov Energy gain per unit length q cg ZC qcZ H ; G H 4 1 g 2 2 dU beam qG q(G0 GF GH ) dz loaded gradient dU / dz qG beam 4/3 2 8/3 Parameters for Laser-Driven Accelerator: Undulator Parameters: e N eth2 (qdU / q0 )2// 3dz esc2 (q / q ) e (q / q ) 0 rf 0 (1 )P / q c B 1.6 T K 0.14 EM g g grating geometry u 12 mm m grating steps per undulator period: M u 50 N = 1 Recycling nm Energy # undulator periods: N u 2600 =q =cavity 0.5 fC drive laser wavelength: laserlosses 10 m microbunch charge: q 0.5 fC R. H. Siemann, PRST-AB 7, 061303 (2004) norm. emittance: e N 1 nm microbunch length: 0.022 fs laser pulse length: laser 0.3 ps damage factor: DF 3 damage surface field: E pk 4.5 GV/m Oct 1, 2010 g 2067 (> min ;516) w 0.4 laser ; G 2.3 0.85GV/m laser 25Þ 0 R 0.1 nm E (h = 11.5 keV) eBu pk Z 19 K C BK 0 2/3 sin 2 u Z p DF 2 mc H 133 2 10 4 0 Z 4c 2 u 2M u p = 1 ps u 182 mm Lu N u u 4 3 ZC g effective deflecting force r max w /L2opt R 4Z g (< ) 2Z L (1 22nm Cbc)g Short bunch regime c g H u e Lg min N Z R Lu / 4 575 mm e rms G qZopt 2 r2 2320 mm 2 ( Lg ) R / k) H 2(cZ R Catalina Workshop 2010 24 Strawman All-Optical FEL T. Plettner, R. Byer, PRSTB 11, 30704 (2008) ~ 1e6 photons per microbunch x 50 bunches per train At 1 MHz rep rate, this yields ~50e12 photons/sec Oct 1, 2010 Catalina Workshop 2010 25 Strawman All-Optical FEL Parameter comparison from 2010 FLS Workshop Oct 1, 2010 Catalina Workshop 2010 26 Summary Dielectric Laser-Driven (Table-Top) FEL? • Recent Progress: Optical Microbunching: (400 attosec bunches) recently demonstrated Various candidate accel. structures now being fabricated or in-hand Advanced coupler design (simulation): 10% to 90% laser coupling E163/NLCTA facility (SLAC): order of magnitude improvement in emittance (100s 10 µm) high-gradient FF completed: <10 µm RMS beam spots demonstrated Planned demonstrations: benchtop and e-beam testing of PBG fibers, followed by gratings and woodpile structure. • A few-meter optical-scale FEL looks promising. Significant challenges: - Source development: higher charge, shorter (1/10) bunches - Drive wavelength of undulator: 10µm @ 1MHz rep rate (?) - Significant R&D: integration of source and accelerator with undulator low-beta acceleration needed (UCLA: MAP) alignment of multiple chip-based components over meter(s) Oct 1, 2010 Catalina Workshop 2010 27 Backup Slides Oct 1, 2010 Catalina Workshop 2010 28 The Roadmap Groundwork E163 Beamline Construction Optical Microbunching Advanced Studies Coupling Efficiency Laser to Structure Laser to Beam Beam Dynamics Wakefields Transport & Focusing Beam-Beam Novel Sources Needle Emitters SEM Mechanical Alignment Stability/Feedback Woodpile Gratings Fibers MAP Other? HEP Oct 1, 2010 Final Focus (PMQs) Beam Emittance Positioning Hardware Structure Evaluation Damage Threshold Prototyping Assembly Benchtop Mode Profile Spectral/Coupling Temp/Phase Stability Laser Coupling Beam Test Focusing/Transport Microbunching Net Acceleration Staged Acceleration Tabletop Accelerator Other Apps: Light Sources, Medical, Security Catalina Workshop 2010 29 Repository of Greek Letters Oct 1, 2010 Catalina Workshop 2010 30 Optimized PBG Fiber Geometry a = 1.3 ; R = 0.68 X. E. Lin “Photonic bandgap fiber accelerator,” PRSTAB 4, 051301 (2001) Oct 1, 2010 Catalina Workshop 2010 31 Search for Candidate Accel. Modes HC-1060 SEM image RSoft BandSolve Model courtesy of B. Noble toward SOL line Oct 1, 2010 Catalina Workshop 2010 32 Demonstration Experiments 4 commercial fibers e-beam image of mounted fiber Oct 1, 2010 Catalina Workshop 2010 33 Woodpile: Fab SiO2 Photo resist 2 SiO2 1 resist Step 1: SiO2 Deposition h • Uniformity = 1-2% Si Substrate Silicon Substrate Step 2: Resist Coat a Step 3: Optical Lithography • Minimum feature size 450nm • Alignment 3σ=60nm w 3 4 Step 4: Dry etch SiO2 Poly-si Step 5: Poly-si Deposition SiO2 poly-si 5 Oct 1, 2010 Catalina Workshop 2010 Silicon Substrate 34 6 Step 6: Chemical Mechanical Polish Frictional Force Woodpile: Fab 10sec=15nm Time SiO2 7 poly-si Step 7: Repeat process for remaining layers Final Step: Oxide Etch 8 Oct 1, 2010 Catalina Workshop 2010 35 PMQs: Changes Major Design Changes 8-wedge Halbach design instead of hybrid Iron/Permanent Magnet configuration. Higher grade of permanent magnet used (BH = 38 to BH = 44) Tighter tolerances on the NdFeB magnetic moments and dimensions. Vendor pre-sorting of NdFeB blocks + double order for post-sorting. Titanium rods and brass bearings, instead of Steel and Aluminum. Titanium threaded rods, instead of steel. Dicronite lubrication on the rods instead of vacuum grease or Moly-coat. Higher-quality in-vacuum MDC motors for moving the magnets (old motors prone to failure). Removable tooling balls to permit CMM alignment. New wire-EDMed aluminum keepers. String-potentiometer encoders to measure magnet positions along beam axis. Slider stage to move the whole assembly in and out of the beam path. Spring pins to adjust magnetic center and skew. Octagonal titanium retainer ring to aid in assembly. Octagonal titanium insert for the center to aid in maintaining block alignment. Blocks glued in final assembly. Oct 1, 2010 Catalina Workshop 2010 36 PMQs: Multipoles Multipole Tolerances RADIA + Mathematica simulations reference radius = 2.77 mm = 2.77 mm Tolerance values from 12/19/2008 2(n+1) multipole Tolerance B(n)[T/mn-1] Tolerance Kn[mn-2] B() [T] 4 quadrupole 3.04 15.196 0.008 6 sextupole 1.1e5 5.45e5 0.420 8 octupole 3.1e8 1.54e9 1.101 10 decapole 1.13e13 5.64e13 27.97 12 dodecapole 1.83e17 9.17e17 252.26 black curve is tolerance B() [T] not possible due to saturation of the magnetic material General rule of thumb is that B() from the multipoles should be less than the quadrupole contribution Oct 1, 2010 Catalina Workshop 2010 37 PMQs: Assembly Oct 1, 2010 Catalina Workshop 2010 38 PMQs: Skew Simulation ELEGANT simulations for spot size and emittance at the IP as a function of skew. Assumed skew configuration is {+1, -1, +1} for {PMQ1, PMQ2, PMQ3} For adequately small spot size & emittance, need Skew ≤ 0.2 degrees Oct 1, 2010 Catalina Workshop 2010 39 Advanced Coupler: Benchmark Poynting Flux check on Extracted Fields in Mathematica Inner Products perfE Driven at 30 GHz rad (ABC) port Total power = 1 Watt Mode S11 P (Watt) 1 0.0173 0.125 2 0.1085 0.357 3 0.258 0.432 4 0.4669 0.086 C22 E H z(mm) 0 2 4 6 8 Re(C22) 0.948272 0.948251 0.948271 0.948272 0.948267 Oct 1, 2010 Im(C22) -0.111002 -0.233625 0.026292 0.085964 0 Abs(C22) 0.954746684 0.976606676 0.948635419 0.952160488 0.948267 Catalina Workshop 2010 Note: the presence of the radiation boundary introduces reflections. 40 Advanced Coupler: Benchmark User specified Mode 1 2 3 4 PFWD Calculated FWD Power 0.12500 0.35698 0.43212 0.08585 Calculated REV Power 3.73549E-05 0.004203454 0.028899705 0.018589013 E H l El H 4 El H l Actual FWD Power 0.125 0.357 0.432 0.086 * 2 PREV Calculated from S11 Actual REV Power 3.74113E-05 0.004202693 0.028755648 0.018747622 E H l El H FWD Power %Error 0.00017% -0.00593% 0.02850% -0.17813% * 2 4 El H l Excellent Agreement! Oct 1, 2010 Catalina Workshop 2010 41 Advanced Coupler: Orthogonality CUDOS Full 360˚ Overlaps CUDOS Overlap integrals: Cartesian Grid 200x200 Project: Bob Noble's CUDOS Simulations from Jan 2010 with 200x200 grid Design: V:/ARDB/FiberAccelerator/CUDOSfiles Date 2/8/10 CPL = (C12 C21)/(C11 C22) Lin P1Mode2 P1Mode3 P2Mode1 P8Mode1 Oct 1, 2010 Lin 1 1.28E-07 5.00E-03 1.26E-17 2.60E-25 P1Mode2 1.28E-07 1 3.70E-03 3.43E-23 1.51E-25 P1Mode3 5.00E-03 3.70E-03 1 -4.43E-23 0 P2Mode1 1.26E-17 3.43E-23 -4.43E-23 1 7.04E-25 Catalina Workshop 2010 P8Mode1 2.60E-25 1.51E-25 0 7.04E-25 1 42 Advanced Coupler Design code: S3P courtesy of Cho Ng, SLAC Prior art on advanced couplers: • simulations in S3P (Cho Ng) • in/out power couplers • analogy to RF tw accelerator • S11 = 0.1: power coupling can be close to 100% • however.... requires “artificial” boundary conditions ignores coupling into other modes in short, even if you get all of the power into the structure, it isn’t necessarily going into the mode you want... Oct 1, 2010 Catalina Workshop 2010 43 Advanced Coupler Design TE mode Bragg reflector TM mode Oct 1, 2010 Catalina Workshop 2010 44 Advanced Coupler Design Previously found optimal insertion depth of coupler wgL = 11.9µm Proceeded to optimize coupling by varying the cross-sectional size of the waveguide coupler and doing a freq sweep at each value. HFSS 12.0 Simulation using Lin geometry for = 2 µm ABC ABC e = 2.3 (glass) wgL perfH perfE e = 5 (Silicon) Oct 1, 2010 Catalina Workshop 2010 e = 2.3 45 Advanced Coupler Design Because the PBG structures are highly over-moded, any attempt to couple from one end of the structure will excite a superposition of many modes. If the geometry is chosen appropriately, then only the accelerating mode will survive after many wavelengths. But power lost to the other modes will decrease coupling efficiency. total fields: E E n H H n n E n Hn Oct 1, 2010 En an Hn E n H n ik z e n ; En+ : n’th mode (fwd) En- : n’th mode (rev) E n H n E* n bn * H n Catalina Workshop 2010 ikn z e 46 Advanced Coupler Design With the following choice of inner product En H m v 1 * (En H m )gdS N m mn 2 the forward and reverse power for a particular mode n=l can be obtained Pl E H l El H * 2 4 El H l Technique benchmarked for cylindrical waveguide. and the coupling to mode l can be calculated: Ptw 1 Pin * 2 E H l El H Pl Ptw 4 El H l (1 )Pin E H l El H Pl Pl Ptw Pin Ptw Pin 4 El H l Pin * 2 = port reflectance; Pin = input power; Ptw = total power in waveguide; Pl+ = forward power in mode l. Oct 1, 2010 Catalina Workshop 2010 47 Advanced Coupler Design Waveguide coupler 149.011 THz, wgL = 11.9 µm Oct 1, 2010 “Lin” Accelerating Mode Eigenfrequency = 149.011 THz Catalina Workshop 2010 48 Advanced Coupler Design Power coupling to Accelerating Mode 6-fold coupler design Pl Pin optimal ~ 6% freq (THz) Pl Pin reflection from ABC close to zero freq (THz) Oct 1, 2010 Catalina Workshop 2010 49 Free-Space Laser Coupling Radially polarized gaussian laser beam incident on fiber. Power coupling to Accelerating Mode Pl Pin optimal ~ 15% freq (THz) Pl Pin Likely scenario for initial experimental tests. Oct 1, 2010 reflection from ABC close to zero freq (THz) Catalina Workshop 2010 50 Emittance Preservation Measured Emittance Growth in the NLCTA/E163 Beamline: Spring 2009 Oct 1, 2010 Catalina Workshop 2010 51 Emittance Preservation Changes implemented to improve NLCTA emittance: 1. Online beam transport modeling and orbit fitting implemented in the control system. 2. Beam-based analysis software for optimized steering through beamline magnets. 3. Effective use of saved beamline configs, reference orbits, and magnet standardization routines. 4. Photocathode laser converted to 90 deg incidence (thereby improving mode quality). 5. New lattice configuration with minimal steering and all chicane quadrupoles turned OFF. Oct 1, 2010 Catalina Workshop 2010 52 Microbunching Monte Carlo of Microbunched Beam Transformation equations for the microbunching technique: f 0 sin(kL z0 ) Dominant washout terms z f z0 R56 [ 0 sin(kL z0 )] T511 x0 2 T533 y0 2 laser After PMQ Focus I(z) I 0 [1 2 bn cos(nkL z)] n1 Oct 1, 2010 Primary culprits are the T511 and T533 of the PMQs Catalina Workshop 2010 53 Microbunching Possible Remedies Radially Dependent Amplitude z f z0 R56 { 0 (x0 , y0 , z0 )sin(kL z0 )} T511x0 2 T533 y0 2 T511 x0 2 T533 y0 2 (x0 , y0 , z0 ) R56 sin(kL z0 ) this requires the IFEL modulation to increase quadratically with radial distance Collimation NO collimator Qf = Q 0 Oct 1, 2010 400 µm diameter collimator Qf = Q0/6 Catalina Workshop 2010 200 µm diameter collimator Qf = Q0/21.5 54 High Gradient Focusing Beam envelope simulation for E-163 matching section PMQ Triplet X Y Electromagnetic Matching Quads ELEGANT simulation Focal Beta Function:* = 0.5 mm Focal Spot Size: X,Y = 3 µm Final Focus Magnet Strength: 466 T/m (!) Solution: Permanent Magnet Quadrupoles Oct 1, 2010 Catalina Workshop 2010 55 High Gradient Focusing Initial PMQ Triplet Design (built 2005) Aluminum keeper NdFeB 1010 Steel C.M. Sears, “Production, characterization, and acceleration of optical microbunches,” PhD dissertation, Stanford U. (2008) possible explanations for discrepancy: case 1: low magnetization in NdFeB material case 2: saturation of the iron Oct 1, 2010 PMQ# Design (T) Measured(T) B'dz B'dz Meas/Design 1 4.2 2.804 ± 0.013 0.66 2 8.66 4.459 ± 0.017 0.51 3 8.66 4.590 ± 0.014 0.53 Catalina Workshop 2010 56 High Gradient Focusing CAD reconstruction of block positions Skew Correction PMQ 3 Titanium insert to reinforce block alignment The skew appears to be due to cumulative effect of multiple displacements of the blocks. Suggested correction: insert a permanent hexagonal pin in the center to enforce the correct symmetry. Oct 1, 2010 Catalina Workshop 2010 57 High Gradient Focusing PMQ Measurement Summary PMQ Effective Length (mm) Wire scan Integrated Field (T) PMQ Scans Feb 2010 Measured Skew (deg) 1 9.37±0.01 -4.04 -4.00±0.21 0.16 2 17.40±0.14 7.09 7.15±0.40 0.26 3 17.26±0.03 -7.45 -7.30±0.15 0.28 Achieved gradients > 400 T/m Correct order of magnitude needed for periodic focusing in a linear collider scenario (300 to 4200 T/m). Oct 1, 2010 Catalina Workshop 2010 58