Animal’s talk

Animal’s talk
Parrot: Hey, guy. Good morning.
Turtle: Good morning.
Parrot: Why are you standing beside the road?
I see you have stood here for an hour.
Turtle: Oh…,I have a big trouble.
Parrot: What’s up?
Turtle: I want to cross the street, but the car on this road are running so fast.
And I’m walking too slow to pass it.
Parrot: That’s easy. I can help you pass it.
Turtle: Really? How to do?
Parrot: Yes, just listen to my order.
First, retract your legs.
Then, close your eyes for a minute until I call you.
Turtle: ,,,,.
Parrot: Okay, now you can open your eyes.
Turtle: Wow, that’s so magical. I’m now on the other side. How do you make it?
Parrot: Haha, I just catching you and flying through the street. It’s not difficult to me.
Turtle: Come on. I really thanks for you.
Parrot: That’s it. Have a nice day. Bye~
Turtle: You, too. Bye.
Young: Hey, spicy girl!!
Eva: Hey, cute boy!! R u ok??
Young: Of course! I’m fall in luv~
Eva: Really?! U just broken up with Coco last week. R u serious?
Young: Certainly! I think she is my true luv.
Eva: Why r u think so?
Young: I met her in a broken-hearted party two days ago.
We almost fall in luv at first sight.
Eva: Waa, that’s so romantic. BTW I wish u happy.
Young: Thx, I will~
It’s time to bed. Good night.
Eva: Good night~