Unit 3 Work 1. veterinarian [͵vɛtərəˋnɛrɪən]:獸醫 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. publisher [ˋpʌblɪʃɚ]:出版(或發行)者; 出版(或發行)公司 benefit [ˋbɛnəfɪt]:利益, 好處; 優勢 deadline [ˋdɛd͵laɪn]:截止期限, 最後限期 responsibility [rɪ͵spɑnsəˋbɪlətɪ]:責任 resume [͵rɛzjʊˋme]:摘要, 梗概,履歷表 salary [ˋsælərɪ]:薪資, 薪水 position [pəˋzɪʃən]:位置, 地點, 方位 chest [tʃɛst]:胸, 胸膛 Conversation Pictures: 10. tutor [ˋtjutɚ]:n. 家庭教師;v. 當家庭教師; 當輔導教師【美】在家庭教師指導下學習 11. babysitter [ˋbebɪsɪtɚ]:代人照看孩子者 Short Dialogs (Track 60) 12. accept[əkˋsɛpt]:接受 13. payment [ˋpemənt]:支付, 付款 14. from time to time= on occasion= sometimes=at times= now and then 15. career [kəˋrɪr]:職業;; 生涯 16. nowhere:毫無結果; 毫不頂用 Main Dialog 17. resume [͵rɛzjʊˋme]:履歷 18. award [əˋwɔrd]:獎, 獎品; 獎狀 19. apply [əˋplaɪ] for: 申請 20. article [ˋɑrtɪk!]:文章; 論文 21. goal [gol]:目的, 目標 22. income [ˋɪn͵kʌm]:收入; 收益; 所得 23. scholarship [ˋskɑlɚ͵ʃɪp] Short Talks (Track 65) 24. advertisement [͵ædvɚˋtaɪzmənt]:廣告, 宣傳 Track 66 & 67 25. strict [strɪkt]:嚴格的; 嚴厲的 26. private [ˋpraɪvɪt]:私人的;私營的, 私立的 27. social [ˋsoʃəl]:社會的; 社會上的 28. landscaping [ˋlændskepɪŋ] work 景觀美化工作;造園工作 29. landscaper [ˋlænd͵skepɚ]:庭園設計家 30. apartment complex [ˋkɑmplɛks] : 公寓住宅区 31. complex:複合物, 綜合體 Listening quiz (Track 68 & 69) 32. retire [rɪˋtaɪr]:退休 33. client [ˋklaɪənt]:委託人;顧客, 客戶 34. benefit [ˋbɛnəfɪt]:利益, 好處; 優勢 35. flexible [ˋflɛksəb!]:可彎曲的, 易彎曲的; 柔韌的; 有彈性的 36. schedule [ˋskɛdʒʊl]:時間表;日程安排表 37. bonus [ˋbonəs]:獎金; 額外津貼 38. insurance [ɪnˋʃʊrəns]:. 保險; 保險契約 39. fountain [ˋfaʊntɪn]:人造噴泉; 噴水池 40. retirement [rɪˋtaɪrmənt]:退休 41. programmer [ˋprogræmɚ]:(電腦的)程式設計師 1. Pronunciation 1. 2. 3. 4. buzz [bʌz]:(蜂等)嗡嗡叫; (機器等)唧唧響 sack race [sæk] [res]:把兩腿套入袋內而賽跑 raise [rez]:養育; 種植; 飼養;加薪;募款 charity [ˋtʃærətɪ]:慈善團體, 慈善事業 Wrap up 1. employment [ɪmˋplɔɪmənt] opportunity [͵ɑpɚˋtjunətɪ]:工作机會 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. agency [ˋedʒənsɪ]:代辦處, 經銷處, 代理機構 occupation [͵ɑkjəˋpeʃən]!工作, 職業 professional [prəˋfɛʃən!]:adj. 從事特定專業的;n. 職業選手;專家, 內行 graduate [ˋgrædʒʊɪt]:研究所的 bachelor [ˋbætʃəlɚ]:學士 associate [əˋsoʃɪ͵et] degree:美國大學修滿二年課程之肄業證書 degree [dɪˋgri]:學位 9. pharmacist[ˋfɑrməsɪst]:製藥者; 藥劑師; 藥商 10. decade [ˋdɛked]:十年 11. therapy [ˋθɛrəpɪ]:治療, 療法 12. position [pəˋzɪʃən]:位置, 地點, 方位 13. specialist [ˋspɛʃəlɪst]:專家 14. physical [ˋfɪzɪk!] therapist [ˋθɛrəpɪst] :物理治療家 15. physical:身體的, 肉體的;物理的 16. therapist [ˋθɛrəpɪst]:治療學家; 特定療法技師 Listening test (Track 72, 73 & 74) 17. mop [mɑp]:用拖把拖洗 18. arrest [əˋrɛst]:逮捕; 拘留 19. ladder [ˋlædɚ]:梯子 20. lobster [ˋlɑbstɚ]:大螯蝦; 龍蝦 21. dental [ˋdɛnt!]:牙齒的 22. assistant [əˋsɪstənt]:助手, 助理 23. assume [əˋsjum]:以為; 假定為; (想當然地)認為 24. rewarding [rɪˋwɔrdɪŋ]:有報酬的 25. comment [ˋkɑmɛnt]:批評, 意見, 評論 26. perk [pɝk]:昂首挺胸; 得意洋洋 27. sales director[dəˋrɛktɚ]:經銷主管; 署長; 局長; 處長; 主任 28. sector [ˋsɛktɚ]:部分; 部門 29. annual [ˋænjʊəl]:一年的; 一年一次的 career veterinarian lawyer the general course of working life Her career in the medical field spanned over 30 years. a person whose job is to care for animal's Sophia has always loved animals so she decided health to become a veterinarian. someone whose job it is to give legal advice The skillful lawyer was able to present all the to people and speak for them in court facts to the jury. profession barrister argument tutor a heated discussion; a conversation in She and her husband got into an argument about which opposing opinions are expressed how much money to spend on the new car. a private instructor They pay the tutor five hundred dollars a week to teach English to their three children. dispute teacher a service that is dedicated to assisting a customer service customer with any questions about an item, In the hotel business, customer service is vital. feature, or want complaint an expression of dissatisfaction The food was so bad that I felt I had no choice but to lodge a complaint with the manager. criticism This company has a strict policy of equal policy an official plan or course of action opportunity employment. We never discriminate code in our hiring practices. benefits award opportunity an advantage that you get from a company The new department store brought many benefits in addition to the money that you earn prize retire player on the team. The young girl had the opportunity to travel to financial gain Europe with her debate class. shelter, or other things they need in order to live landscaping His award was for being the most improved an occasion for personal advancement or to provide someone with money, food, support to the city like jobs. These days, many mothers support the family as much as the father. the act of improving the appearance of the The landscapping really improved the land as by planting trees, shrubs, or grass appearance to our office building. to leave a job because of age My father hopes to retire next year. perk citation prospect contribute deadline the latest time or date by which something should be completed When is the deadline for the paper? Because she was self-employed, her schedule flexible capable of being modified or adapted employment a job paying a salary or wages government an agency that is under the control of a Working for a government agencey like the post agency government office usually means job security. occupation a job; paid work professional degree pharmacist a degree obtained in some field like, engineering, law, medicine, etc. at a four-year university or college drugs and medicines graduate degree a university or college after a four-year undergraduate degree has been earned degree associate degree He was laid off from his job and is now looking for employment. I think it's time for a change in occupation. I'm not going anywhere with my current line of work. adjustable job vocation People with professional degrees usually earn more than those without one. a person licensed to prepare and dispense The pharmacist recommended some tablets for a two-year advanced degree obtained from bachelor’s was very flexible. time limit a four-year degree obtained from a university or college that is required before one can get an advanced degree my cold. After graduating with a degree in political science, he got his graduate degree in law. Most companies require that employees have at least a bachelor's degree before they are hired. a two-year degree obtained from a He only needed an associates degree to apply community college for a position as a iaramedic . an individual who assists a patient in the physical therapist management and improvement of a disability or injury My physical therapist really helped me to improve the strenght of my knee after my operation. physiotherapist medical technician After being a medical technician for a few years, individuals who assist doctors and nurses more ,so he enrolled in medical school. arrest to seize by legal authority repairman a person whose job is to repair things rewarding providing positive results or feelings perk every other Friday strategy annual sales he knew that he wanted to help people even Two teenagers were arrested for the crime. The repairman came and fixed the washing machine. My time working overseas was a rewarding experience. something you receive as well as your Perks offered by the firm included a car and free wages for doing a particular job health insurance. alternating Fridays in a given month I go to dance class every other Friday night. a plan or method for obtaining a specific goal or result the total amount of money a company earns in a one-year period Our strategy is to attract people with free offers. Even despite the challenging economy, our annual sales showed an improvement over last year's. apprehend handyman beneficial benetif scheme