Zhang, Jia-Rong ADDRESS: Room107, No.6-1F,17Alley,正新 Street,永康 District,Tainan City MOBILE: 0986-187-630 DATE OF BIRTH:1993.09.14 AGE: 20 SEX: F EMAIL: 4a0m0060@stust.edu.tw JOB OBJECTIVE:Front Office Department EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND 09/2011 to 06/2014 Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology 09/2009 to 06/2011 Kaohsiung Municipal San-Min Home Economics & Commerce Vocational High School SKILLS Words, Excel, Powerpoint, Internet WORKING EXPERIENCE 07/2009to 06/2011 Kaohsiung 莊芬 flower shop :control wedding ceremony and planning wedding process (PT) 01/2010 to 12/2010 Kaohsiung Chinatrust Hotel: wedding and western breakfast Waitress (PT) 06/2011 to 08/2011 Kaohsiung Ambassador Hotel: western buffet and wedding Waitress (PT) 06/2012 to 04/2013 Kaohsiung Kinglongsite bread store:Store staff ACTIVITIES Member, Dancing Societies, 2011-2012 Autobiography You can call me Wanda,I’m very interesting this company,I heard many information from the TV ,magazines,etc. They say this company have very good fame and good organization. My many friends want to work here,so I want to try. In the future,first I want to travel some countries and improve my language skill,gain my knowledge about different country’s culture.second I want to learn some skills about organization, interpersonal relationship some related with my job.