Take home Assignment, week 6, 10/18/2014 請翻譯此段落,注意完整語意、句型與標點符號。下週上課前傳回,將直接在課 堂上討論。

Take home Assignment, week 6, 10/18/2014
People born outside family-planning regulations are fighting to obtain legal documents that prove they exist
In her parents’ bare brick-built shack in southern Beijing, Li Xue sifts through piles
of court verdicts, petitions and other papers that record her family’s struggle for
most of the 20 years of her life to secure a simple document: a household
registration certificate, the basic building block of official identity in China. Because
she was born in violation of China’s one-child-per-couple policy, local officials will not
give her one. As a result she could not go to school. She now cannot get a job, nor
get married, nor even buy a train or plane ticket. Despite recent moves to relax
family-planning rules, the ordeal for Ms Li is still far from over. (“Fighting for
identity,” The Economist, May 17th 2014)