Document 15901027

The word of “CITIZENSHIP” means being a
member of a country
 As
a member of a country every individual
has positive or negative attitudes towards
to civic context
 Living
within a consistent civic context leads
to civic engagement in late adolescence and
into young adulthood
 Investigating
whether social context during
early adolescence has an effect in civic
behavior in late adolescence
 Erikson’s
(1966) Theory of Development
an identity search begins in early adolescence and
internal and external experiences during childhood
and adolescence are accumulated and lead to a
commitment to particular values and beliefs.
 Colby
& Damon’s (1999) Moral Socialization
that parents, peers, culture, and society socialize
individuals to have a sense of moral commitment
to various goals and behaviors;
 Original
 Revised
1000 randomly participants
 51% Male | 49% female
 61% of participant were African American and 39%
were European American
Questionnarie from previous longitudinal studies and
validateted scales
# what youth would do if they had three wishes
#what they would do if they had one million dollars
 Procedure
Data were collecting historical periods
It started at 1991 and took 6 waves to end
Use only 3 waves for this article
 8th , 11th and post high school waves
Factor analysis and structural equation model
(SEM) used for statistical data
**SEM: compare the results with previous reseach
for the validity.
Youth who were involved in religious activities in early
adolescence showed more civic participation in late
There was a positive correlation between civic engagement
in early adolescence and civic participation in late
African American students also had higher levels of
Females had higher levels peer support during early
adolescent compared to males
And in 11th grade, females were had higher levels of civic
behavior than males
Hypothesis was supported.
We can say that it is possible to predict positive
citizenship from adolesence to young adulthood.
And there is important effect of meaning of civic
Results showed that living a civic context
contributes to the development of civic
engagement, such as family and peer influences,
predicts later civic engagement.
 Additionaly
 There
is significant gender differences about
civic identity
Females are more significant predictors than
 Data
were collected from a community-based
sample of African American and European
American youth only.
Can’t be generalize to other countries or
 Researcher
did not examine the quality of
the activities in which participants were
 Researcher focused only one type of civic
engagement, which is a selection of prosocial
behaviors. ( no political involvement or
social activism)
Zaff, J.F., Malanchuk, O., & Eccles, S.J.
(2008). Predicting positive citizenship
from adolescence
to young adulthood:
The effects of a civic context.
Development Science, 12(1),