Book Name: The Golden Bird

Book Name: The Golden Bird
This story is about a king who wanted a golden bird, and
asked his three sons to find it. First, the eldest son and
second son went to find it, but they didn’t come back. Both
of them didn’t follow the advice from a fox when on their
way to find the bird. They were trapped in a tavern. In
contrast, the third son followed the advice from the fox when
he met it, and didn’t trap in the tavern. However, his way to
find the bird wasn’t very smooth after the tavern, he
suffered from many kinds of tortures. Fortunately, the third
son not only brought the golden bird back but also a golden
horse and a princess of the golden castle. Furthermore, he
inherited his father’s seat, and became a new king in the end
of the story.
In my opinion, this story wants to tell us, don’t be too
stubborn when we hear the advice from other people. No
matter it is weird or good, we should accept it sincerely, and
analyze it is good for our situation now, or not. If it matches,
it will be a terrific solution for us.