Contrastive phonetics in language learning 新加坡國立大學中文系碩士研究生 司秋雪 南台科技大學 鐘榮富 Mandarin fricatives 3 fricatives: /s/,// and // They are marked in learning Mandarin as a foreign language. Case studies: “私”“失”“西” What do you hear? Why should there be such errors? How to improve? Problems for solutions: What is the fricative characteristics of mother tongue? What causes the problems? What is the difference? Why should there be such distinction? How to minimize the distinction? Outline Phonetic parameters of fricatives Compare the mother tongue and the target language in fricatives Clarify the errors What is the difference among the learners? Application of phonetic theories in Phonetic parameters of fricatives frequency peak(spectral slope)。 Mandarin x[] Korean students’ K and M Korean ss’ /i/ and [i] Korean /i/ and Mandarin /i/ Korean and Mandarin fricatives KB [] and Korean[] Japanese students’ Mandarin fricatives Japanese ss’s LPC What causes errors? [s]、[]and [] not acquired [s] and []are interfered by the mother tongue []free from interference Japanese and Korean in Mandarin identical: 1. [s] and [] errors, from MT interference。 2. []not so stable in the place of articulation。 different: [s] and []are articulated differently In pedagogical practice Difference between L1 and L2 Sketching out the errors Practice on the basis of phonetic findings Thanks for your attention!